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MERRY (late) CHRISTMAS, BT! Here's the artigo that was promised for you with opinions from myself, Margot, Nat, Carrie, Bia, Allegra, and Cintia.

Lauren: BT, I don't even know where to start. I amor you so much! I feel like I've known you for years. I tell you things that I don't even tell my closest friends. I trust you 100% and that's not something I can say about a lot of people. When I first met you I was amazed at how much we had in common! Not only do we like almost all of the same things, but a lot of things going on in our lives are very similar! If you were to leave the thread or fanpop (God forbid) I know that we'd still stay in touch somehow because I'd miss you way too much! I know that no matter what crazy shit I do you'll always be there for me and I know I can expect your 100% honest opinion about anything, and that's something I'm very thankful for. I amor YOU BT! (Even if you do want to do the horizontal frog dance with David ♥)

Margot: What I will NEVER forget about Jovi is how amazingly kind she was/is to me and basically everyone else I've heard her talk to. I remember multiple times when I'd feel lonely and I'd send a aleatório message to her and every single time she'd make me laugh or make me feel better. She has the amazing ability to get me really excited for shows or books (=D) and not make me feel stupid for getting so freakin crazy over them!!
Not once have I ever felt weird/awkward/stupid around Jovi, because she's one of the nicest people I know. I'm so lucky to have met her, and if the thread didn't have her there a little piece of me would probably die inside. =P amor YOU JOVI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nat: The one I'm mostly thankful to is Jovi. The reason? She invited me to the GGFT when I first came on the GGSW, so I've been every dia on this thread ever since and I also met all of these amazing people here. JOVANNA, I'LL BE THANKFUL TO YOU FOR THIS FOR LIFE, LOL. :)
At first, I thought she was very welcoming and nice person (obviously ^).. she's super funny as well and always knows how to make me laugh.
Also, Jovi as very mature for her age, I could never ran out of topics for discussing when I talk with her. Everytime she's on the thread, it moves really fast.. I thought it was a coincidence, but seriously, I think she always brings us all together.
The thread without her would definitely be LESS AWESOME and would possibly die a little, which would be very sad. So Jovi, whatever you do or are distracted por always come back to thread again, please? :')
And last but not least, she introduced me to this show Misfits which I flove, it's truly amazing and Nathan is love. <3
I amor YOU! ♥

Carrie: Oh, Jovi, Jovi, Jovi. Where to begin? How 'bout I amor her immensely for having pretty much the same taste as moi? Yeah, that's a good start, haha. From wwe (mostly), to Alice, to TSCC (The Sarah Connor Chronicles), etc., I adore her for being so alike when it comes to shows, music, and movies, and actors/actresses.

When I first met her, I thought she was a mix of crazy, loveable, and sweet all in one fifteen-year-old girl.

A THREAD WITHOUT JOVI?! Holy shit, we wouldn't have a GGFTwin God[dess]!...Wait, then OTHER GGFTers could get wins! And get mais than 200-something, considering the fact she has 300-whatever. So, it might be better w/o her. TOTALLY FUCKING NOT. I'm just kidding. Seriously. No GGFTwin God[dess]? END OF THE WIN ERA. Lauren would be BT-less? OH MY GOODNESS. I would be whatever-less? HOPE FREAKING NOT. Okay, so all in all - totally less awesome w/o her.

And last but not least: Jovi, I amor you, 'kay? 'Kay. Just wanted you to know that always. :')

Bia: Jovi? Where do I start?! JOVI IS FUCKING AWESOME, I amor HER! I know I there was a time when I stopped coming here for a while in the Summer, but the truth is I never really stopped talking to her, and sharing parts of my life while she shared hers, that's how crazy we are. xD.She might not have been one of the first people I talked to because she only joined after me, but ever since I started talking to her I noticed how similar our thoughts and opinions are. SHE'S ONE FUCKING SPECIAL MIND, and I know that she'll always have my best interests in mind. Even if she's Justin's PIC, but she's still my FRIEND! Honestly my first opinion of her was :"Wow, this girl sure has lots of Hayley icons!" and because I'm a fã of paramore I wanted to know her even more. I FUCKING amor JOVI!!!! <3

Allegra: Jovi: I remember when I first talked to you. YOU SEEMED SO COOL WTH WAS I THINKING?
Jussttttkiddingg :')
I actually thought you seemed pretty cool, & i deff wanted to be friends with you! I remember you had a Hayley Williams icon. I think that's when I knew we would get along so well. I remember us talking about música mostly. And concerts we've been too, you were excited about your Nickleback one you wre going to, and I was excited about my paramore one I was going to. I'm pretty sure atleaste ;)
I can't imagine the thread without you're unique-ness? You're so sweet yet have the badass appeal at the same time.
Love, Allegra.

Cintia: I met Jovi right when I joined the GGFT and it didn't take me long to notice how unique she is. She's also a little crazy and very fun to talk to.
Another great thing about her is that she genuinely cares about people, she seems to get along with everyone and it's easy for her to talk to all the girls on the thread.
Besides all that, she also has great taste. And por that, I mean she likes all the weird stuff I do.. haha. I can talk to her about things that most people don't like, like some not so very popular movies. She's one of the few people on FP that I have a lot in common with.
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