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cristianismo Pergunta

Why do Christians often try to convert people?

In my experience, there's a lot of "saving people's souls" going on. Especially when the person doesn't want to be saved.

So why do you try to convert people?
Thanks for your input guys. I still don't quite understand though. I mean, what if you're wrong and Allah's the real God and he'll be angry that you're converting people to the wrong religion?
Ninja-Kitten posted over a year ago
well, that is where our faith comes in. If that makes any sence at all
supersunny102 posted over a year ago
 Ninja-Kitten posted over a year ago
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cristianismo  melhor resposta

Dearheart said:
What Magica said, lol. But I'll go ahead and add my own answer. =)

Technically, it's not US who does the converting or "saving people's souls". That's God's job, not ours. It's impossible to force, argue or shove someone into the kingdom, because it's entirely their decision to make (and besides that, it's just plain obnoxious and un-Christlike to do that). The most we can do is tell them about it, pray that their hearts will be open to it, and let them and Him figure out the rest. Any Christian who believes otherwise is either stupid, arrogant, or both. =P

As for "why"...think of it as a mix between trying to get people out of a burning building, and telling them to check out someone who just handed you a million dollars, and you'll get a vague idea, lol. It's called the "Good News" for a reason! If jesus was merely a get-out-of-Hell-free card or a means to escape "ETERNAL DOOOOOOMMMM"...let's face it. It wouldn't really be "good news" at all. xD And that's where the "million dollar" example comes in.

See, He gives us so much mais than salvation. He gives us Himself, and all the glorious paradoxes that He comes with - purpose, in the midst of chaos. Peace, when all you can see is terror. Joy, when all you can feel is grief. Healing, when you're hurt. Confidence and strength, in uncertainty and weakness. Love, when you're unlovable. Forgiveness, in guilt. And no matter how many times you curse Him, push Him away, turn your back on Him...He will always be there to welcome you back into His arms, because His amor is constant, unconditional and unchangeable. You are His, and He is yours. Always.

It's the ultimate amor relationship - He is your Creator, Savior, King, Teacher, Father, Brother, Bridegroom and Best Friend, all rolled up in one. It's indescribable, and priceless. And it's free for the taking. For ANYONE.

Now I ask can I not tell people about that? How could I possibly keep my mouth shut about something this amazing?

EDIT: There's a really fun song I amor that pretty much sums it up. (Makes me dance every time I listen to it, lol.) Maybe it'll help you further in seeing our perspective on the issue. =)
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posted over a year ago 
Agreed completely! Amazing and best answer por far! =)
x-menobsessed26 posted over a year ago
Dearheart has spoken. End of conversation. ;o)
Cinders posted over a year ago
excellent answer^^
cheekydevil posted over a year ago
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MojoJojo17 said:
Yes, it is true that Christians are always trying to convert everyone who does not think the same thoughts the way that they think them.

I believe it has something to do with trying to create some type of control and a narrow mindedness.

A Christian wants everyone to be exactly the same like a Stepford wife. It's called brain-washing. Anything different from them is considered to be bad. The Muslims are the same, but maybe worse because they want to dehumanize all women to wear a bag on their heads.
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posted over a year ago 
Magica said:
there's a lot of "saving people's souls" going on.

That's just it. Christians want to save people. While I personally would amor to save people myself, I still think that forcing it upon them is wrong and kind of obnoxious, especially when those people refuse to give it a rest. I don't really see that happening too often, other then comments on the internet every now and then. Some people feel that they're doing the right thing, and maybe they are, but they should be mais civil about it IMO.
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posted over a year ago 
I agree!
SouthParkSmart posted over a year ago
x-menobsessed26 said:
To keep this short and civil, it's what the Bible tells us to do and what the Lord wants us to do. Saving people's souls from the depths of Hell is really a service that many people don't take the time to notice. If they want to burn in the depths of Hell with an eternal fogo that's their perogative, but I'm still going to try and help.
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posted over a year ago 
LinaHarrow said:
Exactly~ Because we want other people to be saved.
I honestly hate the idea of my friends or even strangers or enemies burning in Hell.
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posted over a year ago 
peterslover said:
Dearheart said it best. I want to add; God wants us to plant the seed and then it's up to God. He knows if the seed will blossom because He alone KNOWS each and everyone of us.
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 Dearheart said it best. I want to add; God wants us to plant the seed and then it's up to God. He knows if the seed will blossom because He alone KNOWS each and everyone of us.
posted over a year ago 
dreamfields said:
Ninja-Kitten my friend. Imagine that your about to die from starvation. One dia you come accross a vast quanity of food. You are able to eat and gain strength. Would you then just go on your way and keep it to your self? I know you not a beleiver, but I think you would go tell your starving friends and others where the comida was. In all of us is a hole or a hunger. We try filling it with all sorts of things and we think we are full and satisfied. But in fact we are dying. Then we (Christians) meet Jesus, the very one who can fill that God shaped hole and satisfy our soul. God's amor pours into us till we over flow. How can we not share the amor and life saving gift we have been given. I know some have been a bit over zealous with you. But it is out of amor for God and for you. Allah never sent his son to die for my sin. Jesus's death and ressurection are fact. But we must accept it into our lives for it to be of value to us.
Belief in God comes por faith. I know that you want facts to back things up. If you want to see "evidence", may I suggest some books. A man who was an athiest set out to prove it. After his academic procurar he became a Christian and wrote about it. "Evidence that Demands a Verdict" and "More Evidence that Demands a Verdict". The choice is yours, either way I still call you friend.
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posted over a year ago 
Hello there dreamfields :) Indeed I would tell my starving friends. But I would not tell the person who is perfectly healthy and full of food. They don't need it. Being forcibly dragged into a church is not done out of love. It's done out of hatred for what I am. Not amor for what I could be. Jesus's death and ressurrection are not fact. They may be as real as the sun to you and yours, but to me, it's just a story. I will look for these books that you've suggested, and I'll let you know what I think, but as I'm sure you know, sometimes there's just that gut feeling that you'll never be able to get past.
Ninja-Kitten posted over a year ago
All right. Just remember I have not tried to force feed you anything. I've made suggestions, but tried mainly to have an open conversation. As I said, I consider you a friend regardless of what choice you make. OK? Have a nice night.
dreamfields posted over a year ago
I know you haven't force fed me anything :) And I appreciate it.
Ninja-Kitten posted over a year ago
supersunny102 said:
Even though I am a christian, I think it is wrong when we try to push our beliefs on people who don't want them. But christians have such a wonderful and intamate relationship with God that we want to share it with the whole world! Also, even though we may be doing the wrong thing to try and convert other people, we do it because we care about them. And we want them to be able to depend on God with everything in their lives the way we do. I know that without God, I would have never been able to survive some of the tough spots in my life, and we would like to share that trust with those who don't have it. We try to do good, but we do mess up sometimes. I hope I helped answere some of your perguntas clearly.
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posted over a year ago 
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