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A.N. Ok This is an Ed/Leighton Fic. It happens after the Leighton Sex Tape scandal hits the news...

Background: Just for this fic, let's imagine that Ed and Leighton share that undeniable off set chemistry which they tease each other about in the privacy of their own relationship but have not ever acted on the sexual tension. So they are both dating other people, Sebastian and Jessica.

They have not ever explicitly talked about whether they have feelings for each other. Let's pretend that maybe they can see something happening between them in the future after Gossip Girl, but any feelings they have are unspoken before this fic...

Ok on with the fic....this is a little two-shot of Ed's reaction to the sex tape...and what happens after they talk about it...o course we have to imagine that the sex tape is real and does exist even though in real life Leighton said it was a fake.

This fic is Rated M (18+) as it contains adult themes so please do not read if you are easily offended or too young!

She was sulking. She'd been sulking for almost three days now. Ever since she last spoke to her boyfriend. She ignored everyone else's texts and calls, waiting for her boyfriends call. She was sick of this, sick of the waiting, she couldn't take it any more, she had to speak to someone, anyone. She reached for her phone from her bedside mesa, tabela and snuggled up in her covers whilst she browsed through the unread messages.

Most of them from friends asking if the headlines were true. If there really was a sex tape out there with her as the estrela of the show.

She couldn't face answering any of them until she reached his...it was from yesterday, probably when he found out, she could imagine him texting her straight away.

Hey wots wid d sex tape? U ok?


She decided that she did desperately want to talk, especially with him. They had undeniable sexual tension and they shared a deep bond that no one knew the true reality of. She could go to him for anything and he was always there for her, besides they both had 'a thing' for each other. So she replied to text.

I’m fine...


It was only segundos later that he replied in his usual teasing way. She should have expected no less than for to take the piss, just to wind her up.

Shit babe...ur fukt...anything i can do 2help?

Otha antro, den accept a 'footjob'? Burrrrn!


How dare he make a joke out of it she thought! Ok, so he had a cruel sense of humour and she kind of craved it right now, but he could at least show some sensitivity.



Apparently ur d fucker...caught on camera! I need 2 wach it u got a copy?


go 2 hell! Hate u!


hahaha ur so easy...more ways antro, den 1...luv winding u up!


Gna fukn kill u!


That's if ur not too busy getting taped having sex...


Shut up. Leave me alone.


You know i cant do dat


Stop taking d piss.


She contemplated turning her phone off, it had been a couple of minutos since their successive texts and she wasn't sure she could handle a sparring match with him even though she knew it was just his way of cheering her up.

But then her phone began to ring. She see's Ed's name light up on the screen, for a moment she thinks she should make him suffer and not answer but who is she kidding. She needed to hear his voice.

"What the fuck do you want?" she asks, feigning annoyance.

"You really have to ask?" he drawls in that sultry accented voice.

"..." she plays with the hem of her dress absent-mindedly.

"I'd definitely like a foot-job to begin with" he chuckled and she huffed back in anger.

"Seriously you're not helping!" she almost yelled.

"But this is fucking perfect, you have a sex tape and it's gone public, now everyone knows what a eh-hum you really are" he laughed at her and could imagine her getting really pissed, he loved her when she was angry.

"You're a bastard!" she choked out almost sadly, this didn't go unnoticed por Ed and he tried to lighten the mood once more.

"Were you seriously under 18 at the time? Because you still look pretty hot. Your bunda in particular." he teased.

"I was not 18 or under! The guy was my boyfriend!" she tried to reason. Was he seriously insulting her or was this just another one of his teasing ways of winding her up like no one else could.

"Lucky bastard." he whispered, of course he wanted her to hear that comment though.

"Yeah, had the luck that you've never had," she teased back, "...never will have" ouch, she knew that would have got him hard. They had been pining for each other for years now and had gotten so close to doing the deed but never actually did.

"Did he fuck you hard?" he scoffed, even though he had never slept with Leighton he knew no one would be able to satisfy her the way he could.

"Yeah, I thought you watched the tape?" she challenged.

"it's not quite available for viewing yet, but i've seen the stills."

"Really? I bet they were helpful while the girlfriends been away, bet you jerk off multiple times every night, over just the stills." she knew she would have tipped him over the edge with that, because she was sure she had hit the nail on the head.

