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(So what you are about to read was mainly inspired to me por a very weird yet interesting dream. I know that virtually every single time I make one of these, something goes wrong, but I have good faith that I can continue this one to the best of my ability. So, without further ado, let's get started.)

Tick, Tock...Tick, Tock...


#1: AUGH! *Falls out of bed*

#1: Jesus, I thought I got rid of this stupid alarm clock...Always frightens the living hell outta me!

#2: YOU should be complaining, Miles. I sleep right seguinte to it!

#1/Miles: True, James. But still, whose idea was this anyway? Ah, never mind. I'll bet the sorry son of a gun has already left for breakfast.

#3: Come get your comida guys, or the boys will hog it all!

#2/James: Speak of the devil, let's go give him a piece of our mind. Ugh.

My name is Miles, also known as #1. I have black hair, am 17, and REALLY hate that damned alarm clock. I live inside of an abandoned facility with my 30 comrades (18 male, 12 female) which we've simply dubbed "The Household of Hope."

I'd tell you my last name, but remember it I cannot. And trust me, it's the same for all of us.

#3: James, tell Miles to stop talking to himself so he can get his breakfast!

#2/James: Come on, mate. We ain't gonna live forever. *Drags Miles to table*

And that couldn't be any mais true...

#4: *Digs into Turkey* Man, I'll never get tired of eating turkey for breakfast! This has been and will always be one HELL of a facility!

#3: If you think cooking that stuff is cheap, then think again, Adam. After all, I'm the one who pays for all this!

#2/James: And I'm the one who has to sit seguinte to arguably the messiest eater of all damn 30 of us. Cheers...?

#5: Oh please, James. Don't even get me STARTED on the people I have to sit with.

#2/James: Fair enough, Audrey. But let's not introduce too many characters at once!

#1/Miles: *Picks at food*

#3: Eh? Is something wrong with my cooking, Miles?

#1/Miles: Oh, nothing. To be honest, I'm just very bored, Katie. Nothing has been going on lately, it's like my life is just as boring as the weather reports now.

#4/Adam: Are you subliminally trying to hit on Audrey? Haha, this year's gonna be great! *Digs into mais Turkey*

#6: *Sighs* I will never understand why the first idea for breakfast that Adam had was turkey. But hey, what can ya do?

#4/Adam: Hey, do you have any idea how hard I had to convince Katie to make this for us today? You should be grateful, not pessimistic!

#6: I wasn't complaining, I just thought it was strange, not necessarily in a bad way.

#4/Adam: Oh please, May. I mean, does it really matter what time of dia you eat something? Personally, I've always found that mindset lame. *Digs into yet mais Turkey*

#2/James: *Wipes off eaten turkey fragments from Adam* I hope my insurance covers this sort of thing...Eww!

#5/Audrey: Ditto on that, James. They really don't pay me enough for this.

#3/Katie: We don't pay you at all, hun! I do most of the work around here!

*Table Laughs, Doorbell Rings*

#3/Katie: Ooh, I wonder who that could be!

#6/May: If it's another one of those missionaries trying to force their opinion down our throats, then I'm 100% outta here.

#1/Miles: I'll answer the door, since I already know that nobody else will.

#4/Adam: Hah, look at this emo kid, complaining about his life!

#5/Audrey: You know, he's absolutely right, when you get down to it.

#2/James: Shots fired Audrey, haha!

#5/Audrey: That includes you too, James.

#2/James: Oh, right... *Hides head under mesa, tabela in shame*

#1/Miles: *Opens Door* Hello-

???: GREETINGS FROM FLORIDA, MATES! :D HOW YOU DOIN', HOW YOU DOIN'? *Shakes everyone's hand in rapid succession*

#3/Katie: Oh no, I'm already feeling uncomfortable...

#6/May: It's even worse than I thought....A BUSINESS SALESMAN! QUICK, EVERYONE, FLEE FOR THE HILLS!


#7: *Muffles ???'s face, slowly pushes him out door* You can tell us about your sponsor when we actually care. Spoiler alert: That's never.

#8: ♫Plays X Gon' Give It To Ya♫ YEAH, THAT'S MY BRO!

#3/Katie: Now let's all thank Michael and Gerald for saving the dia for us all!

