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Cersei meets unexpected main character in Dubrovnik shoot for Season 8!

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I remember visiting this website once...
It was called UPDATE! Cersei meets unexpected main character in Dubrovnik shoot for Season 8! | Watchers on the mural | A Game of Thrones Community for Breaking News, Casting, and Commentary
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
After a mysterious first day of filming in Dubrovnik and a slightly confusing second one, this third day brings us the Queen of King’s Landing: Lena Headey has been spotted on location, wearing a new queenly outfit — and she’s not alone. Apparently, in season eight Cersei will be having a parley in King’s Landing with an unexpected main character!
There are spoilers for the last season below the cut, so venture forth at your own risk!
Yesterday Kit Harington filmed a scene in which Jon Snow was escorted through the city walls by Northmen-looking soldiers. Today Jon appeared again, this time at Bokar Fortress, but he wasn’t alone! As seen in
, Cersei was there too, and today she was the one with an escort — her new black-and silver Kingsguard, including Gregor “The Mountain” Clegane, played by Hafþór Björnsson:
Cersei with her Kingsguard at Bokar Fortress. Photo: Vedran Jerinić / Dubrovnik Net
The Lannister flag flies over King’s Landing. Photo: Ivana Smilović / Dubrovnik Times
Harington and Headey listen to Weiss. Photo: Ivana Smilović / Dubrovnik Times
Benioff and Weiss together on set. Photo: Ivana Smilović / Dubrovnik Times
Headey and Weiss talk between takes. Photo: Ivana Smilović / Dubrovnik Times
Headey is directed by Weiss. Photo: Ivana Smilović / Dubrovnik Times
Jon Snow, between Kingsguards. Photo: Ivana Smilović / Dubrovnik Times
Hafþór Björnsson can’t hide from the cameras. Photo: Ivana Smilović / Dubrovnik Times
The circumstances of this meeting are a mystery, as is its placement in the season. At first glance, the fact that both David Benioff and D.B. Weiss are on scene and giving directions would indicate this scene belongs to the series finale, which they are directing. However, it appears the showrunners were merely providing guidance as producers and writers, since the actual director, David Nutter, was also seen on set:
Nutter is directing episodes one, two, and four. If I had to guess by the little context we have, I’d say this probably takes place in episode four. The rest, however, remains a mystery. Most of all, we must ask: what are Jon and Cersei discussing exactly? And in which circumstances does Jon find himself in the (still) Cersei-held capital?
, we get a much better look at Cersei’s new costume, which seems more battle-ready than previous versions (only symbolically, of course) and sees a return to the Lannister gold accents absent from her costumes the last few years. We can also spot a few gold cloaks, who are often seen guarding the city walls:
Filming in Dubrovnik is supposed to finish either later today or tomorrow, so we probably won’t get many more juicy spoilers from Croatia. Still, what we’ve got is plenty to speculate, isn’t it? Please, share your best theories in the comments below!
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The idea that we will have 3 sides at KL’s battle (Cersei, Dany/Jon and the NK) in KL always seemd good in theory but bad in practice. It would feel like a mess, like Battle of the five armies.
But if Cersei and Jon and Dany are fighting on the same side, everything works. Dany and Jon don’t want to let NK take 1 million people and Cersei knows she can’t fight alone. But she will still plan to defeat them after they destroy the WW. So I think that’s what will happen. She will betrey them either after or during the battle and then she will finnaly die.
Jon meeting with Cersei now makes sense of “no Longclaw.”
There were three sides in the Battle of Minas Tirith, I seem to recall. That battle was as far from a mess as you can possibly get.
– Cersei doesn’t appear to be pregnant – (see the first picture)
– It doesn’t noticeably appear to be winter – Cersei’s not wearing winter clothes. No snow in the air or on any of the characters. Just like there was no snow in the scene Kit was shooting yesterday
– Nobody with Jon. No Davos, Tyrion, Dany or anybody.
At the end. There were 3 sides in BOTB. In the end. But not fighting the whole time.
Why would they stand directly infront of a window for everyone to see? Hm, a bit suspicious.
I think this may be a deliberate mislead. Look at the cast and crew deliberately looking through that window – they know precisely where the camera is and are smiling.
Might just be that both Cersei and Jon have scenes in KL and because they only have a set amount of time to film in Dubrovnik that they’re filming simultaneously. Doesn’t necessarily mean they’re in scenes together.
I could be wrong of course. It’s just it seems a little bit careless of them to position themselves right there in front of the camera when they’re trying so hard to keep things under wraps for season 8.
I don’t think they would fly three main cast members out just to pose a teaser!
Very intriguing! I really like these kinds of spoilers better than having the entire season with details spoiled. This is more fun, now everyone’s theories have been tossed in the air as so many didn’t expect to see Cersei still kicking. Wouldn’t it be something if she actually won the ‘game’! I know she probably won’t but it sure is fun to speculate and that would sure make for a good ‘twist’ at the end!
No, but could be they are filming seperate scenes and episodes. If Kit is already in town or filming for another scene it wouldn’t take much to throw him into these pictures and take the opportunity to throw people off. I just find it suspicious that they have done so much to hide what they are filming and then here they choose to stand directly in front of the cameras.
Krissa: I just find it suspicious that they have done so much to hide what they are filming and then here they choose to stand directly in front of the cameras.
I feel you, but sometimes there are certain shots that they need to get outside where there just isn’t enough cover from people taking photos and they have to do the best they can. If you can’t hide it, I guess you may as well flaunt it. The closed sets are much easier to hide what’s going on.
For a second there, I thought the shape and attire of the (kings?)guard on the left side was Brienne. It looked different from the figure on the right.
They did put up a cover over the window though, but not before posing these pictures.
Gondor – defending a siege. Mordor – besieging gondor.
Army of the dead (the “good” version) – showing up at the last minute and decimating the Mordor army.
It could be much the same with a battle here.
Army of the Dead (the “bad” version) – besieging Kings Landing.
John & Danny alliance – ready to attack the AoD from behind. (Jon lands on a dragon to negotiate).
That’s 3 and maybe the Golden Company shows up in there somewhere.
Or I guess it could be that the Jon/Danny alliance could be fleeing the NK and is seeking entrance to KL and offering to help defend it with their dragonglass and Valyrian Steel weapons in return for entrance.
