glee Club
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Pairing(s), Characters: Rachel/Puck, Rachel/Finn, glee club
Summary: Rachel finds herself slowly feeling for Puck again while in a relationship with Finn. Yeah, I know, fabulous summary... xD
Disclaimer: I do not own glee or any of the characters. I do have my own little Puck-bot hidden in my closet though...


Puck took one look at Rachel and nearly stopped dead in his tracks. He blinked once. Twice. Three times. There was no way the girl he was looking at was the same Rachel Berry he used to know. Her clothing was tight and her topo, início was skimpy, but not once did he think she looked slutty. Instead, she looked older. Adult. Like the kind of woman you find on the cover of Cosmopolitan. She looked beyond gorgeous. She gave him a slight smile, looking shy. He'd just begun to return it when Finn stepped in front of her and she was blocked from his vision.

Santana and Brittany came from their room, about the same time Quinn returned with a cropped black jaqueta for Rachel and a white ervilha casaco for herself. The cheerleader duo were dressed as if they were headed to a Hollywood pista show. Santana glowed in a gold colored artigo of clothing that clung to her body as tight as saran embrulho, envoltório and could barely be counted as a dress it was cut so low near her waist. She wore black leather zipper heels that had her toes sticking out, which Puck didn't see the point of with the boot-type shoes if her toes were showing, and her hair flowed in a shiny fonte around her head. Her perfume nuvem made his nose itch like crazy, and he wasn't even standing close to her. Santana looked freakin' hot, he was sure of that, and a few months atrás he would've hit that faster than, well, something really fast. But now, he didn't know. It looked like she was trying too hard. The no geral, global effect of the look was pretty slutty, if he had to pick a word for it. Brittany also looked very hot, in a dark blue silk cabeçada v-neck dress, rocking blonde curls and strappy silver shoes with heels the width of toothpicks. Each refused to take coats and trudged into the elevator after everyone else fussing over their boyfriends. Santana seemed a tad disappointed about Matt's choice of clothing, but over the months she had softened up with him and didn't say anything now.

Everyone was jabbering in the squished elevator ride, while Puck, pushed into a corner, stayed quiet. He watched Finn and Rachel talk, laugh, and once, kiss. Longer than average. He stared the ceiling until it was over. It really sucked. Being in amor with your best friend's girlfriend. Especially when you know she has feelings for you as well, and the two of you are just waiting until it feels they can tell him. Or at least have the girl break up with him so the two of you could be together. But as much as Puck did want to be with Rachel, mais than anything, he was afraid of what would happen when he and Rachel did start dating. Would Finn freak? Would he figure out that Rachel broke up with him to be with Puck, por the suddenness of them being back together so soon? Puck didn't want Finn to hurt again. It had taken so long for Finn to forgive him when it came to Quinn, and even now Puck was sure he hadn't totally accepted it. Selfishly, he wished there was something wrong with Finn and Rachel's relationship so the break-up could at least be justified.

When the slow, jerking ride was finished, Puck squeezed through to be one of the first out. Gentleman-like, he held the door open as everyone filed through, occasionally calling out a thanks. As Rachel passed, with Finn on her arm, her hand brushed against his for a moment. She took no notice of it when he glanced at her, but he did see a slight blush crop into her cheeks. His hand tingled. Quinn, the last one out, waited for him.

"Did you dress her?" he asked as they walked out after everyone.

"Yeah. I swear the girl lives for plaid, she has nothing dec in her suitcase. I had to steal from Santana."

"She still hasn't noticed?"

"Nah. She's got enough clothes to open a chain of malls; she's not gonna notice. Personally I think they look way better on Rachel than they ever would on her." There was silence for a second.

"Yeah. Me too." Quinn looked at him.

"You guys are cheating, aren't you?" For a moment he considered lying to her, but he decided against it.

"Yeah, I guess we are."

"I heard you go into the bathroom last night. When Rachel wasn't in cama I put two and two together, then you came out." He didn't say anything. "Are you going to tell Finn?"

"What's to tell? Rachel's gonna break up with him anyway." he said, staring at his feet.

