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Chiyo: "Sometimes Shinigami's have to do what is neccesary, but not necessarily right. The life of a Grand Master is never easy, you're always going to disappoint someone. But we are called to do what is right for our subordinates. Not for ourselves." Those were the words I live por in those days, and I honored them above all else. Chiyo was currently on his balcony overlooking the gardens. It has been so hot in the house last night that he had gotten very little sleep, currently well represented por the bags under his eyes. At the moment all he dawned was the lower half on his kimono. His chest bare save for a long bandage soaked through with blood, the last gift from his dying father. The sun had almost peaked over the forest, and sent shades through the árvore tops. But there was still something daunting about the blackness. For a segundo Chiyo almost see his mother working the soil in the garden below him, but he knew this was just a illusion a trick of his mind. There was a light knock on his door, that took his attention away, and when he looked back she was gone. "It's open Hinatori come in." Hinatori was his personal assistant, and body guard sent por Katsurou when he couldn't make it, but Chiyo had come to appreciate Hinatori's presences.

Hinatori: Hinatori entered the room a few feet, and noticed Chiyo on the balcony. In his arms he held fresh kimono's and bandages. "Good morning Grand Master Sakura, how fares the pain today?"

Chiyo: Chiyo didn't turn to his visitor. Instead he held his position at the railing, looking down over the gardens. For once he was glad his long hair covered his face." You know I have always appreciated the honest opinions of my friends Hinatori, you are no different." aftef a moment of silence he continued. "So tell me am I a decent man?"

Hinatori: Hinatori was taken a back, he didn't know how to answer. For a few moments he observed Chiyo In silence. "In my personal opinion you are one of the finest men in all of Seireitei there is no one kinder or mais giving my master."

Chiyo: Chiyo smiled for a moment before it faded back behind his pain. "I'm glad, to hear such kind words, even if I myself do not believe them." Chiyo left the railing and entered the room, and finally made eye contact with Hinatori who was in a pleasant mood.

Hinatori: "Shall we begin Master, that looks bad." motioning with his eyes to bloody bandages on Chiyo chest. He followed Chiyo over to the mesa, tabela on the far side of the room, and laid the clothes, and bandages on the edge. He waiting for Chiyo to sit, and went to work removing the bloody ones. After he was finished Chiyo laid down, and Hinatori poured boiling water over the wound, as Chiyo gripped the mesa, tabela in pain. Blood and water ran down Chili's sides and filled the grooves in the table, which had been cut for this purpose. It ran passed his feet, and emptied into a basin at the end of table, to be disposed of later. Once Hinatori deemed Master Chiyo's wounds were thoroughly cleaned he set the water bucket aside. "Are you ready, Master Chiyo this will hurt." Hinatori lifted his hands over, Chiyo's chest, and the tips of fingers began to glow bright Orange. Chiyo readjusted on the table, and nodded, at him. Hinatori pressed all down of finger tips down the wound, as his skin began to sizzle, and burn. Chiyo groaned in pain, as he faded in out of consciousness. After a few moments it was over, but the pain lingered on. "a few mais treatments, and the wound should be completely closed but the damage to your soul center will take a significant amount of time to heal, if you continue to use your powers. You run the risk of further prolonging healing. Chiyo do you understand? No matter what you cannot release your bankai. If you do, your soul center would not be able to withstand the stress"

Chiyo: Chiyo finally sat up and leg his legs dangle over the edge, of the table. He grabbed Hinatori's shoulder and stood up. He was little weak, but he with Hinstori's support he could stand straight. "Relax, we are at peace, there's no reason to over exert myself." He winked at Hinatori. "My clothes it's getting late." Chiyo stood up, and held his arms out, as Hinatori removed his kimono, and laid the fresh quimono over him. He straightened the sleeves, and then walked around to tie the front of it in place. He then walked over and grabbed the White quimono still folded on the table, and shook out the wrinkles. He then laid it over the black kimono, making sure to take his time showing respect to his master.

Chiyo: After Chiyo had been completely dressed Hinatori grabbed his zanpaktou, and slid it in his belt. "Thank you as always, Hinatori." Hinatori bowed to him, and he bowed to Hinatori in turn. The Hinatori made his leave. Chiyo lingered on a few moments baring himself for the dia ahead, and then he left his room to head down the hall.

*A Few hours later.

Hinatori: knocked on the door to Chiyo's study, and when he heard him respond, he slid the door open, and bowed. "It would seemed we have a visitor Master Chiyo."

Chiyo: Chiyo was sitting at his escrivaninha, mesa composição literária in a book, when he heard this he looked back though. "have the maid prepare some comida our guest is surely hungry."

Hinatori: Hinstori nodded in agreement, but he didn't like the sparkle in Chili's eyes it gave him a pang of worry.

