Chuck and Vanessa Club
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 Lucy! FOTM and Boho Barista!
Lucy! FOTM and Boho Barista!
You definitely deserve this prestigious honor!

Why don’t you start with introducing yourself and telling us something we don’t know about you?
-I can kill two birds with one stone: My name is Lucy Kate but most people call me Katie except here online where I am Lucy. Didn't know that did ya?

The Chanessa spot is pretty dang epic, if I do say so myself. Is it your favorito spot on Fanpop?
-Hell yeah it's epic! All props to us, am I right C?! I actually do think it's my favorite. I used to say it was the Jate spot, but since all my Boho Baristas came to play here, the Chanessa spot is the first one I go to when I get online with the Jate spot being second. Thanks to you guys, it is my favorite. :)

When and why did you become a fã of Gossip Girl?
-Well I started watching from the pilot episode because I was a major fã of the OC and yada, yada. Though I wouldn't exactly call myself a 'fan' until probably Hi Society aired and then I became a little bit of a GG nut job.
 They're my bebês and I must represent.
They're my bebês and I must represent.

Favorite Gossip Girl character? Couple?
-Hmmm let me thing about this one... Who could my favorito character possibly be? Blair? Not really. Nate? NO THANKS. Serena? Not even close. Chuck? DING DING DING!!! The Basstard will always be my #1. As for the couple, I'm sticking with cereja on this one. They're my bebês and I must represent.

What scene did you decided that Chanessa would be a good pairing?
-I know it was before Chuck in Real Life because when that promo came out (best GG episode promo to encontro, data BTW)I was thinking it was too good to be true. I don't think it was a specific moment but just over time, I started thinking they would be great together and the love/hate would be awesome. I was right.

When first coming on forums, where you a closet Vuck fan, or did you show your amor proudly?
-Um YEAH, I was a closet Vuck fan. Who wasn't during those days? I feel I must mention I started coming to forums around Remains of the J..No explanation needed.. You'd get trolled to high heaven if you mentioned you liked anything that even remotely had to do with Chuck and Vanessa.

Where does Chanessa rank on your favorito Gossip Girl couples?
-This is so hard because I like a lot of them in different ways.. I'm going to do with third. They are right behind cereja and Chair.

Where do they rank on your favorito TV couples?
-Freak, I have no clue! They're in the topo, início 10 I know that.
 The tongue baby!
The tongue baby!

Best cute scene:In Chuck in Real Life when they're outside of the bar and Vanessa says she's sorry and that she was wrong about him. He just gets this smile on his face that is so adorable. Of course Blair chooses THAT moment to text him about her private hair removal.

Best angsty scene:It's a toss up between 'Stay. Please' and the Blair/Chuck/Vanessa showdown. She was hurt, he was pissed that she was hurt and I was soaking it all up.

Best hot scene:The tongue baby! It was the ultimate get a room kiss and they sure did. Twice.

Best quote:'What means nothing?' I amor their morning after so much. I call that scene Bow Chicka Bow Wow because that's what's written all over their faces.

Best episode:Since we have so many to chose from.. I'll say Chuck in Real Life. Definitely. That's when we got to see them realizing that they could actually appreciate the other. Plus I have a total soft spot for any episode where people realize Chuck has a heart.

Best underrated moment: When Chuck goes to the bar to apologize and leaves felling defeated but then we see Vanessa step from the other room and we know that she was touched por it. That never gets talked about.

Best anti!Chair moment:When Chuck walks away from Blair two segundos after she arrived to greet Vanessa. He didn't even compliment her dress that he bought her! (I actually felt a little bad for her at that moment but no matter) You can't get a mais anti! moment than that.

Chanessa is determined Endgame! Your reaction?
-I'd be over the moon ecstatic. First off, if Chanessa was given a legit chance and Chair wasn't basically guaranteed endgame, I would ship them harder than Chuck and Blair fo sho! And secondly, the fan's reactions to a Vuck endgame would be priceless. I would actually pay good money just to see that.