"He should know." she told him quietly, then hurried into a cab at Mercedes's call. He followed her.


The cab ride to was exhilarating and full of anticipation. Rachel shared a cab with Finn, Tina, and Artie and they were all buzzing with excitement. Tina kept checking and re-checking her fake ID that Mercedes had gotten all of them, discreetly so the driver wouldn't pick up on it. Artie was scared there would be no seguro place for him to sit. Tina reassured him that if she wasn't gonna sit with him the whole time, she make sure someone was. Finn chatted non-stop about the bubble machine. Seriously. Non-stop. Every word he said the whole way there somehow was connected to the bubble machine.

When they arrived they quickly got in line, Brittany and Santana shivering like crazy in the winter temperature. Mike offered Brittany his jacket, which she gladly accepted, but since Matt had no jaqueta to give Artie handed Santana his, while Matt looked sheepish. Rachel made a point to talk to both Puck and Finn, in the same conversation. She wasn't leaving either out tonight. The line moved fairly quickly, and after about a thirty minuto wait, they were next. Mercedes boldly went first, holding up her ID and was waved on in. Puck, then Finn, Rachel, Brittany, Mike, Santana, Matt, Artie, Tina, Quinn, and Kurt all followed.

After some high fives and a quick reminder of the meet up time to leave (one-thirty), they dispersed. Kurt, Mercedes, and Tina awkwardly wheeling Artie through the throng of crowd headed off to the karaoke bar located in the back left corner. Santana and Brittany lead Matt and Mike onto the dance floor almost immediately. Quinn walked up to the bar where she took a tamborete, fezes and ordered a sparkling water. She already looked exhausted. Five and a half months into her pregnancy, this night probably wouldn't be her cup of tea. Finn grabbed Rachel's hand.

"Bubble machine!" he told her, his eyes wide and his tone practically hysterical with excitement.

"Okay, Finn, okay. Just a second." she turned to Puck, "Are you gonna be okay? I mean, hopefully this won't take very long--"

"It's fine." he told her. "You go. I'll be waiting." she smiled at him before Finn was dragging her off to blow bubbles. It was actually kind of fun-- for the first five minutes. Finn stayed for twenty-five.

Finally she was able to drag him away, promising they could use it again once mais before they left. He was like a little kid. But then, that's half the reason she had fallen in amor with him before. Now, she knew she would always care for Finn. He was after all, her first love. She also knew her amor for Puck was something different. Something more. They made their way back to the bar, where Puck sat with Quinn. She was doing a lot of talking, and Puck looked rather surprised.

"Everything alright?" Rachel said, sitting down on the tamborete, fezes to the other side of Puck.

"Dandy," Quinn replied, "Bubble machine?"

"Fantastic," Finn cried. "You should all try it."

"I think I'll pass." Quinn said cooly.

"What, are they alcoholic bubbles or something?" Puck asked, raising his eyebrows towards Finn.

"It's a theory. He didn't stop for twenty-five minutes." said Rachel. She patted Finn on the knee. "Up for some dancing, hun?"

"Totally! And I love this song!" He grabbed Rachel's hand and lead her to the dance floor.


"So, wise one, why do I have to tell him?"

"Because I've learned from experience. And you should know this por now too." Quinn told him.

"Rachel's going to break up with him. Soon!"

"And then what? Two days later you two are gonna skip away on your honeymoon?"

"No, we're gonna wait. Like, a couple of weeks, or something. Why does this matter so much to you?" Quinn didn't answer right away. Puck looked up from his drink and into her eyes.

"You're still in amor with him?" It was Quinn's turn to look away. She swallowed the rest of her drink in one gulp and asked the bar tender for a refill. "Seriously, Quinn? You're still in amor with Finn?" She paused.

"Yeah," she said, so quietly he couldn't actually hear her over the música and chatter, but he could lip read well enough. Damn. Hadn't seen that one coming. "I still amor him."

"Well... what are you gonna do about it?"

"Do about it?! What do you think I can do about it?! Nothing. Because he still loathes me for what I did with you. He might've forgiven you por now, but I was the reason we lied, and he hates me for it!" She started to cry. Oh shit.

