Young Justice OC'S!!! Club
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Cheshire sat in the pilot assento of the jet leaned back beceas it was on auto pilot, well Twan sat in the copilot assento seguinte to her looking at the screen of the laptop on his lap.
Oke babs is everything redy? He asked.
Almost Twan just running some last background cheks and decrypting the codes of he security system.
Oke well I geas I will hear from you then.
Thad's rigt, but wait a minuto I got a surprise fore you.
She said as the camera imagens on the screen chanced from Babra, to Cadmus and Tess back in the apartment, Twan looks at the screen chancing and was happily surprised.
Well this is a surprise. he said whit a smile.
We though it would be a good idea to whis you good luk in person. mafia replied.
So go do wat you do best dad. Tess almost shouted at the screen.
Yeah go get them babe. Mafia said.
Well I geas I have no choice than. He said smiling.
I wil be back soon, so cad please don't piss of the mob.
I try but I cant promise anything. She said whit a small grin.
And Tess pleas don't go on a rampages until I am back.
I'll try. She said, already carregando bullets into a clip.
Oke, I'll see you in a few days, have fun having the início fore your self's.
We wil. Tess and mafia said simeltaniesly, after wice the camera chanced its imagens back to Barbra.
Thanks babs. Twan said
Your welcome, I will let you know watt I figured out later, probably won't take longer than a couple hours. and whit Thad the camera imagens disappeared and Twan shut down the laptop.

So how did you get the jet acly? Cheshire asked.
I friend let me borrow it, now I think of it I should bring something back to properly thanks Alex fore letting me borrow it.
Well you Shure got useful contacts Twan.
It pays to have friends Jade. if you wouldn't piss of so many people you might know Thad.
I prefer it this way, I can relie on my self.
Yeah until I got to save your bunda ageing.
Don't act as if you don't like being able to do this agien..
Oh I won't deny Thad I amor it. He said well carregando his gun.
Good, so I geas we wait now till your friend gets back whit the info, this plane already has the coordinates punched in, but why are we landing in the desert ageing?
Beceas the armed forces of the opposition will pic us up there and smuggle us into the city.
And then we go kill a President. Cheshire finest his explanation well she pull out her tsi and stared sharpening it.
Exaly Jade, just like old times He said well he leaned back into his sead and smiled.
Just like old times. She said still sharpening her blades.
posted by BloodyMascara_

Age: 14

Hair: Light brown

Eyes: Saphire Blue

Height: 6'0

Weight: 115lbs

Powers: Phasing, invisiblity, water bending(freezing, shaping, moving, evap, ect).

Weapons: Swords, and the occasional mace.

History: Austyn lived in a happy family in France, until they turned on him. He had to run away, they found him begging for spare change in the streets. They took him início and beat him to teach him a lesson. He moved to america, he got a job, and learned little english. His family is still looking for him. In the wrong place.

Personality: Austyn is pretty open and nice. He knows when to be serious. When he sees someone down or upset, he would go over there and poke them, or hug them. He likes everyone to be happy and together. Quiet when it comes to fighting or family.

S'tume: Leather jaqueta and white tanktop underneath. Black-washed jeans.
posted by InfinityYJ
The Watchtower
The teen typed quickly and with a furious passion, as if his life depended on it. And in some ways it did. Taller figures hovered near him, watching his every move. He was careful but fast, and as his finger pressed lightly on the last key, a smirk spread on his face. The screen lit up with moving pictures of Gotham, D.C., estrela City and even the Cave.
“You did it,” a girl behind him said breathlessly. “I can’t believe it!”
The boy turned. “Was there ever any doubt? We now have a full view of what’s going on down there.”
A figure placed a hand on the teens shoulder,...
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posted by BloodyMascara_
 Lyla (Aftermath)
Lyla (Aftermath)

Height: 6'7

Weight: 95 pounds

Eyes: Red.

Hair: Black

Weapons: Pistol, hidden dagger.

History: Raised por the joker and abonded por
parents. Joker taught her evil, but she realized it was wrong and refused to continue. She still keeps close with him and visits him in jail. She joined the team and loved it. She had a demon haunting her and everyone got fed up. She walked away from it all before it went any futher. She has taken the path of evil. Her hair turned black and her eyes are permenently red from the hate she feels.

Powers: Teleportation, Flight(Wings), levetation, transformaition(Humans and animals.)

Skills: Good with guns.

Civies: Black turtleneck and jeans.

'Stume: Black turtleneck dress and colar with keys symbolising being the keeper of hell.
posted by NekoTheif
As soon as they had settled into their newer início in San Diego, California Amara had stared at the ring on her finger. She was officially engaged that's one step closer to closing the deal on her new family + one now. Matthew had still remembered the deal they had made 4 years atrás when she found the little snot nosed boy hiding and given him a piece of mind. So now he was living with them until Zack realized his brother was missing and dragged the poor boy back início with him.