Why is The Mountain’s face partially black? I don’t entirely recall what he looked like with the mask off last time, but I don’t think it looked the same. I could be wrong.
LC: I think this may be a deliberate mislead. Look at the cast and crew deliberately looking through that window – they know precisely where the camera is and are smiling
They also looked through the window last year. It wasn’t a fake then. No reason to think it is now.
As for the window not being covered up at first, they were filming with the window (and the vistas seen through it) in the background.
They shoot scenes there almost every season though, so there’s no reason to think this one is a fake.
That’s normal. It’s the makeup for his character to look dead, or at least like a reanimated corpse. In the close-ups of Gregor in previous episodes, he does have a more purple-ish complexion with bloodshot eyes.
these photos today CONFIRMS jon is in KL indeed, no other location.
this location was always for KL, even in season 7, leena e Nikolaj show up in this same window and the scene was in season 7, 1 episode.
so jon is in KL, nutter is there, i hope is episode 4, makes perfect sense for it.
just the weather without fake snow is what bothers me more and make me think this could be final episode, and i hope its not.
Hey, maybe these are the finał scenes and Cercei is The Queen of the 7 Kingdoms and Jon Back at Castle Blac as a ruler? Or maybe they’re gettin maried as the last alive of the two Great houses? Or There’s another crazy/stupie/freakin weird trip by Jon to convince Cercei to the common cause? Or Jon is there as a proszonej kidnapped by the Golden Company? Or…showrunners are just messing up with us by just showing us actors in different places to make more rumours and speculations, fake spoilers, and by this to surprise us with crazy amazing stuff in the last showdown? 😊🤣
Hmm… lets see… Perhaps King’s Landing has been overtaken, become a hive of wights and Cersei is holdup/trapped in the Red Keep. Jon, as a favor to Tyrion, flies in to attempt to talk her into leaving with him to safety. Jon has to do it because other than Daenerys he’s the only one that can ride a dragon, and Cersei definitely wouldn’t accept aid from Daenerys. 🙂
Your scenario is more plausible than most that have been floated the last 24 hours.
(Though I do like The Sternik’s Jon-marries-Cersei twist. Because Lena!!!!)
it has to be episode 4, david and dan saying the right a scene for kit and lena and with nutter als director he directs episode 1,2,4 episode 1 is wirtten by Dave Hill and episode 2 is wirtten by Bryan Cogman,Miguel Sapochnik is director of episode 3 and 5 so it has to be episode 4
But who’s the random guy with Jon dressed in black? Where does he fit in?
Hype!!! I also think this should be episode 4 – it fits with what we’ve seen so far with ‘spoilers’. I can’t wait! 😀
OK then so safe to say Jon is solely in KL. this zig-zagging up and down Westeros during an apocalypse is bumming me out, but I’m sure it’ll all translate well enough on screen.
I LOVE the fact that we’re seeing this scene being filmed in such an organic way, in the same way we did with all the Dragonstone beach scenes.
I’m assuming those others are crew and not general public who are gawping at them? Otherwise I wanna see pics from the other side of that wall on social media, like an hour ago! 😝🕒
We can clearly see that Cersei still has Lannister soldiers and her Queensguard available, so why wouldn’t they be escorting Jon to her? Or are they members of her mercenary army?
If they’re Jon’s men, why wouldn’t he have a more familiar face or two with him for such a significant encounter?
What reason would any of them have to come to Cersei’s aid though?
Are we allowed to talk about the other character rumoured to be there and not in photo
My theory is that the Nights King wins in the North and Jon and Bran go South to convince Cersei that they all make their last stand at Kings Landing. My only doubt is where is Jamie and why doesn’t he do this? My conclusion is that he must be dead or being used as leverage if Jon is not granted safe passage.
Ramsay’s 20th Good man: If they’re Jon’s men, why wouldn’t he have a more familiar face or two with him for such a significant encounter?
My initial thought would be because they’re all dead or a large portion of Jon’s forces are still at Winterfell. This has me stumped so far. At least we have plenty of time to connect the dots. Once we can get a timeline together these scenes should start making more sense.
Very intriguing! I really like these kinds of spoilers better than having the entire season with details spoiled.
While crazy speculations based on persuasive hints are one of the most compelling components of the GoT fandom for me, I avoided last season’s leaked synopsis, and the two leaked episodes, like the plague. There’s no fun in that!
I don’t think they would fly three main cast members out just to pose a teaser!
I agree but we have not yet seen the rumoured third main character in any of the photos.
Could be a separate scene filmed inside maybe. Though, to be fair, I don’t think it’s been confirmed that Bran is there yet. We just had that one twitter post or whatever showing Isaac and Kit’s autographs on the same paper. Could’ve gotten them at different times.
This is very strange. Besides the quick travel again (which I really wish they’d tone down on) Jon appears to be alone with no weapon in King’s Landing. But also doesn’t appear to be in any form of imminent danger as we saw from yesterday’s pictures, he is allowed to roam freely. I’d say Cersei is not very good at keeping prisoners if Jon is supposed to be one. So that seems to eliminate that.
I’m having great difficulty thinking of any coherent scenario where this would make sense, short of Jon and Cersei forming some type of alliance or something, which seems almost impossible to believe given that at this point in when this scene likely takes place, Jon should know Cersei has betrayed him.
*shrug* They do lots of nutty stuff in this story. 😛 While I’m not that into Tyrion & Cersei having made some kind of deal, one could have been Tyrion promising to ‘save’ her and the unborn from death if she is defeated. That would be to save her and let her leave the country with her baby, as she mentioned about her thoughts.
It would also fit in with the “Jon trying to save everyone” characteristic. Though, once he finds out that Cersei betrayed him, I would think that any deal would be off.
I would tend to agree that this meeting could have something to do with Tyrion, though he doesn’t appear to be there either.
I know someone in the crew and they told me that Jon had to go back because he left his keys at the dragon pit. There’s a scene where Cercei is lifting her couch cushions saying “See? Nothing.”
They are far too jovial standing in front of a large open window in the eyes of the public, hehehe…..I’d really love for them to do some funny little prank, like have one of them pretending to strangle the other one or some random character pass by.
I’m waiting for the theory that Jon was killed and this is actually Arya going in on a probable suicide mission to assassinate Cersei. 😉
Arya has been a “main character” all through, with much being made of her training with the faceless men.
She must play some large part in the end game.