*Table Claps Passionately*

#5/Audrey: Thank merciful Neptune, I was about to give that guy a piece of my mind...and my cozinha knife.

#2/James: *Hides under mesa, tabela again* Just when I thought I was safe....This family is BONKERS!

#1/Miles: oi Gerald, can you shut off the música now? After all, you don't want to get COPYRIGHTED, now do you? >:)

#8/Gerald: *Shuts off radio* SIR, YES SIR!

#1/Miles: Also, James, you can stop hiding now.

#2/James: But...but.......Audrey's got a PLASTIC KNIFE!

#9: ZOINKS! *Divebombs into the living room*

#3/Katie: That one of the problems with living in a house this filled....Paranoia spreads like the plague!

#1/Miles: You couldn't be mais correct, Katie. HEY WILLIAM, THE COAST IS CLEAR!

#9/William: ...You sure?

#4/Adam: Fantastic job Audrey, now you've gotten everyone all scared over plastic knives.

#2/James: FEAR THE PLASTIC! *Nervously shakes under table*

#7/Michael: So uh, anyone else afraid of plastic knives in here? I mean, I knew this family was pathetic, but JEEZ...

#6/May: We're no less pathetic than the fact that you still haven't done your chores, Michael.

#7/Michael: Hey, just lemme finish eating, I'll get right to it!

#5/Audrey: Aaaand cut to three hours later where he's goofing off in his room.

#3/Katie: So, is everyone done eating? And James, get up off of the floor, there's nothing to be afraid of!

#2/James and #9/William: *Desperately hurry up the stairs*

#3/Katie: Maybe just using your hands would've been a better idea...

#8/Gerald: Personally, I think that all they had to ♫do is put their mind to it!♫

#3/Katie: ...Gerald, do you wanna get COPYRIGHTED? >:)

#8/Gerald: *Desperately hurries along stairs with James and William* HEY, WAIT FOR ME!

*Meanwhile, in Miles's room...*

#1/Miles: *Plants face under pillow* Today's gonna be a long day, isn't it?

#2/James: Hey, look at the plus side, all of the knives are gone and we can some time to chat before it's time to do our chores!

#1/Miles: I mean, I suppose so, but still James...I've been feeling kinda down lately.

#2/James: What do you mean por that? You live with a great bunch of people with all the comida and caring in the world, how could anyone be down like this?

#1/Miles: It's just the same thing every single day. I get jump-scared por the alarm clock, get outta bed, eat with the others, answer the door to some numb-nut who wants to shove their product and/or opinion down our throat, wait for chore time, and it just cycles over and over....I want something new to happen. Something fun, interesting, and worth my time.

#2/James: Maybe Adam was right, you could be just subliminally hitting on Audrey, heh.

#1/Miles: HEY, I AM NOT!

#2/James: Heh, I'm just playing around. But in all seriousness, I understand what you mean. But have you ever thought that it really wasn't bad at all either?

#1/Miles: I mean, I guess so-


#1/Miles and #2/James: AUGH!

*Whoo-ee-oooo!! Whoo-ee-oooo.....POW!*

Everyone: AAHHH!

#1/Miles: James, let's go! What in the bloody hell just happened!?

#2/James: I'm right behind you!

*Miles opens door, smoke erupts everywhere*

#1/Miles: *Coughs* going on!?

#2/James: I can't see a thing, my eyes hurt... *Coughs*

#3/Katie: Everyone, please evacuate outside RIGHT NOW!

*Whoo-ee-oooo! Whoo-ee-oooo!

Outside, a little bit later...

#7/Michael: That's my rotten luck, alright. I was JUST about to do my chores. Wonderful.

#8/Gerald: I'm not even gonna make a song reference, what in the world was that!?

#5/Audrey: The entire house is smoking like a factory from London, what do we do!?

*Panic Spreads Rapidly*

#3/Katie: Calm down everyone, I'm going inside right now! Luckily, I was prepared for a situation like this. *Puts on Gas Mask*

#6/May: Well great, now what're we gonna do?

#4/Adam: Alright....Whatever idiot started a fire, you've got nothing to lose now. Who did it!?

#2/James: You ever think that it wasn't a fire, Adam?

#1/Miles: But that's the thing, James. I don't know anything that could kick-start that much smoke, not EVEN a massive fire. Plus, there's no flames in sight.

