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    "You wanna what?" Dean demanded as he and Sam both stood across their hotel room from Mary, who was now huddled in a corner.

    They'd only been back in the safety of the room for half an hora when Sam had made this stupid suggestion. Dean could only guess the idiot had hit his head, even if nothing had fallen on him. Maybe Mary had cut off oxygen to his brain when she'd been holding onto his neck on the way down the trellis.

    "It makes sense," Sam argued, glancing over his shoulder at Mary.

    "How?" Dean still demanded.

    "Demons killed her parents, Dean! She survived a brutal attack on her parents without a mark on her. I think it's seguro to say that can't be a coincidence. If she's in danger, we're the only ones who can protect her."

    "So let's track down the evil son of a cadela, puta and kill its sorry bunda before it can come back!" Dean exclaimed.

    "How?" Sam pleaded. "We walked right into a trap, and the Demon was waiting for us. It could very well be watching us right now, waiting for a good time to strike. How are we supposed to track it now?"

    "I don't know,"Dean barked. "But your idea is even dumber than mine! Sam, she's a little girl!"

    "Who's obviously special enough to warrant personal attention from a powerful Demon. We can't leave her here," Sam pressed.

    "Well, we can't take her with us."

    "We might not have a choice.

    Dean huffed, turning his attention to Mary as she still sat in the corner. Sam did too, speaking softly.

    "No one here will know how to keep her safe," he swore.

    Dean said nothing for several minutes, watching Sam mover to the corner and kneel in front of Mary.

    "It's going to be okay, Mary," he said softly. "Nobody's going to hurt you again. I promise. We're going to protect you. It's really okay."

    He reached out for her, and she allowed him to pick her up. Dean sighed heavily, realizing that Sam had clearly become attached to this little girl because of something they had in common. When Sam had been a baby, Azazel had marked him as special, and 22 years later, the world as they knew it had changed forever. Sam probably knew how it felt to be marked. Dean wondered what it meant for Mary. Had she been fed Demon blood as a baby? Was this Demon now coming to collect its property?

    "Look," Sam said, now holding Mary in his arms. "I know it's not the easiest choice, but it's the right choice. We'll go to Bobby's. We'll go por her house and get her clothes, and we'll take her the Bobby's."

    Dean scoffed. "Yeah. He'll amor this," he said incredulously.

    "It's not midnight yet," Sam stressed. "We can got no and be gone por morning."     

    Dean still wanted to argue, but he didn't, conceding for the time being and moving around the room to pack all their bags. They'd only been in town a day, but sometimes it had been less time than that. Dean was actually very ready to get out of this town.

    "We should probably call the police," Sam said as he carried Mary. "So we — or I can claim custody of her. That way, they won't think she disappeared too."

    "Now you're crazy," Dean insisted, carrying their bags to the car.

    "It's the only way to keep them from thinking she was kidnaped too. One mais kid disappears, the FBI really will show up, and we'll be the first people on their list. This way, we can take her with us, and they won't put out a procurar for her."

    Dean agreed to nothing, even though he knew Sam was right. He shut the tronco, porta-malas and got in the car with Sam to drive around to the front office and check out. Once that was done, he grudgingly drove back around to the group início to discover it now empty.

    Sam called the police, reporting a break-in since the front door was kicked in and remaining on scene with Mary while they waited. Dean made himself and the Impala scarce down the street, praying this all worked out the way Sam wanted.

    EMTs showed up to check Mary, and Sam gave his best statement to the police. It helped that Sam had cut his temple on the trellis and had to be bandaged up por one of the medics. The police had no choice but to believe Sam when he told them what had happened.

    "I was coming back to do a follow-up," Sam told them police, furrowing his eyebrows convincingly. "The house was dark, and the front door was standing wide open. I checked the house, but the only one I found was Mary. At least, I thought she was alone. The guy who broke in must have still been there," Sam said, gesturing to his cut.

    "Well, it's lucky you were there," the officer interviewing him said. "Too bad nobody's come progressivo, para a frente for Mary though. Guess you'll be taking her back into custody."

    Sam nodded. "I guess so. But we will continue to look for her relatives, if there are any out there. Thank you for all your help," he said reaching out to shake the man's hand.

    "Agent Carter," the man acknowledged, bowing his head.

    Sam stepped away from his side, moving to the ambulância where one of the other medics was finishing up with Mary.