So… like… you’re saying you think that’s a possible scenario then? 🙂
How about, it’s actually Cersei who’s already dead. Arya’s wearing her face.
Jon comes to bend the knee and beg for help in fighting the Army of the Dead, having been defeated in The North.
Suddenly Cersei attacks and kills all her guards, including The Mountain.
Arya removes her Cersei mask, places a crown on Jon’s head and declares him King.
Rhaegal appears, they climb aboard and they fly off like Aegon and Visenya to fight the Night King.
I love all of this speculation. No one is clear about anything and seeing this healthy dose of confusion and skepticism is something this fanbase hasn’t been able to have in awhile.
Ha! I love it! That would certainly be a surprise twist. 🙂
Hey now… Assuming you saw the instagram I did, we can’t say that yet since there’s no proof at all.
I have a bad feeling that Jon will go in KL and try to negotiated with Cercei for help and she will capture him ..Bran maybe also there for to reveal Cerceis and Tyrions betrayal in S7e7 and will be captured along with Jon..Then Cercei will try to force Danny[Emilia Clarke uploaded an instagram photo in an airport in Rome ,..maybe she is traveling also in Dubrovnik too..Rome-Dubrovnik is only 1 hour flight ] and the others to come in KL to saving him trapping them too..Also there will be the NK[i saw his fingers posing in a SUV jeep ]..for the final scene of the final battle[?]..With Jon without Longclaw and armor and Cerceis Queensguards around worried that there will be a shocking unexpected twist
The idea that we will have 3 sides at KL’s battle (Cersei, Dany/Jon and the NK) in KL always seemd good in theory but bad in practice. It would feel like a mess, like Battle of the five armies.
But if Cersei and Jon and Dany are fighting on the same side, everything works. Dany and Jon don’t want to let NK take 1 million people and Cersei knows she can’t fight alone. But she will still plan to defeat them after they destroy the WW. So I think that’s what will happen. She will betrey them either after or during the battle and then she will finnaly die.
thats just only rumors ..nothing confirmed
I’m waiting for the theory that Jon was killed and this is actually Arya going in on a probable suicide mission to assassinate Cersei.
I wonder where the other cast members are? Especially Dany and the Starks.
Mark my words boy … mark them well …
Team Daegon has taken Kings Landing (or about). Cersei is holding in the Red Keep.
Aegon is giving her the last chance to give up and join.
I now strongly believe that Cersei attacks Winterfell while Jon is in KL. Thus the betrayal
I have to say, looking at that first picture of Cersei at Bokar, I’m already loving Michele Clapton’s season eight work.
Hey, I like it! But I want Arya to have a crown too. Just because. 👸🏻
(I’ve sort of given up my tinfoil wishful thinking scenario – bolstered by Aisling Franciosi’s more than passing resemblance to Maisie Williams – that Arya would show up in KL looking like Lyanna Stark 2.0 (= YMBQ), freak out Cersei, and maybe abscond with her rug rat.)
She’s confirming that it was Sansa not Cersei the person she saw.
She also states that the person who ‘may’ be Sansa was not performing but just amongst them at an interview session. I highly doubt Sansa would be in KL unless she’s deceased. Let’s not forget Cersei wanted her head on a spike and Sansa is scared to death of her. Likely some red head on the team and these people are quite far away trying to ID pixels.
She’s confirming that it was Sansa not Cersei the person she saw.
its not Sansa…The woman on the balcony has cherry/pink hair color ..Sansas hairs are auburn
Cersei stopped listening to Jaime (not that she ever really did) so why would he waste time trying to convince her of anything? Anyone else would have a better chance than Jaime or Tyrion.
I really wish that Cersei would stop wearing Tommen’s scalp.
Me also! I rarely speculate on what’s going to happen and enjoy reading what other posters have to say 🙂
Photos taken during filming I have no problem with. I would hardly call them ‘Spoilers’ as we’re none the wiser as to what is going on? Even during S7 when many photos and even videos were taken during those beach scenes filmed in Spain, we never knew they were split between Dragonstone (Dany’s arrival and later Theon) and Kings Landing when the two kings guards encountered Davos, Gendry and Tyrion on the beach? The same beach, but different places in Westeros.
What really grinds is when scripts or episodes are leaked and I sincerely hope that will not happen for S8.
I actually saw some stuff before that specific twitter post which said Isaac was there but hadn’t been caught on camera. Of course it doesn’t mean it’s true but it was on Reddit and Twitter from what appeared to me different sources.
Whilst I agree she will ignore Jamie he’s still the only person she really cares about other than herself. On the flipside she did make a point of mentioning that Ned’s bastard would be honourable so she may trust him more than the Mad Kings Daughter or the little brother who she has wanted dead for years.
It still makes no sense that Jon, the rightful heir to the seven kingdoms goes South again and seemingly alone to beg for help. If Cersei knows he’s the rightful king she would kill him immediately.
I like Cersei’s androgynous haircut. Makes her gender-fluid hookup with Daenerys more plausible. 👨‍🚀🤖 Maybe Cersei will get her Targaryen Prince(ss) after all.
A lot of things don’t make sense, but that didn’t stop them from happening, as we saw last season.
Why is everyone so baffled by the fact Jon isn’t wearing longclaw? We already saw him have his sword taken away last season when he met with Dany. So he’s more than likely left it behind on his ship (or with his escort).
People were only baffled when he was alone, now he is seen with Cersei it all makes sense being disarmed.
Totally agree! Keeping up with esoteric photos from filming is always fun. As long as nothing specific from the scripts leaks then I’m content with anything else we get. It makes the journey that much more fun since everyone is in such a frenzy to know more.
Ah! Dangerous to have Aegon 2.0 in the proximity of Cersei. He entered last week as a long shot on my handicapping sheet of odds for Valonqar candidates, but now he’s moving up…
I don’t know if you are serious Ten Bears but I have thought that myself but when I tried to think it through the fact that Maggy says beautiful and not a less ‘feminine’ word put me off. In the book when Danearys dreams of her lover GRRM uses the word comely (if I am wrong someone will tell me) to me that word would be less feminine in this situation. But I do think it’s an interesting suggestion.🤔
Whilst I agree she will ignore Jamie he’s still the only person she really cares about other than herself.On the flipside she did make a point of mentioning that Ned’s bastard would be honourable so she may trust him more than the Mad Kings Daughter or the little brother who she has wanted dead for years.