#9/William: I hope Katie's alright...Let alone the facility.

#3/Katie: *Shouting from inside the house* Guys, it's coming from Nadie's and Harold's room! Don't mover one bit, I'm going to investigate!

#5/Audrey: Katie's a warrior, jeez. I actually feel bad just standing here.

#7/Michael: Never mind that, why is so much smoke coming from THEIR room of all people? I mean, Nadia and Harold are the most tame people in the facility, I don't understand.

#2/James: Well, any of us want to confess anything that might've started this?

*Dead Silence*

#6/May: I don't think anyone here would've been evil enough to sabotage our entire home, James.

#1/Miles: So many questions, it hurts my mind just thinking about it. I hope Katie's doing alright.

*Smoke Completely Disappears*

#4/Adam: Alright. If this is a prank por ANY of you, then it's not funny anymore. It never was, alright!?

#10: Contradictory to my admittingly very silly demeanor, I wouldn't do anything like this. Plus, I was sleeping all morning since I stayed up late watching TV and eating anyways.

#5/Audrey: It's nice to see that everyone's taking this seriously. Maybe you people aren't as bad as I thought.

#2/James: YOU JINXED IT! *Runs around in circles*

#1/Miles: James, I think you just jinxed it on yourself, heh.

#3/Katie: *Jogs out of house* Guys, guys! Nadia and Harold are gone! If I find out this is a prank por any of you, then you're gong to be grounded for a VERY long time!

#11: I know a majority of us have some SERIOUSLY messed up senses of humor, but come on, I know us well enough por now. Adam, Michael, George, none of us would ever go this far.

#10/George: Thanks, Chris. I owe ya one.

#3/Katie: Well, I think it's seguro to assume that nobody could've started the smoke now, so that begs the question...Where did it come from?

#1/Miles: We can answer that later, we need to find Nadia and Harold!

#2/James: I'm right behind ya pal!

#3/Katie: Let's hurry guys!

#4/Adam: Don't forget about me!

#5/Audrey: And me!

#6/May: I normally hate joining in on lines like this, but what else needs to be said? I'll check the basement!

#7/Michael: I'll tag along as well, leave the attic to me.

#8/Gerald: I got dibs on upstairs!

#9/William: I'll check the bravest place of them all, the living room! With the lights on!

#10/George: I should've known, William. Even in times of crisis, you are WEAK, heh.

*Everyone glares at George*

#10/George: Uhhh, I got the hallways.

#11/Chris: I got the rooms!

#12: I got-HEY! You guys took everything, no fair!

#11/Chris: Umm, you can do the kitchen, Candace. Now, let's mover soldiers!

*A little while later...*

#1/Miles: oi Chris, James, let's get to Nadia and Harold's room. If there's anywhere in this place where something would've gone wrong, it's obviously the room where the smoke started.

#2/James: I'm NOT opening that door, Miles...Hey Chris, help us out here!

#11/Chris: Sure thing, I hope you're all ready. *Opens Door*


*Awkward Silence*

#2/James: Uhh, do my eyes deceive me, or is that some sort of portal?

#1/Miles: What in the world....I've never seen anything like it, not even in those CGI movies.

#11/Chris: Well, I can already say for sure that we should definitely NOT touch that thing under any circumstance. Any ideas, guys?

#2/James: Not really. And I can't see Nadia or Harold anywhere.



#1/Miles: ....Guys?


#11/Chris: Never mind them for now, we need to tell everyone about this. Let's get to the living room!

*A Tad Later....*

#3/Katie: I'm sorry everyone! Me, Audrey, and Gerald tried so hard to find Harold and Nadie, no luck.

#9/William: Nothing to report, Katie. I looked under every table, couch, nothing.

#6/May: Nothing in the basement, sadly.

#7/Michael: Nothing in the attic either.

#4/Adam and #10/George: *Shrugs* Not a single sight of them.

#3/Katie: Well, how about you guys? Miles, James, Chris, surely you found some clues in their room!

#1/Miles: We did, and you wouldn't believe us if we told you.

#2/James: It....needs to be SEEN to be believed.

#11/Chris: Some sort of portal, as strange as that sounds. Come on, we'll show you now.

