Draco Malfoy & Hermione Granger Club
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I won't let you fly,
I won't say goodbye,
I won't let you slip away from me.
Can you hear heaven cry, the tears of an angel.

-Tears of an Angel, RyanDan

A menacing lurid sky, permeated with gruesome, twisting somber clouds cast eerie figures across the charcoal depths of the Black Lake. The creatures of the Forbidden Forest lay dormant in the sobrenatural trees, the murky haze of the atmosphere frightening even the most heinous of monsters. Threatening clouds choked any light from illuminating the magnificent stone turrets of Hogwarts School. Students sat chilled and cold in their common rooms, unnerved por the strange imagens that the omniscient clouds were depicting. The uncommon events taking place throughout the grounds seemed to be speaking silent warnings, pleading for any ear to listen.

Danger is on the move.


The ten inch, hawthorn wood, unicorn hair wand shook in Draco Malfoy’s sweaty palm as his trembling hands groped for the railing of the staircase that twisted up the astronomy tower. His lungs took is large gasps of air, and his beating coração picked up speed. As he lifted each foot up to the seguinte stair, he managed to steady himself.

Beads of sweat trailed down his neck, sending convulsions down his spine. His body was moving on its own, his mind issuing no command.

With each step he took, the same message replayed in his tormented mind.

“What have I done?”

A scream erupted from the depths. Draco took in a sharp intake of breath as he took another step.

“What have I done?”

He visualized the open vanishing cabinet, atuação as the passageway for deatheaters to travel. He saw his Aunt Bellatrix’s possessed eyes, matching her horrid grin as she stepped through. The stale aroma of blood signaled the arrival of Fenrir Greyback, followed por numerous others. He winced as he pictured the werewolf sinking his sickly yellow fangs into his innocent classmates.

“What have I done?”

He then saw his mother. Her pain lay visible on her pale and tearstained face as she watched her only son branded with the dark mark. He heard her sobs when she was informed of his assignment, directly from Voldemort himself.

“What have I done?”

Draco Malfoy knew that this mission had to be fulfilled. The consequences would be too much to bear. He stopped in his tracks as his ears heard voices from above.

“You swore to obey me, Harry. Go!”

The sound of his target sparked a sudden rush of adrenaline. He lunged up the stairs, hearing his victim’s weary voice. He knew now it was time. He had no other option, and his life depended on his actions. Draco reached the topo, início of the landing, and threw open the door to the open tower.


Draco found himself arm extended, wand pointed directly at a disarmed Albus

Dumbledore, his wand laying to the side. The old man’s long grey locks lightly tossed in the small wind. What perplexed Draco the most, was his serene gesture upon his wrinkled face. His eyes twinkled at his grey ones, and his lips pulled to a tight line that one could decipher as a smile. Even though he was disarmed with no weapon, he did not show an ounce of trepidation.

“Are we alone?” He felt himself shivering, his wand shaking before his headmaster.

He took a small step forward, surveying the empty tower. But Draco answered his own question, when he discovered that the headmaster was unaccompanied por anyone else.

A new round of screams echoed through the walls.

The two paused now, listening to the winds whip against the tower. Draco kept his wand on Dumbledore, but began to hear screams and crashes below. He watched as the old man surveyed the room, and brought his eyes back to a trembling Draco.

"Hello Draco," he responded with a smile. Draco grimaced at his calm demeanor.

"You are going to die tonight old man," he snapped, attempting to replicate the tone of his father.

Dumbledore's smile seemed to dim softly, and the corners of his mouth seemed to falter for an instant.

Draco knew the killing spell, but he could not force himself to utter the words. As he glared at Dumbledore, his troubled eyes began to water at the edges. He had never thought of this. His body froze as the headmaster opened his mouth to speak again.

“As you stand before me Draco, sent on a mission to kill me, I must ask a simple question.”

Draco gave no response. Dumbledore narrowed his eyes at Draco and shook his head.

“What would she say?”

His body fell rigid.

“Who? What would who say?”

“Mr. Malfoy, I believe that you are very aware to who I am referring to.”

No. It couldn’t be. There was no possible way.

“Stop distracting me! I have no idea who you’re talking about.”

