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posted by HouseAddict87
Chapter Three: Killing Time

After talking to Lindsay, Stella decided to go início for the dia after finishing up some paperwork. She was finding it very hard to concentrate knowing that her father was out there in the world somewhere. Stella had a lot on her mind, the case, her father, and last but most certainly not least, Mac Taylor. She decided to pour herself a drink and turn on some John Mayer before getting ready for bed. She went over to her dresser and stared at herself in the mirror for a few seconds.
“You can do this Stella, you’re strong.” She said to herself.
She then picked out her pajamas and got ready for bed. Before turning out the light she got a picture out of her bedside mesa, tabela drawer and stared at it for a few minutes. It was a picture of three men and a woman in a blue dress. The woman in the fotografia was her mother.
“Hey mom, it’s me Stella. Umm I’m not sure yet but I think I found dad. I’m going to try to find him seguinte week so I can learn about you and why he never came to find me or if he even knows about me. I have a lot of perguntas that need to be answered and I only hope when I find him he will be able to answer them. Don’t worry though I will be very careful. Dad most likely lives in Italy now so I am going to fly over to find him as soon as I can. He is also a potential suspect in a double homicide I have been working. I don’t believe he is a killer but I have to find out how his DNA is connected to some evidence for our crime scene. My co-worker Lindsay found out that he used to be involved in the Italian mafia so I will definitely be watching my back. I know it’s a long shot but I hope Mac will go with me. He followed me to Greece about a ano atrás and told me about you. He’s the one who gave me this picture. It’s funny we’ve been friends for years and partners as well but it wasn’t until recently that I realized I’m so in amor with him it hurts. He asked me out on a encontro, data yesterday, I almost fainted but accepted I really hope I don’t screw this up mom. If he knew how I felt about him well… we’ll just have to see. It’s been along time since I have talked to God, I guess you could say I sort of have some issues with him. So I talk to you instead because I know you’re an angel in heaven looking down and watching over me. Maybe you can get the message to the big man that I’m sorry and am trying to be a better person. Well I’m tired and need to get some rest before work tomorrow my encontro, data is in two days and I couldn’t be mais nervous. I’ll be surprised if I don’t break out in hives from being so nervous. Well I amor you mom and really hope I make you proud. Goodnight.”
Stella flicked the lamp off and fell into a deep sleep thanks to mental exhaustion and alcohol.
Beep, beep, beep.
Stella woke up at 5:30am to the annoying beeping of her alarm clock. She reached over and shut it off then lazily stumbled out of cama and into the bathroom. She turned on the chuveiro and let the steam fill her small bathroom before climbing in to start her day. About an hora later she was dressed and ready for work. She approached the lab and noticed that only Danny was in there so far. She was a little irritated because she wanted to talk to Lindsay and Hawkes about what they had found on their victims belongings but not wanting to be rude she just walked over and told Danny good morning.
“Good morning Messer how is Lindsay and Lucy doing?”
“Oh, oi Stella didn’t notice you were here already. They’re fine; Lindsay’s going to be in a little late today Lucy was running a temperature this morning only 99.8 but we want to make sure she isn’t coming down with the flu or something so Lindsay is taking her to the doctor before she heads in. After you left yesterday Hawkes got assigned to another case so Lindsay and I finished processing the victim’s clothing and belongings. We also got the cause of death on our male vic. and have been trying to get in contact with any associate’s or coworkers of Mr. Henshaw. Flack is also tracking down any of Karen Landes’ friends to see if they know anything about her connection to Henshaw or if they know of anyone who might want to kill Karen. Okay, so the cause of death on our male vic. turns out to be gunshot wound to the head. He was stabbed numerous times before the shot but none were severe enough to have killed him. The gunshot is what did him in. So we have two victim’s one died por being stabbed and the other died por a gunshot. Both have large amounts of heroin in their systems but so far we don’t know for sure what their connection to each other is. Popular theory right now is Henshaw was Landes’ drug dealer and pissed someone off. That person sought revenge on Henshaw and Landes was collateral damage. Wrong place, wrong time maybe. Until we talk to some people who knew either of our vics. it’s all speculation.”
“Well I like the theory that Henshaw was her drug dealer but they have to have mais of a connection. Henshaw owned a restaurant close to Chelsea universidade where Landes was a student at; why not make the deal there? Central Park is several minutos away from the restaurant and Chelsea University, unless it was to avoid being caught this doesn’t make sense.”
“We’re working on it Stella we’re going to figure this out. Lindsay also mentioned the DNA on the toothpicks and what she found about the possible suspect being you father maybe? Damn, I got to tell you Stella if this guy is our suspect or worse our murderer I really hope he isn’t you’re father. Regardless if you do find your dad I’m happy for you I know you have wanted to know about your parents your whole life so maybe you’ll be getting you respostas soon.”
“Thanks Danny. I’m going to go talk to Mac I have some very important things to discuss with him involving my father. I really hope this has a happy ending.”
“Me too Stel, see you later I’m going to get in contact with Flack and see what he has found out.”
Stella walked out of the lab and over to Mac’s office. He was on the phone so Stella waited outside until he got off. Once Mac hung up the phone Stella walked in and started to talk to him.
“Good morning Mac, how are you?”
“Stella, just the person I wanted to see. I’m good, how are you?”
“I’m alright but there’s something I need to discuss with you.”
“I assume it has to do with this.”
Mac laid down a folder containing the info on the DNA and the other stuff Lindsay had found.
“Mac, you can’t be angry with Lindsay I told her not to say anything about what she found out. This is all on me. If you’re going to be angry, be angry with me okay.”
