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posted by The-Lovely-Key
Hello there! :) As I said in the title, this is moslty directed towards boys. I've just witnessed a lot of you being intolerable jerks, (not all of you, just most of the guys where I live) and I'd like to share my knowledge. SO JUST STOP RIGHT THERE and let Hazel give you some advice. :)

1. When you introduce her to your friends, introduce her AS YOUR GIRLFRIEND.
Don't just say- "Oh, this is Penelope. Anyway..." Nonono, rather- "Hey guys, this is my girlfriend, Penelope. I amor her, so be nice." When you introduce her to your friends, it shows her that she will probably be around for a while, which makes her feel special.

2. (If at school) communicate with her silently from across the room.
Whether it's just a smile, wink, or anything of those sorts, it will brighten her day. Seeing the boy she oves smiling warmly at her will make her tummy tingle.

This is extremely important, hence the capital letters. When you are in a relationship, being apaixonados seems amazing, right? The warm feeling you always get when you two kiss, hug, share intimate moments, ect. But after a while, if all you two are is lovers, it begins to get old, or boring. There ARE times in relationships when you randomly don't amor your partner as much as you normally do. During those times, if you have a friendship with your partner, you will have something left. Ever seen couples who are married at a very old age when they are all wrinkly and saggy and a bit gross? They had that best friendship. If you are JUST lovers, you won't want to be apaixonados when you're all saggy.
Does this make sense? Laugh with her. Share inside jokes with her. Play games with her. Go out for coffee and just talk about your day. A best friendship for me is looking at someone from across the room and being able to have silent conversations with just facial expressions. She will amor being your best friend.

4. Have "a song" or "a food" or "a show".
This also goes with being best friends. There is this boy that I used to like- Our Song was "If You Wanted A Song Written About You, All You Had To Do Was Ask" por Mayday Parade. (We weren't dating, but you get the point.) If you two had a show and it was... "The Office" for example, every time a new episode came on, you two will make some popcorn, scurry to the TV, and snuggle up & watch, happy as can be. All the while, you are eating... String cheese, which is "your food". Are you getting the point?

5. Make her feel safe, but let her make her own choices.
Girls amor the feeling of being seguro in their boy's arms, being kissed on the forehead, just being protected. But you can't be TOO protective, because she'll feel restrained and powerless. Example- if some guy is flirting with your girl, kick his ass! But don't make her stop talking to her guy friends. It is a bit frustrating when the boyfriend is overly protective.

6. Be sweet to her, but you must also be firm.
This reminds me of a South Park episode- Satan loved Saddam Hussein AND this guy named Chris. He loved how Chris was sweet to him, but he was just TOO sweet. Satan hated how Saddam was an asshole, but Saddam was was also firm and it was attractive to Satan.
(Translation) xD
Be very sweet and nice to your girlfriend. She should be a princess to you. But at the same time, if she lies to you or does something that upsets you, (flirts with another guy, cheats, stays out too late) you have to be firm and scold her. Set boundries. Every girl wants a sweet guy, but if you don't set boundries, she may feel free to continue to do some bad things. Don't be so firm that she is scared of you, just enough that she understands that you care and you are worried.

That's it for now. :) I'll make another one later! <3 See you all.