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posted by SilverWings13
"15 minutes" a voice crackled through the speakers mounted in the corners of the arena.
"Damn it!" Aryess exclaimed. She threw back her capuz, capa to allow the cool air conditioning to cool the sweat sliding down her face.
"Your rate is fine," Emily said through the speakers from the viewing room above.
"You matched mine," Alek muttered barely loud enough for her to hear through the sound waves.
The teenager standing in the center of the arena glanced up to the long window above. The four other members stood above, all wearing similar and completely different expressions.
Emily tried to give the younger girl a supporting smile, and even gave her a small wave, but a line of worry creased her forehead.
Alek stood with his hands clasped behind his back and nodded to his partner, knowing she did not want any sympathy.
Jasper pinched the bridge of his nose, his eyes shut. The strain of projecting so many subjects for the youngest member of their squad was beginning to give him a pounding head-ache.
The final person in the row, the one who's reaction Aryess truly cared about, had his arms crossed over his chest, his stance neutral, his expression unreadable. Even from a lower view point, the cloaked girl caught the gleam of a single emotion in his deep blue eyes. Satisfaction.
"Up for one last round, Jazzy?" Aryess asked, hoping the desperation was not audible in her voice. Jasper lowered his hand and opened his hazy, sightless blue eyes.
"One, last one," the eldest of the Double Helix members stated.
Emily gave him a disapproving look, feeling a twinge of concern for the sweat-soaked teenager in the arena below. But, much to Aryess's relief, she did not speak her reluctance.
"Simulation 9," a recorded voice spoke through the speakers.
Aryess spread her legs shoulder-to-the-part, flexed her hands at her sides, and closed her eyes as a countdown began.
There was total silence. Aryess concentrated her senses on her sixth: an almost unnatural ability to sense when an attack was coming. She felt the slightest pull of her conscience, the hairs on the back of her neck prickle.
Her storm-cloud-grey eyes snapped open. She whirled around and crossed her daggers to repel an arching sword. She pushed forward, knocking her attacker off balance, and kicked him far back out of the inner circle. He dispersed from existence as Jasper excused the figment from the battlefield.
Aryess pulled her arms inward and thrust them out at the exact same moment, stabbing two mais opponents in their hearts.
A hot coal, mais aggressive than the adrenaline coursing through her veins, began to burn in her chest. Many times before, Aryess had used every ounce of willpower to hold it back, to keep the instinct from fully filling her. But she wanted to show her mentor her strength, prove to him and herself she was worth the years of training. Inch por inch, the teen allowed the heat to spread through her. With it came energy and a desire. A desire to take out her enemy. To kill.
The cloaked girl's movements became too quick to take count of. She flipped an armored man over her shoulder, launched a throwing faca into the chest of another, jabbed a third twice in the ribs and karate chopped his neck. All three disappeared from the arena floor.
Even if they were only projections from the mind of a 17-year-old telepath, they held a density that would allow them to be harmed and 'killed'. Aryess got the impression she was fighting real armored men. And the hot instinct engaging her into hyper drive understood her desire to take them out.
She stabbed one in the chest, backflipped from another's reach, clashed two of the thug's head together.
All too soon, an alarm proclaimed the simulation over. Aryess returned to her original position: legs spread even, arms at her sides, head down. Her breaths were ragged and labored, a total layer of sweat layering her skin, matting her hair down. With the last of her energy and great effort, she retrieved the force that was pounding in her ears and felt her senses relax.
"Simulation complete," the computerized voice proclaimed.
"Eleven minutes," Emily's clear voice rang through the speakers.
Aryess relaxed her posture and returned her attention to the viewing box.
Nic's position had not changed even the slightest bit. But his protege caught the twitch of a smile on his lips. A new spark lit his eyes as he nodded to his student, then turned and walked out.
Aryess then fell onto her back exhausted and stared at the high ceiling, grinning from ear to ear with thrill. She recognized the emotions her teacher had concealed so well. Gratification, respect, and, dare she think it, pride in his student.