It still makes no sense that Jon, the rightful heir to the seven kingdoms goes South again and seemingly alone to beg for help. If Cersei knows he’s the rightful king she would kill him immediately.
Cercei ”trusted”Ned in S1 because he was honorable too and then manipulated Geoffrey to cut off his head..She will try to do the same with Jon..especially now who she is crazy and doesnt loves even and her own brother/Lover
I agree…I think they are filming fake scenes maybe the real stuff is interior or else where…be careful of the bait and switch. They will do anything to keep us from knowing the truth.
Speak for yourself. You have these pictures and I’ll have the scripts.
Yeah she erased because she receive a lot of cruel comments from some shippers and called a liar and other stuff…. She did say that she was 85% sure it was Sansa so I don’t know
Cersei didn’t manipulate Joffrey, it was all him who lopped off Ned’s head.
I doubt it’s staged. They filmed in the exact same location last year and it turned out to be in the show. The crew also noticed the photos being taken last year and had fun with it, the same way they are doing now. There’s no reason to assume this is fake unless some other info comes out.
Cersei didn’t manipulate Joffrey, it was all him who lopped off Ned’s head.
if she didnt manipulated him..then why she said to him ”everyone who isnt us is our enemy”in S1….meaning the Starks also..remember?
I don’t know if you are serious Ten Bears but I have thought that myself but when I tried to think it through the fact that Maggy says beautiful and not a less ‘feminine’ word put me off. In the book when Danearys dreams of her lover GRRM uses the word comely (if I am wrong someone will tell me) to me that word would be less feminine in this situation. But I do think it’s an interesting suggestion.🤔
Wait ..Which one of my outlandish tinfoil scenarios are you referring to? The Cersei & Daeny hookup was a goof/takeoff on Lena’s movie “Imagine Me and You” with Piper Perabo looking like Emilia in a few scenes. Arya as Lyanna 2.0 is my wishful thinking “Disneyfied” twist, that I was pretty sure would never happen — until Hot Pie, out of the blue, told Arya: “You’re pretty!”
But I am biased. I want 55 minutes of every episode to be devoted to Sandor and Arya. Two-minute cameos for everyone else.
The revealer of this information is one of the more ardent Jonsa fans on the Internet. With the considerable coverage and paparazzi presence, there’s only one witness? She thinks Sophie is there and not working? And then the IG goes away? Sounds suspicious. I did see the pic and IMO the face was insufficiently disclosed for it to be identifiable. Some people think Sophie is in London anyway, but someone said ST is not at the premiere of a new film at some festival, which is odd. Add to the confusion the fact that HBO and the showrunners can deal in misdirection. I am flummoxed.
While images like these do show us characters that are present in what will probably be a scene, we also have to be aware that what we see happening may not be in the script. People goofing around between takes or messing up during the shot and then doing funny ad libbing can be caught in pictures. One of the pictures shows David with a silly grin and another lady with a big smile like someone is doing something funny. Funny shouldn’t be a part of what this scene will be.
It seems like with one notable exception, the actors cannot go out in public without being spotted by rabid fans.
Rory McCann has been able to avoid the cameras fairly well all these years. Much like the Hound, it appears he keeps to himself. (If there’s one GoT actor who could’ve cashed in big time because of his popularity, it’s Rory. Yet, he’s kept a low profile.)
Artemisia: if she didnt manipulated him..then why she said to him ”everyone who isnt us is our enemy”in S1….meaning the Starks also..remember?
She meant it. However, it was clear that she didn’t want Ned Stark to be executed. She wanted him to be sent to the Nights Watch if I remember correctly. It was also clear during the beheading scene that Cersei was attempting to talk Joffrey out of it, but he wouldn’t listen.
I think Littlefinger manipulated Joffrey into doing it. He had means, motive and opportunity. LF wanted Ned dead because it hurt House Stark, made Catelyn available, and magnified Chaos. And as a Small Council member he had access to Joffrey. Countless times we’ve seen LF manipulate people into doing what LF wanted by appealing to what
wanted. He could have insinuated to Joff that he could kill a deadly enemy, show the women who’s boss, give the crowd what they want, and assert himself as a ruler by…killing Ned Stark. The best way was to play along with the Night Watch deal, let Ned confess treason, and quickly have him killed. Re-watch the scene. After Joff says, “Ser Ilyn, bring me his head”, Cersei, Pycelle, and Varys all run over to plead with Joffrey. Meanwhile, Baelish stands at the left, stock still and smirking. Apparently he was not surprised.
Yea, I wouldn’t assume that every little thing they do there would be for the show, but I also don’t think they would send a crew to that location just to screw with fans either. I don’t think fans are as important to the production of the show as some seem to think.
Yeah, but let’s remember the cameras aren’t always rolling. So it’s entirely feasible (in fact a certainty), that the cast and crew will have some lighter moments and may even crack a smile. In fact they’ve said they often joke around in many interviews. Let’s allow them to be happy now and again 😝
I just skimmed through her Instagram and there’s nothing else GoT related, let alone to do with “Jonsa”.
Seemed more like a person innocently posting something to the internet and inadvertently landing themselves in the middle of a stupid “ship war”.
I did see that there were “Jonerys”-obsessed Freefolk redditors, and people running nonsense Instagram pages called “kit emilia daily” and such like, all over the post insisting she was wrong.
I don’t blame her for deleting it with that mob dogpiling her.
That’s correct Mr Derp I watched S1 again only last month and Cersei is shocked by what happens, it certainly wasn’t her intention.
… As for what is happening in these photographs, I cannot even speculate because, quite frankly, I have no bloody idea whatsoever 😛
Jon Snowed: Cersei didn’t manipulate Joffrey, it was all him who lopped off Ned’s head.
In a strange way, Joffrey is one of the luckiest characters of Game of Thrones : a surprisingly high proportion of his most appalling misdeeds tend to be remembered by many as other people’s crimes… Bran’s assassination attempt is often blamed on either Littlefinger, Cersei or even Jaime when, in the books at the very least, the sole real suspect is Joffrey. The murder of all of Robert Baratheon’s illegitimate children is frequently attributed to Cersei even though the show unambiguously states it was Joffrey’s call. The attempted murder of Tyrion during the Battle of the Blackwater was all Joffrey, through and through, yet his mother is regularly accused of it. So far, there has been no real indication that Ned’s execution was anyone’s idea but Joffrey’s but it is frequently speculated that either Cersei or Littlefinger had something to do with it.
