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posted by anniejacksonn
Kelly woke abruptly, sweating and scarcely holding back her screams. She sat up and threw off the blankets, remaining on the edge of the cama until her ragged breaths had calmed down and her coração no longer sounded like irregular drumbeats in her ears. She’d been having nightmares for months now, and each night they dragged on longer and stuck mais vividly in her mind. A few nights atrás she’d woken her parents up crying for help in her sleep, and although she couldn’t remember the dreams when she woke up, they always left her terrified and exhausted. She could barely sleep at night and was ill at ease during the daylight hours. However, she also felt childish and stupid when she realized how afraid of her own dreams she’d become, and so she hadn’t revealed to anyone just how disturbed por them she was.

Deciding she wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep, and having no desire to anyway, Kelly stood and walked over to her dresser. She brushed out her hair and changed into school clothes, looking at the clock for the first time that morning. It was six twenty-five; the alarm would have woken her in five minutos even if her dreams hadn’t. Turning the alarm off, she headed downstairs to find something to eat.

In the cafeteria at school later, Kelly waited in line behind her best friend Jessica and chewed her lip indecisively. She wanted to confide in her friend, to ask for conselhos or just seek reassurance about her dreams, but she was afraid to. What if Jessica told her she was being a baby and that they were just dreams she should get over?

Later, as she got ready for bed, she couldn’t shake the feeling of dread that had shadowed her every night for the past months. She climbed into cama but left the lamp on, feeling just a little bit better, as if nightmares couldn’t disturb her with the light to keep them away. This was untrue, of course.

She dreamed that she was walking down a rua at night; all the buildings around her were deserted, abandoned, the windows shattered, paint peeling and frames crumbling. A dark shadow moved behind her; she turned to face it and her terror was so great it paralyzed her and rendered her unable to unleash the horrified scream tearing at her throat.

The thing that was stalking her was just inches from her. Its form appeared human and it was clad in a black cloak, the capuz, capa drawn over the face. However, when she saw it the creature revealed its face, which was hideously scarred from fogo and covered in blood but not wounded, as if the thing had just finished smearing the stuff on its face. It was bald and barefoot, and wherever bare skin showed, the scars from being burned were evident, as was the fact that the thing was barely mais than a skeleton; its skin was stretched tightly over bones that were grossly apparent.

The scarred, blood-smeared, skeletal face opened its mouth wide to reveal jagged, broken teeth also coated in blood, and released a deep rumbling laugh as its hands reached for her and scraped at her arms with claw-like fingernails. This time she managed to mover her feet; she ran with terror beating in her heart, but didn’t hear the creature following her. She ran past dark buildings and down empty streets until she had to stop, had to breathe, had to rest her aching legs.

And then it grabbed her from behind.

She tried to scream but its bony hands covered her mouth. There were mais of the creatures now, and they all reached for her, drawing blood as they raked her with fingernails. Then she was dragged away, kicking and screaming, down the abandoned street. When she managed to twist out of their grasp and run, they caught up with her and bound her limbs so she could barely struggle.

On they marched, and eventually she gave in and grew limp in their grasp. Tears stung her eyes. Suddenly the creatures stopped; the one holding her took a few paces progressivo, para a frente and before she realized what it intended to do, the thing hurled her into the air. This time no one was muffling her screams as she plummeted over the side of the cliff and towards the jagged rocks and dark water below. Just when she would have hit them, she woke.

Her hands were balled into fists; her hair was enrolados and she felt suffocated por her pillow, so she threw it to the floor, drew her legs to her chest and leaned against the wall. She sobbed until her eyes hurt from crying and her body was sore from it. Only then did she allow sleep to claim her once more; but this time there was darkness, for which she was grateful. She did not dream again.

The seguinte night was worse. It was a repeat of the anterior dream, only with some alterations; this time after she was thrown over the cliff, she hit the swirling black water and felt the pain of it like a giant slap. She’d missed the jagged rocks but felt herself sinking, deeper and deeper with no way to free her limbs from thier binds. As she struggled in vain and water invaded her mouth and nose, choking her, blackness crept over her vision and she awakened in terror.
* * * * *

Kelly could no longer sleep. She had lain awake in cama the anterior night, exhausted beyond belief but refusing to fall asleep. The seguinte morning she rose and dressed for school, but her actions were those of a robot; she was so tired that she barely noticed what she was wearing and didn’t taste her breakfast. Nor did she feel the cold rain outside or hear the conversations of other kids on the ride to school.

por lunch hour, her friends had definitely noticed her unusual quietness, how red and puffy her eyes looked and how she stumbled through her classes half-asleep. When she sat down to eat she felt sick to her stomach and picked halfheartedly at her food. All she wanted to do was curl up and sleep, but how could she with nightmares to torment her mind and physically exhaust her?