*The group goes into the room*


#11/Chris: Be careful guys. I don't know what that thing leads to, but I don't think we should find out.

#5/Audrey: So then what? We just leave Harold and Nadia gone forever, and let this anomaly stay in our house without even considering a viable segundo option?

#9/William: I'm far from the best at plans, but how about this? If we don't hear from them within 30 hours, then a team of us will go inside the....thing and investigate.

#1/Miles: Sounds good to me, who wants to volunteer?

*Everyone looks at floor*

#2/James: I'll go if you do too, Miles. And William, you suggested the idea, so you should cadastrar-se us.

#9/William: WHAT!? Me!? But there's, there's, it's a, you have to-doh, d'wah!

#4/Adam: Uhh, what did he say?

#6/May: "There's, there's, it's a, you have to-doh, d'wah!"

#3/Katie: Sounds fine por me! I'll tag along as well to assure that nothing bad happens. So guys, take good care of each other when we leave tomorrow, because this could take a while. To let you guys know that we're doing fine, we'll use some expensive Walkie-Talkies I've been saving over the years. One for Chris, and one for us. Sound good?

#8/Gerald: This is happening way too fast....I guess we'll be fine. We'll take care of the house, George and I will do the shopping, and we'll all keep an eye out for Nadia and Harold. It's not like them to run away or anything, so there's not much of a choice. Stay strong when you go in there!

#1/Miles: Hopefully they return por tomorrow....because I'm not sure that this is what I wanted when I asked for change.

???: Trial One, Commence. Nice to see they're falling right into my trap...
“What do you mean, he’s gone?”
Elena told Stefan Damon was gone and so was Katherine.
“I mean he’s not here anymore” Elena said nervous. “He’s left…with Katherine” she added a little bitter.
“Maybe he’s with Ric” Stefan tried to reassure her. “They haven’t been able to talk since…the events”
Elena took her phone and dialed Alaric’s number. When he didn’t pick up immediately she got angry. “Goddamn it, Ric, pick up your freaking-”
“Ric!” Elena said.
“Is something wrong?” Alaric asked. Dumb question, if nothing was wrong Elena wouldn’t...
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Damon was standing in front of the hospital. He didn’t want to do this, but he had to. Katherine was right, Bonnie would try it again when she woke up. And so he opened the door and entered the hospital.
His eyes went through the building. A young, male intern walked passed him with a clipboard, taking notes.
Damon grabbed his arm. The boy didn’t see him and Damon whispered in his ear: “I need you to take me to Bonnie Bennett”
“I can’t do that” the boy said scared. “I’m just an intern, I don’t have that authority”
“Then bring me to someone who does have that authority”...
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Caroline and Tyler watched Bonnies house collapse to the ground and they ran towards it.
Jeremy was stuck underneath the bricks and Tyler helped him out. “Are you okay? You need to go to the hospital?”
But Jeremy shook his head. “Elena and Damon are still down there”
Damon was still lying on topo, início of Elena. She gently pushed him off of her. “Look, the fogo stopped” she said. “Jeremy must’ve pulled it off” A whiff of pride was heard in her voice, but Damon didn’t reply.
“Did you hear what I just said?” Elena asked frustrated. “We’re seguro now. Jeremy killed...
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“Katherine!” Stefan shouted. “Let me out of here!”
Katherine had locked him up in the cellar, hoping the vervain would keep him weak until Elena and Damon came back. But unfortunately vervain didn’t seem to have the same effect on Stefan as it used to. Probably due to the massive amount of blood he drank daily, openly and secretly, he recovered from the attack sooner than the average vampire. “You know, you’re really one to talk” Stefan said. “You seduced him, led him on, made him believe you loved him, screwed his brother-well, he knew that, but still-almost got him to commit...
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After what felt like hours they managed to dig a whole big enough to jump in. The moment Elena landed on the ground, which was pretty low, her phone rang. “Now what?” she said agitated. She looked at the screen. “Not now, Ric” she mumbled in herself and she pressed decline. It was then she saw she had two messages on her voicemail and Damon had tried to call her. She listened to the latest one. “Oh, shut up, Damon, you’re not going to die” she said with a fierce determination. Then she listened to the segundo one. She let out a cry, grasped her throat and dropped her phone.
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He threw the sheets off and checked his tummy. The wound was gone, healed. He pulled all threads and climbed out of bed. He took off the hospital avental and put on his own clothes. He felt something in his pocket and conjured a dagger. He didn’t wonder how it got there. He knew what it was for. As soon as he had his shoes on he left the room.
Alaric looked at him with tired, red eyes.
“You’re awake!”
Jeremy nodded. “I have to find Elena, she needs to help me save Damon”
Alaric shook his head. “You’re still weak from Damon’s attack on you” he said. “You should...
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Jenna brought Jeremy to Bonnies kitchen. Damon pushed Bonnie against the wall.
“What do you think I want? I want you to take away whatever’s keeping me in check. I want you to undo the spell you put on Elena” Bonnie shook her head, looking desperate. “I can’t, Damon, I’m sorry” Damon grabbed her neck, pressing her wound. She screamed. “And why can’t you?” he asked his voice caught in his throat. “The only way to free you is to kill me”

