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posted by stlouisfan
Marlene woke up the seguinte morning to find that Dave was in his cama sound asleep. Quietly she got out of cama and crept over to him and poked him gently. Dave grunted and turned over. Marlene poked him a little harder and Dave stirred a little but went back to sleep.

Marlene then tapped him on shoulder and whispered, "Dave? Are you going to wake up? DAVE?"

"WHAT? WHAT? WHAT?" Dave yelled all of a sudden and sat up.

Marlene backed away all of a sudden with a look of fear on her face. Dave noticed her and felt regret come over him.

"Sorry about that Marlene. I just hate being woken up so abruptly and you know how I feel about surprises. I didn't scare you did I?"

Marlene shook her head and relaxed a bit.

Dave lied back down and asked, "Morning already? It felt like I just went to sleep."

He started to sit back up, but Marlene was pushing him back down.

"Look if your still tired maybe you should go back to sleep for a little longer," she said.

She was wondering if she should tell him about what she saw last night.

Dave sat back up and said, "I'm alright Marlene. Why are you so concerned?"

Once again Marlene was wondering if she should tell him about last night, but then she decided to at least tell him some of the truth.

"Well I woke up sometime late last night and noticed you weren't in bed," she told him without giving too much away in hopes that he would believe her.

Dave tilted his head and let out a little laugh.

"Oh that? I just have a hard time sleeping in new places that's all. I'll get used to it in time though," Dave told Marlene.

Marlene now felt a little relief. At least the pergunta of why he wasn't in cama was somewhat answered. But why was he crying? And who was Sam?


Sometime later the zoo opened up and the people were surprised at the sight of a new otter. Many of the patrons began wondering and talking about the possibility of baby otters soon. Both Marlene and Dave heard what the people were saying and they both told each other "NO!"

The dia went on without anything eventful going on. The penguins did their cute and cuddly routine, the lemurs danced to their music, Dave just swam and lazed around, and Marlene did her flip routines for the people. Before anyone knew it, closing time had come. Alice began rushing people out and once everyone was out she closed and locked the gate. She then went from habitat to habitat and distributed the animais their food, grumbling as she did so.

At the lontra habitat Marlene grabbed all their peixe and placed them in a basket that she had stored away. Dave walked in and saw what she was doing.

"Um Marlene what's going on?" asked Dave.

Marlene turned to him, smiled and gave him an answer.

"The penguins invited us over to their habitat for jantar tonight so I'm gathering tonight's peixe so we can eat over there," Marlene said.

Dave thought for a moment. This could easily have been a rouse to lure him to their habitat to pergunta him some more. Or worse they could be luring him over so that they can torture him for any information. What information that would be? Dave didn't know. Despite all this Dave felt that whatever the penguins could try to throw at him he could probably handle. If he couldn't handle it he could at least try to resist.

With a cautious mind he smiled and said to Marlene, "Sounds good."


A few minutos later Marlene and Dave arrived in the penguins HQ. Cautiously

Dave stepped into the HQ, looked around and said, "WHOA! Now this is sweet."

All of a sudden a powerful force hit Dave and pulled him to the ground. It took a moment for Dave to realize what was going on. Private, Rico, and Kowalski had pinned Dave to the ground while Skipper stood over him. Dave struggled to get loose, but the penguins had some good strong grips and kept him down.

"HEY! Not cool dude," Marlene angrily yelled at Skipper.

Skipper merely chuckled and said, "Not to worry Marlene. I just want to ask our new neighbor a few perguntas and if we detect no deception from him then we'll let him go."

Kowalski pulled out a small electric device, conected a wire with a suction cup to Dave's temple, flipped a switch on it and said, "Lie detector is on and ready Skipper."

Skipper waddled over to Dave and stared him down.

"First what is your name?" Skipper asked.

"My name is Dave. I already told you that," Dave answered as the other penguins continued to hold him down.

"Second question, where were you born Dave?" asked Skipper.

Dave didn't know what to say. All his life both he and Sam and their father had moved from place to place. His father had been an Army man and as a result they had moved from Army base to Army base all through Dave's earlier years.

