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posted by Yankeesam32935
Friendly Encounters- Chapter Twelve

“So, what are you even supposed to wear to meet your boyfriend’s grumpy dad?” Blair asked Serena and Nate at school the seguinte day. They were all sitting in the courtyard eating their lunch.
Nate let out a bark of laughter while throwing his arm around Serena. “That’s not really my deal Blair, but I’m sure Serena would be willing to help you.”
Serena smiled as she noticed Nate’s arm around her. He was so possessive of her and she secretly loved it. “You know I’m not the one that everybody goes too for style conselhos around here but I’d be happy to help you after school. That’s if you want me too.”
Blair wiped the crumbs off of her fingers. “I would amor your help S; it would be so helpful to have another opinion that is female.” She watched as Serena and Nate kissed and she actually felt happy that they were together. Everything had worked out for the best. In the last two weeks since she and Chuck had made amor for the first time, they couldn’t keep their hands off of each other.
“Serena, Nate, I just want to say how glad I am that everything worked out for you guys. Everything did turn out for the best.”
Nate grinned as he stroked Serena’s hair. “Everything really did Blair and even though we dated, it doesn’t even feel weird between us, does it?” Blair shook her head. He continued, “I hope Chuck’s not mad about what I said last week.”
She smiled. “No, it’s okay Nate. Chuck is extremely jealous if I talk to you, so just ignore him.” She let out a laugh. “Don’t worry about him; I can keep him in line.”
They all shared a laugh at this.
They walked back into school just as the sino was about to ring. Serena turned around to face Blair. “I’ll come over later and we find something perfect for you to wear for the whole jantar with Chuck and Bart. Don’t worry about it Blair, everything will turn out great tonight.”
She grimaced. “I hope so Serena. I’ve met Bart so many times before but this is different since I’m the girlfriend now. I just hope that he’ll accept me for who I am. I know how demanding Bart can be.”
Serena gave her a quick hug before running off to her seguinte class. Lucky for Blair she had a free study period, she could really use the time to think about everything. She walked over to her locker to put her books away when she felt a strong pair of hands grab her from behind. A huge smile lit up her face. “Chuck?”
She felt a rumble of laughter behind her back. “Where you expecting someone else?”
“Of course not.” She remarked as she turned around and gave him a kiss. As usual the kiss turned hot within segundos and they were full on making out in the middle of the school hallway. It was lucky for them that no one was around.
Chuck broke the kiss first. “Oh my god Blair, you can get me horny with one kiss. It’s the most amazing thing.”
She was secretly pleased at his words. Ever since she had lost her virginity to him, she had become a sex crazed monster around him. She wholeheartedly blamed him for tainting her. She pressed her pelvis down on his blatant erection. “Do I now?” She purred.
He titled his erection towards her. She was driving him crazy on purpose, he knew that for sure. He grabbed her hand and led her down to the janitor’s closet.
“Chuck, where are we going?” She asked with a giggle.
He smirked at her. “You know where.”
She gave him a stern look. “I’m not going to have sex with you in there.”
He led her to the closet. “Yes you are.”
Blair went willingly into the closet. It was the third time this week.

Serena walked into Blair’s bedroom and was immediately pulled towards her closet.
“Thank god you’re here, Serena. I’m going insane here and I have to meet Chuck in an hora for the dinner. You’ve got to help me find the perfect outfit or I will be humiliated for the rest of my life in front of Bart Bass.”
Serena had to fight the urge to laugh; she knew Blair wouldn’t appreciate it if she did. She opened the closet door and was stunned por the amount of clothes that Blair had in her closet. “Okay, let’s find you something great to wear.”
Serena did her best, but whatever she picked out for her to wear, Blair dismissed it with a wave of her hand.
She narrowed her eyes. “Blair, you have thrown everything that you own out of your closet. Come on, there is something in here that you can wear tonight.”
Blair shook her head furiously. “No, there’s not.” She wailed. “Nothing screams the perfect girlfriend which is what I wanted to be portrayed as.”