I suppose it is understandable to a large degree; it is quite hard to fathom that a glorified child with, for all intents and purposes, very little talent or intelligence could be both so vicious and so “efficient” . However, we cannot forget that the untalented and unintelligent child had a crown on the top of his head and a massive psychosis on the inside of it. That is a deadly combination in and of itself ! Add to that the ongoing issue of his pathetic, almost heartbreaking, desire to be viewed as Bobby’s heir in every way possible… In this context, what Ned did (trying to have him declared a bastard and opening the gates for Stannis to denounce Joffrey’s Baratheon identity in as public a manner as feasible) was the ultimate crime in Joff’s eyes. The one thing he never could or would forget. Unbeknownst to Cersei, the moment Joffrey understood Ned’s purpose, the Stark patriarch was as good as dead.
2- episode 3 winterfell burns , so Jon goes to kl for asking help from cersei..
3- cersei will discuss with Jon but get him captured instead..
4- cersei demands dany to surrender as she is already pregnant, but dany sends Jaime to parley with cersei in episode 5..
5- Jaime fails to convince cersei in episode 5 and no attacks…cersei wanymts to but whole city , so Jaime kills her , and releases Jon….jon vs nk
Cersei attacks Winterfell with the Golden Company. During that battle, the White Walkers show up, and the Golden Company is forced to align with Jon and Dany. The Night’s King burns Winterfell and the living are forced to flee to King’s Landing where they team up for a final stand.
orange: I’m having great difficulty thinking of any coherent scenario where this would make sense, short of Jon and Cersei forming some type of alliance or something, which seems almost impossible to believe given that at this point in when this scene likely takes place, Jon should know Cersei has betrayed him.
It makes me afraid for another scenario. Originally Jon refused to side with Cersei because he had already pledged allegiance to Dany. Is it possible Dany is already dead? Sorry, I know there were supposed to be other circumstances that would assure she’d be around at least 9 months, but we don’t know that for sure, at this point a pregnancy is wishful thinking. Either that, or she’s so fully pregnant she can’t fly. Otherwise, it’s hard to imagine why Jon would be there. Wouldn’t Cersei demand allegiance from him, even if the threat of WW is imminent? She’s that arrogant. Good stuff, I just can’t believe we have to wait another year to see it out.
I reckon the books will reveal that LF was behind Brans assasination attempt, as well as Ned’s beheading. Chaos is a ladder, and all that..
ACME: However, we cannot forget that the untalented and unintelligent child had a crown on the top of his head and a massive psychosis on the inside of it. That is a deadly combination in and of itself !
Plus, and I believe most important, that scurrying rat, Pycelle, was always at his ear. There is a scene in an early episode, when either Cersei or Jaime went to his chambers and interrupted a conversation between the two. There was no Pycelle dialog, but the audience sees without a doubt that Pycelle is instigating some sort of nastiness. Pycelle is also the one who spoke loudly against Sansa, “the daughter of a traitor,” etc.
The show didn’t get too much into Pycelle’s motivations, not like they did with Varys and Baelish. But he must have had some ambitions as well. He loved the thought that he had been advisor to many Kings. So, I’d say that a lot of Joff’s evil deeds can be attributed to Pycelle’s input. Bad combination, those two. Yet, Joff didn’t have to agree with him. As Olenna put so well regarding Joff, “he really was a cunt.”
YUUUS. Kit’s gorgeous hair locks have been unleashed onto the world again. OwO As much as I liked the man-bun, I missed those furious locks. Although, it makes me wonder why the hair change. Why the unkempt look? Could… could Jon Snow be riding his own dragon now??? o_o It would explain why no one but him is there or how he arrived at Kings Landing so fast.
Call me Mr. Cynicism: I’m afraid for a different scenario: Cersei knows the Starks do desperate (and stupid) things to try to save family members held hostage. It happened with Ned, Robb, and Cat.
What if – God forbid – Cersei manages to abduct Sansa? Or Arya? And Jon has to go to KL to try to negotiate her/their release?
If Arya gets captured, I stop watching immediately and burn all of my GoT memorabilia. If it’s Sansa (foreshadowed by Cersei’s cryptic line about employing the Golden Co. to reclaim something that “belongs to her”?), what would Jon sacrifice to save her?
Someone please assure me these scenarios are impossible. 😫😕😩
I think that “something” the belongs to her is the North. Capturing the lady of Winterfell, while surrounded by thousands of guards, and transporting her south in the midst of winter would be quite some undertaking surely?
There were mutilple armies in the siege of minis Tirith and the battle of Pellenor fields, but only two distinct alliances (Mordor and their allies and Gondor and theirs). So saying it was a multy way fight isn’t accurate. There were only two goals: take the city for Mordor or save it for Gondor.
The ‘she’ I meant is a Redditor who focuses on Jonsa and, I fear, has evoked some very ugly responses. AFAIK, she broke the news of the Instagram. She often gets dogpiled too. I feel especially sorry for her because at some point she revealed she’s 16 YO.
Thronetender: It makes me afraid for another scenario. Originally Jon refused to side with Cersei because he had already pledged allegiance to Dany. Is it possible Dany is already dead? Sorry, I know there were supposed to be other circumstances that would assure she’d be around at least 9 months, but we don’t know that for sure, at this point a pregnancy is wishful thinking. Either that, or she’s so fully pregnant she can’t fly. Otherwise, it’s hard to imagine why Jon would be there. Wouldn’t Cersei demand allegiance from him, even if the threat of WW is imminent? She’s that arrogant.
Presumably by the time the Jon-Cersei meeting happens, Jon and Co. are fully aware that he is Aegon. So, “allegiance” to Dany is meaningless. As the Targaryen heir, he needs to do the heavy lifting and try to negotiate treaties with his enemies himself. 😀
On the other hand, your scenario could work too. Dany is dead. Drogon, mad with grief, burns everything in sight, including Winterfell, and flies off to Valyria in a huff. Jon is counseled by Tyrion to go and broker a marriage alliance with Cersei. 😀
First of all, I have to admit that, despite of what we have seen at Winterfell, I’m still convinced that Jon will win a vicroty against the NK in Ep 3: either the AotD is defeated despite or maybe even due to all that fire or that sequence belongs to Ep 5, and the battle of Ep 3 will happen elsewhere (for instance, at the Trident as the books imply).