"I don't know. I've been moved around so much that I never kept track," Dave blurted out to Skipper.

Skipper rubbed his beak for a moment to consider Dave's answer and then said, "I'll accept that answer. Okay big pergunta this time. Have you ever been to or been affiliated with anyone from Denmark?"

"No!" was Dave's answer.

"Okay final question. Are you a spy? Remember that if you lie to us, Rico here will deal with you. Rico," Skipper said as he nodded to Rico.

Rico spit up a baseball bat and started laughing psychotically.

Dave gulped and gave his answer, "No I am not. I was just placed here against my will. Okay?"

Skipper looked back over to Kowalski who nodded his head. Skipper motioned for the other penguins to get off of Dave. Once the other penguins were off of Dave, Skipper helped Dave to his feet.

"I'll buy your story for now, but remember that we are watching you Dave," Skipper said

"Yeah everything's fine and dandy now. Can we just eat already?" Marlene blurted out.

A minuto later all four penguins plus the two otters were sitting at the penguins mesa, tabela with a peixe lying on a chopping board. Dave looked at the peixe lying before them and then looked back at the penguins.

"So what are you fellas going to do here?" Dave asked.

Skipper smirked and looked at Rico.

"Rico show the new guy how we roll?" Skipper said.

Rico nodded and regurgitated two chef's knives. Dave was taken aback.

"JESUS! A baseball bat is one thing man, but how were able to get those knives down your gullet without killing yourself?" Dave asked.

Rico babbled some non-understandable words leaving Dave confused.

Kowalski looked at Dave and translated for Rico, "He says it takes a lot of practice."

Kowalski's words just confused Dave even more.

"That just raises mais questions. Never mind I don't want to know. Can we please just eat?" Dave said.

Focusing back on the fish, Rico scraped the knives together and started chopping the peixe to tiny pieces. In a matter of segundos the entire peixe was nothing mais than a stack of diced fish. Dave stared in amazement.

"Damn man I have seen real sushi chefs that aren't that good. I myself am good, but I'm not that good," Dave said

Skipper looked at Dave and asked, "Oh really. You think you're good with a knife?"

Dave nodded and said, "You never know."

Skipper smirked once again and said, "Let's see what you can do. Rico hand him a knife."

Rico obeyed and tossed a faca to Dave. Dave jumped out of the way seeing as the faca was flying in his direction and let the faca hit the ground.

"What the hell are you guys trying to do? Kill me?" Dave yelled in fright as he looked back at the penguins.

"Sorry," babbled Rico.

Dave shook his fright off and picked up the faca that was nearly as long as his arm. Rico grabbed a peixe and tossed it up into the air. Dave raised the faca and as the peixe came back down he sliced it down the middle and cut each half into two pieces slicing the peixe into four pieces. Skipper was only slightly amazed, but smiled anyway.

"Not bad for a rookie," he said to Dave.

This time is was Dave's turn to smirk.

"Skipper what makes you think I'm a rookie?" Dave tossed the faca into the air and tried to catch the tip with his finger.

He caught it alright.

"OUCH! Damn it I thought had that trick down," Dave yelled out.

His finger was oozing blood and it dripped onto the floor. Rico laughed and Private fainted at the sight of the blood. Skipper face palmed and looked at Kowalski.

"Kowalski fix him up please," Skipper ordered

Before Kowalski could do anything Dave turned back to the penguins.

"No fellas you don't have to worry about it. I can get it myself. Do you have a first aid kit around here?" Dave said to the guys.

Skipper nodded and reached under the table. He pulled out a first aid kit and handed it to Dave. Dave opened it up pulled out some bandages, rubbing alcohol, and some cotton swabs while Marlene ran to get some rags to clean up the mess.

While Dave and Marlene were distracted Skipper pointed at Dave's blood and said, "Kowalski get some of his blood and analyze it. With it we'll be able to find out whether he is connected to one of our enemies or not."

Kowalski nodded and pulled out a cotton swab and wiped up some of the blood with it while Dave wasn't looking.

"Normally I would take saliva, but blood will definitely work better," Kowalski said to himself as he placed the swab into a plastic bag.