"I've had the best self-induced orgasms of my life over the stills." he chipped in, he wasn't going to let her win this duel, he wasn't going to hide what effect the nude shots of her had done to him.

He heard her giggle and he knew she was expecting a retort rather than him confirming her suspicions.

"I bet you're well and truly spunked out por now."

"I'll never be drained out for you. I'm always ready." he replied.

She breathed out heavily at the insinuation, she knew he wanted her and she wanted him just as bad, but they had never actually ever gotten that far. She knew she would have to change the subject and when she searched her mind for something she remembered the reaction from the press on this latest headline. It would ruin her for sure.

"My rep is totally fucked." she sighed.

"Your fine, just a set back." he responded, wary at the sudden subject change.

"Everyone's going to think i'm a slut." she said sadly.

"Much better when I was the only one who knew you were." he teased again.

"Fuck off, i'm being serious now. Please."

"Your not fucked. So you had sex with your boyfriend, no big deal." he tried to reassure her.

"Yeah but there's video footage which will probably be all over the net soon!" she exclaimed.

"It'll all blow over, no pun intended." he laughed a little.

"Fuck off, there was no blowing involved actually!" she defended.

"Was it an age thing? Lack of experience? I'm sure you'd be willing to do the whole oral thing now though?" he asked, slightly hopefully.

"Get your fantasia cock out of my fantasia mouth and shut up. Your not helping!"

"Fuck Leight," he sighed heavily, "thanks for the visual." he breathed huskily and Leighton blushed at his forwardness. There was another long pause and Leighton wouldn't have been surprised if he was jerking off as she sat there silently. Then she remembered her boyfriend and how he suddenly stopped calling her or texting her since two days atrás when the sex tape scandal hit the headlines. She had called him and he had brushed her off and said he was busy with his agent.

"He hasn't called. We haven't spoken for days. It's not like him."

"Does he know about it?" correctly guessing who she was talking about.

"of course he fucking knows, if he didn't see for himself someone would have definitely told him. He's avoiding me. I called him straight away, he brushed me off." she said sadly

"Fucker. Fuck him. Wait actually, don't fuck him." he laughed at the double meaning of his comment. He heard her laugh back a little and rested his head back on the sofa he'd been sitting on.

"He hates me." she sighed. She couldn't believe Sebastian was avoiding her, maybe he was embarrassed or something or maybe he just didn't know what to say to her, maybe he was angry and hated her for it.

"He's a dick, you aint done anything wrong babe. You know that. I know that. He can go fuck himself if he's gonna get angry over this." he argued. He couldn't understand why anyone would blame her for this. She was innocent. So she got taped having sex. It was with her boyfriend of the time, there was nothing wrong with it, she had done nothing wrong as far as he was concerned.

"Leight, your the one that's been wronged here, that bastard trying to make money out of something personal to you. It aint your fault." he tried to convince her.

"I didn't even know he had a copy. It was my camera." she confessed. That was the only reason she had allowed the tape to be made. It was just a bit of fun after the Paris Hilton sex tape had headlined. Her and her then boyfriend decided to have a bit of fun and make a tape of their own. She had reluctantly agreed under the condition that they use her camera and she would keep the only copy. The traitor must have somehow stolen a copy from her computer when she wasn't aware.

"You know people will forget about it eventually, your amazingness completely outweighs this tiny set back." he tried to reason. Jokes aside, she probably felt like shit right now. He knew his teasing didn't hurt her feelings but others would definitely hurt her if they dared to make a sly comment about it.

"What if it ruins my career?" she whispered, afraid that it had marred her reputation.

"We're on Gossip Girl not Gospel Girl. scandal is our forte, it'll up you're popularity rather than the opposite." he assured her. She agreed, she was lucky that the show that made her was filled with sex scandals.

"What about Seb. He's pissed at me, I know it."

"If he says anything hurtful to you i'll kick his fucking teeth in. I'd like to see him fucking try to blame this shit on you." he snarled through the phone.

"I dont know if I should call him."

"Let him come to you, he should be comforting you not avoiding you. You'd tell me if he insults you?" he asked protectively.

"I dont know." she said sighing sadly. She was grateful for the comfort she was receiving from Ed but it still hurt that her boyfriend wasn't around.