Jenna turned to Jeremy. “Now you know what to do”
“I have to kill her” Jeremy said.
Jenna nodded. “Bonnie was supposed to kill...
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Elena took a deep breath and started running down the hill. However, the grama on the colina started growing really fast and pushed Elena back. Elena angry pushed the grama away and came halfway the hill.
Then the earth started shaking and Elena rolled down.
The road that led to the open field cracked open and Elena’s feet got stuck in one of the cracks.
“Ha, damn it!” she cursed and she pulled her leg, but she couldn’t mover it. The crack grew bigger and soon she fell in a whole. A deep one.
She looked up and saw how the crack slowly closed again.
Elena grabbed the mural which was raw and cut her hands open, but she didn’t care. With a fierce determination she climbed up and out of the crack. She crawled away from the crack, dodged the other cracks and reached the open field.
“There you are” Bonnie said and she dragged him over the cold, dusty ground.
Damon hooked his fingers in the ground, boycotting Bonnie as much as possible. He would get out of here, even if it meant breaking every bone in his body.
But Bonnie just dragged him with her as if he was a rag doll. “I told you you shouldn’t try to escape. You know that’s a bad idea”
She dropped him in the center of the cage.
“Before I kill you there are a few things you have to know” She rolled him on his back with her feet. “You’re evil. You’re a worthless, useless waste of space. You’re not...
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“I’ll be back” Bonnie said. “Don’t try to go anywhere, you know what happens if you do”
She walked out of the cage and left. She reappeared in the ICU of the hospital where Jeremy lay in coma.
She walked to the cama and lay her hand on his heart. She felt how it heated up and soon the curves on the monitor went flat and a long tune was heard. She disappeared right before the medical staff rushed in.
She reappeared in Damon’s cage and gasped. Even in this darkness she could see the cage was empty. He was trying to escape.
Damon slowly walked alongside the rough walls, his fingers...
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Damon tried to open his eyes, but the vervain burned too painful. Now he had lost his sight he had to count on his hearing. And Bonnie gladly took advantage of that. She slowly step around Damon, waiting a few segundos after each step.
“What are you doing?” Damon asked anxious.
But Bonnie didn’t answer.
She held a horn in her hands and held it right seguinte to Damon’s ear.
“What are you doing?” Damon repeated. He tried to feel where Bonnie was with his free hand.
Bonnie grabbed his hand and turned it on his back, until she felt it break. While Damon cried she pressed the horn, which drowned his voice.
Run, that’s all he could think about. He had to run before she would catch up with him. And as he ran, he felt the aching coming back. His back started burning again, his head bounced and with every step he took it was as if thousand needles stung in his feet. But he had to keep running, for he had to stay ahead of her.
A few yards further he heard two voices argue. He recognized the voices. He wouldn’t count on the male one, but the girl would listen to him, she would understand, help him.
“Elena, wait!” Stefan yelled. After his proposal she had jumped out of the car and ran away.
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Elena was in her bedroom, finishing her makeup, when the doorbell rang. Expecting it was Damon she kind of jumped off the stairs and hastily opened the door. Her enthusiasm dropped in her shoes when she looked in Stefan’s face.
“Oh” she said impassively. “It’s you”
“It’s me” Stefan smiled. “Not happy to see me?”
Elena shrugged.
“Damon send me” Stefan said and Elena’s face cleared up. “He asked me to escort you to the party, so you can meet him there. He had to do something and wasn’t going to make it on time”
A big smile appeared on Elena’s face. She grabbed...
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Night came in and stars enlightened the scene Damon and Elena were in. Damon fed Elena his last fry. Elena bit off half of it, took the rest and fed it Damon. Then they both lay down on the ground.
