cuddian ( cuddy&gillian) Wall

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Displaying wall entries 1-10 of 21

houselover8195 said …
How can this place keep going if Cuddy is leaving and Lie to Me canceled!!! I amor THESE TWO WOMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NOOOOOOOOOO! Posted over a year ago
Kaelity commented…
IKR?!! Both disappear the same fuckin year,...T.T over a year ago
houselover8195 commented…
I HATE THIS!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
Jessicatt commented…
This is like the televisão apocalypse for me. I don't even watch that much television, why do two of the shows that I actually do watch have to implode around the same time?! ='( over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 said …
Honestly....coming to this spot now just makes me wanna cry myself to sleep. How depressing! Please someone cheer me up! Posted over a year ago
Kaelity said …
This spot's so dead lately...Come on! Posted over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 commented…
I tried desperately for so long to get stuff going here but you were like the only one that ever seemed interested! over a year ago
Kaelity commented…
Ifeel like we've always been just 2 or 3 active on the spot and i don't like it, this spot deserves more!! over a year ago
houselover8195 said …
LOL!!! I answered ALL the teste questions!!!! XD Posted over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 commented…
hahahahaha. we probably need to add some more... ;) over a year ago
houselover8195 commented…
Yeah!!! over a year ago
huddycallianfan commented…
lol! me too! xD over a year ago
houselover8195 said …
I HOPE THAT Lie to Me has its 4th season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD Posted over a year ago
Kaelity commented…
It has to be ! Nothing else can happen ! over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 commented…
ME TOO!!!! I'm dying with the wait here... over a year ago
big smile
HuddyJoy0524 said …
OMG You have NO idea how excited i was when i saw that this spot FINALLY got it's icon!! Hellz yeah! It looks awesomeeeee!!! Posted over a year ago
Kaelity commented…
I feel the same, i'm so happy :D The contest will be done tonight, maybe we should do some others things to make the spot mais attractive over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 commented…
good idea! any suggestions? do you mean like contests or games? over a year ago
Kaelity commented…
Didn't think about games, it could be great too ! If you've one on your mind, go ahead :) over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 said …
Alright I have a feeling that there are only going to be 2 people entering the ícone contest...but i will extend it another couple days just in case. Posted over a year ago
Kaelity commented…
That's sad...Guys, this spot can really rules, we just need mais activities and a contest is a beginning... over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 commented…
i think we should just give up....maybe ask the creator of the spot to just add her favorito ícone as the spot icon? we have to at least give the spot an ícone over a year ago
zubeerfaan commented…
sorry i haven't been on fanpop for a long time but i added some ícone :D you can just let me know wich one you would like to have over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 said …
oi everyone just a reminder that the ícone contest is supposed to start in a few days! Please please PLEASE sumbit an ícone for the contest, the mais the merrier! If we dont get anymore people i might have to mover the deadline back again Posted over a year ago
Kaelity commented…
Yeah guys, cadastrar-se us, this spot deserves it ! over a year ago
Kaelity said …
Happy new ano guys ! amor this spot & its fãs ♥ Posted over a year ago
hulismacked said …
Before 2010 ends, please tell I amor YOU to 15 of your best friends. If you fail to do so, 2011 won't be a good ano for you. So, I amor YOU
my dear friend. ♥ ♥ ♥ Posted over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 said …
oi everyone! the spot contest has been added and with a deadline and everything! please join! there are only 2 participants at the moment and im one of them! :0 Posted over a year ago
Kaelity said …
Merry natal amazing fãs ! :) Posted over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 commented…
merry christmas!!!! :D over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 said …
So do we still wanna do that ícone contest? Posted over a year ago
Kaelity commented…
I'm done with it, i'm waiting to vote but someone (i don't know who :/) picked the "Give me time and i will" so i don't know. Maybe we should do the ícone contest now and do an other one in few months or something? over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 commented…
We could but it gets annoying to keep asking mods to switch it. we also have to set ground rules like no mais than 1 submission per person, etc. maybe i can add a deadline so that we can be sure to get it done. i know that it will be hard for me to get everything done por the end of the ano so maybe we can make it jan 3rd or something. over a year ago
Kaelity commented…
I'm ok with that, one submission it's good, mais it will be too much. And jan 3rd i think it's great, it's let time for people who want to cadastrar-se and we don't have to wait too much. Go for it over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 said …
So guys....Lie To Me is in deep s*** right now. :( Season 3 is only going to be on for 13 episodes (yeah...thats only 4 more) and they may not keep it on for a 4th season. This will literally make me cry myself to sleep every night. We have to do something! Posted over a year ago
Kaelity commented…
Yeah...It sucks. Spread the word, we definitely have to do something. Maybe we should start a petition or something like that you know ? And convince people to watch this amazing show ! over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 commented…
I agree! I know that the LTM and Callian spots have petitions to sign and other things we should all be sure to cadastrar-se them!!! over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 commented…
seriously like....if the show goes off air before callian gets together....OMG. I will give raposa holy hell. like you have no idea. they are my #2 OTP they will prevail even if i have to write it myself!!! over a year ago
hulismacked said …
this place is so quiet.... Posted over a year ago
Kaelity commented…
Too quiet :/ We definitely need mais activities in this spot ! over a year ago
hulismacked commented…
yeah, agree... what do you think??? forum? fanfiction? over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 commented…
i might attempt a fanfic over break...if i can finish the other one before we'll see how that goes! ;) over a year ago
hulismacked said …
what about the small ícone ??? I hope we can get mais and mais activities here :) Posted over a year ago
Kaelity commented…
I hope too ! :D Maybe a contest for the ícone ? over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 commented…
lol great minds think alike! i just started a thread! go join!! :) over a year ago
Huddy77 commented…
yay! contest! *go join* over a year ago
Huddy77 said …
Lovely banner *-* Great Job!
I made some ícones too, idk, just got in the mood xD
This is the cutest spot ever <3 Posted over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 commented…
i amor your ícone too! :) and agreed i amor this spot already! over a year ago
houselover8195 commented…
I amor IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 said …
oi all! I added an ícone that we could use for the spot! i dont know who the creator is but can they add it? if not, does someone know how to contact a mod to do so? Posted over a year ago
Kaelity commented…
You did a great job, i amor it ! But i don't know who is the creator and i don't know how to contact a mod either...:/ over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 commented…
Thanks! :) Yeah i guess we have to wait for mais people to pop into the spot so we can figure it out.... over a year ago
zubeerfaan commented…
okey :D over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 said … going início this week for thanksgiving (WOOT) and my moms computer has photoshop. i can try and create a banner for here if you guys want.....;) Posted over a year ago
Kaelity commented…
Yeah, go ahead :D over a year ago
houselover8195 said …
Am I the only one that post things on this place? Posted over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 commented…
I will this week! I promise!! :) over a year ago
houselover8195 commented…
Can't wait! :D over a year ago
big smile
HuddyJoy0524 said …
Can I just club ever?! We need an ícone and a banner! Posted over a year ago
hulismacked commented…
agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if somebody can do huddy and calllian club also good :D over a year ago
houselover8195 commented…
We do!!!!!!!! over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 commented…
YESSSSSSSSS over a year ago