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"Right now, I am in Fallujah. I am in Darfur. I am on Sixty-third and Park having jantar with Ellen Barkin and Ron Perelman... Right now, I'm on Lafayette and Astor waiting to hit you up for change so I can get high. I'm taking a walk through the Rose Garden with George Bush. I'm helping Donald Rumsfeld get a good night's sleep...I was in that cave with Osama, and on that plane with Mohamed Atta...And what I want you to know is that your work has barely begun. And what I want you to trust is the efficacy of divine amor if practiced consciously. And what I need you to believe is that if you hate who I love, you do not know me at all. And make no mistake, 'Who I Love' is every last one. I am every last one. People ask of me: Where are you? Where are you?...Verily I ask of you to ask yourself: Where are you? Where are you?"

- jesus Christ, The Last Days of Judas Iscariot por Stephen Adly Guirgis

Being Agnostic doesn't preclude me from loving and admiring Christ, in the same way that being Hindu didn't stop Gandhi from doing the same thing. In fact, the famous humanitarian once said: "I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." While this is a sweeping generalization certainly not true of the Christians with whom I choose to associate, it is sometimes an accurate portrayal of how some can miss the point.

I believe that in the modern world with the way things are, it is easy for anyone to lose their way, regardless of faith or beliefs. It's easy to get caught up in the details and be quick to speak, slow to listen and quick to anger. With politics, cultural differences, and varying opinions and viewpoints, it's easy for Christ to transform from being a symbol of the best of humanity to an excuse and a shield for whatever personal viewpoint we may hold.

Consider the extreme example of the Westboro Baptist Church. There is not a Christian I know, regardless of their views on homosexuality, who doesn't publicly denounce the horrible actions of the WBC, who protest funerals of soldiers and victims claiming it is "God's punishment" for homosexuality. As I said, this is an extreme example, but we all use Christ to our own advantage every day, whether it's arguing that He doesn't like homosexuality (but loves the sinner of course) or whether it's arguing that He cries for aborted fetuses. Instead of a role model, instead of the lessons He taught us, we use Him as an easy witness for "Our Side" of the argument. Liberals do it, too. They argue things like "Jesus was mais socialist than capitalist" citing how He cared for the poor, or that "Jesus was a community organizer." I've done this. I've used this argument.

But this is not what Christ means to me. I don't think this is really what Christ means to you, either.

If we really look at Christ - who He was, what He stood for, and what He taught us - we see that Christ is, really, on everyone's side. This is exactly why I began this post with that quote from Stephen Adly Guirgis. Christ loves everyone without exception, even the most wicked and evil human being you can imagine - Bin Laden, Hitler, even Judas Iscariot himself. Christ is not a talking point, or proof that your opinion is the "righteous" one, or an easy excuse to point to when trying to prove a point. He's mais than that. He's better than that.

I do not believe in the divinity of Christ, but I do believe in the message that He was trying to send - the message that, 2000 years later, still gets lost somewhere in the shuffle. The Christ I believe in doesn't care whether or not you believe in evolution or Creationism. He doesn't care about your politics, or what you preach. He doesn't care about your skin color, sex, identity, nationality, whether you are rich or poor, or even your religion, or whether you call yourself a Christian at all. He cares about your actions, because actions speak louder than words. He cares about whether or not you truly amor your enemies. He cares if you would be willing to lay down your sword in the righteous battle against the Atheists, Muslims and Scientists and embrace them as family. He cares that you care about people. He doesn't care if you are right or wrong, He cares if you are humble. He cares if you amor the way He loves. He doesn't care about your sins or anyone else's you may point at, because He loves you anyway, unconditionally. He cares that you forgive, the way He forgives us.

I may not believe in the divinity of Christ, and I may not be a Christian, but I certainly believe in His message of love, forgiveness and compassion. I practice this message every dia in every way I can. I try to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger. I try to be among the peacemakers, who I believe are blessed por their own acts. I try not to cast the first stone, and I try to spend time with those I am most afraid of so that I won't be afraid of them anymore. My friends are sinners, prostitutes, lepers and the poor and unclean. My friends are the privileged, the righteous, and the arrogant. For if you hate who I love, then you do not know me at all.

I have my own problems, my own flaws, my own struggles. I have things that you would identify in me as sinful that I do not. But this is not your place to point out my problems. God knows me, Christ knows me, and that's between us. It's your place to amor me anyway, the way Christ loves me anyway.
Christian hymn
holy is the lord
Christian hymn Instrumental only Organ
holy god we praise thy name
added by owleyes1316
added by mannhitz
The unexpected violent storm was frightening enough as it tossed the fragile barco with the twelve gasping disciples. Then the apparition of a man walking on the water as on solid ground just made things worse. It could only be a spirit-death itself, perhaps, coming to get them...

The reassuring words of Jesus, "It is I, do not be afraid" needed to be verified. Peter thought he could put the Lord to the test. He did not realize that now he was the one being tested. His faith was being tested. And it was soon obvious that he was failing the test. He daring request, "Tell me to come to you across...
continue reading...
Sister in Christ, YOU are a significant person of influence! Never underestimate your influence in the lives of those you love!
christ follower
added by ajspeaks
My Testimony.
added by ajspeaks
My Testimony.
added by ajspeaks
My Testimony.
added by ajspeaks
My Testimony.
added by TakTheFox
Itunes - ‪link Website - ‪link
azevinho, holly starr
through my father's eyes
Faith gasped and then opened her eyes. That was the thing about the cancer. It made you have difficulty breathing sometimes. She looked around, and saw a very sad Chiwen, and a worried Esther. She smiled when she saw Essie. "Hey Essie," Faith said, her voice barely a whisper. Esther bit her lip and went over to her, kneeling down por the bed.
"What's it like?"
"What's what like?"
"Being seriously ill. Is it scary, or are you okay with it?"
"A bit of both. I mean, I know where I'm going-" Esther interrupted.
"Heaven?" Faith nodded her head, then continued.
"-but I'm also scared."
continue reading...
This does NOT belong to me. I heard it at a church camp. It comes from a book somewhere. May be slightly different.

As fellow believers, what is the best thing we can do for one another? A teacher once asked this to his Bible class. Some of the suggestions were: being a friend to someone, sticking up for the bullied kid and handing out Bible tracts.

But a point was made that you wouldn't necessarily have to be a Christian to do these things. Then a girl spoke up and suggested praying for someone. They discussed this idea and found that it was the best answer.

Now why is praying the best thing we can do for someone? It is because we are offering them God's help, instead of human help. There is only so much humans can do, but God can do anything. So pray for a friend today!
added by rikku_chan
added by agmvideos
God wants men and women to come into agreement with His purpose and plan. Contentment, peace, and joy will accompany those who accept God's will.
first timothy
added by agmvideos
In First Timothy chapter two, God delineates the duties for men and women. A godly atitude is a must for effective service in the church.
first epistle to timothy
added by sirnarnian
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