One way or another in Ep 3 the AotD will be decimated and the NK will dissapear from the radars. Cersei will decide that it’s time to proceed with her plan, but Jon will learn (most probably from Bran) that the NK is going to attack KL (he is still airborn). So, Jon will go to KL to warn Cersei and offer his help but, insteadof accepting it, Cersei will take hi captive, because by that moment her forces (GC and Euron) will be already on the way to WF. IMO the scenes in Dubrovnik were the following: scene 1 (at the pier) – Jon’s arrival; scene 2 – Jon on the way to meet Cersei; scene 3 – Jon meets Cersei and is captured. The lastone or maybe even all the three should be wittnessed by Bran: that would explain Isaac’s presence in Dubrovnik, though he won’t be presentin KL only through the vision, not physically.
Anyway, Branshould learn about Cersei’s mischief and warn the others. Ep 6 then, will evolve around Jon’s rescue; the GC/Euron’s attack on WF and the NK’s attack on KL. Jon will be rescued at the last moment (most probably by Jaime who will kill Cersei to save Jon and KL alongside with him, though others like Arya, Tyrion, Varys, the Hound etc. will play a part in that, too). Not sure about Dany’s whereabouts, but as she will be mostly riding Drogon, her fightin scenes will be filmed indoors, and we may not see her at the outdoor sets that much. Anyway, the NK will lose or even die at KL, though I rather lean towards the first, because I think that in Ep 6 we’ll see Jon and others chasing him to his den and their final one-on-one. Besides that, Ep 6 may wrap what’s left of WF (IMO Theon may come into play). The war will be won but at a great cost. So, that’s it.
IMO there was never a question as to this. Been obvious for, well, ever. Always going to come down to life vs. death and Cersei trying to out-Tywin them.
Setting up Tyrion knowing she’s pregnant. Jaime riding north. It’s enough to maybe bring them together again, with context of circumstances.
The biggest question is does Jon know his parentage yet? Lord knows that they could find a way to push that off, while Winterfell battled. After the fall of Winterfell, guess we see how that settles. If Bran gets to speak, ha. [and ow much time has passed at that point?]
A pre-climax to send Cersei full-mad queen — this meeting might be a step towards that. With Cersei, does there need to be a last meeting confrontation, post-fall of Winterfell, before a Jon and Dany’s Targaryen rise?
In regards to the photographs, at first I thought that the fact Cersei is not wearing a crown on any of them was necessarily significant because she usually wears hers when acting in her official capacity as queen (she wore it at the Dragonpit, in the throne room to welcome Euron and his capture of the Sands, etc.) but then I remembered that she was
crown when she received Tycho Nestorius. So the absence of royal headgear may not be all
Apollo: I reckon the books will reveal that LF was behind Brans assasination attempt, as well as Ned’s beheading. Chaos is a ladder, and all that..
You may be completely right and, if the books make it canon, then canon it will be. Until then, I prefer to think of Baelish as Westeros’s Eris. Eris did not need to micromanage every step leading to the Trojan war; she just threw the Apple of Discord and let the gods take it from there with their petty feuds, their egos and their emotions… I like this version better but it is just my highly subjective feeling on the matter ^^
Thronetender: Plus, and I believe most important, that scurrying rat, Pycelle, was always at his ear.
That is a very good point. Pycelle was so often used as a comic relief that we, self very much included, do tend to forget him and his own vested interests. It was a shame the show left this scene of the editing room floor !
IMO, Jon already knows that he’s Aegon Targaryan and his loose locks are a proof: hairstyle is often used as a way to maifest identity shifts and GoT has been doing that, too.
hahaha. With all the love in world…. A Dany death could not in any way shape or form happen before a final climax. It’s the apex. The center.
Parts of the dramatic plot points that the story has pre-told:
#1 They have to unite officially. That’s the build up. Starts with knowing his parentage. [Maybe her pregnancy all about the same time.] Marriage. And she must give birth. Pre-Fall of Winterfell would be too soon IMO.
Other thwartings: To be united dragons, it’s likely they’d be at Dragonstone as united dragons. Just makes sense. [Something has to push them to Dragonstone. A guess would be fall of Winterfell. Probably before an official uniting.] A marriage at Dragonstone also makes narrative sense..
As far as a Dany death. Dany’s life has to save everyone. One terrible sad easter egg:
Apex. 2nd to final climax. Just my reading of the plot foreshadowing. 🙂
Could this just be some filming for publicity and not actually part of the show?
Littlefinger was not behind Bran’s assassination attempt. It’s not logistically possible, and GRRM said that ASOS revealed who did it.
Call me Mr. Cynicism: I’m afraid for a different scenario:Cersei knows the Starks do desperate (and stupid) things to try to save family members held hostage. It happened with Ned, Robb, and Cat.
What if – God forbid – Cersei manages to abduct Sansa? Or Arya? And Jon has to go to KL to try to negotiate her/their release?
If Arya gets captured, I stop watching immediately and burn all of my GoT memorabilia. If it’s Sansa (foreshadowed by Cersei’s cryptic line about employing the Golden Co. to reclaim something that “belongs to her”?), what would Jon sacrifice to save her?
Someone please assure me these scenarios are impossible.
hahaha. With all the love in world…. A Dany death could not in any way shape or form happen before a final climax. It’s the apex. The center.
Hahaha! 😀 I actually agree. I was just responding to Thronetender’s speculation that Jon is meeting with Cersei because Dany is dead. As I said above, IMO, the more likely scenario is that Jon’s Aegon identity has been revealed by this time, and he has gone to KL to share this news with Cersei ;). No need for Auntie Dany to tag along.
“Littlefinger was not behind Bran’s assassination attempt. It’s not logistically possible, and GRRM said that ASOS revealed who did it.”
Thank you for reinforcing this! I’ve wracked my brain, and chronologically, geographically and causally, there’s no way LF could’ve orchestrated Bran’s attempted assassination and armed the assassin with the dagger – unless he had two ravens on steroids flying in tandem, carrying the dagger from KL. (Which is why I’ve said that scenario gets into Monty Python & The Holy Grail laden swallows/physics debates).
In fact, if LF supplied the murder weapon, he’d be a moron to flash it around WF and give it as a gift to his victim.