“Relax Stella, I’m not angry. I’m just concerned. Why didn’t you tell me that you might have found your father or this mysterious man that shares your DNA?”
“I’m sorry Mac I was going to discuss it with you first this morning that’s why I’m here. I need to ask a huge favor of you but I understand if you don’t want to get involved.”
“I care about you a lot Stella so I am already involved what did you want to ask me?”
“Well I really want us to go on our encontro, data Friday so I was wondering if maybe seguinte week we could book a trip to Italy to hopefully track down my father. I would go por myself but apparently he used to be involved with the mob so… I would just feel better if you went with me. That’s if it’s not asking too much. I’m really going to need you.”
“I’ll talk to Sinclair and see what I can do. There’s no way I’m letting you go over there alone especially since this man might be a suspect in our murder and has ties to the mafia. I’ll make Sinclair understand and we will plan our trip to Italy seguinte week, with or without his blessing.”
Stella threw her arms around Mac and hugged him tightly for a few seconds.
“Thank you Mac you have no idea what this means to me. I can’t do this without you.”
“I’ll be right por your side every step of the way.”
“So, about our encontro, data on Friday where are you taking me?”
“That, Stella is a surprise. You’re going to enjoy it though, I promise.”
“Mac come on just tell me what it is.”
“No way.”
“Fine, I’ll be with you though so I will definitely enjoy it. I can’t wait.”
“Me neither we’re going to have a blast.”
“Right well Danny has probably found some people who know Karen Landes por now so I’m going to meet up with him and see what we can find out about her and our other vic.”
“Alright sounds good let me know what you find. I’ll talk to you later have a great day.”
“Okay, talk to you later.”
Stella walked back down to the lab and found Danny.
“Alright Danny find anything out about Karen’s friends or anyone who might know anything about her murder?”
“As a matter of fact I did. Flack said she had a roommate por the name of Misty Carlisle and a boyfriend named Bradley James. We got addresses on both people and I was just waiting for you so we could go and pergunta them. Flack also got a few leads on Henshaw. Turns out he had a “business” associate who the cops picked up not too long after the bodies were found. He was arrested for dealing heroin and for unauthorized possession of a handgun, looks like we have a suspect. Flack is also questioning several of the people who worked for Henshaw he’s trying to find out if any of them know about what could have happened to their ex- boss.”
“Awesome, let’s go pergunta some kids.”
Danny and Stella got into the Avalanche and made their way to Chelsea University. They parked outside the Milton building and went up to the third floor, room 312, Karen’s dorm room. Inside Missy Carlisle was getting ready for class when she heard a knock on the door.
“NYPD, open up!”
Misty slowly walked over o the door and let the detectives inside.
“This is about Karen isn’t it?”
“Are you Misty Carlisle?”
“Miss Carlisle, I’m Detective Bonasera and this is Detective Messer, we have some perguntas for you about your roommate and need to know if you know anything about her death.”
“Okay I’ll cooperate but just know I had nothing to do with this. I knew that guy was bad news and tried to tell Karen to get rid of him but wouldn’t listen. Still I can’t believe she’s gone.”
“Wait a minuto back up what guy and what do you know? Start from the beginning Miss Carlisle.”
“Okay well Karen has had a bad drug habit for like I don’t know the past three years or a little longer. She started using after high school. We grew up together and decided to be roommates while we attended college. Karen got into heroin a few months after we graduated from high school. I tried it a few times but it wasn’t my thing. Karen though she got hooked. Well her old dealer Kyle Reyes got locked up for dealing heroin and I told Karen she should quit or get help. She didn’t listen; she started getting the drugs from a new guy named Marshall Henshaw. He’s an older man, mid forties, I guess and he owns a restaurant, well it turns out he wanted to be mais than just her dealer. Karen told me about five months atrás that was sleeping with Henshaw and that since she did that he hooked her up with the best heroin on the market. It’s really sad, Karen was extremely smart and was going to go somewhere, and she was very gifted in mathematics and chemistry. She wanted to be a neurosurgeon so she was going to pre-med school here and hoped to transfer to Johns Hopkins to get her Master’s degree in medicine. I guess that will never happen. Anyway I don’t know who killed Karen or Marshall but I’m sure it was someone involved in the drug community. Everyone Karen knew adored her but this guy Marshall I don’t know he was a bad dude I could tell from the moment I met him about a mês ago. So I would say if you find out who had a beef with him than you’ll likely get to your suspect.”
“Miss Carlisle as of now you are not a suspect we still need a DNA sample and your fingerprints to prove you were nowhere near the crime scene the dia Karen and Marshall Henshaw were found. Also if you have an alibi please let us know and give us a contact so we can check if your story fits.”
“Sure anything to prove I’m innocent and to help find who killed Karen. I was in Philosophy at the time the bodies were found and here is my professor’s phone number, he can confirm that I was in class we had an exam that day.”
Danny took her prints and swabbed her mouth for a DNA sample.
“Okay Miss Carlisle here’s my card if you have any other information please give me a call. Thank you for your time.”
“Good luck detectives.”
Stella and Danny went back to the lab and ran the DNA and prints on Misty and then contacted her professor. He confirmed that she was in class that dia and the results on the prints and DNA confirmed that she was not at the crime scene. She had nothing to do with the murders. The dia went por rather quickly and Stella was glad to be going home. Thursday came and went just as quickly. She and Danny questioned the boyfriend and ruled him out as a suspect he too had an alibi. Thy also talked to a couple of co-workers who were ruled out as suspects and now only had a couple mais associates to pergunta along with the one already in custody. That would all have to wait for Friday though. Stella went to cama on Thursday night and dreamed about her encontro, data with Mac that was coming up. She rested peacefully all through the night.
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posted by huddysmacked
So why not make a lit of that?