“I think I could stay here forever” Elena sighed.
“I hear you” Damon agreed.
“You know this place, don’t you? You knew exactly where to go” Elena said.
“I had a job here” Damon said.
Elena’s eyes bulged. “You used to work?” she exclaimed.
“Well, actually Stefan had the job” Damon clarified. “I was there just to annoy him”
“Damon?” Elena asked.
“Mm?” Damon said.
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Damon’s phone rang, while Katherine was standing seguinte to him, her hair straight. Bonnie had called Elena to go to The Grill to ‘have a drink’.
“Yes?” Damon said smooth.
“Damon?” Caroline asked.
“No, the pope” Damon sarcastically replied. Caroline sighed. “You’re sooo funny! Anyways, are you busy now?”
“Ehm, depends, why?” Damon asked.
“I might have a little something in store for you” Caroline said mischievous.
“Oh oh, should I worry?” Damon asked. Caroline laughed. “No, not at all” she reassured him. “It involves my house, dinner, you, Elena…You get...
continue reading...
“Can you repeat…basically everything you just said?”
Katherine told Damon what she heard in Caroline’s room.
“You spied on my friends. That’s rude” Elena said shocked.
“That’s not the point, Elena” Damon said, raising his hand to silence her. “Are they really going to try to set me up with that piece of nothing?”
“Hey, those are my best friends you’re talking about” Elena said upset.
“Elena, shush” Katherine said as if she was talking to a dog. She looked back at Damon. “Caroline will call you at 7pm and she will tell you that Elena wants to meet you at her...
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Tyler logged in to read his email. He frowned when he saw the 65 unread messages. He clicked on the first one. “I know what you are”
He clicked on the segundo one. “I know what you are”
He clicked on the third one. “I know what your are’
All 65 mails held the same message. I know what you are. Tyler clicked on the reply button. “Hey, dude, don’t you have anything better to do in your spare time? Don’t you have a girlfriend or boyfriend to annoy? Get a life, already”
He pressed send. It seemed like only a segundo had passed when he already received an answer.
“I know what you are and I’m going to tell everybody”
“Suit yourself, moron” Tyler send and he shut the computer down.
Evening fell and the gang at Alaric’s loft had moved inside. Damon had given in to Elena’s cerveja request and she was now halfway her second. Status Quo was playing and Caroline made her way to Damon. She took his hand and pulled him with her. Bonnie took his place. “Hey, Elena” she said soft.
“Hiii” Elena smiled and she threw her arms around her friend and squeezed her. “How you doing?”
“Fine” Bonnie said. “You?”
“Very good” Elena answered. She looked up and gasped. “Looook, I can see the stars”
“It’s seven, it’s not even dark yet” Bonnie said. “And we’re...
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Cramps in her stomach and something wet and sticky on the sheets made Elena wake up groaning. She got out of bed, her hands on her stomach. She turned around and screamed. Both of the Salvatore brothers came rushing to her room, but as soon as they saw the blood, Damon pushed Stefan aside and locked himself in, the moment Stefan’s face turned. “Oh, come on, dick!” Stefan ciclomotor as his face changed back.
Damon walked to Elena. “Are you alright?” he asked feeling awkward. Elena heavily shook her head. “No, I’m sick. My stomach hurts and I’m bleeding” she looked up. “I’m dying,...
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With a coração that was beating painfully Kelsey stepped up and knocked the door. Someone opened just an instant later.
“Good afternoon, ma’am” Kelsey started nervous. “My name is Kelsey Lindy”
“I know who you are” the woman said. “Come in” She stepped aside to let Kelsey pass and pushed her through a door. “Have a seat” she said waving at a chair. Kelsey sat down, but her mother didn’t. “You being here means you know. mais even, it means you are”
Kelsey frowned por that way of speaking, but understood what she meant. Yes, she knew about the lobisomens and yes, she was...
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