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posted by egyptprincess7
Name - Izetta
Age - 18
Birthday - Jan 20
Gender - Female
Species - Human
Power - Mana Manipulation
~~~~~~^Basic Info^~~~~~~~
Izetta was born in a family of a human mating with a vampire. Her mother was a human and instantly fell in amor to her dad's vampiric charms. Her eldest brother was born and turned into a vampire and her younger sister had the misfortune of being a dhampir. Izetta didn't want to become a blood sucking monster so she ran. Thinking that one dia she will return and bring her little sister with her.

Izetta hated her older brother and was happy to discover that he was killed, mentally thanking his killer. She didn't like the shady business he did nor how he treated her at her young age. Her parents were worse though, constantly hitting and belittling her until they mentioned that it was time to turn her into a "perfect" being. Once she heard that, she ran.

At the age of 8, it was impossible for her to do anything easily. She ended up surviving on berries and the water from a lake for a few years till she was found por other humans severely malnutrition from the lack of proper food.

Since then, Izetta was able to get her own place at the age of 12 and was fiercely independent. She also ended up discovering her ability to use mana as an outside force. It was during the time she was out looking for work as she had no other means of income and did not want to rely on an orphanage to take care of her. Three men attacked her and tried to assault and kill her until she in her desperate plea for someone to save her ended up activating it and pushing the men back. She then used that distraction to run away into a light-filled area that had a lot of people in it. Her mana outward is shown as purple and she's been...practicing how to use it.

Izetta was 16 years old when she finally learned how to use it with mais control before going back home. She didn't stay there to chat or catch up though. Izetta killed her mother and then fought her father before successfully killing him. She then hurried out the house after making sure there was no trace of her being here.

Currently, she's living in a good sized house in an urban area. Izetta currently got a job as a jewelry maker. She infuses some of her mana into ever jewel she makes causing a lot of people to want to buy it no matter the price. Her prices have different ranges. For jewelry made without mana, the highest price would be about 1,000 and lower. With mana however the price would be about 10,000 and up. Since using mana tires her out if used a lot and she works 8 hours a dia for 5 days in her job.