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 what's wrong georgie?!
what's wrong georgie?!
please review i woul amor to know how to make my story better i dont think it's that good.
GG: Spotted an arguement between Georgina sparks and a certain bass. why did you return G? we all want to know it is a little odd. also spotted blair listening in on the conversation tell us what they're saying B.

Blair had been wondering all week about why georgina was back. of course she knew she was looking revenge but that was two years ago. she was on her way to chuck's when she heard yelling around the side of the palace and decided to listen in. she could tell the female voice was georgina.

G: look the only reason im doing this is because im with you. if i had wanted revenge i would have done it two years atrás but i dont feel like losing my hair again. it wasnt pleasent then and it still wont be now. so whatever your problem is with chuck, do what you need to do so we can go back to australia.
J: look if i win this war with chuck i get baixo industries and me and you mover here and i'll spoil you with things georgina. and you can do whatever tricks you want on serena and blair and you wont be forced to leave manhattan.
(as soon as he spoke blair recognised the evil voice of who was behind georgina's return)
B: hello jack... georgina
J: blair how long have you been there?
B: long enough to know that you and georgina are together. eww. and that your the reason behind her return and are still making awful attempts to get baixo industries.
G: you caught up on alot.
B: he's just using you.
G: what?
B: if i know jack bass. and as painful as it is to say i do, he will use you as his ticket in to the upper east side and have a failed attempt of trying to get baixo industries nearly rape someone and leave you and go back to australia so he can make mais plans and come back and try again
J: you know me so well but unfortunate for you you're wrong me and georgina have been together for about 3 months now and... we are having a excelent time together.
G: yes it has been... fun!
B: eww. good luck with your thirty some ano old playboy.
(blair leaves and enters chuck's suite.)

B: your uncle jack is behind everything.
C: what?
B: he is why georgina is back. i over heard their arguement. their dating and he is still trying to get baixo industries. and she is so blind she doesnt see he is using her. (blair spoke fast)
C: blair slow down ok. so jack and georgina arre together.
B: yeah it's... gross.
C: it is. and it is still another plan to get baixo industries. you'd think after such a failed attempt he would give up.
B: excatly. georgina didnt even plan to come back she came back for jack. again gross.
C: my uncle is such a loser.
B: (laughs) i agree! so what are we going to do about it.
(Smiles at each other)
C: Right now... nothing.
B: but chuck what if he actually suceeds. what if...
(she was cut of when chuck kissed her lips so gently but letting his tongue gently touch the inside of her mouth)
C: nothing. we'll think about it later, right now we're just going to relax and have a little fun (Smiles at her)
B: (Returns the smile) sorry for going a little crazy.
C: (Laughs) you wouldnt be blair waldorf if you didnt.
B: i amor you.
C: i amor you too. now why are you still dressed? get into that room right now.
B: (Giggles) yes sir (She says so seriously followed por the sound of her laughter)
(Chuck kisses blair and they make there way to chuck's room and have sex)

10 minutos later:

Chuck and blair are lying in the cama his arms wrapped around her and kissed down the back of her neck and just above the start of her spine.

C: i amor you blair waldorf.
B: i amor you too chuck bass. (She turned to face him and smiled) i must be special if you amor me chuck baixo doesnt usually do love.
C: you are special, and i do when my girlfriend is blair waldorf.
B:(smiles) i amor you (Kisses him) i amor you (kiss) i amor you (Kiss)
C:(smirks his usual chuck baixo smirk) good! i amor you aswell.
C: i'll get the door. (Gets up and puts on his bath robe)
B: im coming too (Smiles and puts on his camisa which is past her thigh and covers her underwear)
C:(smiles back) very stylish.
B: lets go get the door (Pushes him out of the room giggling)
(Answers the door)
C: hell... georgina! (Looks very confused)
B: what are you doing here. you look like shit. (Sees her mascara is all running and smirks)
G: you were right about jack (Gulps)he was using me... i... i dont know what im going to do.
B: get over it, it's just jack bass.
G: it's not that simple. normally i wouldnt care and why would i come to you if it wasnt important. (breaths in deeply and breaths out)
C: then why did you? (Gets suspicious)
G: i'm pregnant.
(Blair's mouth drops in shock, chuck's eyes widen)

furgão, van der baixo apartment:

Jack enters the apartment looking for lily. luckily spots her sitting on the assento leitura a book. but not so lucky to see rufus humphrey sitting beside her.

