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We got to know him only 2 years atrás – after his victory in the ESC 2009. Since then Alexander Rybak hasn’t been lost among countless European pop-artists and has become one of the most popular artists in Europe. Of course, he is loved especially in CIS countries. It’s understandable, because Alexander is Belorussian originally although he represented Norway in the famous song contest. Moreover the musician isn’t tired to repeat in his interviews that he considers himself Russian in the soul.

The Eurovision Song Contest 2011, ended several months ago, also couldn’t take place without Alexander participation. At that time he tried a new role of the host and reporter for Norwegian TV. And one dia before his trip to Dusseldorf he found the time to answer to our perguntas – about attention of girls, his first earned money and contents of his luggage.

- Alexander, could you tell us how you changed from the moment when you won in that memorable ESC?

- My attitude to the things around me changed. I became self-disciplined. Now I know better how and where to direct my energy. Then I became mais selective, because I understand that it’s impossible to be in the different parts of europa in one dia (Laughs. – Comment of author). But managers think this is possible and invite me to the concerts. I thank them for it, but now my managers try to make my schedule logical and not overload.

- What’s your dream? What do you tend to?

- Now I want many things to do. Firstly I’m going to finish conservatory. I’m classical violinist, and it’s very important for me to have this education, diploma. Before the ESC I have only 1 ano in conservatory left… But then everything started… Finally it’s needed to finish (Smiles. – Comment of author). Other plans are new albums, musicals…

- Could you share your last bright impression?

- I suppose the brightest impression was my first for 2.5 years vacation! I have been in America, Los Angeles for 2 weeks. What a wonderful trip! Wow, I’ve seen so many sights, have been in several amusement parks! Unforgettable!

Also I remember when a ano atrás I had 1 dia off after 3 months of daily concerts and minutely mapped out days. I had been playing computer games the whole dia (Smiles – comment of the author).

- Probably such a tight schedule is the most difficult thing in artist’s life, isn’t it?

- You know, it depends on artist. If this is an artist who works all the time, goes on tour, the most important for him is to keep his emotions, direct and spread his energy correctly. For example, when I’m angry, it should stay inside me. You mustn’t show your problems to the audience.

- What if the most pleasant thing then?

- I will not deny that it brings a great pleasure that people know your creation and you, that they sing along on the concerts, smile at you when they accidentally meet you on the street. It’s inspiring.

- Without what thing you can’t imagine your life?

- Without música and the violin. And beside this without diversity. I’m so used that something interesting always happens to me, that I visit different places, get acquainted with a lot of people, so I can’t imagine my life without it no more.

- And certainly without female attention too? You once said in an interview that you like to flirt with girls. What is your special way to win over the girl during a conversation, to please her?

- Well, It depends. If I am interested in a girl, always something specific in her does attract me first. For example, what does she enjoy, what does she do… then we talk about it. This is a very good way – to talk about what she is interested. Even not to talk so much, but to listen to her. (Laughs - comment of the author)

- They say that women are an enigma. And how would you define – what is a woman?

- A woman is the very best friend. Of course only if you are devoted to her and trust her and she feels it in turn. Women are like wild horses… Sorry if this comparison seems harsh to you, I put in it the most positive perception! That is to say they are inaccessible, you need to tame them, to conquer them… But the main thing is that women strive to tame us too, and the sooner a man will understand this the easier it will be to him.

- Many girls just lose their heads because of you, and because of what can you lose your head?

- Well, how – because of girls! (Smiles - comment of the author)

- Do you remember how did you earn your first money? How old were you then?

- Yes, I remember it very clearly. I was 8 years old. I passed children’s exam with the “excellent” mark and my mother gave me money for it, as motivation.

- And what did you spend it for?

- For the candy.

- If little Sasha Rybak saw today’s Alexander Rybak, what would he think?

- I am glad that there won’t be such situation, because in that case I would have given up the violin and did only pop music, but it would be quite wrong.

- As a child were you a ringleader or a modest one?

- As a child I was a clown, I made everybody laugh. My teacher at once suspected that I would become an artist. I always tried to draw attention to myself. But now it’s vice versa – I want less attention.

- Many famous musicians expand their activities to becoming actors, designers, restaurateurs. You already have an experience of giving your voice to a character of animated movie (Alexander voiced the protagonist in a Norwegian version of the cartoon “How to Train Your Dragon” in 2010), but maybe you’re preparing something else unusual?

- In fact, all my activity in one or another way is connected with music. I already acted in a movie. (Alexander talks about the Norwegian film “Johan-wanderer” in 2010, in which he played a gypsy Levi - comment of the author) Now I would gladly acted as an actor in a musical. I also want to come out as a composer of the great musical.

- What do you like to visit better: restaurants, bars or clubs?

- I like restaurants when I’m with one person. And in general of course it’s much better in the club than in the bar because usually there is very loud música in the bars but you have no possibility to dance, and although in clubes a música is loud but you can dance there.

- You once said that you almost don’t drink. Is it connected with your intention to a healthy lifestyle or there is some other reason? And if you drink alcohol, what do you choose?

- The fact is that I do not like alcohol in principle. I can drink something but very rarely – some soft drinks, wine or Martini, for example.

- How did the content of your luggage changed from the days when you just started to tour until now?

- Now it got much easier. Earlier I used to take with me all my pants, all shirts. And now I understand that on my trip I can buy everything I need. In addition gifts can be given to me. (Smiles – comment of the author) Now I carry with me a light half-empty bag, one can say half of the original luggage.

- This pergunta is often asked por employers in job interviews: How do you see yourself in 5 and 10 years?

- Happy and experienced. And what else do you need from life?

- How would you have continue the sentence: “Alexander Rybak is a person who…?”

- …knows how to live without bounderies and how to cruz the boundary! Something like this.

- Popular wisdom says: “A happiness doesn’t lie in money.” And what is happiness for you?

- Not in money – that’s for sure. I think happiness is when people understand you, and you understand people. Understanding – that’s real happiness. We miss it so often unfortunately. Therefore a lot of problems arise, both at the household level and mais global.

- Speaking of global, did you ever want to change the world?

- I want to change only the música world. I would really like to show people that it is possible to combine completely different genres.

- What is the most absurd gossip you heard about yourself?

- I do not like when people say that I try all the time to record duets with various artists, but I can’t manage it. I do not want to do it at all. I do not like when people gossip that everybody deny me to record such duets while I even don’t do such proposals to anyone. My life is much mais quiet than people think.

- How would you like to be remembered por people?

- I would like to be remembered as a man who did not incommode anyone.

artigo is found here: link
In english:

Eurovision winner norwegian Alexander Rybak exposes in Seura- magazine that he still wouldn't betray.

- It is hard for me to say no to sex if it is on offer. Exept now: even there are 5000 girls in my concert, I can only think that one girl which one I love.

He exposes that he had earlier met some fãs and sometimes he went a little bit far with them.

Rybak himselfs thinks that he hadn't abused position

- I think it is better to say that I'm     

Rybak has dated with winners of different competitions

- It is easy to be with someone who adores you.

Translated: Hanatee and pepu
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