"I've got your back if anyone says anything." she nodded in approval even though she knew he couldn't see her.

"I know" she added quickly hoping that he knew she understood. He would always be there for her.

"Although if I could choose any part of your body to have, it wouldn't be your back." he drawled seductively and she giggled at his innuendo.

"Oh yeah?" she smiled.

"it's quite a tough choice...your legs, your ass, your vagina...your foot!" they both laughed at the reference to the footjob, he was never going to let that one go.

"...your lips," he groaned loudly causing her to blush, "...because being able to kiss your beautiful lips for the rest of eternity would be like heaven." he paused hoping for her to respond but he was met por silence.

She became slightly embarrassed at how honest he was being, she knew he was into her but they had never officially and explicitly talked about it before.

"Your eyes...because I amor what I see in them."

She let out a breath she was holding wondering if she should interrupt but she couldn't open her mouth.

"But honestly, I dont think I could settle on just one part, i'd have to have all of you. Having all of you just once would be better than having just one part for eternity because that would just haunt me and be a constant reminder that I never had you, all of you." he confessed, suddenly realising the implication of his sudden outpour.

"Ed..." she breathed clutching at her throat where a sudden lump had formed. She felt the fluttering low in her stomach and the tears threatening to pour from her eyes. Suddenly all she could see was him. All she could smell was him.

"you're alone?" he whispered all of a sudden.

"Yeah," she answered immediately and then paused catching on to where this conversation was leading to, "...are you?" she finished.

"yeah" he responded and she heard him breathe out in relief.

Then there was deafening silence...

They could hear each other breathing in the silence not knowing what to say any more. It was quite comforting she finally admitted to herself, just hearing him listening to her breathe, knowing that he was there, listening.

"I'm coming over." and then he hung up. Maybe because he didn't want her to ask why, or mais importantly tell him not to.

As this is a two-shot the seguinte one will be up soon if people want to read it!
I have it written already BUT I have two possible endings..both are already written but 1 version is very smutty and has extremely explicit adult content...I dont feel too comfortable posting it on this site so i'll be putting up the non-explicit version and letting you know where to go if you wish to read the explicit version too.

I hope the fic was good enough so far? I kind of really rushed this which is why it is so short!

Please Review and let me know what you think!
posted by Yankeesam32935
It Had to End This Way

He was pissed and he had every right to be. Blair had chosen to go to the prom with Nate instead of him. He had thought he had been making progress, but as it turned out apparently he wasn’t. Jealously vibrated out of his body at the sight of them. It was all so fake, Chuck knew that but that didn’t stop the anger flooding through him.
They had been getting closer lately, he had been helping her plot again Gabriel. For god’s sake, they had even fallen asleep holding hands! There was only one problem. Nate. He had gotten into several fights with him over Blair lately...
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He buried himself in work. But eventually he ran out of things to do.
Waking up in the morning was the hardest part, because that's when he'd have to plan his day. Not only that, but every time he woke up he'd be reminded that everything that had happened wasn't a dream, it was real and he'd have to face it.
Maybe today was that day, the dia he'd have to face the music.
Unlucky for him...
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She's burning up...
Chair Tales S02E22- Child's Play

It's been a week since Blair and Chuck spoke at Serena's house. A week since Blair made such a huge revelation to Chuck. Why did she do it, she thought, as she laid in her bed, seguinte to her sleeping princess....she was the one who was so adamant that Chuck should never find out the truth. But that moment, when Chuck asked her that dreaded pergunta she felt it necessary to answer. It was her moment of weakness, like all the other times he would come to her and she'd fall for those eyes, she could never resist. She was glad that she'd closed the door when she did,...
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A/N: Don't take me too seriously.


By the time eleven forty-five rolled around the night before Thanksgiving break of sophomore year, the floor was littered with napkins, cups and empty bottles. Lights were low and the two remaining occupants had changed the XM radio several times, finally resting on an old R&B station. castanha songs of amor and empowerment filled the room.