R: jack what are you doing here?
J: nice to see you aswell. look i need to talk to lily not you.
L: if you're here to talk to me it better come with an apolgie for what you did when i adopted chuck.
J: i'm sorry i over reacted but this is important i need to talk to you alone.
L: rufus do you mind?
R: yes i dont want him alone with you in a room.
L: rufus i'll be ok. if i need you i'll shout.
R: (Gets up and walks past jack) dont touch her.
J: i wont i have a problem of my own.
(Rufus leaves and jack sits down)
L: so what are you here for jack.
J: i've been dating someone recently.
L: well that's good isnt it?
J: she's serena's age.
L: oh jack an 18 ano old.
J: she's nearly nineteen if that helps.
L: who is she and whats the problem?
J: georgina sparks!
L: well that explains a good bit of why an 18 ano old would encontro, data someone your age she did out my son at dinner.
J: well she is crazy but back to why im here.
L: oh yes go on.
J: georgina recently found out she is...(Interupted)
L: you got an 18 ano old pregnant (raises her voice)
J: i know im so stupid but i actually do care about her and i know you probably wont believe me when i say that but i do.
L: i believe everyone can fall in amor even if it is jack bass. what did you say to her when she told you?
J: to leave and that i never want to see her again.
L: jack thats horrible!
J: i know but its not true i do want to see georgina again. i panicked i cant be a dad. i'd screw it up.
L:(laughes) call georgina tell her you want to speak to her and you're sorry. you'll be fine every parent panicks at the start but you learn the responsabilty of being a parent. its scary finding out that you'll have someone elses life to look after but i great.
J: what if i mess up and georgina and the baby hate me?
L: this is the first time i seen jack baixo vunerable. you'll be fine looking after a baby is only difficult if you make it difficult. take it from someone who has had two.
J: thanks lily. i really am sorry i tryed to rape you.
L: its in the past. you're going to be a changed man you have a child and a girlfriend to look after.
J: well the change will probably happen after it's born i still have a whole nine months.
L: girl or boy?
J: what?
L: do you want it to be a girl or a boy?
J: a girl.
L: not for weird reasons i hope.
J: no because i want to stop boys thinking weird thoughts about her and most girls are daddy's girls right.
L: you can actually be human jack.

chuck's suite:

Chuck and blair are dressed and sitting in his living room with georgina.

G: so then he told me to leave and i never want to see you again (She finished her story)
B: how do we know you two didnt make all this up. i heard you two this morning remember.
G: im telling the truth blair i swear. do you think i would go to ths much bother you know i only came back for jack as you heard. i'll take another test if you want.
C: why did you come to the people who wouldnt trust you then? and dont say because he is my uncle because i dont trust him as much as i dont trust you.
G: i came to you because blair had over heard us this morning. and because as much as you dont trust me and jack i trust you two. serena is hardly going to listen to me she's right i was a horrible friend, i would take it back if i could but i cant. you two are the most minipulative people i know but you are the best to talk to.
B: i told you he is a playboy he doesnt do parenthood.
G: i know that now. i have a baby and no boyfriend and i dont even have a friend. anyone who is my friend i find someway to turn them against me. i thought it was fun and that i didnt need friends, but at times like these you need anyone you can get.
(Blair and chuck look at each other still not sure if georgina is telling them the truth)
B: me and chuck are going to go over there and talk.
(Get up and go into another room)
C: do you think she is telling the truth.
B: she seems to be. and her story does seem rather jack like if you think about it.
C: yes but you said they were in on it together.
B: why georgina? we cant be her friend but we cant leave her on her own if she is pregnant.
C: georgina doesnt have a coração im sure she wont care.
B: chuck this is serious and there is only on real expert on georgina. someone who can tell us if it is the truth or a lie.
C: serena!
B: i'll call her.
(Rings serena)
S: oi B what's up?
B: umm... can you come to chuck's suite in the palace and i'll explain everything.
S: sure (She is a little confused but comes anyway)

5 minutos later:

(serena arrives)

