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posted by dustfingerlover
Have you ever been lied to? We’ve all been lied to many times. And if we’re honest, we’ll have to admit we’ve told lies – even little “white lies”.
Some believe that only the 7 o’clock newscaster tells the truth. Others only believe their priest, rabbi, or some pastors, no matter what they say. BUT THESE ARE ONLY MEN.
There is much confusion in the world today about God. Many claim to have “The Truth’. When all these disagree, where do we go to find the real truth?
In the Bible, God gave these commandments to Moses:
“Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” (Exodus 20:3)
“Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.” (Exodus 20:7)
Why? Because HIS NAME is above every name. (See Phil. 2:9)
Yet God puts something above His name. What could it be?
“…God is not a man that he should lie;…” (Numbers 23:19)
GOD, in His Word, says: “…let God be true but every man a liar…” (Romans 3:4) If anyone disagrees with God’s words – even an angel – he is a liar!
jesus said: “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” (Matt. 24:35) When we stand before God, we will be judged por His word. Be sure what you believe is in God’s word.
jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: No man cometh unto the Father, but por me.” (John 14:6)
The Bible says that jesus Christ is THE WORD of God. (See John 1:1-2) But did you know that jesus warns us about another Christ? A very dangerous type of Christ?
“…what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? …Take heed that no man deceive you.” (Matt. 24:3-4)
Satan has twisted God’s words since the very first lie. (See Genesis 3:1-5) Satan sends false teachers among the people to twist the truth of God’s words into a lie. (See Romans 1:25 & 2 Peter 3:16) In describing Satan, jesus said, “He is a liar and the father of it.” John 8:44
Today religious phonies claim to come in the name of Christ. Some even claim to be Christ! jesus said, “For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.” (Matt. 24:5) They appear godly, and even come in His name. How many will they deceive? A billion people?
There have always been religious sharpies, lobos in sheep’s clothing, who make merchandise of the Lord’s work. They come so slick, so polished, that people never pergunta them.
jesus warned again: “…if any man shall say unto you, lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall rise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; Insomuch that if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” (Matt 24:23-24)
When we meet people deceived por these religious con men, we must amor them enough to tell them the truth.
After jesus was taken back to heaven, who did he send to take His place? jesus promised to send God, the Holy Ghost, to convict the world of sin. (See John 16:7-8) What does the Holy Ghost do to Christian believers? The Bible says “…he will guide you into all truth…” (John 16:13)

Can I show you a just scary thing?
The bible says, “There is none righteous, no, not one…” (Romans 3:10) When jesus prayed at the brook Cedron, He called to God, His Father in heaven, por a name so sacred that it appears only once in the Scriptures. The term is “Holy Father”.

The Roman Catholic pope:
1. Calls himself “HOLY FATHER.” But this título belongs only to God, the Father in heaven.
2. He sits as CHRIST in the Vatican.
3. And when he speaks ex cathedra, he speaks for God, in place of THE HOLY SPIRIT.

This man is given, in essences, all the titles of the Triune Godhead combined.
Does he actually think he’s God? Remember… the popes are supposed to be infallible. Look at what they’ve said:
Pope Innocent III: He [the pope] judges all and is judged por no one.” (Sermon on the Consecration of a pope”, Patrologia Latina, 217, columns 657-658.)
Pope Boniface VIII: We declare, assert, define and pronounce: To be subject to the Roman pontiff is to every human creature altogether necessary for salvation.” (Conclusion of the Papal touro Unam Sanctam 1302)
Pope Leo XIII: "We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty.” (Great Encyclical Letters of Pope Leo XIII, 1903, p. 304)

jesus says “many” will come in His name, pretending to be Christ. And this is what the popes have done for centuries.

All through history, hundreds of thousands of “Christ” have preformed great signs and wonders worldwide. What are these great signs and wonders? Roman Catholic doctrine claims the priest is so powerful that he can, at his command, call jesus Christ out of heaven. They believe Christ must leave the glories of heaven. They say that the Creator of all things must obey the wishes of the priest: To humble Himself, to become a piece of bread, to be handled por this all powerful man-god, the holy priest of Rome. jesus Christ, King of kings, who will judge every lost should at the Great White trono judgment, is supposed to let Himself be eaten por anyone the priest gives Him to.
This Roman Catholic priest portrays mais than a god… “He is the creator of the Creator.”
This is Roman Catholic doctrine. To deny it, is to be accused and damned as a heretic.
The Eucharist is the piece of pão that has been “changed” into jesus Christ. That wafer is placed in the “tabernacle” on the Roman Catholic altar and worshiped as God. According to Roman Catholic doctrine, jesus Christ can be physically found in every Roman Catholic “Church”, world-wide.
This contradicts Jesus’ words!
When the priest places the Eucharist (the wafer they claim is Jesus) in the monstrance, faithful Roman Catholics kneel before their jesus to adore Him or kiss him.
When jesus was on earth He gave this warning: “Then if any man say unto you, lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not!” (Matt. 24:23)
Who are Roman Catholics to believe? Their priest, or Christ?
Why must the sacrifice of the mass go on and on? Surly jesus wasn’t lying when He said :“…IT IS FINISHED…” (John 19:30 & Matt. 27:50)
God’s word says: “For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands… but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us:” (Heb 9:24)
“Nor yet that he should offer himself often…” “…So Christ was once offered to urso the sins of many…” (Heb. 9:25-26)
“But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sin for ever, sat down on the right hand of God.” (Heb. 9:280
Jesus’ sacrifice for sin, almost 2,000 years atrás at Calvary, was perfect. There is nothing you or any church can do to improve on it. In fact, the Bible, God’s word, says that we are not to crucify the Son of God afresh and put Him to an open shame. (See Heb. 6:4-6) But though the mass, Satan thought up a way to show jesus as a continually dying Savior, or a “DEAD CHRIST”. jesus said His sacrifice was finished, and God’s word says it is never to be repeated. por participating in the mass, you are calling God a liar!
God hates the Roman Catholic masses!
You face a very important decision. Your eternal destiny depends on it. God’s Holy Word will judge you when you stand before the Lord jesus Christ. Will you choose to believe God, or men?
If Roman Catholic teaching disagrees with God’s Holy words, it is wrong in God’s eyes!
jesus said: “if ye amor me, keep my commandments.” (John 14:15)
God’s word says: “to obey is better that sacrifice.” (1 Samuel 15:22)
These false Christs had to come fulfill Bible prophecy. ANTICHRIST, means “one who takes the place of Christ,” a very, religious person who deceives billions into losing their souls.
Many Roman Catholics are sincerely trying to please God. But if you are not serving God according to his word you will be sincerely lost. That is why this false religious system is so evil.

jesus is “not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9)
jesus hates this false religious system. It has blasphemed His Holy Name, His Holy Word, and has deceived billions of people. jesus calls her The Mother Of Abominations and has promised to utterly destroy her, and all those with her. (See Rev.17.)
But He loves you enough to warn you, and call you to Himself.

jesus says: “Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not her plagues.” (Rev. 18:4)

By Chick Publications Inc

All attempt to correct typos has been made.
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Hello everyone so I wanted to let you guys know something because I feel jesus telling me to warn his followers about what I been seeing and hearing about and of course am just the messenger and in the end you make the choose to believe it or not but of course i'll show a bit of prove too. So it all started this ano when I came across a video that really change my mindset of how I realize it was no mais games and it's time to walk with jesus again but this time for real and of course am not perfect and were all sinners but the point am trying to make on which video I came a cruz had to do...
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