Creds to Blitz359 for helping me reset the clock. Thank you.
 Aryess's Suit
Aryess's Suit
Her head pounded as she slowly regain consciousness, the indigo-head strained her eyes open to a bright light in her face.
"You're up." Frostbite looks up noticing a woman with long midnight black hair. Though her head ached she manage to place a smile on her face. She looked around seeing that she was bonded in a chair in chains.
"I'm so happy that queen of the Beetle is here to greet me on my wakening."
"Its my pleasure," queen Beetle turned to Frostbite with a slight smile on her face in return Frostbite gave her a smile, "After all you did give permission take the Hexagons."
"I only did it...
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 Grow up was all she heard
Grow up was all she heard
The mental tortures continued Melody, Nate and Jaivus were all haunted with memory of their past, but now it was time for Phif and Ashley to joint them.
Phifi's Telepathic Torture
Phifi heard whispering in her ears, but she could not make out what was being said. She slowly open her eyes, she blinds a few time. There she lie in the middle of a spot light with everything else in darkest. Phifi raised her brows in confusion then she slowly made her way to her feet. She turned her head from side to side but all she saw was dense darkness. The ten ano old hugged herself as she moved around in the...
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posted by -BelovedRobin
It was a quarter past midnight, not a single whisk of life stirred other then the leather cased finger stroking the brim of the amber elixir. He was calm. Breathing even as it course through his blood.

Inhale. Exhale.

He gazed over the brim of tainted shades, looking for his dearest fair sister cruising behind ebony. Her heels clicking to each sway of her pencil skirt, to every swoosh of the field of wheat grazing over her bum.

"Abel, I'm going back. Are you going to stop me?" The slick amber pool around his coarse bottom lip. Edging the tip of his tongue whilst whispering sweet tunes into the...
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posted by DiscordYJ
All rights reserved to SilverWings13 and much thanks for letting me use her OC's... They all belong to her, the creation of them was solely her idea. I am only using them because I like composição literária Dramatic One-Shots..


One gloved hand wrapped around the girl's mouth to muffle the threats she gave, while the other crept under her pencil saia and up her inner thigh. The victim's arms were held down por the harsh rope tied around her body. Her head was pulled back and in her hazel eyes was the fogo of defiance. A grin crossed the captor's face as his grip tightened around her thigh,"Shhh... I wouldn't...
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posted by MafiaYJ
"It doesn't make any sense Ethan! They are real! I know it! I've seen them! AND I TRIED TO KILL THEM!" Babylon shouted from the assento she was in. Ethan paced in front of her, glancing at Adrian who, for once, looked serious.
"Ethan." Babylon snapped. Ethan paced.
"ETHAN!" She screamed hysterically. Ethan stopped and he and Adrian looked at her. Babylon was not supposed to scream that way. She was supposed to be calm and wise, like they were. Sure, have her quirks and the like...but not like this.
"Babylon, dear. You need to relax. We..we are going to figure something out." Ethan stated. He knew...
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posted by MafiaYJ
Mafia sat alone on a rooftop, watching through binoculars, her target in a window across from her. The target wasn't aware of her of course, but some one else was. Mafia checked the time on her watch with a sigh. It was past midnight, but she needed this guy, preferably dead. It was easier to carry dead weight than live bait. Especially if he struggled. Sadly, Mafia had been right about one thing; her target would't be leaving the building any time soon. And she needed to have him before sundown. She sighed and tucked her red hair under her hat and pulled the colarinho, colar up, if she was spotted in...
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posted by Kurls_Basd
Code name: Weapon 010:
Powers:Telepathic; controls a beetle-like animal (which is called beetle) once implanted into someone whether person or animal he can control then. He can also materialize himself into thousand of beetles and can create clones of himself with the beetles.
Appearance: Blonde hair and red eyes. Usually wears a black hoodie cloak.
Attitude: frank, hostile and devious.
Relations: Twin brother to Jaivus.
History&Past: Honesty was separated from his birth parents and his twin brother Jaivus at birth. He is the eldest between the twin. When He was separated...
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posted by GlitterPuff
October 3rd, 1999

"Mommy! Daddy!"