“B, that’s a nice thought but I’m sure Chuck doesn’t want you to even do that. Don’t go to be jantar and act all fake just for the sake of pleasing Bart. Just be you and the rest will fall in place.”
Blair knew that she was right. She couldn’t be this stressed out about it, she was just going to have to calm down and take everything that Bart threw at her with ease. She just hoped she would be able to succeed.
She nodded and Serena went through all the clothes that were thrown on her bed. She riffled through them and after awhile Serena picked out a knee length black skirt, a red ruffled top, black classic pumps, and a perfect gold headband.
She looked at Serena in amazement. “You know for not caring about your own style, you certainly have a great sense of it.”
She grinned. “Why can I say, Blair? I’m just not that into it for myself but I do have a great eye for it.”
Serena hugged her goodbye and Blair got ready for the infamous encontro, data with Chuck and his father. Once everything was in place and she got her makeup applied, she headed out the door. She felt like she was going to decide her own fate on whether or not she was good enough. She prayed that she would come out on topo, início of all of this and not make a fool out of herself. She did have a very bad habit of rambling when she was nervous. Let’s just hope that didn’t happen tonight.

Blair walked into the baixo início and saw Chuck lounging in a chair, but Bart to be nowhere in sight. She breathed a little sigh of relief; maybe he wouldn’t show up after all. Perhaps he was too busy with running baixo Industries or something like that.
Chuck stood up and she made her way over to him. A little smile played on her lips when she noticed his eyes straying down to glance over her body. As soon as she reached him, he placed his hands on her hips. “You look absolutely amazing and completely fuckable.” He said with his usual leer in place.
She slapped his arm.”Chuck!” She said in an offended tone but she really wasn’t. She loved that she had this effect over him. He laughed at her. “Where is your father?”
“He’s upstairs fishing up some of his business dealings but he’ll be done before jantar starts.”
Her coração sank, so he really was going to be joining them for dinner. She was just going to have to make sure that she impressed him with whatever she had.
Chuck sat back down in his chair and drew her down to his lap. “Are you nervous about tonight, Blair?”
She eyed him; it was amazing how he always knew what she was thinking. But he was her best friend, and now her boyfriend and lover. The last part made her smile even though she didn’t feel that much like smiling anymore. “I am, you’ve always told me such horror stories about him and I guess that has made me skittish. If you can’t impress him, how am I going to be able to?” She had just voiced her deepest fear concerning Bart.
He placed a comforting kiss at the nape of her neck and tried to reassure her. “There’s a difference, Blair. My father has always liked you and you don’t even have to try hard because what’s not to love? Bart has always been disapproving of me and that’s never going to stop. But he’ll amor you.”
“Do you really think so?”
“Yes, why wouldn’t he?” He drew her mouth down to his and as soon as Chuck’s lips touched hers, she immediately forgot about the conversation and the jantar with Bart. He coaxed her lips apart and slid his tongue inside of her mouth and she welcomed him inside. They were still beijar and didn’t even hear the sounds of someone padding down the carpeted stairs.
Bart went over to the chair they were both sitting in and waited for them to notice him. When they didn’t, he cleared his throat.
They sprang apart instantly and she groaned with embarrassment. She wanted to make a good impression and instead Bart had seen her groping his son. Well if he didn’t dislike her to begin with, he certainly would now.
Blair got off of his lap and made a wretched attempt to straighten her clothes which were beyond wrinkled from all of Chuck’s caresses. She went over to Bart. “Mr. Bass.” She said meekly.
“Blair.” He said with a cool nod. That was all he said to her before he moved over to Chuck.
“Father.” He said with annoyance in his voice. He was annoyed since he had interrupted him and Blair from what they had been doing.
A stern and disapproving look came over Bart’s face. “Do you think you’ll be able to keep your hands off Miss Waldorf for the rest of the night so we can actually have dinner?”
“I’ll do my best.” Chuck replied with a cheeky smile.
They walked into the dining room and Blair decided that she had to try and make amends. “I’m sorry Mr. baixo for what you just saw.” She said with an embarrassed smile.