"Hey," he said, in his most comforting voice, but also kind of awkward, seeing as they were sitting on bar stools in a night club in New York City. "Hey, Quinn, don't, uh, don't cry. Please. You-- you can still be with him."

"How?" she wailed.

"I-- I could put in a good word for you." Quinn snorted.

"Yeah, because he's totally gonna listen to you. Just because he's forgiven you, Puck, doesn't mean he's your best friend anymore." she paused. "No. I know there's no hope for me and Finn to ever get back together, but it doesn't stop my feelings for him." Puck actually felt sympathetic for her. He hadn't felt that towards Quinn Fabray in a long time.

"Which is why I don't want you to hurt him again. It'll hurt me as well. But," she gave a tiny laugh, "but, I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but I'm rooting for you and Rachel."

"Really?" he asked, surprised.

"Yeah. I don't want Finn to get hurt, but," she looked at him, with an actual look of fondness in her eyes, "I want you to be happy. And-- and I know that's what Rachel does to you. Make you happy." she added. "It's actually one of the reasons I dressed her up so hot tonight-- thought that entertain you." She gave him a little smile.

"Wow. Guess you can still surprise me, Fabray." she laughed.

"I'm glad."

At that moment Rachel and Finn showed up, Finn raving about the bubble machine like it was the best thing since Playboy. Rachel invited him to dance and he eagerly accepted, grabbing her hand and hastily leading her onto the floor.

"It's like Vitamin D all over again." said Quinn, and Puck laughed.


After a couple of dances, Finn lead Rachel off the floor again, both sweating and panting. Finn decided to order shots of tequila.

"They sound so New York." he told Rachel, Puck, and Quinn. Puck raised his eyebrows and nodded mock seriously. Rachel reached out for one and chugged it before Puck could even react-- but a moment later he did, snatching his napkin and holding it in front of her mouth as she choked some of it back up.

"Thanks," she moaned, keeping her eyes closed. "That was... an unenjoyable experience." Puck chuckled.

"You idiot. Why did you even try it?"

"They sound so New York..." she mumbled. Finn rubbed her back.

"I don't think you have strong enough stomach for it Rache," he tipped her chin up, "You okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah Finn, I'm fine, sorry. It sounded interesting." Finn planted a kiss on her forehead then turned back to the barman, asking for more. Rachel turned to Puck.

"You want to dance?" Puck glanced at Finn, who was now describing his experience at the bubble machine to the bartender, who looked extremely bored but rather amused.

"Sure." Puck wasn't the most talented dancer in the world, but heck, he was better than Finn. They danced to two fast ones, until for the first time tonight, a slow one actually came on. Rachel glanced at Finn, who was now chatting with Quinn. He wasn't paying attention to them. She put her arms around Puck's neck, and he in turn clasped his around her waist. For the first half they didn't say anything, just stared into each other's eyes like something from One árvore Hill. Then Rachel rested her head on Puck's chest and breathed in his scent. He smelled like cologne, but not the bad kind. This one was charming and mildly toothsome. Once, she mumbled into his camisa that she liked it. He responded por beijar her the topo, início of her head and saying something like "Glad you do".

Far too soon, the song ended. They broke apart, and walked back to the bar. Finn, who was beyond tipsy, pulled Rachel onto his lap, giggling madly about Quinn's "bowling ball belly". Quinn certainly did not look pleased, and Rachel actually wished the night could be coming to a close. With a drunk Finn on her hands, things were not gonna be pretty.

It did, luckily, after many mais hours of attempting conversation with Puck and Quinn but always getting interrupted por Finn, who found every other word she said absolutely priceless, causing him to go into loud, snickering snorts. Which was amusing the first few times around, but after a while it was plain obnoxious. He wasn't the cutest drunk. Rachel hoped if she ever got wasted, she would at least be pleasanter than this.