"Rene, calm down."

"But, I wanna go in the castle!"

"We will go to the castle."

"Can we go now?"

"No, we'll go a little later. Look at the ticket line."

"Pwease daddy?"

"How about we get some ice cream first sweetie."

Okey dokey!" The father picked his daughter up por the waist and sat her on his shoulders. She wrapped her arms around his neck, not tight enough to choke him; but enough to hold on.

"Don't let her fall," the mother said cautiously.

"I won't." Rene giggled as her dad bounced her up and down on their way to the ice cream stand.


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posted by Robin_Love
 Willow loves Becca
Willow loves Becca
A sharp wind blewb through the room. She shivered and curled deeper into her covers. Another wind made her open her eyes. I thought I closed that last night.. She recalled closing the window and even locking it. Fear gripped her as mais fresh air came through her window and something moved close to her, giving off warmth. Slowly, she slipped out of the cama and quickly spun around. She found a body on her bed, black cloth covering it. She sighed with relief, recognizing the sleeping form of her sister, coal black hair untied. Willow sat back on the cama and hit her bedmate with a pillow. This...
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posted by GlitterPuff
"Shit shit shit shit!" Rene was running through the apartment, waking Zack up. He came out wearing sweatpants, rubbing his eyes.

"Rene, what's with the yelling?" She rushed past him, putting her hair up and quickly grabbing her heels.

"I'm gonna be late for work!"

"Can't you just go, poof, and be there?" Leaning aganst the wall, she pulled on the shoes.

"No, I can't just 'poof'!"

"Why not?" The red head ran into her room, looking in the mirror quickly.

"Cause it's a normal regular person job," she yelled to him. "I'll get found out if I just pop up there." Grabbing her large bolsa full of folders,...
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posted by Robin_Love
 Dylan in leitura glasses~
Dylan in reading glasses~
I'm not too happy with this part but let me know if you like. If enough people like it, I'll keep it. If majority hates it, I'll eliminar and re-write. Comment below!

“Okay let me see. This isn't right...why do I even bother with this?”
The bluenette leaned up against the counter, a clipboard in hand and leitura glasses on. He made a few grunting noises of disapproval, the pencil twirling between his teeth. His eyes scanned over the charts and half-assed explenations written down before he set it aside.
“Well that was a waste of time.”
He pulled off the glasses and rubbed his eyes tiredly....
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posted by Kurls_Basd
Name: Nate
Hero Name: Whisperer
Powers: Nate has the powers to communicate with animals, shape-shift into any animal he chooses and also has the power to make others understand animal once he is near to then. Telepathic.
Age:16 yrs.
Skills Combat fighter.
Relations: Adopted brother to Phfi. friends with Melody, Kaya, Akash, Martina, Koda.
Likes: People who respects authorities, tigers, hawks.
Dislikes: Ashley 'cause he thinks she just a spoiled brat, Jaivus 'cause he is a Beetle.
Attitude: flirtation, protective, Law abiding, proud
Statue: Creatian.
History&Past: Nate/Whisperer is a Creatian...
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posted by BladeYJ
Thought the Mistress of Disappearing was gone forever? Well sorry to bring your hopes up folks, because I'm back. Shortly? Yes. But not long enough to put your memories of me to disposal. I present to you, this article, in a series I never thought I'd come back to..




She spoke softly as she was wheeled into a room alone, her once long hair, now cut short, hung in her distant eyes, but the smile etched on her face was solid as ever,"M-my ow-own brother."


Emerald eyes shot open, blinked the scene into focus, and gazed upon the beautiful place before them. The holder of these gems stood,...
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posted by SilverWings13
I didn't go over it so there may be a million typos... But I hope you enjoy it anyway!

