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posted by Edwardlover93
It was a dark night, I was sitting seguinte to my girlfriend; Hannah.
We have been going out a ano and a half almost now. I was happy she was happy that's all that matters right!
Wrong... what about if you was hiding something, that the happiness you was displaying was a facade.
Hmm well that's what I'm doing, don't get me wrong I amor Hannah with all my heart, I amor her mais then I can bare.
I haven't always been hiding something from her!.
It was January the 18th 2008; I saw Hannah from across the room, I caught her looking at me, when I did I smiled back at her and she got embarrassed and blushed and looked away I could not help finding that cute and funny.
Before that dia I have never noticed her before , now that I did I could not take my eyes off her.
So a week later after that I plucked up the courage to ask her out:

I walked up to her and tapped her shoulder she swiftly turned round and when she saw it was me she smiled then blushed and looked at her feet and whispered “Hi Luke”
Good job I had excellent hearing!
“Yeah oi Hannah” I greeted her.
She looked up and gave me a smile and went red again I held back my laugh so I smiled even mais showing my white teeth this time.
“Is there something that you want... Luke” still whispering but starring up at me this time.
“Y ... yeah, yeah there is” I was to busy staring at her light blue eyes just then ha-ha.
“I was just wondering if... you want to go on a... date?” I stuttered.
I was not used to asking girls out... well I've never asked a girl out, never really been attracted to anyone I've looked but none of them interested me.
But Hannah... Well It's like nothing else matters and I just want to hold her... protect her... be there for her.
Anyway back to reality.
She looked surprised her eyes suddenly were filled with joy, her smile grew even wider.
“Your asking me out?” she asked in a happy tune.
“Em yeah I guess I am” I chuckled.
“Yes” she gasped her eyes filling with joy once again.
“Wow err can I give you my number... you know so I can arrange a date?” I rushed, happy that she said yes.
“Yeah sure” she mumbled. her smile remained on her face.
“Have you got a piece of paper?” she grabbed a pen out of her bag.
“Yeah sure sorry” I replied giving her a bit of paper out of my math book.
She scribbled on the piece of paper and passed it back to me looking at me for a dividido, dividir segundo then let out a gasp of laughter then looked to the right.
“Thanks” I replied taking her number and putting it in my back pocket.
“my pleasure Luke I got to go I'll be late for class” she glanced at me smiling still.
“Yeah OK Hannah I'll text you tonight then” I told her
“OK bye” Hannah said and rushed off down the corridor.

Well that's when I first saw her and how we got together. I text her nearly everyday using about £50 of credit on her I also saw her everyday. After a mouth of getting to know her I asked her out and she said yes.
A ano and almost a half on here we are... madly in amor with each other.
You might think it's all gooey and sickening well if you have ever been in amor like I have you would know it's the most amazing feeling ever.

Anyway back to the present.
Hannah and I were walking in the park planning on having a picnic but Hannah had a load of homework to do so we sort of missed the sun, but just in time to watch the sunset.
It got to about 8:00 o clock so I said I walk her início as always but this time something different happened from all the other times I've walked her home!
Some guys with hoods up walked towards us, I took no notice well not until they stopped in front of us.
“Excuse me” I asked politely.
“Give me your phone Blud” it was not a pergunta it was a demand.
I looked around they had circled us there was about six of them. The biggest one was standing in front of me, he had a evil glint in his dark black eyes and a scar down his right cheek.
“Sorry I don't have one mate” I grabbed Hannah hand and tried to walk past he pushed me back.
“Where do you think your going bro” the six of the youths walked closer in crowding us.
“Don't push me” I said sternly.
“Why? What you 'gunna' do fool?” the main hoodlum laughed with his gang.
“Just let us go other wise you will be sorry” I looked into the boy's eyes as I said this, apparently that's supposed to scare people off.
“Luke?” Hannah whispered to me giving my hand a squeeze.
I looked at her she looked scared.
Her eyes switched to the main boy who was standing in front of us her eyes filled with horror.
“LUKE!!!” Hannah screamed.
Just then everything went to slow motion. I followed Hannah eyes to what she was staring at I saw a faca in the guys hand. It was the sort of faca you use to cut up meat with. The guy had a big grin on his face laughing pointing it at me. Everything sped up again.

