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Defending the disney Princesses



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babybot said:
The main reason why some people don't like princesses is that they make girls rely on men and not think for themselves?
posted over a year ago.
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mymow12 said:
Yeah but that's only like 2-4 of them once they got to Belle it was completely them!
posted over a year ago.
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Articles like this restore my faith in humanity.
posted over a year ago.
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YEAH!!! No more Fake Feminists blaming men for everything. Or saying girls cant like Princesses, Fairytales, Pink, glitter, barbie, dress-up. And seriously I have never read an article or heard of a girl develop anorexia over a cartoon Princess so these chicks like the one dumb bitch that wrote " Cinderella Ate my Daughter" need a dose of some high medications. Why not write about the celebrities on the magazines at the store , or tiny sizes in Victoria Secret or girls being mean and calling bigger girls names.- THAT is why girls develop eating problems NOT Disney Princesses. WE can be strong and fall for a Prince charming too.
posted over a year ago.
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Also no need to pick on Snow White, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty, they did what they could, it may not have been very much, but they didnt write their story. Ariel was the first one to take matters into her own hands. People forget we have had a proactive princess for 25 years almost already. Merida was NOT the first.
posted over a year ago.
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fahmad27 said:
Yes, Persephone713!! I whole-heartly agree with you (and the chick who wrote Defending the Disney Princesses)!
posted over a year ago.
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