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Name: Eamon Tullidge
Age: 30
Born: Denver, Colorado
Location: Denver, Colorado
Power: Aerokinesis

Eamon has a high level of control over his ability, having mastered the ability to create and manipulate wind. His ability has developed to allow him to actually extract the breath from a person's lungs and create vacuum's.
He is considered highly dangerous and homicidal - not to be approached at any cost.

Eamon Tullidge's Prologue:

"C'mon Cass!" Cameron yelled to his girlfriend, who was lagging a way behind, panting slightly from walking a mile up a steep incline.

"Let's have a little break" she said, smiling sweetly before going over to a patch of grama on the side of the path and sitting with her legs sticking out at either side. For a moment Cameron was tempted to simply stand there, taking in how beautiful she looked and how lucky he was to be with her.

A warm breeze blew around them, her hair floating about as if she were underwater - her smile a siren song he couldn't resist.

Sitting down seguinte to her, he closed his eyes and let the wild smells mingled with Cassie's perfume waft over him. Then his life changed forever.

A deafening bang reverberated around them, sending birds soaring from the trees around them, the scene suddenly chaotic, with armed soldiers advancing from every direction.

Cameron looked down and his coração stopped - Cassie was lying, motionless like some perfect piece of art, silently leaking blood, staining everything around her red.

He was surrounded, but he didn't care, nothing mattered any more. "What have you done!?" he screamed, as the row of soldiers he was facing were torn from the ground and flung into the air. Then it all went black.

To Be Continued...
(Part Two)

Cameron opened his eyes, as the painful realisation hit him like a speeding train. She was dead. Cassie Tullidge, the only one he'd ever loved - gone forever, stolen, for reasons unknown.

He was suddenly aware that he was strapped to something, tied in a straight-jacket with what seemed like a metal dog muzzle over his face. "Hey!" he screamed, but no sound came out, it seemed to be stifling him.

He heard explosions. He didn't really care what they were though, he had to get out and destroy the people who did this. Piece por piece. Something slammed against the heavy metal door opposite him - he just had time to acknowledge he was in a small cell before it swung open and a man stepped inside.

"Ah, Cameron Eamon" he said, looking leitura from a note stuck to the outside of the door. "Sound manipulation ...neat." he said, leitura further "Listen I need your help getting out of here.". Cameron felt the man untying his binds and he fell to his feet.

Suddenly the man began to splutter and choke. The room suddenly devoid of air, as Cameron's 'muzzle' was blown from his face as he stepped through the now open door, ignoring the man now desperate for air on the floor beside him.
Without releasing Noah, Claude turned to look at who had spoken. "He' lying?" he looked back at Noah and slammed him into the wall. "YOU'RE LYING?!" he looked back at who had spoken. "How do you know he's lying?"

The figure stepped out of the shadows. "Just one of the many abilities I've...collected over the years." Sylar smiled.

"Sylar...what are you doing here?" choked Noah.

"I'm on the run. Don't really like it much, bunch of would-be tough guy commandos tried to take me in. I hear tell that you are part of that problem."

"That's ridiculous." Noah choked.

Sylar smiled. "Another lie. So you are...
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posted by want2watcheroes
Tarun's Hideout

Tarun, Mohinder and Santino were discussing a formula they had just created. Mohinder asked "Who will we test if this actually works on?"

Tarun tried to think of an answer, but then they heard a voice from behind them "Hello again." they turned around to see Adam, Daphne and Hiro behind them.

Tarun, Santino and Mohinder were confused, Mohinder said "What!? Your back and how comes Hiro and Daphne are with you!?"

Hiro answered for Adam "Adam brought us here because I lost my power and you have a formula!"

Mohinder, Tarun and Santino looked at each other as they all got the same idea...
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posted by want2watcheroes
Salvatore & Ludvig, Salvatore's Hideout

Salvatore had just showed Ludvig what has changed from his time to now, he also told him he had a mission. "So Ludivg, are you ready now?" Salvatore asked him.

Ludivg replied "Yes Salvatore, I'm ready. You have shown me all the bad things of this world. I am here to save it." Salvatore put his hand on Ludvig's shoulder and teleported him away...

"Okay Ludvig, you are here. London... You will hind the people in that block of apartamentos on the seventh floor." Salvatore said to Ludvig then he teleported himself away. Ludvig looked at the block of apartamentos and then...
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-----Present Day-----

Claude's eyes widened, as he turned to look at the door.