“You 'gunna' try and do something now fool” he raised his faca to it was pointing in my neck.
I raised my head and looked deep into the hoodlums eyes.
“You don't scare me” I said bravely. With that Hannah smacked the faca out of the guys hand and the faca shoot across the floor.
I quickly pulled Hannah past the main guys and I tried to push past the other men but they pushed me back.
“GRAB HOLD OF THAT BITCH!” the main guy ordered.
With that two of the men grabbed hold of Hannah snatching her away from me.
She kicked and screamed but I doubt that anyone could hear her from this side of the park.
“LET GO OF HER” I yelled I punched the guy in the face who had hold of her arm dragging her.
He screamed in pain and a fonte of blood came from his nose but he still had a hold on her.
Suddenly something from behind me hit me in the back and I collapsed on the floor.
Then someone kicked me in the stomach my eyes welled up and I coughed and and gasped for air that was winded out of me.
I could only hear faintly Hannah screaming my name.
Kicks and punches repeatedly hitting me blow after blow. I could feel something beijoca, smack the back of my head and then something warm running down my face.
“Luke” Hannah screamed out once mais I looked up and saw fear in her eyes. One of the boys were still restraining her.
The main dude stopped hitting me in mid soco and turned round to the guy holding Hannah.
“ROB!!!” the guy eyes were taken off me and now looking at the leader “SHUT HER UP” he added
Rob looked shocked “How Will???” Rob asked.
Then Will got up and kicked me once mais and walked over to Rob who's nose was still bleeding slightly.
“WHY THE HELL DID I LET YOU IN THIS GANG YOUR A USLESS...” Will was interrupted por Hannah breaking free and running over to me and trying to help me up, she did not get far before Will marched over to her and pulled her back por her hair and pulled her down to the ground and held her down por his right foot.

“Rob stamp on her?” Will ordered him.
“But...” Rob hesitated.
“NOW” Will yelled at him. Rob was like a lobo being barked at por the Alpha lobo and was helpless to say no.
Rob shuffled over to her.
“Please don't” I asked weakly.
Rob head snapped over to me looking at my battered face he looked over at me apologetically.
Will kissed his teeth at me and stamped on my arm. I bit my lip to stop me screaming, screaming was useless now. I heard Hannah whimpering.
“NOW!” Will ordered again and with that he sucked in a long breath and stamped on her chest.
Three things happened then:
1st There was a ear piercing crack coming from Hannah.
2nd The agony scream from Hannah.
3rd Rage suddenly burst through me.

I grabbed hold of Will leg and pulled him down to the ground I got up with aching rushing over me but the rage was blocking out everything. I started hitting Will repeatedly his gang just stood there... good. I threw soco after punch, It was when he was all bloody and bruised when I stopped Will was not even moving.
I turned round to his gang my seguinte victim was Rob, as soon as I looked at him fear was a mask on his face.
From behind me I heard a weak voice say “Kill him” I span round to see Will standing up holding his ribs.
“Son of a B-” Was all I could say before someone behind me tackled me to the ground, just then I remembered Hannah I tried to get up but got pulled back down por a soco in my jaw I felt my head hit the concrete but not even the darkness couldn't block this pain.
I was gasping for breath but each time keep getting it winded out of me, I felt my life slipping por the the fingertips and I welcomed it with open arms.
“STOP” I heard a strange voice... was it an angel, what happened to your life flashes before eyes all I could see was darkness, that's when I felt the concrete beneath my back I tried to mover but the thumping pain my head drifted me back to the darkness.
“Guys bail out” that voice was pure evil... Will.
I felt the the pain stop and feet running against gravel.
Moments later I was aware of someone shaking me someone was also talking but it just sounded blurred to me
“Check the girl dear!” that was a mans voice slurred but I understood.
“I'll call the police” said the man again clearer this time.
My mind was working now... Girl... Girl what G- HANNAH!.
I used all my will to push myself from the blackness, my eyes flashed open I ignored the man checking my pulse.
“He's awake dear” there was relief in his voice, I sat up straight aching all over the man was trying to lay me back on the floor I shrugged his shoulder off.
“You might of broken something it's best if you stay still son” I looked at him, he was elderly.
“No” was all I could whisper my vision suddenly went blurry and sideways it made me feel a bit sick. I sucked in some air my lungs spasm in pain.
“Eric this girl not moving” said the elderly women. To my surprise I was laying down again I turned my head to where the voice came from there I saw a elderly women kneeling down por Hannah... HANNAH, I tried to get up but the pain was to much I started to cruel over to her the man did not stop me.
I got to Hannah who was breathing was shallow.
“BABY” I held back the sob.
“DO SOMETHING” I yelled at the women she look stunned she about to say something when her husband interrupted her.
Eric was standing beside me now.
“I've called an ambulância that's all we can do” his voice was apologetic, that's when I heard the siren.
“Hannah It's OK I'll be here with you” I reassured her, moving the hair out of her face which was covered in blood, blood that was dripping from her mouth.
“I amor you” I added I felt a lump in my throat I was holding back the tears that were coming. Something stirring in my stomach something was coming...
The paramedics came and looked at my injuries I told them over and over again that I was fine and to look at Hannah so they put her in a stretcher and pushed her to the ambulance. I got up to follow when a wave of pain rushed over me buckling me down to the floor out of breath and in pain, I felt crippled I could not mover like I was being beaten up again. I looked up dizzily towards where they were taking Hannah they quickly put her in the ambulância and closed the doors while the other paramedics who just arrived rushed over to me.
Hannah... Hannah come back come back baby why are you leaving me...
darkness swallowed me.