Season 1
1x01 : 'Can't sleep?' conversation [04.33]
1x01 : 'Good morning would be nice..' [04.58]
1x01 : Stella's concern for Mac [17.39]
1x01 : 'You alright?' conversation [20.25]
1x01 : Stella watches Mac at the hospital [30.50]
1x02 : 'Hang in there' [23.40]
1x02 : 'Use your head, not your heart..' [23.48]
1x02 : Mac comforts a frustrated Stella [36.00]
1x02 : Mac comes to help Stella with her case [38.14]
1x03 : 'You still with me?' [20.07]
1x03 : 'Playing hangman' conversation [24.20]
1x03 : Stella invited Mac to a bar, he actually goes! [41.00]
1x04 : (worked different...
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Season 5 Episode 14, She's Not There

Two men end up in New York City looking for their daughters who have been missing for a period of time. One of them is found dead. Flack is back on duty.

Season 5 Episode 15, The Party's Over

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Mac Taylor looked at his watch and smiled to himself. He was going to be right on time. He was on his way to have jantar with Ella McBride the young women he helped after her mother viciously murdered her own father. Ella had reached out to him and Mac try as he might could not break ties with her. Mac's segundo in command and closest friend Stella Bonasera had told him to not get himself further involved with Ella saying that she could be dangerous. For the first time he could remember Mach chose to refuse his good friend's advice.

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