Full Moon wo Sagashite Club
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posted by fabfamily99
Hello! First off, I would like to start a little group of just talking about the anime. We post our opinion or other stuff in arcticles, and then we all comment on them. Here! I will start.

The first 12 episodes are amazing! It is very hearwrming as we vewers can see Takuto's and Mituki's relationship bonding mais and more. With Takuto and Mermoko, their relationship is not changing at any way. Around episode 11 or 10, the shingami cannot get in. Takuto is determined to get to Mitsuki, no matter what. He even sends her a letter, off of Meroko's picture of him. The drawing dissapears. Meroko...
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added by fullmoon-singer
added by fullmoon-singer
added by fullmoon-singer
added by usernameinvalid
full moon
amor chronicle
added by inuyashafan2007
added by fullmoon-singer
added by fullmoon-singer
The ending was awesome and very heartwarming. I amor that Takuto was in a coma and came back to life to be with MItsuki. The only thing that I pergunta is how Mitsuki was able to sing after her treatment. Izumi and Meroko are lovers, and shingami partners. Mitsuki can still see the shingami, and has a very special bond with them. In the beginning of the end, Mitsuki could finally see Eichi-kun por herself. The ending made me cry of happiness, as it is one of my favorito mangas tied with Fruits Basket.

Go to onemanga.com and type in Full Moon Wo Sagashite and start reading!

Yours truly,

P.S. I loved how the couples ended up to be!
added by chuckylover911
added by StrawberryAiko
added by MomoiroxChan
added by fullmoon-singer
added by fullmoon-singer
added by Gilmoregirl780
full episode
full moon
added by fullmoon-singer