There was a new kid at their mesa, tabela today. This fact did not immediately register in Kelly’s mind, but when it did, she felt a slight spark of interest. When Jessica introduced him as Don’s friend Chris, she was compelled to introduce herself and engage in a short conversation. She didn’t miss the relieved glances Jessica passed to all her other friends, and realized that she’d basically ignored them the past few days due to her prolonged fatigue and depression.

The seguinte dia she scrambled onto the bus and found a assento in the far back. She knew that her physical condition was deteriorating: her eyes had dark circles underneath them and they were constantly bloodshot: she’d lost the battle against sleep and had woken close to screaming a few times now.
She began to doze as the bus made its rounds and woke suddenly to find Chris sitting beside her. For a moment she stared at him, disoriented and upset that shed been woken from the only dreamless sleep she was likely to get for a while.

“Kelly,” Chris began.

She waited expectantly for him to continue.

“I know you haven’t been sleeping,” he told her. “Or mais importantly, I know why you haven’t been sleeping.”

“I have nightmares,” Kelly whispered hoarsely, hugging her bag to her chest. “I can’t remember most of them, but they wake me up every night, and I can barely sleep… For a while I tried not to, but I was too tired.”

“I know. Kelly, I had the same dreams.”

She looked at Chris in astonishment. “What do you mean?”

“I mean you’re not the only one. And your dreams aren’t going to stop until you do something about them.”

“What can I do? They’re terrible, but I can’t make them go away.”

“Here,” Chris said, handing a folded piece of paper towards her. “This is an incantation for protection; if you remember to say it when your dream begins, it will drive the creatures away.”

She unfolded it; one word was written across the paper in a foreign language.

“It’s very simple to remember,” Chris told her, “but also powerful–it means ‘Surrender’. It will make the dreams end.”

Desperately grasping at any means to end her horrified dreams, Kelly, unfortunately, placed her trust in Chris. Little did she know, this would be the last mistake of her life.

That night sleep came slowly. She didn’t feel tired; she was charged with fearful anticipation. When she found herself in the dark, deserted rua once more, Kelly stood her ground and tried to focus her thoughts. It took her a moment to remember the most vital piece of information: she was dreaming. She was dreaming, and she must stand her ground when the creatures came; she must remember to say the word that would drive them away.

When the wraithlike creatures appeared this time, with salivating cachorros at their heels, she did not turn and run. Instead she faced her foes and tried to keep calm as she drew breath to utter one word. Emboldened, she suddenly screamed it at them.

the creatures stopped dead: the cachorros whined and glanced at their masters as if in procurar of permission. Then a gaping hole broke wide beneath her feet, and Kelly was plunged downward through scorching-hot air, down, down, until-thud-she smacked into solid ground. Pain flared through the side of her body that she’d landed on, and she realized she lay upon a huge slab of smooth black stone. She spun around frantically, searching the underground cavern for an exit. Why wasn’t she waking up? Chris had said…he’d told her…he’d promised that she would awaken after facing the creatures.

And then she saw him.

Sitting on a trono carved out of the same kind of stone she’d landed upon, two cold dark eyes stared down at her. A spiked crown sat atop his head, and between his fingers he held a razor-sharp spear. A wicked grin broke across his face as the unmistakable Greek god Hades rose to his full impressive height and answered her unspoken question: “Yes, Kelly, your friend Chris has betrayed you. And you are now enslaved to me forever; you will never again awaken.”
posted by FrostyBlazer

Henry: sorry Mr.Kage but-

Kagekao: it is ok... Henry... I have another job for you...

Henry: yes master... what is it?

Kagekao: gather the team...

Henry: yes sir!

*back to the story!*

Lucius: hey! what happened to Toby?

Slender: I sent him to my brother

*TV show swoosh*

Splender: Toby, would you like some mais tea?

Toby: yes!

Splender: Mr. Fluff, would you like some mais tea?

Mr.Fluff [Toby]: yes I do!

Audience: *laughing*

* "everybody hates Chris" commercial break song *
posted by FrostyBlazer
Zalgo: hmmmm...

Observer: hmmmm...