I was standing near a river looking at the stars in the sky feeling strong and mighty. Beside me was Hannah she was facing me smiling at me but a segundo later fear replaced the smile and a scream came out of her mouth.
“Luke...” she screamed I turned round there was nothing there, then I realized it was me she was referring to. I looked down I was wearing a long black hooded casaco that covered my face. She ran...
“Hannah...” I yelled after her, I started running after her when a dark shadow stopped in front of me with its yellow glowing eyes burning into me blinding me.
“What are you?” I asked puzzled por this... this shadow...
“Death” it's dark cold earthy voice replied.
The light in his eyes grew brighter for me to urso burning my skin though no scream came.
Then the shadow evaporated and Hannah appeared after it well at first I thought it was Hannah it looked like Hannah but here eyes were white with no pupil her brown hair flowing like she was under water her mouth hung up her teeth half rotten.
“Hannah?” I asked unsure of my eyes “Is that you?” I added.
“Demon you must die” her Voice echoed in the air her voice still sweet.
I ran up to her remembering the fight flashing through my head “Hannah It's me Luke” I grabbed her hands that were dangling por her side. Her skin...
“Hannah your as cold as... as” I could not think of anything as cold as that touch.
“As your soul” her voice was blank emotionless her eyes blank white as her skin
“Die demon” her voice suddenly painfully evil and dead hissing it almost. Wings flapped behind her it's like they suddenly appeared, she raised her empty hand into the air whispering a different tongue to the darkness a flash blinded me I took a few steps back a sword flashed in the darkness. Hannah then glowed like... like an angel.
“Baby I amor you” it was not me saying this or the stranger in front of me pointing this sword at me, it's ice cold blade touching my throat freezing me there.
“Wake up” it said again.
“Your mine now” the evil voice whispered in my ear I jumped at the sound ganso bumps stood on the back of my neck. “Demon” the voiced echoed around me on and on and on never ending.

My eyes fluttered open I squinted my eyes trying to adjust my sight to the light. I was aware of sound now it's like the volume had turned up on everything there was the beeping noise and rasp breathing which I realized was mine, my eyes focused on the shadow figure hovering over me... ugh I'm still dreaming I felt like crying I just wanted to hold Hannah and be seguro again, I let out a groan of suffering.
“Oh honey you are awake” I've never been so happy to hear that filmier voice.
“Mum” I chocked my throat was so dry and raw. I could see her mais clearly now still a bit blurry round the edges, she past me some water with a straw in I sucked the straw the water felt good and eased the raw pain in my throat.
“Better sweetheart?”
I nodded she stroked my head, the I remembered “Mum?” panic rose in my voice “Mum? Hannah?” was all I could come out with.
“Honey I think you should sleep we will talk about it later” she sounded sad, I just shook my head it made my head thump even mais ugh “No now” I said she started chewing on her lip “please” I pleaded “Mum” I could feel the lump in my throat and my eyes well up again.
“I spoke to the doctors about It but they would not tell me so I asked her mum-” I cut her off.
“Her mum is here?” she nodded “Oh my God she must hate me?” I looked down in shame.
“No honey don't think that her mum thinks the opposite she is worried about you but she just needed to be with Hannah. Sweetheart I'm sorry but Hannah is.... in a ... coma” she took hold of my hand.
“Coma.... why? ... how?” I was upset I could not even think straight.
“She-” mum took a deep breath and begun again “She stopped breathing when she was at the park she had a few... a few broken ribs and internal bleeding, also some damage to her skull.” she could not meet my eyes she just sat in the chair patting my hand. You would think I would be in a worse state and this confused me.
“No” I wept I could not control my weeping now my coração race picked up my breathing became much faster and the machine began bleeping mais rapidly the nurses rushed in.
“Honey calm down” mum stroked my head trying to calm me.
“Get off me... LEAVE ME ALONE.... I gotta see her” I flinched from her touch with that I moved the cover off me and started ripping the etiquetas of my chest, that's when one of the nurses pinned me down telling me to stay put for my own good.
I squirmed and kicked but her grip was like stone. Without warning I said “You'll be next” in a dark and evil voice that was not my voice. The other nurse came in with a needle and stuck it in my hand, sleep washed over me.
“What's... what's happening to me?” I cried trying to keep my heavy eyelids open I could her mum crying that was it I was in darkness.