He watched as Dumbledore bowed his head, and then slowly raise his eyes to Draco’s.

“I am referring to Ms. Granger.”

Her name, even her last name sent spears through his chest. He gasped for air as the imaginary blades punctured his chest. After quickly gaining composure, he responded.

“You mean mudblood Granger?” Saying the insult pained him even more.

“I do not think you call her that anymore Draco.”

Draco slowly backed away. How could Dumbledore know? It didn’t make any sense.
He couldn't know.

“What did she say when she discovered your secret?”

He did know. And Draco could not fathom how.

“I, I…..How did you-“

He used every ounce of effort inside him to prevent any tears from escaping from his eyes.


“No. stop talking about her! I have to kill you! I,I d-don’t have a choice.”

Draco felt a tear trickle down his cheek. Out of misty eyes, he watched as Dumbledore’s grave face became solemn.

The pain overtook him in an instant. Gasping for air, he realized how close he was to death. Draco knew he could not muster the strength to murder Albus Dumbledore, and there was nothing to be done. All the terror that he had brought to his school and his friends could be heard from below. He felt helpless, as if he was drowning in a sea of misery. His wand lowering a fraction, he began to release small sobs. In his pain, he yearned for someone. He would give anything to be in her presence, and to have her comforting arms around him. As he wept, Draco let a name escape his trembling lips.


His love, his soulmate, his other half. He loved her mais than anything he could possibly imagine. And this fact brought another dagger into his fragile heart.

Draco had brought even mais pain upon her. The mess he had caused , the death eaters, and terror, it was his fault. He cringed as he recalled just hours ago, where he had held Hermione in his arms, explaining what he was about to do. Of course she did not understand how her amor could complete such a horrific mission. But she knew he had no choice.

He would be leaving her now. If he didn’t murder Dumbledore, then surely one of the approaching death eaters would. Draco would be obliged to go with them, and return to his mother and father. As Voldemort would gain even mais power, they would be separated por war. He may never see her angelic face ever again.

Oh the pain he had caused Hermione Granger. Leaving her to complete a murderous task, then fleeing from the school with the other deatheaters, and leaving her all alone with a significant chance that she may never lay eyes on his again. Draco had explained this through tears just hours ago, detailing his failed murder attempts, his mending of the vanishing cabinet, and that he had no choice but to kill Albus Dumbledore. It was too much for her coração to bear.

He would give anything to stand in her presence one last time and apologize for the pain he had and would continue to cause her. That was not an option.
But he needed to speak to her. His mind raced. As he stood facing Albus Dumbledore, the words appeared in his mind.

“You swore to obey me, Harry. Go!”

Draco snapped his head up, frantically glancing around the tower. Potter was here.
And he was hidden.

“Where is Potter?”

Dumbledore seemed taken back.

“You are mistaken Draco, Harry is not present-“

“NO! I know he is here!”

Draco raised his wand to the old man’s face again, his breathing becoming mais frantic once more.

This was a thought that would have never occurred to him before this moment. Potter was his sworn enemy, and Draco despised him with an intense hatred.

But Hermione had to know. He had to tell her something.

“POTTER! I know you’re here!”

Draco moved in a circle, attempting to locate the chosen one. He heard Dumbledore about to protest once more.

“Harry is not-“

“He is here!”

He stopped, again raising his wand to Dumbledore. Before he could comprehend exactly what he was about to do next, Draco spoke.

“Alright Potter, you won’t show yourself.”

Draco waited for an answer, but did not stop when no reply came.

“I know that we are sworn enemies, and I know that it will continue to stay that way.”

He paused as a new batch of tears began to well in his eyes.

“But I need you to do something for me Potter. I really do. I know you will not come out of your hiding place, but I need you to listen to me now.” The look of confusion upon
Dumbeldore’s face was a first for a evening.

“Hermione never told you. She never told you about us. She never told you how much she cared for me. She never told you.”

“This will shock you Potter, I know. But I need you to think of her. I have placed mais pain on her than anyone could possibly imagine. I have to leave now, but I need you to speak to her for me. Potter, I need you to tell her something.

And as the wind whipped against the walls of the tower, and as silence responded to his request, and as Dumbledore’s eyes bore into his, Draco Malfoy gave his message to Harry Potter.

