Buttercup and Butch Club
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added by Buttercup_123
Source: >:)
added by RowdyRuffLover2
added by dex3fan475966
added by ButchIsMine2020
Source: http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&q=butch+and+buttercup#/dq7bkg
added by ButchIsMine2020
Source: http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&q=butch+and+buttercup#/d44iwc
added by bubbles12320
added by MagicGirl110
added by Blueberryjam789
posted by hannamee
 Bc and butch
Bc and butch
All right all right it's been 1 ano or mais since I've been on fanpop so I might come out rusty writeing this ok so no mean artigos thnx :)

Narrator: The city of Townsville, such a happy place to be,barely no villain ever attacks anymore,that because of the powerpuff girls! Blossom the ppg's leader keeps her team and the city in order and she's the plan thinker in the group,bubbles ah sweet bubbles she's so happy nice to everyone,but very ficty when it comes to fighting,but buttercup she always gets the job done when it comes to fighting, they all might look cute but there good at fighting...
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Butch: Will you go to the Kindergarten....
Buttercup: The Kindergarten soccor game! I would amor to go!
Butch: Thats not exactly what I was talking about.
Buttercup: Oh that sucks.
Butch: Will you go to the Kindergarten dance with me?
Buttercup: You like me!!!!!!
Butch: Yes I do! I always did when I first met you! When we did our first battle I never wanted to fight you ok!
Buttercup: I always liked you to because I thought we had the same tough personality. (Blushes)
Butch: (Blushes)
Coach: Lets get started!!!!!
Buttercup: Shucks Butch! I will go with you.
Butch: I will be there to! Meet me on the dancefloor!
To be continued......
added by RowdyruffsGirl
added by PPGfan123
Source: lauren brandons
added by maddiegirls456
Source: maddiegirls456
added by ButchIsMine2020
Source: deviantART
Its a other dia at school and before the lesson the PPG HANG OUT AT THE BACK JARD OF COARSE!!!
There are Blossom Buttercup and Berserk
Its middle school and the Puffs and Punks have made peace!!! But the boys are still the BOYS!!!

Blossom: oi Bers(she calls Berserk like that) what ya gonna do today after school?

Berserk:Oh nothing but i do have plans tonight at 7 IM going with touro to the movies!!!But until then i guess im free and you Buttercup?

Buttercup: i don't know i think im free to!

Blossom: Maby we could go to the gym today after school i hear they are having a boxing match!!! we could watch...
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added by RowdyRuffLover2
Brick: Dude whats wrong?
Boomer: Ya what up?
Butch: I want to ask Buttercup to the Kindergarten dance but I have a feeling she is going to denie it!
Brick: I have a idea! Why don`t you ask her at gym today to be your partner! You can ask her then!
Butch: Well..... Ok!!!!
Butch: But it better work!
Boomer: We are sure it will!
Coach: Choose your partner for dodgeball!
Buttercup: What the heck Bubbles! I was going to choose Blossom!
Bubbles: Your to late!
Buttercup: Ugggh!!!!
Butch: Do you want to be my partner?
Buttercup: Fine.
Butch: Before you we play I need to ask you something.
Buttercup: What?
To be continued......
added by blossom77
added by ButchIsMine2020
Source: deviantART.com/bipinkbunny