F.C. Socratic Association Club
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Hi friends and Philosophy lovers,
I am SYBA student majoring in Philosophy at FC. Last ano i accidentally found this website called FANPOP. I realized that one can form clubs/spot (as what they call it) here and share a lot mais things which are of common interest.So,I opened a club here and that is why we are here.
What can we do here? Well, quite a a lot! fanpop is one of the most convenient sites to form clubes and make friends. you can easily sign up with a username,password and ID: - - -@fanpop.com ...contact no., your email ID,name of country etc. personal information is absolutely optional and not required for log in!
On our club, F.C. Socratic Association,we can have FORUMS and por that written debates on any issue related to Philosophy.you can participate and write your reply whenever you want.
we can post vídeos related to Philosophy,upload fotografias and paintings(in fotografia forms),We can have open pesquisas on any fact-based or imaginary issue related to Philosophy - teste and PICKS,we can post here links that will lead us to pages on other sites related to Philosophy, write ARTICLES. we can fill our club's mural with warm greeting and expressions.
Also,after having an account here, we can inform each other about upcoming events of Philosophy Dept. and Socratic Association.
So,i hope you all will cadastrar-se the club and enjoy e-philosophizing!!!