Blair Waldorf was sprawled out on the aforementioned carpeting, red tights bunching at the knees, school uniform saia wrinkled and out-of-place....
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posted by Yankeesam32935
Friendly Encounters- Chapter Eight

Blair was a little stumped. What would be the best way to seduce Chuck? She had finally figured out that she wanted him and now that she did, he wanted to wait. It was so likely, but she never ever thought that he would deny her sex. He was Chuck baixo after all.
She was just so tired of fighting their attraction and she really did think now that they could have something special between them. But what could she do that would make him give into her? She had already tried the skimpy roupa interior route and if they hadn’t worked, there wasn’t much that she could...
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A Million amor Songs Later

A/N: Ah, Okay first I want to apologize for this late chapter, but I've just been super busy with school revising and all that. But I just got a chance to write this. I really hope you like it I was up until 1am composição literária it, And as you can probably guess I will be revising mais from now on so maybe I'll update one very 10 days maybe something like that, but I take my weekends off so I'll be composição literária then so anyway this chapter is mostly about their trip to Vermont so some Chuck and Blair, lets face it the show isn't giving it to us at the moment so I'm giving you some...
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 Catching up at Yale.
Catching up at Yale.
Chair Tales- S02E08- She Just Isn't That In To You!

It's the dia after the pre-engagement party.
Last night when Blair returned "home" (to Zane's house where she is still staying) she wasn't in the mood to talk and went straight to bed.
Serena had tried to contact Blair to find out why she left early but Blair hasn't replied to her messages or calls.

It's early morning, Zane and Blair have had breakfast and are getting ready to leave for Yale.

Z: So, are you feeling better...(she doesnt respond) ummm...you were upset when you came início last night.
B: Im fine....i just had a long night...shall we...
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A Dan and Blair story

Meanwhile, Blair was thinking about how her relationship with Dan was going to work. Serena already knew about it, but every time Blair mentioned it, Serena changed the subject. It's hard when friends encontro, data each others boyfriends.

Suddenly, there was a loud knock on the door. Blair peeked throught the peep hole.

"Chuck?" She whispered. Out of all people, why would Chuck be here? Maybe he is putting his plan into practice.

"Hey, Waldorf."

"What are you doing here, Bass?" She answered.

"We need to talk about stuff."

"Like what?" It was obvious that Blair was a bit furious at the...
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 Something on your mind B?
Something on your mind B?
Episode 8: Just Missing

GG: oi Upper East Siders, So things have been a little quiet here over the last few weeks, and Gossip Girl is not happy, What happened to scandal? I can't believe I'm saying this but it looks like Gossip Girl is...Bored!

In Class at Constance.
The teacher is giving a leacture.
Blair is sitting por Serena and is looking bored and is not paying attention, because her mind is on other things. (Chuck)

T: (Teacher) And so If you all open your text books to page 19, Which will focus on our creative composição literária techniques. So your work for this course will be to write a paper titled...
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 Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Episode 3: The Italian Joy

GG: Oh that dia is here! All our Upper East Siders are leaving us, but don't worry not for good just for a field trip, And i know what your thinking, how will Gossip Girl get the Gossip? Oh didn't I mention, I'm going too...

Dorota is packing Blair's suitcases.
Blair is on the phone with Lucas.

B: I know, but it's only a week, I'll miss you too, don't go having to much fun without me, Okay, Bye (Hangs up). Ohhhh. I just amor him.
D: I am happy for you miss Blair
B: Are you? Ohh he is just wonderful
D: I am done Miss Blair
B: Oh good, you can take those down to the car, I'll...
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I'm gonna write something diffrent from the normal fã fiction. I'm going to write a scene for Gossip Girl for Chuck and Blair.


Chuck Bass
Blair Waldorf
Serena furgão, van der Woodsen
Dan Humphrey

Chuck has waited so long to tell Blair he loves her, that she has fallen out of amor with him. Chuck is in total regret about what he hasn't done, and tried everything to convince Blair she still loves him.
- Dan, Serena and Blair are in a cafe.

Scene 3- Cafe in the Lower East Side

Serena and Dan are beijar in another area of the cafe.
Blair walks up to Dan and Serena.