After Dave's cut had been bandaged, all the blood cleaned up and Private had been woken up, the penguins and otters continued with dinner. It was very good and both Dave and Marlene enjoyed it. The otters bid the penguins good night and walked back to their habitat. Along the way Marlene looked at Dave and scolded him.

"What was up with that faca thing? Were you trying to hurt yourself? You nearly lost your finger," Marlene nagged to him.

Dave laughed and looked at Marlene.

"Who are you, my mother? I learned my lesson and I won't do that again," Dave said to her.

Marlene rolled her eyes as the two made their way back to the habitat.
Blackbird and the cereja Tree


„Blowhole!“ Skipper growled.
„Yes, me“ the golfinho responded. „Surprised to meet me here, Skipper?“
„Well, actually not. Since we got this message from you that you’re hiding around this wasteland and we came here por air at once, I can’t say I’m surprised to see you here, no.”
“Oh” Blowhole made. There was a moment of silence.
The four penguins stood in the middle of metallic garbage and rusty cars, eye in eye with their nemesis Dr. Blowhole. They had been surrounded por about fifty lagosta warriors and the evil golfinho had just shown...
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posted by RoseThePenguin
Chapter 3

   I was sitting down in front of a room. Luke had gone in with another, older penguin. I was recollecting the short scene that unraveled before Luke left to talk with the older penguin.

   "Oof." I grunted as I rubbed my head. I landedon something soft. It turned out to be a mattress. I looked around and saw some different looking penguins helping me and Luke up. Once they set me down, I started to dust myself off. I felt myself being poked and stared down at. The other penguins were staring at me curiously.

   "Who's she?" one of them asked Luke.

   "A friend." Luke answered...
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"There's that issue again," said Kowalski, sighing sadly. "What's wrong with the bombardeiro now?" asked Hannah. "Well, we need a stabilizer in order for this craft to not spin out of control, but a tail is too flimsy for this design, and all the stabilizers that exist in the known world are out of proportion to fit perfectly," said Kowalski. "Oh Kowalski, there really is no issue with that, just let the men work on every other detail while you find out what size of stabilizer you need to use," said Hannah. "I know, but I am torn, a Class 4500VC stabilizing system or a Class 4500AG, one would stabilize...
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As Bloodmoon flew into the pinguim HQ he realized something-Anaia wasn't there. He decided to wait for her. A minuto later, he saw Anaia climbing down the ladder into the HQ. "I've been waiting for you." Bloodmoon said. "Sorry i'm late. Blowhole needed something." Anaia replied. then they heard something-the penguins were entering the HQ. "Quick! Hide!" Anaia hissed. Bloodmoon did as he was told and hid. "Anaia, what's with the candles?" Skipper asked. "er- it smelled like peixe in here, so i put those candles here to get rid of the smell." Anaia replied. "But why is there a pile of falcão feathers...
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"Sir, battle is victorious, the rebels have been either killed or captured, we have about 6 captured survivors," said Dr. Damion's general. "Survivors eh?" asked Dr. Damion. "Yes sir, we haven't captured or killed the generals of either armies, but we caught the majority of them, what shall we do with the survivors Doctor?" asked the general. Dr. Damion then smiled a bit sadistically at the trembling survivors pleading for mercy. "There are no survivors," said Dr. Damion, gesturing his general to make the kill. The survivors were soon tied up together, dragged into the torture room and locked...
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posted by karenkook
Chapter 2

   I woke up the seguinte dia less cold. I waddled out and breathed in the cold, icy air. It felt nice, but then I heard my stomache growl. I needed food, but who could give me food? Well, I would have to learn how to eat a whole peixe someday, guess today's my day. I waddled off trying to catch the faint scent of the salty breeze air so I can follow it. I learned that that's where the peixe were.