    "Okay," Sam announced. "Are we ready to go?" he asked Mary.

    The medic looked at him. "I think so."

    Sam smiled at the medic. "Thanks."

    As soon as the medic stepped away from Mary, Sam sat seguinte to her in the back of the ambulance, glancing around to make sure no one else was looking before he spoke.

    "Mary, are you okay?" he asked her softly.

    She shook her head.

    Sam leaned in closer. "You didn't call me, did you, Mary?"

    Again she shook her head.

    "But you wanted to, right?"

    For a segundo or two, she didn't move. Then slowly, she nodded.

    Sam inhaled deeply. "Mary, I know you're scared. And you have every right to be. Anybody would be terrified after what you went through. But I promise you that you're seguro with me and Dean. We're going to figure this out, and we're gonna stop whatever did this. I'm sorry about your parents."

    He pulled her closer, comforting her as best as he could only a moment before she spoke for the first time.

    "Mommy and Daddy said I'd been seguro with them too," she exclaimed, her voice muffled against the side of Sam's chest.

    The first thing Sam noticed was how she sounded exactly like what he'd heard before, meaning the Demon had to have heard her at some point — either before or after the murders. He leaned back to look at her. For some reason, Sam couldn't think of what to say, and he realized Mary didn't completely trust him. Sam completely understood that.

    "It's going to be okay," he told her after a few segundos as the medic returned with a blanket. Sam wrapped Mary up, lifting her in his arms again and shaking the medic's hand before he carried Mary to the rental car he'd gotten earlier that day.

    There were still so many things they didn't know about Mary, and they needed to know all of it before they faced this Demon — or Demons, if that was the case. Clearly, Mary had been adopted, and clearly, her adoptive parents had some knowledge of the sobrenatural world, but it hadn't been enough to save their lives. Sam and Dean needed to know why.

    Dean was mais than a block away, but he was ready when Sam pulled up with Mary and then climbed into the back assento with her. From there, they drove around to Mary's house to pack all the clothes from her room. Sam was willing to go in por himself, since Mary appeared mais than somewhat reluctant to go inside. But Dean refused to be left in the car with her. So they all went in together.

    "This has got to be your dumbest idea yet," Dean griped as Sam picked the lock on the front door.

    "We don't have a choice, Dean," Sam said, rising and taking Mary's hand to pull her inside.

    Dean just scowled.

    The inside of the house was dark and quiet, and Sam lifted Mary into his arms as he moved to the stairs.

    "Stay down here," Sam told Dean. "Make sure the police don't spot us."

    Dean said nothing, watching Sam carry Mary upstairs to the segundo level.

    Sam stopped at the first door on the right, Mary's room, as it set undisturbed for earlier that day. He set her on the bed, moving to her closet and immediately filling a bag from the floor. He made sure to find all her long-sleeved shirts and pants, along with shoes and jackets. Sam had never had to pack for a little girl before, but he hoped he got all the things she would need.

    He must have stood in the closet only a few minutos looking for clothes when he looked back at Mary, but she wasn't there. He hurried to the dresser, awkwardly stuffing underwear and socks into the bag before he stepped into the hallway.

    "Mary," he called frantically, looking to the end of the hallway and seeing her in the open doorway of her parents' room.

    Sam sighed heavily, moving to her side quickly. "Mary," he said again, kneeling beside her as she stared into the dark room where he parents' cama still set soaked in blood.

    "Mary, we don't have time," Sam pleaded, uncertain how to tell her they had to leave and they probably wouldn't be back.

    She whispered so softly that Sam didn't hear her, and he turned her to face him.

    "What is it?" he begged.

    Two thick tears spilled down her cheeks. "I thought I could save them. But I couldn't."

    Sam was confused, but he didn't have time to figure out what she meant, easing progressivo, para a frente to lift her in his arms to leave the doorway and the segundo floor.

    Dean was waiting por the banister when Sam came down with Mary and her bag, speaking immediately. "What happened?" he demanded.

    "Nothing," Sam breathed, breezing passed him to leave the house.

    Dean didn't argue, following Sam and hurrying to the Impala to get in before they pulled away from the curb to leave town.
added by ForsakenMoon19
added by ForsakenMoon19
added by ForsakenMoon19
added by alexajaye
added by alexajaye
added by alexajaye
added by ForsakenMoon19
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Source: supernaturalfansonline and buzzfocus