cobra Kai
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cobra Kai Which hairstyle is the best for Hawk?
9 fans picked: |
Purple Hawk
Natural Hawk
Season 1 Eli
Red Hawk
Green Hawk
Small Blue Hawk
(added by FanFic_Girl_26)
Blue Hawk
Shaved Hawk
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Whenever I think of Hawk, I usually recall the scene where he calls out Kyler for being a bully in the Season 5 finale Head of the Snake, showing how he’d grown and matured since he flipped the script in Season 1, went through a personality change in Season 2, switched sides after having a crisis of conscience and realizing he’d become the bully he strongly disliked in Season 3, decided on finding balance between himself and his Hawk persona while joining Miyagi-Do thanks to Demetri, and got his confidence back after a pep talk (and kiss) from Moon during Season 4 (while also winning the trophy for the boys’ division at the All-Valley Tournament), and showed he and Demetri knew precisely what Anthony was talking about when Anthony used a Dungeon Lord analogy with Chozen’s egg lesson in Season 5.
Eli: (to Kyler) You know what? That’s life. You win some, you lose some, but you gotta move on. You never did. You’re still pulling the same old bully act as always.
Basically, Eli showed he’d matured with a “win some, lose some” attitude by accepting and moving on from his loss to Kenny (in stark contrast to his Sore Loser reaction in the Season 1 tournament), whereas Kyler is still stuck on his bullying ways. In fact, Kyler’s only development in the entire series is relatively minor; he only realizes that, despite his own evil ways, he won’t tolerate cheating in sport.
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