S: so whats wrong (spots georgina) what is she doing here.
B: jack was trying to get baixo industries again and georgina is... was dating him so thats why she's back.
C: she also said she's pregnant and jack broke up with her we arnt sure if she's telling the truth or not.
B: thats why we need you. you're the only one who knows her well enough to tell if she is lying or not. please S if she is pregnant we cant leave her to do this alone.
S: thats true. i'll find out. (Smiles at blair) so georgina tell me this story.
(Georgina explains the story to serena the exact one she told chuck and blair)
G: do you believe me S, i know i have been horrible and especially when i was at your graduation thing but im desperate to make it up to you please. please say you believe me.
S: i cant believe im saying this but i know you're telling the truth. georgina sparks has two different desperate faces. the real one and the fake one. im so sorry you are going through this. if you had came to me i would have listened.
B: so she is pregnant?
S: yeah i can tell.
G: if you want me to take another test i will.
S:(laughs) that wont be nessicary.
C: i think it is. i still dont believe her.
S: chuck she's telling the truth.
(Then georgina's phone rang she respostas it straight away)
G: jack.
J: im sorry, can we meet up.
G: pick me up at chuck's suite.
J: why are you there?
G: i needed conselhos from blair.
J: i'll see you soon.
G: ok (Smiles and hangs up)
S: what did he want?
G: he said he was sorry and he wanted to meet up.
B: jack baixo said sorry. what jack do you know.
G: (laughs) blair, me and jack are like you and chuck. i bring out the best in him.
B: how did you know that?
G: you always did, strangly enough i was the only one who noticed. chuck may still have been sleezy around you but he was kinder to you that anyone.
S: how come you never mentioned it to me?
G: because you would mention it to blair and it would mess with fate. blair would notice that chuck doesnt insult her back when she insulted him he would cover it up with a slezzy comment. she would avoid him and then this would happen differently.
B: georgina the amor maker (Smirks)
C: even i didnt know i liked blair back then.
G: of course you did but you were in denial, chuck baixo didnt do girlfriends and feelings right.
G: he's here. (Goes to the door and opens it)
J: im sorry (jack hands her a single red rose)
G: (Smiles and looks at the rose, notices something sparkly inside the petals) what's this?
J: georgina marry me (She looked and seen him on one knee)

Blair nearly choked, serena's jaw droped to her knees and chuck pinched himself to make sure he wasnt dreaming.

G: we have only been dating three months?
J: i dont care. marry me.
G: yes

jack takes the ring of georgina and slides it on her finger, and they hug.

B: did that just happen? (She asked when they left)
S: (laughs) yes jack baixo just propsed to georgina. (Still in shock)
C: this isnt good for me.
S: why?
C: well getting a cousin from georgina is one thing but her being my aunty is a whole lot mais disturbing.
B: omg i didnt even think about that.
S: im still in shock. he just proposed to georgina. thats crazy.
(Serena starts to laugh histerically, blair then joins her and chuck finally started laughing aswell)

one week later:

chuck had took over baixo industries and found jack a place to work as geogina wanted to raise there baby in new york. jack had matured quite a bit since the engadgment and so had georgina. blair and serena always came over to see georgina because she had became so mature because of the pregnancy. chuck had grew a bit closer to his uncle but was still feeling weird about the fact that georgina was going to become his aunty.

C: it's still weird.
B: but it's sort of sweet.
C: no it's weird.
B:(laughs and kisses him and sit on his knee faceing him) is this weird.
C: definatly not (Pulls her closer if thats possible)

they start to make out on his sofa and then chuck and blair have sex on the sofa.

serena is shopping and bumps into an old friend of hers.

Ca: serena furgão, van der woodsen?
S: thats not carter baizen is it?
Ca: the one and only.
S: omg carter i havent seen you in a lifetime (hugs him)
Ca: now i wouldnt say that long. so how is your dream for the future going?
S: what?
Ca: you wanted to cama as many billionaires as you could.
S: omg i remember that. no sadly i havent started that.
Ca: still the same serena.
S: do you want to catch up im not doing anything or at least give me you number so we can text for when we can meet up.
Ca: im not busy now and we can still exchange numbers over lunch.
S: yay, i was so bored today.
Ca: come on my limo is just around the corner.

GG: spotted carter baizen and serena furgão, van der woodsen walking the rua a little closly is there something going on. guess time will tell. and you upper east siders never fail to suprise me. you know you amor me. xoxo. gossip girl.
 friends or more?!
friends or more?!
It was the first dia of filming for season four of Gossip Girl, Leighton and Ed were happy together still and had moved into their início and had almost finished decorating it. The cast had become closer again but weren’t best friends, and Leighton didn’t think they ever would be.