Blair: Ohh excuse me while I...
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A/N: Okay, so I was really planning on composição literária this out MUCH earlier, lol. But for some reason I felt the needed to write an outline for this story, so I actually finish it and don’t just keep coming up with mais ideas, for like…forever. XD lol. Besides, I’ve heard a lot of people write out outlines and it makes sense, but unfortunately…it took SO long to write an outline up through this current chapter, that I decided to just write it out, and I’ll finish the outline…hopefully tomorrow. Heh. So, with that said…I hope you enjoy this chapter. I own nothing, as usual…and please,...
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A/N: YAAAAAAAY!!! I’m finally back to updating this story! And aren’t you excited?! I know I am! *squeals* Oh maaaaan, I have missed updating this story. *sigh* But I am here now, and it is great.
I have officially updated each of my other CB stories (Never Again: A Chuck & Blair Story, Unable & queen Bee For A Reason), which you should all look into and read and review. Also, don’t forget to vote on my perfil page for which one you would like me to focus on after I have finished with this story. =)
As promised, I am going to get back to the drama in this chapter. Not that I didn’t...
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posted by Mrs_Ron_Weasley
The letter. She didn’t want to look at it so she did what was only logical; she got up, strode quickly over to her dresser drawers and pulled out the tiny drawer at the very topo, início the drawer that you wouldn’t see unless your name was Blair Waldorf and you noticed when the wood didn’t math exactly, even if your mother didn’t. Ever since she discovered it when she was 8 Blair called it her Box of Treasures, even though it wasn’t a box at all and the only stuff in it wouldn’t be considered as treasure to anyone but her. The drawer contained a jumble of items that all led back to him....
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    Vanessa had never been one to be manipulative. In fact she had NEVER been manipulative in her life, NEVER. In all honesty, her attempt to manipulate Blair had been pretty pathetic. Who was she going to show the picture to anyways? Dan? Again? She could always send it to gossip girl, but she had never gotten mixed up in that rich kid nonsense, and she wasn’t going to start now. It was just plain ridiculous. The gossip. The rumors. The lies. Even the truth was unheard of sometimes. It was all a big manipulation.
    And yet, here...
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A/N: Update, already? Yes! Indeed! Hehe. ;p I’m just feeling soooooo freaking inspired for this fic, you have no idea. ;p Well, I hope you like it! Please review! ;) (and as much as I would amor to update always this often….I wouldn’t expect it all the time. Sadly. ;))
CH.2—Elevator Troubles
    The elevator was taking far too long. She had pressed the button, what? FIVE minutos AGO! Had pressed it again two minutos ago, and probably a few mais times in the last five seconds. Maybe she had even BROKEN the elevator button! It wasn’t entirely a far...
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posted by ChuckBlairLuvA
A/N: This chapter is mais of an aftermath on how Blair took Chuck’s words at the end of 2x07 PLEASE REPLY!!!!
                Potential to Chase
    She was bawling. Blair Waldorf did not cry over much. She cried when her best friend left without saying goodbye. She cried when her boyfriend cheated on her with her best friend. She cried when she lost all social standing at school and her three closest friends abandoned her until the last possible moment. And now, she was crying because Chuck...
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posted by ChuckBlairLuvA
A/N: oi all! Sorry this took so long and I’ll probably be adding mais versions of the ending of 2x07 even after it airs, simply because it looks like a freaking awesome promo and we all want CB back together. ;p From recent spoilers, I’ve discovered that Blair wasn’t going to use sex as Chuck’s reward but simply the satisfaction of accomplishing the impossible…since Dan roubou his best friend, he could now steal his. So, as promised….this section will be having a rather happy ending…but it’ll go from a much mais different perspective than my intentions were for the prior chapter....
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A/N: visualização for my seguinte story….Blair’s idea of revenge with Vanessa goes horribly wrong when Chuck has appeared to have fallen for that dark eyed Brooklyn girl…
    “This can’t be happening. It wasn’t supposed to happen like this. It was a scheme. It was revenge. That was it. That was all it was supposed to be…” Blair shook her head violently. Obviously she was in great distress.
    “I think you’re overreacting a little bit, Blair,” Serena said, looking up at her in concern.
    She stopped pacing and...
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posted by ChuckBlairLuvA


This is supposed to take place in 2x05. If you know about Blair's rant to Chuck about how she hates him and how he has so little friends and even his father disrespects him, well...I don't include that here...it's a little different spin on that conversation, but same situation.


The door to Suite 1812 flew open and Chuck, on the couch, raised his eyes to look at the brunette who had just walked in. She slammed the door behind her. "Well...well, if it isn't the dethroned queen we all know and love?" He got up and walked towards her, scotch still in hand....
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