In the last half hora the four treaded over to the karaoke bar where a very loaded Mercedes was lazily belting out Doctor Jones por Aqua. Artie, who was chugging pêssego wine coolers, had a passed out Tina sitting seguinte to him who had fallen over so her head was lying in his lap. Kurt had his feet propped up on the table, twirling his fedora, mumbling along with Mercedes. A tray of drained shot glasses sat seguinte to him. When Mercedes finished her song, holding the last not far longer than she needed too, the bar exploded with cheers. Kurt stood up on the mesa, tabela and whooped the loudest.

"Thank yooooou, everybody," said Mercedes into the mic, hiccuping, "Now my, uh, lad guy friend person here, Hurt Kummel, would like sing something..." she stumbled off the stage and Kurt climbed up, and without even an introduction he went into The Best Damn Thing por Avril Lavigne.

"Oh, hi Fachel, Rinn, Pwinn, Quck. Good night?" and she fell into the last empty seat, completely out.

"Well. This just looks like a barrel of laughs." Puck said, turning to Rachel.

"And they won't even remember how much fun they had."

"I will." Artie croaked. He grabbed another bottle, but Quinn snatched it back.

"Ever heard of alcohol poisoning, Abrams?" she snapped, keeping it out of his reach. "How many have you had?"

"Six million, eight-hundred twenty-two thousand, seven-hundred forty-three." he answered drowsily. Quinn shook her head.

"Amateurs," she sighed, "They just wanted to drink as much as they could. It's obvious they've never done this before. And," she dropped her voice, "I can't believe they actually think Kurt's twenty-one! He looks like he hasn't even gone through puberty yet." Kurt finished his number, and after bowing nine times to his most pleased audience, he sidled over to their table.

"Did they like me? Do you think they liked me? I think they liked me a lot. Do you?" Rachel pulled out her cell phone and checked the time.

"One-twenty. We should go try to find Mike, Matt, Brit, and Santana."

"Right." said Quinn. "Okay, everybody up! No mais sleeping! Let's mover it!" But there really was no moving Tina or Mercedes. Mercedes being the heavier of the two, they sat her on Artie's lap (who had also passed out) and Puck wheeled them both through the crowd. Quinn, who was getting tired, just walked, and Finn and Kurt trailed behind her, giggling at everything and cracking each other up. Rachel lead the way. Matt was carrying an unconscious Santana and Mike was steering an even dumber Brittany when they met up in front.

"Ready to go?" They nodded eagerly. They divvied up which sober people would be with which drunken ones. Quinn took a jabbering Finn, an unconscious Tina and an unconscious Artie. Mike and Matt sat with a chattering Kurt and a dazed Brittany. Which left Rachel and Puck with a zonked Santana and Mercedes.

For the first part of the ride Rachel leaned her head so it lay on Puck's shoulder. They didn't speak, just listened to the comforting sounds of each other's breathing. Rachel liked the little window the driver had in his cab that could be closed or open, depending on the passenger's preference. Rachel and Puck chose closed.

"Did you enjoy anything tonight?" she asked after a few minutos of silence. She felt his head tilt so it lay upon the topo, início of hers.

"I dunno. I actually liked... talking to Quinn."



"Did you guys have a closing talk?"

"I guess we did."

"That's good."

"I know."

"Anything else?"

"Seeing Kurt sing Avril Lavigne was worth the whole night." Rachel smiled.

"I know what you mean. Anything else?" There was a moment's pause.

"I liked dancing with you." This time, Rachel grinned. She turned to look up at him.


"Seeing as all you wanted me to say from the start was that, yeah, really."

"Me too."


"Yeah." She kissed him fervently. He wrapped his arms so they encased her waist, and again she felt the warm sensation of his fingers scarcely touching the skin of her hips but growing mais and mais then-- the driver rolled down the window and announced loudly,

"No porn in my cab." then briskly rolled it back up again. Rachel looked back at Puck, biting her lip so she wouldn't laugh out loud.

"You heard the man," said Puck. Their faces were still so close their noses were touching. "No PDA. Pornographic Displays of Asses etcetera." Rachel giggled. She slid back down into her own assento then rested her head on his shoulder once more. They didn't talk for the rest of the ride except to comment on Santana's loud snoring.
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