SL: hmmmm...

Lisa: hmmmm...

Targeter: hmmmm...

Pyris: hmmm...

BVRV: pika...

Zalgo: I got it!

All: what is it?

Zalgo: ok so someone knocks Slender out...

Observer: and?

Zalgo: then we bring him here and chain him to the wall...

Targeter: and?

Zalgo: then we capture his proxys and torture them so he gives up!

Observer: but wouldn't he just "Slender walk" out of the chains and warn them?

Zalgo: ._.

All: ._.

Zalgo: fuc*
posted by FrostyBlaze
Slender: Observer, you are in charge

Observer: yes sir...

Slender: train the new proxy for me *slender walks*

*Ding Dong*

Masky: yes? *opens door*

???: contract for you sir

Masky: thanks seedy

SE: you are welcome masky

Masky: Who is your friend?

SE: His name is Porter... he is a rouge SCP

Lucius: ok lets add that to the what the hell is that list...

Sonic.EXE: now is my chance to get out of here!

Lucius: *shoots tazer*

Sonic.EXE: jnhjhbjanjkbneailoveKFCgjablaeamnsjn *faints*

Lucius: I win
posted by FrostyBlaze
???: Shadow Lurker... what the hell took you so long?

SL: I am greatly sorry, lord Zalgo... but I did get some info about the new proxy!

Zalgo: like?

SL: his name is Lucius and he has a smg...

Zalgo: and?

SL: thats all...

Zalgo: ._.

SL: sir?

Zalgo: ...

SL: ummmmmm...


SL: im sorry sir! but Slenderman did tell me to say to meet him at the grave yard at 7:30

Zalgo: WHY YOU - wait, did you say slender wanted me to meet him at the grave yard?

SL: yeah?

Zalgo: take care of the anjos da noite for me!

*going through portal*

SL: wait what? don't you have to take care o-

Zalgo: sorry cant hear you, i'm going through a portal!

*portal closes*

SL: *sigh* time to play some League of Legends
[WARNING: This is for once not a fictional story! Everything in this artigo is real, and DO NOT recommend actually trying this game! It is dangerous, and I don't want anyone getting hurt.]

This artigo is composed of everything I have heard about playing Hitori Kakurenbo, rolled up into one article. There are several different interpretations, so I've included all I could find so I don't leave anything out.

Some people believe this game is actually a ritual to call a malevolent presence into your home. What exactly you are calling changes depending on the source, I have heard some say you are...
continue reading...
posted by FrostyBlazer
Porter: oi guys *hanging from foot on tree*

Slender: what the heck is going on? who is this guy?

Lucius: he is a rouge SCP apparently, oi HOW DID YOU NOT SEE THAT ROPE TRAP!

Porter: well you were to busy chasing sonic you didn't listen to me when I said I was blind

Slender: good, he doesn't know I don't have a face

Porter: you don't have a face?

Slender: shi*

ToTheArk: where are we going to live?

Jeff: well...

Slender: no!

Jeff: he owes us!

Slender: no we are not living with Laughing Jack!

Jeff: do we have any other options?

Slender: fine...

Lucius: who is this "Laughing Jack"?

Slender: I will tell you later *unties rope*

Porter: *flop* ow...
added by MonsterInZeDark
added by anniejacksonn
added by KaterinaLover
posted by usernameinvalid
The Rugrats really were a figment of Angelica's Demonic and Unimaginable imagination.

Chuckie died a long time atrás along with his mother, that's why Chaz is a nervous wreck all the time.

Tommy was a stillborn, that's why Stu is constantly in the basement making toys for the son who never had a chance to live.

The DeVilles had an abortion, Angelica couldn't figure whether it would be a boy or a girl thus creating the twins.
As for "All Grown Up" the teenage Angelica became addicted to various narcotics which further aggravated her Schizophrenia, bringing her back to her childhood and thus her creations...
continue reading...
added by Lancelot8
Source: (found)
posted by yamishadow2001
I saw her behind me I ran away as jumped out off the balanço and ran away as far as I could,but she appeared infront of me I thought I was dead but then a guy wearing a mask and a white cloack appeared and told me to get lord death amd then he opened a portal and pushed me on it I arrived therr fast and ran to the academy and warned lord death when he heard this he took me to a room and told me to learn two techniques.
I came out of the room after 45 minutos and told him Im ready and I summoned two glowing swords gold swords and teleported myself back to the forest and saw the man still fighting...
continue reading...
posted by FrostyBlazer
cRYPT: Boots! Trevor! Caller!