But now, now she had a fucking wedding to plan. And Charm was not helping her concentration on it. She had plenty of...
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These would be their kids. xD This is a future timeline, por the way. Like probably 20 years or something? Cuz she probably had her oldest when she was in her 20s and the oldest is 12 so....You do the math.
Name: Lily Brooklyn Cohn
Alias: Midnight Streak
Gender: Female
Age: 12
Appearance: brown hair, wavy, medium length, green-blue eyes (more green than blue), average build
Powers: speed, strength, can turn invisible por manipulating darkness
Weapons: martial arts/combat
Personality: talkative, slightly gullible, headstrong, kind of has a temper, determined
Name: Chandler Austin Cohn
Alias: Coda
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posted by Robin_Love
 Tiger costume
Tiger costume
Name:Caitlin “Cat” Kyle
Alias: Tiger
Occupation: Hero; mercenary
Powers: enhanced agility, enhanced senses, rapid healing, night vision, speed, claws, trained in all forms of combat, strength, durability, extensive training with a whip.
History: Caitlin is the niece of Catwoman. When her parents died, Caitlin was sent to her aunt, her only living relative. When she was rejected por her villainous aunt, Caitlin wandered the streets. She grew up in Gotham's crowds. She learned many things on the streets and had been known as a local cat-burglar. Her cat-like abilities and other powers came into...
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Past: Scott was born in a small town of around 1,000. The community he grew up was a quiet one, never on the news, never any gang fights, but plenty of preps. Scott’s younger sister (Sarah) came along when Scott was 3. Years later Scott was running around with his friends when a Lightning bolt struck him. When he awoke he had snow white hair, and new powers. The lightning activated his dormant powers, being 9 Scott learned he had to keep his major emotions under control or else catastrophic storms would appear. Sarah was killed por Scott accidentally when their father was beating Sarah. Scott...
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posted by Robin_Love
 Loki uniform
Loki uniform
Decided to post info for this team too! :D

Name: Zeth Parker
Hero Name: Loki
Occupation: Minor, sorcerer, vigilante
Base: other dimension; currently Earth
Powers: Magic, elements, hand-to-hand combat, staff
History: Zeth was raised in the streets as an orphan. He was taken in por a kindly gentleman. Zeth soon discovered that his new guardian was a warlock. Zeth had potential in the magic arts and was trained to control his ability. When he turned six, Zeth was a talented warlock and was able to control the elements. It was then that his guardian came to the conclusion that Zeth was a demigod and the...
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 Bubbleblast ;)
Bubbleblast ;)
Name: Ariel Saskia Moon

Alise: Bubble Blast

Age: 15

Birthday: 18th July 1998

Hair and eyes: Blonde and Blue

Personality: Bubbly and always happy! It takes a lot to get her down, strong willed and hopefully at all times.

Powers: She can create bubbles made out of either lighting, ice, water or just energy and if she gets angrey Powerful fogo bubbles, she can make force feild bubbles and even travel underwater with them. She has a bubble staff which she uses to fly around and shoots bubbles aswell

Relation to team:None yet but has a crush ;)Team mate and member of the X-men

Like: BUBBLES! XD Cat's, swimming, spending time with friends, flying, bubble baths, bubble machines, the starts, bakeing, chocolate and drawing :)

I think thats all if you wanna ask perguntas I will be happy to answer
There is a three ano time jump between Season 2 and the Arrowette Series. A few things have happened...

Darkseid invaded Earth and was repelled, but Batman, Aquaman, Hal Jordan, and Flash were killed (Batman unbeknownst to the public) during the invasion forcing Wally and Dick to fill the respected roles of their mentors. One ano later, Barbara Gordon was paralyzed and forced to leave the capota, capuz of Batgirl behind and become Oracle. Stephanie Brown took her place.

Red Robin, leader of the Teen Titans (That's right, I changed their names) is still Tim marreco, drake (There will be NO Damian Wayne). Aqualad...
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posted by NekoTheif
Name- Tundra

Real name- Amara Noelle

Status- Married to Charm, one child

Gender- female

Powers- to create/control ice, turn into wolf

Upside- She always had a weapon at hand and has better smell and hearing

Downside- She can't use 2 powers at once. if it gets to hot it can affect her ice ability and make her use mais energy.

What happened?-

After Charm's disappearance and her attempted arrest Amara fled and took Bonnie into hiding. She ran the drug trade and eventually moved in with the Jones family after finding Red Rose. Amara continued to look for Charm and raise/train Bonnie.


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posted by Obscurity98
Roy's arms crushed her body as he hugged her, he begged her not to leave. Harley only pushed him away, and backed up. Roy gave her an odd look, and pulled her closer. Harley pushed away again. Kaldur stepped closer, "Harley please, You have to come."
Harley looked around, the sorrow in her eyes. She had to find a way to communicate. She ran over to Megan and pulled their heads together, Megan was startled, "what? What are you doing?"
Harley motioned from her head to Megan's. Finally Megan got the picture and tried to communicate telepathically. But just as they did, something blocked them. Megan...
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posted by -BelovedRobin
 As Orion (Art by: ~NickLeerie on DeviantART)
As Orion (Art by: ~NickLeerie on DeviantART)
Name: Ivan (pronounce: EE-vahn) Jager the 2nd
Alias: Orion
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Birthplace: Germany, however he is Yeniche so he mostly travel around europa with his family. Until he was 10 that's when he moved to Central City.