Ed and Leighton had just finished filming a scene as Chuck and Blair outside NYU and were now walking back to their trailers to get changed as it was the end of the day, the paparazzi were still eager to get pictures of them together so they didn’t hold hands or weren’t intimate outdoors, they were only intimate...
continue reading...
 Let there be Blood...
Let there be Blood...
Chair Tales S02E14- The Waldorf Redemption

.... Continued from last episode...

Chuck's car stops on the driveway. He climbs out of the car. Every kilometre he drove made him even angrier, thinking about what she had done...the lies, the cheating...

He takes out his keys and opens the door. He walks into the lounge and finds her sitting there watching the TV, all smug and happy. It made him sick. How could she just sit under his roof with such a big smile on her face whilst she was pregnant with another guys baby.

B: Chuck, where were you? I only got back a while ago, i thought you'd be home. (she...
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 BFF's to the rescue...
BFF's to the rescue...
Episode 12: My Super ex-Boyfriend

GG: GOSSIP ALERT! N and S spotted downtown, going to confront the enemy in C's honour and B's defence? Lets hope this doesn't do mais harm than good...

Inside Serena's private car.
Serena and Nate are in the car.

N: So, There's a gang after Chuck?
S: (nods) MmmHmm
N: (speechless) And they threatened Blair?
S: MmmHmm
N: And their from Downtown
S: MmmHmm
N: So why are we going after them?
S: Because they can't do that to Blair...Or too Chuck, We'll just talk to them
N: Wha..? No...No...No! I'm not fighting gangsters
S: We're not fighting them Nate
N: Anyway why are we doing...
continue reading...
 l or C, B decision time...
L or C, B decision time...
Episode 4: As you liked it

GG: Buon Giorno, That's Good Morning to you. Rise and Shine Upper East Siders, We're in Rome and the fun's just beginning. With Lucas and Chuck on the same trip, in the same hotel, on the same floor and after the same girl...Somethings gotta give, and I'll be watching...

At Breakfast the seguinte morning.
The bottom of Chuck's nose is swallen after Lucas's punch.
Nate and Chuck are sitting at one table. Serena and Dan cadastrar-se them.

S: (Sees his nose) God Chuck. What happened to you?
C: I had a breif enounter with Blair's boy toy
S: Lucas did that?
N: (Chewing breakfast) You should...
continue reading...
gossip girl - a garota do blog
added by Slayerfest93
gossip girl - a garota do blog
chuck baixo
blair waldorf
ed westwick
leighton meester
added by laurik2007
gossip girl - a garota do blog
ed westwick
leighton meester
blair & chuck
chuck baixo
blair waldorf
From: blairabc
gossip girl - a garota do blog
blair & chuck
leighton meester
ed westwick
added by laurik2007
Source: somuchpurplebass @ tumblr
added by Slayerfest93
Source: fuckyeahchairandleighted.tumblr.
added by Tigerlily888
Source: tumblr
added by Martym
Source: tumblr
added by Invisible-Tears
Source: Unknown
 Where is the Bass?
Where is the Bass?
Episode 1: Back to the Bass

GG: Yes. It's that time of ano again, When Gossip Girl goes crazy for gossip like she isn't always but yes it's Gossip Girl's birthday, but you know the only thing I want is a juicy story on one of our elite...Anyone wanna make Gossip Girl's dreams come true ?

At School.
Serena and Blair are sitting in the courtyard eating lunch.

S: So What happened the other night at Victrola
B: Nothing (looks down)
S: B?
B: Nothing I swear
S: (looks at Blair waiting for an answer)
B: If I give you Chuck Bass, A tone of booze and a Whore joint namly Victrola, draw your own conclusion S...
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posted by Cas_Cat_2
All the Chair frases from season 1. :) Because we amor them. Can you pick just one? ;)

Episode 1.02 - The Wild Brunch

Chuck: I'm honoured to be playing even a small role in your deflowering.
Blair: You're disgusting.
Chuck: Yes, I am, so why be shy?

Episode 1.03 - Poison Ivy

Blair: You're heinous.
Chuck: Which is probably why you called.
Blair: You know me well.

Chuck: Admit it, even for me, this is good.
Blair: If you weren't such a perv, i'm sure the CIA would hire you in a second.
Chuck: Defending my country? There's a future I never imagined.
Blair: With good reason.

Chuck: It's a facility for the...
continue reading...
added by laurik2007
added by Any_SJ
added by Slayerfest93
Source: fuckyeahchairandleighted.tumblr.