Trevor: yes?

Caller: yes?

Boots: ... (yes?)

cRYPT: I have a task for you...

Trevor and Caller: what is it?

Boots: ... (like you can't do it)

cRYPT: I want you to take down the other Proxys

Trevor: but Zalgo says-

cRYPT: i d0NT cAR3 wHAT zALLG0 sAYS? i wANT sL3ND3R t0 sUFF3R?

Boots: ... (dam*it, he is going cryptic again)

Caller: we are on it sir!

All: *all leave*

cRYPT: Jane!

Jane: yes?

cRYPT: take down RED... we are having war on both sides...

Jane: bu-

cRYPT: g0?

Jane: yes sir! *teleports*

cRYPT: *sigh*
posted by FrostyBlazer

Both: *run in* yes?

Slender: we ran out of milk

Both: ._.


Lucius: ok... we got Slenderman the leite and you a toy

Jeff: yay!

Lucius: but due to me being broke we can't afford to even get on a bus

Jeff: aww


Lucius: huh? who's there?!

Johnny: HAIL LUMAR! *charges at lucius*

Lucius: *steps to the right*


Johnny: *stands up* oww... I shall kill you Zalgo demons!

Lucius: we don't work for Zalgo buddy

Johnny: LIES! *charges at Lucius*

Lucius: *steps to the left*


Johnny: dam*it!
posted by FrostyBlazer
Slender: oi can you tell me the plan again?

Lucius: aren't you the one that created it?

Slender: so is that a yes?

Lucius: why do you want a run through anyway?

Slender: I forgot?

Lucius: ...

Slender: Jeff bonked me on the head?

Lucius: ...

Slender: Zalgo wiped my memory?

Lucius: ...

Slender: I have amnesia?

Bro: he doesn't *walks away*

Lucius: you are fooling no one Targeter

???: no

Lucius: what?

Dolan: is actually Dolan

Lucius: da faq?

Dolan: bit*h pls
posted by FrostyBlazer
*ding dong*

EJ: ugh... I'll be right back *poof*

*opens door*

EJ: hello good sir! how may I help you?

Henry: hi, my name is Henry... im here to talk abou-

EJ: no *slams door*

Slender: what was that about?

EJ: Laughing Jack went out side and someone saw him

Slender: wow

EJ: yep

Lucius: that idiot

EJ: well... I'll go get jack

Lucius: and don't come back!

All: ...

Me: sorry, my creative composição literária kinda ran out today...

Lucius: you better be!

Jeff: I thought it was funny...

Lucius: oh hey! I forgot you were here...
posted by FrostyBlazer
Lucius: so... you live here alone with the other Jack?

EJ: no... I convinced Laughing Jack to house other pastas that got raided por SCP corp.

Lucius: cool

EJ: hey, where is masky?

Slender: he had a coração attack

EJ: well... where is he?

Slender: I sent him to 49 with ToTheArk


49: I will cure you

ToTheArk: you know he is passed out and he can't hear you right?

49: oh... pass me the the medkit

173: ...


173: ...

49: its like i'm talking to a statue...
Observer: I fold

Zalgo: so... what happened?

Observer: He went kamikaze on my as*

SL: like a true wimp

Observer: says the guy that hides in the shadows for a living

SL: oh shut-up!

All: ...

Observer: so... whats up with the whole "when the world ends he lets out sigh" thing?

SL: I bet

Zalgo: its just a thing I created to scare slender

Observer: oh

Zalgo: honestly, if the world ended I would be dancing

SL: oi it's your turn!

Lucius: i'm sorry, but i'm still trying to figure out how I got here
posted by FrostyBlazer
Slender: ZALGO!

Zalgo: hello old friend! how are the kids?

Slender: What the hell Zalgo!

Zalgo: what? I wanted to know who he was!

Slender: no you did not!

Zalgo: ok you caught me, I wanted him for my army...

Slender: this is the shi* that makes m-

Zalgo: on my defense I did tell Shadow to tell You after he got the info

Slender: thats it... THE TREATY IS BROKEN!

Zalgo: WHAT?

Slender: you back-stab and spy all the time!

Zalgo: do you realize what you are saying?

Slender: yes

Zalgo: *sigh* well then... shall we meet again?

Slender: not likely

*both teleport*

Zalgo: Observer, the treaty is broken... you know what to do

Observer: finally...
added by KaterinaLover