Personality: Although quiet and nondescript, when Ivan does speak he can be blunt. Which often leads to people to dislike him right off bat with his "no regrade to others feelings." Ivan prefers navigating through life por himself, often dismissing help from others believing they are "under-estimating" his abilities....
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posted by Obscurity98
I posted this b4 on YJ group, now here for some ppl to know my relationship status with Kaldur!

( B4 Kal went rouge)

Harley kicked the punching bag with fired anger. Roy had promised her a encontro, data tonight but then canceled because of a Cheshire sighting. He always canceled. She Kicked it again, and it went flying on the hook and sand spilled from the bag. And the punching bag slammed into Kaldur as she walked in. he was pressed back against the wall, and Harley ran over to help, "Oh god Kaldur! are you okay!?"
Kaldur stood up brushing himself off, "Yes, i am fine thank you." He looked at her and...
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posted by 66Dragons
The Young Justice Club will be online soon. However, before joining, you must read and agree to the rules.


1: There will be absolutely no Role-Playing or Own–Character accounts allowed. They will be banned.

2: Be courteous to others. Do not publicly fight, argue, or any other form of being a jerk. If you fail at this, you will be banned. I don't care who "threw the first punch".

3: There will be absolutely no complaining about your private life or Internet life on this website. If you are caught doing so, you will be kicked from the website permanently.

4: Cussing is only allowed in minor...
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posted by 66Dragons
"Quite impressive." A voice whispered in Revenge's ear. 

Revenge kept his masked eyes forward. "Yes. Quite. You secured things on your end, partner?"


"Good, now we let the two sides fight it out."

A furgão, van screeched up in front of Alpha Squad. Gas flew out of the furgão, van and in a few seconds, the entire team was unconscious. Masked men walked out and threw the teens into the back of the van.

Sam flew unconscious into the van. A shadowy figure landed seguinte to the men.

"Missed one." the female said.

The men nodded and got back in the furgão, van before driving off.
posted by ArwinYJ
Name: Lana Copeg
Alias: Arwin
Age: 16
Occupation/Alliance: Hero

Appearance: Long black hair, laranja eyes, 5' 5"

Powers/skills/weapons: powers over the element earth, martial arts, and her family heir loom (a magic staff)

Personality: Withdrawn, optimistic, kind, brave, courageous, shy, cynical, hard-working, loyal

History: After being given into the care of her grandparents without warning Lana's parents mysteriously went missing. Lana discovered their family heir loom when she went looking for her parents a ano later. She took the heir loom into her possesion after leitura a note left with the heir loom por her parents. When she was fifteen she left her grandparents to train her powers. After training for three years and discovering many things Lana returned to her grandparent's house to find them gone. From that point on Lana decided that secrets only killed people rather than kept the safe.
 Arwin's staff
Arwin's staff
posted by AislingYJ
So I got this brilliant idea for a roleplay (well maybe not so brilliant, you guys are the judge on that) and I don't know what website to make it on.
Can you tell me what you think of the idea?

Ten years after the creation of the original Young Justice team, the world is in turmoil. A new, extremely powerful enemy, Project X, has arisen and has torn apart society. They have manipulated the United Nations and the government of every single country to turn against all aliens, meta-humans, and humans associated with either group, and murder them all. The governments have issued civilians and targeted...
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I wrote this before I was half done with RoR. It won't fit in the storyline now, but to avoid too many spoilers, this is your super preview. Oh BTW: RAVAGE PART II TOMORROW!!!!

"Where's azevinho, holly and Artemis?" Revenge asked, swinging down seguinte to Nightwing and Batgirl.

"Here!" Artemis called, running up. "Holly's inside planting the explosives!"

"That's my girl." Revenge muttered.

His HUD flashed red thrice. A symbol he had hoped was an accidental set off.

"Evacuate the area!" Revenge yelled, firing his grappling line at the school and swinging off.

"You heard Revenge! Move!" Nightwing yelled. He ran...
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posted by Red_HoodYJ
A/N If you don't like nasty-ish things and blood and stuff like that, skip from the "(Warning Thing!)" to the last authors note.

She burst from the tunnel she was in and out into the open. As she was riding, she pulled out a long piece of tape, some wires and two disconnected bombs. Red wired them together, then drove off the road. She jumped off of the motorcycle and taped the bomb to the motorcycle. She heard the roar of an engine and sprinted away. The Bat-Clan entered the clearing in the Bat-mobile as Red capuz, capa sprinted away. She pressed a trigger and the bomb started its countdown. When...
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