There stood Logan Jacobs, her arms crossed, a smile on her face.


Logan came in all the way, and put her arms around Claude. "I've missed you." she said softly.

Claude returned the embrace, a few tears pushing out of his closed eyes. "I've missed you." he said as well.

The embrace broke, and Claude looked at her. "Why?" he said. "If you did not want to leave, why did you?"

"I could barely bare my own pain from losing our son. I could not stand to bare yours as well."

Claude gave a small nod. He understood....
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----December 23, 1979----

The tires screeched at the Emergency Room entrance of the hospital.

"Come on, come on!" said Claude, as he helped Logan out of the passenger side door.

"..Sir, you can't park--"

"So tow it!" cut Claude, carefully leading Logan inside of the hospital. He led her inside, going to the desk. "My fiancee is in labor!" he shouted.

A few nurses came up after a few moments, and put Logan in a wheelchair, taking her to get ready.

"Sir, are you the father?"

Claude nodded.

"Would you like to be there for the delivery?"

Claude nodded again. "Of course." he said.

"Come with us." replied...
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posted by want2watcheroes
A Lake Outside Tarun's Hideout

Adam had just cut off Sol's head with his sword and kicked his body in the lake. He had Sol's head in his hands, then he heard clapping coming from behind him and turned around immediately. "Well done! You killed him!" It was Salvatore.

Adam looked mad at Salvatore and said "Yeah... But you didn't ask me to kill him! Apparently you asked him to kill me!"

Salvatore laughed "Adam! You know I didn't send him to kill you! You heard him say he wasn't meant to kill you!" he said.

Adam laughed at how pathetic he thought Salvatore sounded. Then he said "Salvatore. I don't...
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-----About 30 Years Ago-----

"CLAUDE!" shouted Logan walking into the living room. "We're going to miss our

Claude came in. "You remember the doctor saying you shouldn't be moving around
so much, yeah?"

"Course." said Logan. "but I don't care. We got another mês till I pop." she
smiled, putting her hands on her swollen stomach. "He's a kicker."

Claude walked up to her and put a hand on her stomach, smiling as the baby kicked.
He looked into Logan's eyes and kissed her. "I amor you." he said.

Logan's eyes danced, and she smiled. "I amor you, too." she said. "C'mon. Don't
wanna miss...
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Peter smiled, and found his eyes started to shine.

"You're a lot like Logan, you know." he said. "She was very much a bleeding heart."


Claude nodded. "She was an empath. Different from you, in that she could feel other people's emotions. After a while, she could learn to manipulate them, but she rarely did."

"She felt others emotions?"

Claude nodded. "So she always could see and feel what others were feeling. Made her life a little difficult, when she didn't have control."

Peter looked at Claude for a long time. "Why..why did you two, stop seeing each other?"

Claude looked at Peter. "Losing...
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added by Galbraith
Chapter Four
"End Of The Road"

Mohinder Suresh and Maya Herrera - Somewhere In India

Snapping her eyes, open, the woman saw the man ducking as debris from the exploding taxi rained down upon them. She spared a moment's thought for Maya and Mohinder - it was a shame that they died this way, after all they'd done to help her...

Before she could dwell on this, however, the man was getting quickly to his feet, moving to pick up his dropped gun. "No!" she yelled, flinging out her hand to stop him. To her amazement, the growths on her fingernails suddenly spouted long spikes that flew at the man, piercing...
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Mohinder and Elle ran toward Samanthas scream. When they got there she was gone it was the government.

Samanthas Cell, 2 days later

"I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, just die thats all I mean people die all the time...Whats wrong with me!!!!!" Samantha wispered to herself as she grabbed her sides in the corrner of a cement room with nothing, but a flikering light bulb in the center of the room.

Suddenly, she heard a something that sounded like and explosine and the gaurds por her cell land on the floor. Then, a male voice say, "What the hell was that...
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"Nice to see you too, Claude." said Dorian, standing from the computer.

"How did you do that? What's your bag of tricks?"

"That one was Astral Projection." she said.

"I see." Claude looked over at Peter. "And what's he doin' here?" He looked back at Dorian before Peter could say anything. "what did you want to talk about?"

"Let's start with you son." she said simply.

A pained look that Peter never would have expected appeared on Claude's face. He pointed a finger at Dorian. "Don't you bring Alex into this." he said, his voice shaking slightly.

"Alex?" asked Peter.

"I said DON'T." said Claude looking...
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Dorian smiled. "I'm almost positive that Claude hasn't left New York."