He waved a hand at her apology. “Don’t worry about that. And do call me Bart; Mr. baixo makes me feel so old.”
They took their seats at the table. Bart at one end, Chuck at the other, and Blair right beijoca, smack in the middle. The housekeeper each poured them a flute of champagne. She took hers with a shaky hand and gulped some down, thankful for the taste of the liquid.
Bart noticed this. “So Blair, you must tell me how you and Chuck have gotten to this point in your lives. I always thought you two were just the best of friends. But I guess I can’t say I’m surprised because I knew Chuck could never just be friends with a woman. Has it always been this way between you?”
Chuck threw his father an irritated glare. “Stop badgering her.”
Blair shook her head at him before returning her attention to Bart. “Its fine, but you’re actually wrong on several counts if I may say so.”
Bart looked surprised but motioned for her to continue.
“Chuck and I met when we were ten years old and we have been platonic friends for the last eight years. There was never anything between us but friendship and we both loved that we had a friend in each other. We never wanted to mess that up and we never felt the need too.”
“So how did this happen then?” Bart questioned.
Blair continued. “When I began dating Nate something changed. I don’t know what it was but I finally realized that Chuck was mais than just a friend. I really think that the feelings I have for him have always been there, maybe I just didn’t pay attention to them before. Anyways, we’ve been going back and forth for awhile but we finally admitted to each other how we felt and that’s how we got here.”
Bart’s eyes bored into hers. “Do you amor my son?”
Chuck sighed loudly.
She turned to Chuck and gave him one of her secret smiles to let him know that she was fine with the questioning. She looked directly into Bart’s eyes. “I most certainly do.”
He appeared to be satisfied with her answer. A moment passed between Blair and Chuck, and they both felt like they were the only two people in the room. That was interrupted when Bart asked Chuck a question.
“Chuck! I asked you if you amor Blair.”
He looked into his father’s eyes. “There are a lot of things that I haven’t been sure of in my life but this is not one of them. I know with absolute clarity that I amor Blair.”
A smile almost titled against Bart’s mouth. Almost. “Well, I am very glad to see that you two are serious about each other. Like I’ve said, I never thought I’d see that dia with Chuck.”
Blair was about to reprimand Bart and say something to defend her boyfriend but the seguinte thing she knew she had blacked out and Chuck was kneeling beside her with a worried frown on his face.
“Blair! Are you okay? What happened? You scared the shit out of me!”
Bart was out of his chair also and she felt another wave of embarrassment hit her. Now she had even fainted at the dinner, what else could go wrong? “I’m fine, Chuck.” She reassured him. “I’ve been feeling lightheaded all day, this happens to me some time.”
“Are you sure?” He questioned again.
She grabbed his hand. “Yes, I actually do feel better now. I’m just sorry that it had to happen here.”
“Don’t worry about it Blair.” He stood up but seemed hesitant to go back to his assento and leave her. She gave him one of her brightest smiles and Chuck finally seemed to realize that she was okay.
After a few minutos of silence, Bart asked her, “Are you sure you’re okay, Blair?” Even he sounded worried and that made her feel all the mais ashamed.
She smiled faintly. “I am. I’m just sorry that this had to happen now.”
The rest of jantar went por smoothly until they were on desert. Blair had just smoothed her napkin down on her lap when she heard Bart ask, “So son tell me what college have you decided to apply too? You’re not going to Yale, like Blair?”
Chuck had been dreading this moment for a while now. “Father, I was planning on applying to several colleges to see which would be the best fit for me but I’ve changed my mind. I don’t want to go off to college and ever hardly see Blair. That would be the worst thing that could happen to me.” He took a deep breath. “That’s why I decided that I’m not going to college.”
She groaned inwardly, she knew that Bart wasn’t going to like this news. But she felt happy with what Chuck had decided; she didn’t want to be separated anymore from him than he did from her.
“Excuse me?” Bart yelled in cold fury.”