Grail King: Well for me if it’s Sansa everything goes.
I’ll make you a deal here and now: If either Arya or Sansa get abducted, “everything goes.” ‘Cause both girls have been through the ringer, and to make Sansa a captive/hostage/victim
would be misogynistic- and I don’t use that term lightly.
Ten Bears: I’ll make you a deal here and now: If either Arya or Sansa get abducted, “everything goes.”‘Cause both girls have been through the ringer, and to make Sansa a captive/hostage/victim
would be misogynistic- and I don’t use that term lightly.
🤝 (handshake). I have my brick, torch, and HBO cancellation armed and ready to go.
Ten Bears: If Arya gets captured, I stop watching immediately and burn all of my GoT memorabilia. If it’s Sansa (foreshadowed by Cersei’s cryptic line about employing the Golden Co. to reclaim something that “belongs to her”?), what would Jon sacrifice to save her?
The “Something that belongs to her” might be Winterfell itself – in which case Sansa, Arya and many more are under threat due in part to Jon downplaying Sansa’s warnings about Cersei.
I have my brick, torch, and HBO cancellation armed and ready to go.
I have HBO sub and ALL GRRM books ( not sure if I’m ready to let go of the books yet. )
It is possible if it was always Littlefinger’s plan to kill one of the Stark children and escalate the tension between the Starks and the Lannisters even further. I’m talking about the show here, since, as you said, we already know who was behind it in the books.
Do you think he may be there to accept Cersei’s surrender and end the war?
I mean, it’s a possibility, but of course Cersei cannot be trusted. Since he’s not a prisoner, and she’s still alive I can’t think what else it could be. I can’t imagine Jon coming to parlay with her expecting an alliance. She is clearly not to be trusted. I sure hope Tyrion didn’t convince Jon to do something stupid. I no longer trust Tyrion.
i swear last year there was a leaked picture of sansa jon little finger and ramsey all around that table were ramsay killed his father. that picture was released to throw people off and it sure did. it just showed them all standing talking.
A wild thought. What if that mysterious figure walking behind Jon Snow in the pictures from yesterday is Michael Haisman. Could be he’s playing a role in this somehow.
Damn! I misspelled his name and can’t edit it to Michiel Huisman.
Ten Bears: Someone please assure me these scenarios are impossible. 😫😕😩
Ten Bears, you’ve scared the sh** out of me. A kidnapped Stark never occurred to me. I was still under the illusion that Winterfell was considered way too far north for Cersei to bother with, but it’s possible she sends someone up there to snatch Sansa. I’m saying Sansa through clenched teeth: the thought of Sansa going through more such nonsense sickens and annoys me, but it’s not beyond possibility.
Plus, I wasn’t sure if she knew Arya was there. The Hound found out from Brienne, but neither of them would tell Cersei. The only way she might hear was if Pod told Bronn, and Bronn told Cersei to garner favor. None of that was actually shown on the show, just some happy extrapolation based on what we were shown.
I’d like to say I’d abandon ship alongside you if Arya is captured, but I know myself better where GoT is concerned. I’m seeing this through to the bittersweet end. The only thing I was sure of was that I’d never watch the series again if it was shown that Arya was the Waif, but many of the other posters here were kind enough to talk me off that ledge, declaring it would never happen that the Waif won out over Arya. So, if you must abandon, I’ll supply your backpack with some of the extra Girl Scout cookies I bought, and wish you a sad farewell. You like Samoas?
If these pictures aren’t meant to fake us off. That could be Jon Snow’s death scene. Look at the way the girl wearing sunglasses is reacting to what she’s witnessing. The last time I saw a woman raise her hand to her mouth like that was when Hillary Clinton witnessed the killing of Osama bin Laden. The woman is shocked at what she’s witnessing. And the tall guy is having to look down over everybody’s shoulder like someone has fallen to the floor.
my mistake. it was 2 years ago there was that leaked pic of sansa jon little finger an ramsey talking around the table. it had me all thrown off waiiting for it to happen in season 6. well played by hbo. same here with cersei n jon getting there picture taken from 100 yards away threw a small ass window where we dont know whats going on on the otherside of that wall. jon could be filming in the downstairs and her the roof. and they came to chat with the directors during a break.
Yes, this “spoiler” may have been orchestrated by HBO. It is surely unusual (unprecedented?) for legitimate press photographers to be allowed filming privileges.
If so, this deliberately generated Fake News costs HBO much less than actually staging and filming multiple endings as previously reported.
“Littlefinger was not behind Bran’s assassination attempt. It’s not logistically possible, and GRRM said that ASOS revealed who did it.”
———-Thank you for reinforcing this! I’ve wracked my brain, and chronologically, geographically and causally, there’s no way LF could’ve orchestrated Bran’s attempted assassination and armed the assassin with the dagger – unless he had two ravens on steroids flying in tandem, carrying the dagger from KL. (Which is why I’ve said that scenario gets into Monty Python & The Holy Grail laden swallows/physics debates).
In fact, if LF supplied the murder weapon, he’d be a moron to flash it around WF and give it as a gift to his victim.
Well, we’re talking about a guy who was able to have Joffrey killed, by pulling in one of the most powerful ladies in the 7Ks and managed to escape all suspicion. Who has many agents working for him (for example who helped him and Sansa escape to the Vale undetected). So arming an assassin (or one of said agents) from KL to travel with the Kings retinue and set the chaotic wheels in motion, would not be such a “logistical impossibility” at all.
No more logistically impossible than breaking into a heavily protected Winterfell, throwing the lady of Winterfell over ones shoulder, smuggling her back to Kings Landing (past thousands of soldiers sworn to protect her, her sister, Brienne, Ghost etc.) and all the while through 30ft snowdrifts-and with the AOTD on the march. 🤷🏼‍♂️😜
That said, if GRRM has confirmed it wasn’t LF, fair enough. I’ll go with that.
They also looking directly in the cameras, this is a hoax to throw people off and its working brilliantly.
Again. We had Lena and Nikolaj filming in exactly the same spot for S7 and similar photos were circulated then, this is a real scene.
I reckon the books will reveal that LF was behind Brans assasination attempt, as well as Ned’s beheading. Chaos is a ladder, and all that..
Yes, and that LF was the one who told ‘The Wild Wolf’ his sister had been kidnapped & raped by RT, getting Cat’s first love killed.