“Hello again” laughter came from above me I remember that cold earthy voice.
“Why are you here?” I asked.
“Is that anyway to greet your creator?” a laugh came after that, an evil laugh.
“Would you care to explain” I sighed “Creator” I said sarcastically.
A black nuvem suddenly appeared in front of me I felt no fear towards this... monster, it's yellow eyes glowed like last time but this time it did not blind or burn me.
“Explain what child?” his evil voiced echoed in the darkness.
“What you are? Why my girlfriend called me demon last time you was here? Why you hunt my dreams? Why-” his loud evil chuckle interrupted me.
“One pergunta at a time young one” the black nuvem moved towards me slightly.
He added “I shall answer only 3 of your perguntas as for you first one I am the devil not what your kind think we look like I laugh at your kind of devil not terrifying at all” I just stood there listening to him The Devil. It is true what he is saying though I would not be scared of someone with a pitch fork and who skin was red.
“Second” his voice boomed in my ears taking me out of my trace of thought “I did not put... your girlfriend as you say there-” I interrupted “Who did?” The devil sighed at least I think it was a sigh.
“Do you mind interrupting me” he sounded board.
“I don't know who put her there the light side maybe” he added.
Then I remembered the dream before mais clearly now.
“Hang on” I said then added “When I saw you in my dream before, I asked you what you are! And you replied death care to explain?” I said smugly
“Care to explain why your not scared of me?” he sounded angry.
“I don't know I'm just not!” I said halfheartedly.
“Your third pergunta is I cant see you in your world until... your fully turned into a demon.” he drifted backwards, Luke was confused por all this and did not care anymore he just felt to weak to ask anymore questions.
“Ha-ha, what's the matter feel weak all of a sudden ha-ha” his laugh echoed on.
“What are you... doing?” I asked weakly I collapsed on the floor with a thump.
He laughed once again then replied “Messing with your abilities, I find it mais amusing then answering you silly little questions” he sounded amused.
“Wake me please wake me up” tears flooded my eyes and poured down my face I did not feel the need to cry! I just felt fed up.
“Now that's what you should of done when you saw me ah, this is so much fun ha-ha” again I heard amusement in his voice. “See you seguinte time Luke this time at your house... I'm looking progressivo, para a frente to it” I swear I saw a smirk under those clouds. A bright light blinded me I could feel myself lift up
“Leave me alone” I squeaked not wanting him to come near me or my mum.

I slowly opened my eyes to reality. All the pain and emotions which I suddenly began to hate, I feel as if I'm standing alone. I looked around the room no one was here just me and my beeping machine.... great!
What was I supposed to do now just sit here like a limão or a duck.
What about Hannah?
What about the guys that tried to mug us?
So many unanswered questions, but one thing I know is I'm not myself anymore... I was turning as the devil said what did I ever do? that was my seguinte pergunta for him. Now I just have to wait till I go home.

início sweet home... how I missed it but the doctor said I'll be out tomorrow if I just relax and recover... great mais waiting. Hannah mum came to see me the other dia to see how I was, I was fine but Hannah is still in a steady coma, Hannah mum was just glad she is still alive. She sat with me until my mum came back from the comprar then she left. Then I had mum fill me in on what was happening on the news and that but she stopped after a while, because it was mostly just killing and mugging. Ha you think I would care but I don't I'm just empty! Everything mum was saying was just a blur like humming in the background I just sat in cama and pretend to listen not even Hannah mattered anymore and this made me worry I felt my amor for her but I hated her at the same time I hated my self for even feeling this way (Sigh)