“Calm down.” Chuck said. “I’m not going to be going to college because when I graduate from high school and turn eighteen, I want to be let in on running baixo Industries with you.”
Bart looked at him in shock and his carefully placed mask began to unravel. “Are you serious?”
Chuck nodded. “I will admit that the idea of running the company did not hold much fascination for me at first but it has grown on me. I really want you to teach me the ropes.” He waited nervously for his father’s reaction.
A true smile spread across Bart’s face. “Nothing would make me happier than to see you enter the company and help me run it. It is your rightful place after all. Although I do want you to be sure of this before you decide, so are you positive?”
Chuck let a small grin come over his face. “I really do, I’ve always wanted too in a way. This company has to stay in the family and I am ready to prove that I can do it.”
Bart still had a smile on his face. “Did Blair have anything to do with this?”
“She knows nothing about it but she did factor into my decision. I’m not going to lie, Blair is absolutely the most important thing in my life and nothing is going to change that.” She beamed at his words. “I want to be close to her but I also want to prove myself to you, father. I want to show you that I can be the son you’ve always wanted me to be.”
She excused herself to go to the bathroom, she knew that they needed a private moment just between the two of them and she didn’t want to intrude on that.
Once Blair had left the table, Bart immediately began to talk to Chuck. “You’ve landed someone pretty special there, Chuck. I’ve always liked Blair but tonight just proves how well suited to you she is. I can see how much she loves you por the way she talks about you.”
Chuck leaned further over the table; he wanted to catch his father’s every word. Bart continued, “I liked that she had the gall to stand up to me before when I was incorrect about your relationship and I had made assumptions. She is willing to stand up for you and that just proves how much she loves you. And I know you amor her too.”
He nodded seriously. “I really do amor her with all of my heart. And you’re not the only one that thought that you would never see me in one relationship. But people can change.”
“I know that, Chuck. There’s only one thing that I didn’t like about tonight.”
“What’s that?” Chuck asked in concern.
Bart had his usually stern look on his face but he quickly become amused. “That you don’t think I’m proud of you. I’ve always been proud of the fact that you’re my son Chuck; I’ve just never showed it. It’s very hard for me to show my true emotions but I do want you to know that I would never want anybody else for my son but you.”
Chuck felt moisture clogging his eyes and he quickly ducked his head. But he had a huge grin on his face; he had waited to hear those words come out of his father’s mouth for so long. The happiness inside his chest expanded and he felt like screaming out with joy.
Blair hid behind the wall. She had never gone to the bathroom; she had actually been listening to their conversation the whole time. It was a good thing she did too or she would have missed the best thing that had ever happened to Chuck. She couldn’t wipe the smile off as she walked back to the dining room table.
Blair walked discreetly out of the drugstore she had just been in; she certainly didn’t want anyone to see her go in there. She was wearing her black boina so that no one would recognize her.
She walked quickly and methodically back to her apartment. She reached it in record time. Only was she was inside, did she let her death grip on the brown paper bag let go. She took what she had bought out of it. It was a pregnancy test.
Blair had a bad feeling that she was pregnant. She had fainted a few times over the past few weeks, not to mention that she had just missed her period. That had done it, she never missed her cycle. She was dying to know if she actually really was but also extremely nervous.
She finally found the courage to go into the bathroom and do what she had to do to find out if she was pregnant. Now, all she had to do was wait. She glanced at the box, it said to wait two minutos before looking at it. Two minutos suddenly felt like two hours.
She tapped her fingers against the counter over and over again. She glanced at her watch, and the required two minutos had passed. She lifted the test with a shaky hand. The results were in.

To Be Continued…

A/N: So what do you think of that little twist that I threw in there? I’m not sure about it but I do have a lot of ideas to go on so I will make it work. Unfortunately this will be my last update of this particular chapter before my ankle surgery. So, I wouldn’t expect an update for about a week or two. *sad face* Anyways, do you know what would make me feel better? Reviews. *laughs* The seguinte story that will be updated is Temptation of the Best Kind on Monday. Until then.
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