Avatar: The Last Airbender I think we need a new banner.

ktlady posted on May 05, 2008 at 12:19AM
Yep. If you all want to post a bunch of links to good banners on here I'll try to get it done by asking Dave or somebody to change it. I wonder who the original maker of this spot was...

Avatar: The Last Airbender 36 replies

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over a year ago ktlady said…
Something like this might work if it were larger:


But I think what we really need is one with all the characters in it. Aang, Sokka, Toph, Katara and Zuko. And maybe Iroh, Suki, Azula, Ty Lee and/or Mai as extras.
over a year ago Prodigy said…
yeah, get as many characters as possible, especially the bad guys!
over a year ago ClassicalNadia said…
Yeah I like the one in the link. I was looking for one, and it's hard to find a good banner!
lol ;)
over a year ago miiamya said…
too much of aang can get a little overwhelming.
over a year ago ktlady said…
All great ideas. I'll start a major search after my ap euro exam is over. Or when I feel like procrastinating studying. haha My goodness- what a nightmare exams are!
over a year ago ClassicalNadia said…
I think it should be the "Aang: the Avatar" banner.;)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago 11relaxing said…
And the user icon only has azula and aang.Maybe look in the images coz there are some good banners there.
over a year ago ShadowFlame said…
id like the gAang to be featured! but yea.
over a year ago ktlady said…
:D Thanks for all your responses!

Okay ClassicalNadia likes this one:


Prodigy complimented this one:


Now I like some of those too... but they're too small and too tall. They'll either be blurry or the top or bottom will be cut off. I dunno... maybe I'm being too much of a perfectionist.

What do you guys think?
over a year ago ClassicalNadia said…
I was just about to up load the link too! lol, guess I got your message to late. I'm glad you found it though...Oh really their too small and tall, that sucks. No, I don't think your being too much of a perfectionist, it must be perfect! lol, as Azula would say " Almost isen't good enough!" haha
I'll keep looking then. ;)

over a year ago ktlady said…
Okay... I'm such a slacker. Sorry, school's been real stressful lately (speaking of which--I should be doing an essay... but whatev). I really want to find a good banner that we can stand for a while. There's this one:


It's nice how it incorporates a lot of the main characters but I find it a bit strange and would prefer to have one with the original animation.

Someone suggested that we also change the icon which will be a WHOLE lot easier, but I'm actually okay with the icon, so unless someone finds a really brilliant one I think I'm okay with sticking with the one we have.

Lol ClassicalNadia yes, it must be perfect! So what do you guys think (again)? haha.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ClassicalNadia said…
I like that one too Ktlady!
It's much better than the one that's up there anyway. ;)
over a year ago 11relaxing said…
Who made this spot? And there is some good banners in the fan art area of this spot.
over a year ago ClassicalNadia said…
We really need to get back on this...
over a year ago Jett5 said…
I made this spot! You got a problem with this banner?
over a year ago ClassicalNadia said…
Did you really?! We've been trying to find the creator for years lol! Forgive me if I'm blunt but, yes we do have a problem with the banner. It's not very good, it's just Aang and most of his body is cut off too. Do you think you could change it? We have some suggestions above. The icon too btw. :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
i'd just like one with azula
over a year ago Jett5 said…
well um, Azula is a villain and um well I'll look into the banners u guys chose. Hmm idk maybe one with everyone one in it or just the name "Avatar The Last Airbender"
over a year ago ClassicalNadia said…
Thanks. I agree, as awesome as Azula is, it should have more characters and the title. :)
over a year ago ClassicalNadia said…
Actually, Jett5 you joined in March 2009. How did you make this spot when it's been around long before that?
over a year ago Dark-Axl said…
Ahaha finally someone realized it. Some1 else probably made this spot...... so idk bout this guy.
over a year ago Jett5 said…
i made it but some guy deleted my profile
over a year ago ClassicalNadia said…
Profiles can't be deleted. Nice try though.
over a year ago CleoSertori1234 said…
I agree with Zanhar1
over a year ago Dark-Axl said…
C ClassicalNadia he's lying but still what he means is someone suspended his profile. By the way Jett5 gay photo nice try coping me.
over a year ago CleoSertori1234 said…
over a year ago 18wanda said…
I have no idea who created the Avatar spot. It would be kewl to know though. I think the banner looks fine.
over a year ago CleoSertori1234 said…
End of subject.
over a year ago ClassicalNadia said…
Actually no because the majority of us want a change, and it's fugly. I'll be contacting them soon.
over a year ago CleoSertori1234 said…
End of subject!
over a year ago Euri said…
I don't like the banner either, to much Aang at the top of the screen :), and besides the picture is cut off and that black circle thing in the right hand corner is kind of annoying.
ClassicalNadia, what banner will be replacing it?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago CleoSertori1234 said…
Zuko and Azula and Zuko and Mai
over a year ago fanfly said…
I agree that we definitely need a new banner and I think a new icon would be nice too. But all the suggestions so far are not the right size and will look really distorted.
Because the banner size on Fanpop is so specific I went ahead and made one. I also made a new icon.

If anyone else would like to make a banner it has to be 800x100.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago CleoSertori1234 said…
I love our banner
over a year ago fanfly said…
I made a pick asking if people think we need a new banner

Place your vote and on Oct 1st we'll make a decision based on the results.
over a year ago ktlady said…
hey great job on getting this in motion and changing it! Props are definitely in order for you, fanfly!! :D