The fog was thick enough to classify as a solid. It was impossible to tell what time of dia it was, as the thick haze blocked out the expanse of sky. It was near impossible to see one’s hand in front of his face, nonetheless the target he sought.
Though the spotlight at the nose of the U-boat did nothing to cut through the barrier of mist, Alek managed to find the island. There was an undeniable instinct that pulled him toward the landmass, an inner compass with a set destination.
The boy pulled as close...
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Cheshire sat in the pilot assento of the jet leaned back beceas it was on auto pilot, well Twan sat in the copilot assento seguinte to her looking at the screen of the laptop on his lap.
Oke babs is everything redy? He asked.
Almost Twan just running some last background cheks and decrypting the codes of he security system.
Oke well I geas I will hear from you then.
Thad's rigt, but wait a minuto I got a surprise fore you.
She said as the camera imagens on the screen chanced from Babra, to Cadmus and Tess back in the apartment, Twan looks at the screen chancing and was happily surprised.
Well this is a surprise....
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posted by Kurls_Basd
Two persons are wheeled into the cave's infirmary both in very bad conditions. One being Ashley, who has third degree burns on both hands and is hardly breathing. The other is Jaivus, the young Beetle that helped her save her sister. He too is hardly breathing and has third degree burns from his neck to waist. Devin along with Rene, Kaya and Koda paired themselves into twos, Rene and Koda dealt with Ashley while Kaya and Devin dealt with Jaivus. The four healers started healing as quickly as possible. But suddenly Jaivus's vital signs monitor started beeping alarmingly, his coração beat dropped...
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posted by Robin_Love
Name: Reyna (Ray-na) Jackson
Alias: Hyde
Occupation: Translator; vigilante; student
Powers: Levitation, magnetic fields, “wings” that can repel radiation, her voice can manipulate things and people for a small time
Weaknesses If she expels too much power, she will pass out. She is not invulnerable to weapons that aren't magnetic. She can only levitate herself and only for short periods of time. To use her vocal powers, she can not be in her other form
Skills/talents: She is fluent in sign language, English, and understands Myers in animal forms
Appearance: She has blue hair in both forms, brown...
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posted by Kurls_Basd
All the fighting stop upon the woman's entry. She smirked and placed her hand on her hip.
"Its been a long time Frostbite."
"Well well well look you decided to show up."
Alanna walked up to Frostbite giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek."Oh how I missed you child." she said, placing her hands on Frostbite's shoulders.
"The feeling not mutual." Frostbite replied.
"I suspected that." she gave a small devious smile.
"Frostbite what's going on?" Aquapoint asked in mind link.
"Alanna's here to pick up...." Frostbite tried to explain but was interrupted.
"Now now I can't have you plotting in a mind link...
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"Ass-face? I don't remember that nickname."

"Oh it's new, seeing you left me for that hoe."

"She is not a hoe. She's my girlfriend"

"Just like I was?"

"Yes, just like you were." Jennifer still stood behind Nye, looking at the girl that stood before them. "Amora, why can't you just get over this already?"

"Because you knew that I didn't trust men! I thought you were different, and you broke my heart."

"So, you're just going to kill me? How is that a solution?"

"Because you won't be here anymore to torture me!" She raised her gun and pointed it at Nye.

"Jennifer," Nye whispered, "Run."

"I'm not leaving...
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posted by killer24
Name: James Bishop
Villain ID: Jinx (or another I cant think any ideas if you don't like it)
Age: 19
Height: 5,9
Hair: Red
Eyes: Red
Nationality: German
Father: John Bishop (deceased)
Mother: June Bishop (deceased)
Affiliations: him self

Powers: control over electricity/lightening, control over fogo
Skills: master swordsman, killing, guns, multilingual and some other skills

Relationship status: no one but is a dangerous flirt (you have been warned)

Enemies: Alex, Ajax, Kane, the league, any hero or anti-hero

Likes: murder, sword fighting, laranja juice, beating up Alex and de-limbing him, pizza, flirting,...
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