Dark Souls (Video Game) Club
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posted by Jonezy
Dark Souls
This game is an interesting dark, fantasia rpg. While the graphics are alright and the gameplay is great at times the game has an interesting twist to it. You can choose to play as a hollow (undead) or use a hard to come por early in them game item, unless your good at pvp'ing, Humanity to become human and gain access to the games multiplayer aspects. These aspects include summoning upto two people for co-op assistance or invading another player with the use of various items, most of which are acquired through covenants. To summon help you require a white soap stone, acquired later in the game, the areas boss must still be alive and you must meet a strick level requirement, the details of which you may have to do some digging on the internet for. I've noticed some bugs with the pvp interactions sometimes, like players pushing through my character and initiating a back stab from the from. As well as a back stab from three or so feet to my right side in manner as if they were behind me. Other than those bugs the pvp seems otherwise good and the gameplay is enjoyable. I can't shake the bugs so giving a perfect rating isn't going to happen my call is a 7/10 at best. Have a great dia everyone.