“Potter, tell her that everything is my fault. Tell her I am gravely sorry for hurting Katie sino or Weasley in any way. All the pain that I caused her throughout this ano is completely my doing.

“Tell her that this is not what I had planned. Tell her I had no plans of joining him, and that I had no choice. Please tell her I did not ever want to complete the mission he gave me.

“Please tell her that I have to leave, and tell her that I never wanted her to be alone. Tell her that I have no choice.

“Tell her that I tried to spare her from all of my lies. Tell her I couldn’t confront her with the truth. Tell her that I am so sorry for not telling her of my mission this year. Please tell her how sorry I am for lying to her. Please tell her that.

Draco’s pace slowed, as he fought to take intakes of air.

“Tell her that I was lost in misery this year. I was destroyed por the mission that I was forced to complete. Tell her that I was in a constant battle with myself inside.”

“Tell her that there were times, that if she wasn’t beside me, that I would have lost myself.”

“Please tell her that I cannot say all that my coração longs to tell her, but I am telling her as much as I possibly can right now.”

“Tell her that nothing can change now. Tell her that these words that I say are not enough.”

“Tell her that I never meant for amor to leave her cold tonight. But tell her that all will be better someday, even if she is not with me.”

“Potter, please tell her that she must help you to destroy him. It is the only way for us to be with one another again. Please tell her that she must help you. He must be destroyed. He must.

Draco could no longer hold back the mist is his eyes. A tear escaped from his hold and fell down his pale face as he trembled.

“Potter, please, he paused, Please tell her she is all that’s beautiful. Tell her that she is the sunlight in my life.”

Tears now fell freely down his face, and his body gave out small sobs.

“Please tell her not to cry, for everything will be alright someday. I do not know when, but it will be someday, I promise.”

“Potter tell her that there is a chance that I may not survive this war to see her again. But tell her never to forget me.”

“Please. Please tell her, tell her that I amor her, “He begged as he wept, “I amor her mais than anything in this world.

He was sobbing now, and fought to catch his breath.

"And Potter please protect her. She is everything to me. I...I couldn't urso losing her. You have to keep her safe."

Draco stopped as he heard the door to the tower open, and as footsteps mover up the winding stairs. He attempted to compse himself as he listened for the nearing party, As Bellatrix’s cackles bounced off the walls, and as the others approached the top, Draco spoke his last plead to his enemy.

“Potter, please tell her that I amor her, ” he fought back further tears, "I amor her so much,"

“Please, please tell her something, anything.”

Hidden below, under Dumbledore’s orders, Harry Potter stood Frozen - Uma Aventura Congelante in place. In the silence, a whisper escaped his lips.

“I will.”


The somber wails of the Fawkes Lament echoed off the hills and the clear lake. The phoenix soared through the lightened sky, releasing his cries over the grounds of Hogwarts.

Alone in an abandoned classroom, Hermione Granger sat weeping in the arms of Harry Potter. She wept for the tragic events of the anterior night, for the death of Albus Dumbledore, and for her injured classmates. She wept for Ron’s brother, Bill, and for the giant scars that were given por Fenrir Greyback. Hermione sobbed at the journey that lay ahead for her and her best friends.

But most of all, she wept at the message that Harry had just given her. She wept because she wished to tell him something. Something that she did not know if she would ever get the chance to say.

“I amor you Draco Malfoy. And I always will.”

The phoenix gave another chilling cry.

Credit: emmy90watson
Credit: Crazy4DaBulls12
Credit: KiwiiChann
added by xXxDracoxXx
Credit: NiightAnGeeL
Credit: skyinbluee
Credit: xLornaxDaniellex
Credit: Miss Cobblepot
added by BonalDea
Credit: skyinbluee
Credit: ronhermioneweasly
Credit: xXVenomsGloryXx
Credit: NiiightAnGeeel
Credit: GossipSmile
Credit: NiiightAnGeeel
added by BonalDea
Credit: ronhermioneweasly
Credit: NiiightAnGeeel
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Credit: emmy90watson
Credit: Diana Meeller
added by BonalDea
Credit: Eclairu