   I waddled very far from the cave, but my mind was on getting breakfast. I arrived at the edge of the sea and look at the water. I've seen the elders push each other off to see if they get...
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"Now men, we gotta start training here, in order for us to be as good as the Mexican arsenal, we must train just as they do, we must put ourselves through immense pain and suffering, but it will pay off when we march to the fortress, are we all clear?" asked Alvandier. "YES SIR!!" yelled the army in unison. Private looked around at both fields where the two forces were training. In the east, the Mexican arsenal was already starting to train. Their methods were very successful, as it appeared to Private, they dividido, dividir the Arsenal into two teams, one would fight the other, and the winners get to...
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Dr. Damion was indeed in mixed feelings, he had captured almost all the recruits from the resistance, but lost captivity of Private and 6 other recruits. He then refocused his goals, it was time for a new plan. "I have an excellent idea," said Dr. Damion, getting up from his chair and heading to his security room. He entered the room and saw Johnston sitting in his chair of the security room, he spun it around so quickly that Johnston screamed. "Aaaahhh!!! Good afternoon Doctor!!" said Johnston surprised. "I'm going to leave for now Johnston to bring back the preserved minds of the mais recent...
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"Wait!! Before we go somewhere random, we gotta head back to the camp!!" yelled Hannah. "Oh yeah, the other rebels must be over there, we gotta head south to Charleston, the Rebels of the South should be there," said Lilly. "The who?" asked Julien. "Ah, the rebels of Charleston South Carolina, cunning warriors fighting for freedom, not even Dr. Damion's best Ruplea soldiers can capture them," said Kowalski. "Suppose we can rescue poor Private from Dr. Damion's icy cold wrath?" asked Lilly. "We must head to the deep south, this is Dr. Damion's only frontier, he has control of the entire world,...
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Lexii awoke from an uncomfortable sleep on the floor of the penguins HQ. They had all been sleeping there since what had happened with Blowhole. That had been nearly a week atrás and nothing had happened. They all had begun to think that he had been bluffing just to scare them. 
    Skipper had already informed everyone of Lexii's situation and they had all forgiven her. She was so glad she had these great friends. She smiled as she looked around the room.
     They were all still asleep on the floor around her. She was in between Marlene and Julien and mort was sleeping on her feet since...
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posted by RoseThePenguin
I'm back, and I decided to write this. Although the título is called this, I will not get rich in this story. This is just my life story from when my troubles started to when I meet Skipper, Rico, Kowalski, and Private.

Chapter 1

   I waddled over to the group of penguins who were watching over me while my parents went fishing. I am one mês old and I live in Antarctica. I stumble over my little webbed feet and one of the older penguins pick me up.

   "Gooechy, Gooechy goo!" the penguin, known as Jade, cooes. She is tall, slender, and has deep esmeralda eyes. I giggle childlessly and wipe her...
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After their segundo victory at quieting the rebellion, Dr. Damion and Blowhole began to get into minor feuds between them, after a few days, tensions rose, they were arguing about who gets the power in the end, and who will succeed the other, it all started with a laughable joke, "Oh, you know we wont be allied in the end" ending with Dr. Blowhole completely bashing Dr. Damion's pride. "You realize that I am the driving force behind this!! You are merely a lump, a cancer that must be removed, terminated in the end!!" yelled Dr. Damion. "Oh really then, pen-goo-in, who does the dirty work for...
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Lexii slowly opened her eyes. She stretched and looked around. Marlene was watering the plants and the sunlight was lightly coming in through the door. Marlene turned around and smiled at Lexii. "Happy birthday!" she said excitedly. "Thanks!" replied Lexii. She hadnt told anyone else but Marlene that it was her birthday. She didnt want a party or for anyone to make a big deal of it.
She stood up and put her flor back in her bangs making sure the camera was on. " I'm going to go for a walk before the zoo opens, kay?" Lexii said softly "Okay" said Marlene who was still watering the plants.
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posted by GwenHeather
Name: Rebbie Janet Shelton
Occupations: Singer, songwriter
Age: 17
Brothers: Jackie, Maine, Trammp
Sisters: Katherine, Jam
Fav. color: Orange
Friends: Hannah, Icy, Kat, Angel
Bio: Rebbie was born on October 7th, 1994. She is the first child in the Shelton family. por the time geléia, geleia was 10, she and Trammp and Jackie formed a band, The pinguim Band. They were successful in many ways.
After a few years, Rebbie quit the band. She became a solo artist and was barely successful.She likes to hang out with Katherine, who is 16. She thinks that Trammp and geléia, geleia are annoying. In 2007, they were gonna have another baby, por the time Trammp was born. Trammp was gonna be the twin, but Rebbie was only 6 por the time. She didn't understand about the baby, she didn't understand the meaning of life. She currently lives in a small habitat in Central Park Zoo. She lives with her siblings and her mom, as they're dad was sent to Hoboken, they don't know the status of they're dad.
The only members in The Penguins now are Kowalski, Ben and Rico. Kowalski and Rico sing the first "Can You Feel It"s, as Marlene sings the third with them.