What does Vuck have, that other couples lack?
-Good question! I think they have a unique type of love/hate. At first it was a REALLY strong dislike but now it's mais of a surface hate when you know they truly like the other, underneath all that. Now that just sounds like every other love/hate relationship doesn't it? I can't explain it OK, but it's different. lol

Your favorito Chanessa moment of all time?
-This is too hard!!! I'm going to have to say 'Stay. Please.' is my very favorite. I just loved how she was comforting him when he was down, telling him that his father was wrong about him and how he was moved. That right there is one of the reasons I amor Vanessa.

 What do you think?
What do you think?
If you could give them ONE mais scene together, what would they be doing?
-What do you think?

We all are aware of your amor for Cherry. Would you give up your favorito cereja moment, for Chanessa to have legit screen time?
-Yes for sure. cereja doesn't have a particular moment that is my favorite, it's just them as a whole that I love. I would definitively loose a scene if it meant legit screen time for Vuck. There isn't much I wouldn't give up for that.

You and your best friend are watching Gossip Girl, it being their first time. Oh no, they don’t ship Chanessa! :O How do you persuade them from their wrongful ways?
-For shame! I make them re-watch the tongue kiss and the morning after. I keep one eye on them as we're watching just to make sure they're taking it all in. If they still aren't shipping, I beijoca, smack them on the head and give them this interview to read.
 They actually DO have chemistry!
They actually DO have chemistry!

In your opinion, why is our beloved couple hated por so many?
-1. It's Chuck with any girl who is not Blair, therefore they must be terrible and have no chemistry whatsoever.
2. They actually DO have chemistry
3. It's Vanessa, who is already hated, coupled with Blair's man. Not going to be okay for 85% of the fandom.
4. Chair fãs who have read way to much fanfiction have it in their heads that Chuck never sleeps with the same girl twice, a rule he breaks for only Blair. por sleeping with Vanessa twice that put their theory into a tailspin and sent them into a tizzy, which resulted in the shouting of the dubious phrase OOC.
5. People always need something to cadela, puta about.

Who do you think has the worst haters, Chuck? Vanessa? Chanessa? Why?
-Chuck, por far. The Vanessa haters are mean but the Chuck haters are whiny and delusional which I just can not deal with. Chanessa haters are a mixture of the two, but that's still better than the Chuck haters because the whiny/delusional ingredient is less potent.

On a scale of 1 to 10. How shocked where you when Chuck and Vanessa finally got it on?
-I was pretty damn shocked I'm not gonna lie. 9 being Chenny I'll go with 8. I really didn't think I'd ever see that dia and I have never been mais happy to be wrong.

Chuck or Vanessa? Chuck
Chair or Chanessa? Chair because they have mais to go off of. If Chanessa was given a chance it would be them.
Chuck baixo or Ed Westwick? Chuck freaking Bass
Jessica Szohr or Vanessa Abrams? This is hard.. Vanessa Abrams. I really do like her a lot.
Vuck sex or Vuck scheming? Vuck SEX!
Hand grab or ARM GRAB? Sorry C, it's the handgrab for me.

Would you like to say anything to all them haters?
-Yes I would: We have something you've been dying to get your hands on since the first season.. our couple in real life! SUCK ON IT BITCHES!

We are now at the end of the interview. Got any parting words?
-Great interview C! I just want to say, thanks to this spot, my Boho Baristas and especially Courntey, I have grown to amor Chanessa mais than I ever thought possible. If feels good to now be a proud lover of Vuck and I can't wait to spread the Chanessa amor throughout fanpop via my icons. Plus it's so fun pissing people off.
 If feels good to now be a proud lover of Vuck and I can't wait to spread the Chanessa amor throughout fanpop via my icons.
If feels good to now be a proud lover of Vuck and I can't wait to spread the Chanessa love throughout Fanpop via my icons.