So the figure with her back to the window on the left – anyone else think that’s a woman…?
For a second there, I thought the shape and attire of the (kings?)guard on the left side was Brienne.It looked different from the figure on the right.
I agree, that’s a woman. And she’s tall, her waist is slightly higher than than the man on the right, which would make sense if 6’3 GC was standing next to 6’2 NCW !!!!
But why would they be dressed like that? Are we sure that uniform was worn by the Mountain too? Maybe they are Jon’s kings guard?! ( Oh my, Jaime’s dream – he’ll defend RT’s child this time, and he’s with BoT, with their twin swords)
Do you realize how far these cameras were? It would have been impossible to spot a single photographer or two taking shots from a window somewhere in the city. And in general, some direct confrontation between Jon and Cersei is inevitable plotwise, especially after Ep 707.
The only open question is why this show is happening outdoors. The best guess is that Cersei and Jon will be looking at something during their interaction. Last time we saw this location, it was used for Cersei and Jaime discussing Euron’s arrival. So, this time Euron’s fleet (and the GC it has ferried from Essos) may come into play as well. Jon will come to KL to warn Cersei that the NK is going to attack her and offer his help, whereas Cersei will not only take him captive but also reveal that she is sending Euron and the GC to destroy WF. The last scene Jon will see before he is taken to the Black Cells will be Euron’s fleet sailing away.
But that will be Cersei’s final mistake. The Starks will do everything to save Jon: they may sacrifice WF the way Jaime sacrificed CR. The GC will waist its efforts on a nearly empty castle, Stark-Targ forces will march to KL and so will the NK, Jon will be saved for the ultimate showdown by Jaime and/or Arya, and Cersei will get what she deserves.
But Kay that makes zero sense if Jon knows he’s the rightful king walking into Cersei unarmed to tell her that he is the rightful heir is suicide. Even if he went to tell her that he would revoke his claim Cersei would still have him killed as it’s too much of a risk.
Agreed. If Cersei doesn’t give a shit about Dany’s claim to the Iron throne she certainly wouldn’t with Jons.
Jon surrendering his claim to the IT in exchange for Cersei’s help is certainly an option. I just fear all of these plot points aren’t going to have time to breathe in only 6 episodes, just like we saw in S7.
They all seem pretty male to me.. the guy at the front has a costume that’s slightly flared, so could be him.
Although in her defence, Cersei has been an advocate of equality on occasions, so who knows?
Hey, that’s cool! The extra in the front was my GoT walking tour guide in Dubrovnik last year! His name is Robert and he’s been an extra since season 2. Last year he mentioned he wanted to make it to Season 8 and it looks like he got his wish! He was also one of the
Queensguards behind Cersei and Jaime when they were waiting for Euron last season. 😂
I honestly don’t see a surrender happening in any circumstance, Cersei simply would never agree so she has to die. Of all the point of views she is almost nailed on to die, probably followed by Jamie and Dany, perhaps Jon.
Not sure a death scene for Jon at the hands of Cersei makes much sense at all, especially given this is probably episode 4. Cersei killing Jon, defeating the Nights King and sitting on the Iron throne would be a twist absolutely nobody saw coming however.
I am trying to persuade myself that a Sansa or Arya abduction at this juncture would be absurd and take up too much time. I was not thrilled with the PsychoArya vs. ParanoidSansa detour last season, or the Jon-Sansa conflicts in S6. I would hope there will be no more manufactured drama with so many story threads to tie up in six episodes, along with the obligatory shock and awe battle scenes.
(I’d better stop here before I go into a preemptive anti baby drama rant.)
That’s cool. I’m still trying to figure out why one of the “charges” at LF’s so-called trial was an accusation that he lied about the dagger’s ownership. He could’ve easily wiggled his way out of that charge – and all of the others. (The one airtight treason case they had against him never even came up.)
The caption from one of the pics… “Headey is directed by Weiss”
There is only one episode this pertains to; as such, this is a major spoiler. Either Cersei is alive by the finale, or Arya wears her mask in the episode.
I concur: Jon’s death in Ep 4 by Cersei’s hand makes zero sense and it won’t happen (or, if it will Jon will be immediately brought back by Mel, but I don’t think the showrunners will play the resurrection trick for the second time). Jon may die but only by the NK’s hand and not before the end of E5.
Moreover, it wouldn’t be wise for Cersei to kill Jon right away: he makes a valuable hostage and will prevent Dany from melting down the Red Keep while Cersei will be looking for a right moment to take her out. Besides that, torturing Jon both physically and psychologically would give Cersei a pleasure, she won’t be able to refuse. But, as I have already written, that will be her mistake and lead to her demise, because in E5 Jon will be saved.
And Jon comming to ask for Cersei’s help is another stupid idea. Jon won’t be asking for help: he will be offering his help against the NK, cause there is one million people living in KL, and all of them will be recruited to the AotD, if he does nothing (which also implies that the NK will suffer an intermediate defeat in Ep 3).
You read too much into it. Those captions were written by some not-too-well informed and not-native-English speaker journalist or editor. I bet that “directing” simply means guiding in this case.
Rhllor help us! As much as I hate to admit it, it seems that one of the leaks most likely to be spot on! Poor Jon Snow.
That’s cool. I’m still trying to figure out why one of the “charges” at LF’s so-called trial was an accusation that he lied about the dagger’s ownership. He could’ve easily wiggled his way out of that charge – and all of the others. (The one airtight treason case they had against him never even came up.)
It is important because of the consequences – the chain of events that followed LF casting Tyrion as the villain. LF telling Cat that the knife belonged to Tyrion led to Cat taking Tyrion prisoner and to Lysa in the Eyrie. Tyrion’s abduction led to Jaime’s attack on Ned and his men, and to Tywin’s destruction of the Riverlands. The Lannisters were already underway in their war when Ned was arrested at the end of episode 107. The BwB was comprised of men Ned sent to the Riverlands to stop the Mountain’s actions. Robb doesn’t call his banners until later, when he receives Sansa’s letter from KL detailing Ned’s arrest.
Like Sansa says, it was LF who orchestrated the conflict between the Starks and the Lannisters. It was LF who coached Lysa to suggest to Cat that there was foul play in Jon Arryn’s death. It was LF who built upon that by setting in motion the series of events above through his identification of Tyrion as the knife’s owner.
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