"How can you be so sure?" asked Peter. "The company, they know he's alive."

Dorian sat at her computer. "He met Logan in New York." she said. "I think he'll stay."

Peter nodded. "Alright."


Dorian walked down the street. at a point, she stopped, and leaned against the building, looking at the small outdoor cafe, and a wallet disappeared from one of the tables.

"I know you're there, Claude." she said after a few moments. "Let's talk, shall we?" she stepped into the ally.

A few moments later, Claude Rains appeared. "How do...
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Peter looked at the file. "This...this is my mom?" he asked, looking up at her.

Dorian nodded. "Yeah, it is."

Peter read the ability again, and smiled slightly. "She's, an empath." he said, looking up at her. "Like me."

Dorian nodded. "A little different than you, but yeah. She is." she paused. "You look a lot like her."

Peter nodded. "All my life, I never knew that, they weren't my biological family." he looked back up at Dorian. "I still amor them."

"And right you should." said Dorian. "But you can't pretend it doesn't change anything, knowing."

"No. I know that. It changes everything." said Peter...
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For a moment, Nathan had Dorian worried, that he knew her actual secret that she was hiding from him. Perhaps she would go to meet him, "in person" soon, since she really no longer needed to get information from him.

These thoughts spun around in her head as Dorian continued to work on the file. She could tell she was getting closer.


Almost there.

The clock read four am when Dorian began to smile. Several minutos later, the file blinked, and became perfectly clear. "Hello Logan." she said to the screen.


Dorian woke sleepily late that morning, coming down to the main floor, stretching....
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Volume Three - Apocalypse

Chapter One

Try as we might, no matter how hard we run, how well we hide, there is no escape from destiny. And when it calls... we're faced with the age old decision. Fight or Perish.

Angela Petrelli - Unknown Location

Angela stood in the middle of a dark warehouse, the few windows boarded warehouse, thin shafts of light falling upon the floor where holes had been rusted through the wall. Dust swirled and dispersed, revealing a beautiful, well-dressed woman, with long blonde hair hiding behind a pile of crates nearby. Her appearance was marred por the dirt laying...
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"This place is pretty wicked." said Daphne as she, Matt and Dorian came back downstairs several minutos later.

"Thanks." said Dorian, sitting behind the computer again.

Matt nodded as well. "It is. So, uh..." he looked at Tyler. "Who are you?"

"Tyler. Martin." said Tyler, holding out his hand to Matt who shook it. "I'm an old friend of Dorian's."

"How do you afford this place?" cut in Daphne, leaning on a chair.

Dorian smiled. "I have a lot of money." she said. "Some of which was willed to me."

"Oh." Daphne's smile fell slightly. "Sorry."

"No problem, Daphne. Don't worry about it." said Dorian.

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Peter nodded. "Ok....you don't have to-"

"I insist, Peter." she said. "It's nothing. This may take me a little while to do. It doesn't look like much, but this kind of encryption is a little mais difficult to break."

Peter nodded, as the garagem door opened, and Mohinder drove in. Out of the back assento came not only Matt, and Molly, but Daphne as well.

"Welcome back, Mohinder." said Dorian, not taking her eyes off the screen.

"Thanks." said Mohinder. "Anything interesting happen while we were gone?"

"Found out I was "adopted"." said Peter with a shrug.

"Are you really?" asked Mohinder.

Dorian nodded....
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"Claude Rains is my father?!"

Dorian nodded. "Yeah. He is." she said.

Peter stared at the screen. "What, what about my mother..?"

Dorian held up a finger, and turned the screen back to her, and began to try and get the file. Her light eyes were focused on the screen, and her fingers seemed to fly across the key board.

"Like I said, it's in deep." she said after several minutes. "Someone didn't want her to be found."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean," she said as she continued to type with incredible speed, "someone put a lot of work into hiding her file..." the clicking continued as she paused for a...
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Chapter Thirteen

Maya Herrera - Quarantine Zone, Outskirts Of New York

"Hey!" Maya said as one of the guards nudged her particularly hard to make her walk. She tried to look into the guard's eyes through their biohazard mask, it was bleary but whoever was behind seemed terrified of her.

Maya was led through a thin gap in an extensive, high and barbed wire covered concrete wall, only wide enough for one person to walk through at a time. "Ladies first" came a heavily muffled and indistinguishable voice from the other biohazard guard.

She stepped through and was faced with a tall building....
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