Chiyo: Chiyo kept composição literária in his book, until he was sure enough time had passed. Then he slapped the book shut, and stood up. He slipped his zanpaktou in his belt, and left his study. As he strolled down the hall he was greeted por his staff, to which he gave pleasant greetings as always. He finally came to door he was looking for, and stopped a few feet away. He steeled himself. Then he approached the door, and slid it open. In the room sat a young man. The mesa, tabela was laid out with food, but none of it had been touched. Hinatori stood off to the side of the table. Hinatori bowed as soon as Master Chiyo enter, but the end man sat there. Hinatori have the kid a stern look, and whispered bow, but the kid didn't respond instead he stairs Chiyo straight in the eyes unamused. Chiyo lifted his hand to Hinatori. "It's perfectly fine, Hinatori. He is free to do as he pleases it is his right as a citizen of Seireitei. Please stand." Hinatori stood, ans resumed his place. Chiyo strolled over the head of the mesa, tabela pulled his zanpaktou out of his belt. He handed it to Hanatori who held it in his righthand. Hanatori assumed his place to Chili's right a few steps behind him. Chiyo watched their guest carefully, who just stared him in the eyes, not saying anything. Chiyo picked up a piece of fruit, and rolled it in his hand. "My mother brought this back from the world of the living on one of her missions there. It's a something called a peach. It's quite delicious." he smiled at his guest who seemed uninterested, but his body language said he was hungry. por the look of his clothes he was one of the less privileged of the Rukon District. "Come now it's not pleasing to do business on an empty stomach, I know it always makes me a little cranky. Eat something, or if you like the staff can make whatever meets your liking." The boy uneasily reached out and grabbed a peach. He bit down into it, as suco, suco de dripped down his face. For the first time his face lit up in amusement, and he smiled. He wiped away the suco, suco de with his sleeve. "Can I have another sir." he asked timidly. Chiyo reeled back and laughed. "Eat my boy anything you like it's all for you. We have a copious amounts of food." Chiyo watched him eat. He was just happy for that moment to have company, and it bought back memories of his youth. He was was almost sad, that this boy had to endure such a life. "What's your name, I don't think I ever asked."

Nori:" Nori. Nori Mitsuka."

Chiyo: Chiyo was stone faced for a few moments. Then he smiled gingerly. "it's a pleasure to meet you Nori Mitsuka. I am Grand Master Chiyo Sakura. But you can just simply call my Master Chiyo or just Chiyo. After all you are my guest here. Where are you from Master Nori?" the boy stopped eating, set his comida down. He turned away in shame. "The 37th District in Rukon." Chiyo pined over that for a few seconds. "There's no shame in where you come from, even if it is the slums." he reached out and grabbed another piece of fruit. "After all you are a soul reaper are you not?"

Nori: Nori sighed, I guess you're right Master Chiyo." he smiled coming to terms with his hightened status.

Chiyo: "That's mais like it, relish that one so young could summon such power. Not everyone In Seireitei is so lucky. Some people here will go there entire lives without knowing such joy. But that's leads us to why you are here Nori. You see I am not old yet. My back is still strong, and resolve to fight still burns bright. My family has known leisures, and it has disconnected is from the lands, and people we rule over." Chiko paused to let what he has said sink in, and waited for Nori to nod. "I have been looking to sponsor, and extended the schooling offered at the Academy to mais than just children of the noble families. The Academy, could be something great, and Katsurou is one of the best instructors in Seireitei. But why should we bar that from others just because they are not nobles. It doesn't make sense to me in the slightest." all Nori could repsonded with was "No it doesn't make sense." Chiyo realized he wasn't catching on. "I have never been one to dance with words, Master Nori. Which is why I want to sponsor who to take a place at the Academy. You would receive training from Master Katsurou personaly. Along with clothes, and comida in your belly. It would give you a início where you would be warm at night."

Nori: Nori was overwhelmed with the offer he was finally understanding as tears flowed from his eyes. "What home? Master Chiyo?"

Chiyo: Chiyo smiled he had feelings of euphoria seeing Nori cry. "Here with me. This house is big, and empty my sisters are often gone, and it gets lonely." Nori suddenly looked at him in bewilderment. "But why. Master Sakura, why offer a lowly citizen like me such an honor. Surely there are others mais worthy." Chiko leaned forward. "Surely there probably are. But you see I cannot have an heir of my own." Chiko pulled his quimono open with his right hand reveiling his bandage chest, and midsection. "One last gift my cruel father. My soul center in broken, and an heir of my own is not a possibility. I don't fully understand it myself, a lot of medical talk. But it has long been, my ambition to be a father one day. As you said I could probably wander the streets all day, and find someone stronger. But your coração is mais full, when I saw you in the rua yesterday. You took on 6 men stronger than yourself with fogo I youe belly, and resolve in your heart. So I just have one request will you cadastrar-se my family, and become Nori Mitsuka Sakura."

Nori: Nori wiped the tears from his eyes, and gripped his quimono around his legs tightly. Then his hands slowly loosened. "No I think I just Nori Sakura. Master Chiyo."
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