Kowalski - 29
Rico - 28
Ben - 27
Marlene - 27
Private - 26

Can you feel it?
Can you feel it?
Can you feel it?

If you look around
The whole world is comin' together now, baby
Can you feel it?
Can you feel it?
Can you feel it?

Feel it in the air
The wind is taking it everywhere, yeah
Can you feel it?
Can you feel it?
Can you feel it?

All the as cores of the world should be
Lovin' each other wholeheartedly
Yes, it's all right
Take my message to your...
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posted by Katie_Kat200
Been a while hasn't it? Ha ha... sorry! Anyway, this chapter's gonna be a little short. If you don't know what it is... read on! ENJOY!

It was Saturday evening, 5:30 to be exact. A church nearby the school was crowded with Rose's family and friends. Lilly and Hannah were sitting with Rose, who was crying her eyes out as her mother told them about her brother. Hannah was crying a little too.

Lilly, although, was confused. Catherine said she would be here, but... where was she? Lilly sighed. Maybe she forgot. It wasn't like her to forget... she remembered everything.

Suddenly, the church door burst...
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posted by Araisel
Chapter 2: Meet Jett

Araisel looked at Mya and Yamcha. Yamcha shruged his shoulders. " We need to dividido, dividir into teams, " Hannah said. " Yamcha, you, me, and Mya are taking the west side to find Puar. " She pointed to Icicle. " Icicle you, Kat, and Colonel are taking the east side to procurar for her. " Hannah then looked at them going into teams. " Araisel, is it too much to ask for you to find the penguins and meet with us? " Araisel nodded her head no. She dashed off to HQ as fast as her legs could carry her. As IN about 13 miles per 30 minutos fast. She knew drinking Mya's running potion would...
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In the hospital everyone was laughing and talking. " You look like a mummy that forgot to cove her face, " Lilly said. "

" The doctor says i'll be here for 4 months!! " Mya said.

" No worry," Yajarobe said. " Korin's patch of senzu beans will be ready in a month. "

Hannah burst through the doors. " Guys turn to channel 11!!! " She said screaming. " I've got to show you something that will blow your tiny minds!! " Lilly turned the channel.

" In Metro east a mysterious alien spaceship was found, " a reporter said. " Scientist are exsamining it to find out what planet. "

" Ok it's time to get our...
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" L-launch, " tien said softly. " Why are you working for them and now on our side!! " He fell to his knees.

" Oh Tien honey, " Launch said. " Don't worry you'll have plenty of time to cry, WHEN YOUR DEAD! " She raised her hand and pointed it at him. She shot a blast at him and it went right through him. The other penguins looked scared, including Skipper himself. Could they win this fight with or without Mya? They were about to find out now.

It was 10:00 right on the dot and one person had already been dead, Tien. Anyone was scared to come out with now SEVEN andriods and 5 of them. Wipe out...
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The seguinte morning, Skipper had woken up in his bed, it was very lumpy, and had several bedbugs in it, but it was okay for Skipper. He realised it was gambling dia in the week, so he then took a dart, and aimed it at a dart board with pictures of Private, Kowalski, Rico, Kat, Angel, and Richard. He aimed, and hit the picture with Private. 'There we go!!! Private it is!!' cheered Skipper, and walked out the door with several dollars. Skipper breathed in the refreshing desert breeze, and heard children running off to school, men dueling with guns, and the distant sounds of wagons, horses, and the...
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