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Court Lobby

Swift: Dear lord, that was too close
Lilly: Don't worry. It could have been worse
Swift: Worse?! I don't have much evidence and were bringing in a witness who saw you commit the crime. If I can't get any actual proof, were going to lose this case
Lilly: Don't worry. I know you can do it
Swift: !! W-what
Lilly: Here, I have this
Swift: What's this? A letter... I would like to see you tonight. I only want you to help me bring back the good old days. Please don't refuse. Come to my house at 10:00 on April 1st. Come alone. Signed... MARIAH
Lilly: Yeah, I was a little surprised too
Swift: Why didn't you show me this before?!
Lilly: Because I lost all hope and was ready to except my fate. But now, I know you'll win
Swift: ! *Did she just... Smile*
Bailiff: Court is about to continue. may the defense please make there way to the court room
Swift: Well, here we go *I just hope I can win this... For her sake*

Courtroom No. 4

Judge: Court will now continue. Mr. Payne. I do believe you were able to bring the witness here
Winston: Yes, your honor. She was very willing to come here
Judge: Very well. Please bring her to the stand
Swift: *Alright. Here we go*
Winston: Witness, please state you name and occupation
Mariah: My name is Mariah Malroie. I am a story book writer
Judge: a writer? How great
Winston: Witness. Please tell us what you saw on the night of the murder
Mariah: ...*Whimper*
Winston: Oh, I-I'm terribly sorry Miss, I didn't mean to-
Mariah: No, its not you. Its that man over there
Swift: M-ME!
Mariah: Yes, you. You have the eyes of someone who can kill me just with a blink of your eye. He is very scary
Swift: You must be joking
Judge: Mr. Justice. I don't want you scaring this witness. If you say something that if irrelevant, I will penalize you
Swift: Ah *Only ten segundos and she's already got the Judge on her side*
Judge: Now miss, please tell us what you saw
Mariah: Okay. I was just having a nice conversation with Eddie. I never knew he was in a relationship. Of course, I never would have expected that other girl to be there. She then chocked him with some wire and drove away.
Judge: So, your saying you saw the witness kill the victim
Mariah: Yes, sir
Judge: Well, Mr. Justice. You may begin you cross-examination. But remember, if you do anything to scare the witness, you will be penalized
Swift: *I'm walking on thin ice here. I got to tread carefully, Or I'll just fall through*
Mariah: I was just having a nice conversation with Eddie
Swift: HOLD IT! What were you talking about
Mariah: Well, we used to be really good friends a few years back. When he heard I was in town, he wanted to know how I was doing and he came to see me so we could talk about how our lives have been going
Swift: *Well it looks like I can't find anything wrong with this*
Mariah: I never knew he was in a relationship. Of course, I never would have expected that other girl to be there
Swift: HOLD IT! Who do you mean "That other girl"
Mariah: That mean old lady over there in the defendant stand
Lilly: I'll show you just how old I am, missy
Swift: Ms. Benign. Please. Control yourself *We really don't need anymore problems then we already have*
Mariah: She then chocked him with some wire and drove off
Swift: OBJECTION! Ha. I finally found it
Mariah: Wha-What do you mean
Swift: You said that the victim was strangled with wire. However, I have here the real murder weapon. A piece of rope. And if you witnessed the whole thing... HOW COULD YOU MAKE THAT MISTAKE!
Mariah: AHH
Judge: Why, Mr. Justice is absolutely right. Anyone could tell the difference
Winston: OBJECTION! Ha ha ha. Have you forgotten, your honor. The murder took place at night. It would have been hard for the witness to see anything
Mariah: Yes, thats it. It was way to dark. I could only see silhouette of the two people
Swift: Y-You can't be serious
Judge: Well, it would appear that the defenses claim is completely void
Swift: *There must be something wrong with what she said. I got to find it* You honor. There is something wrong with what she said
Judge: And what would that be
Swift: The witness said it was too dark to see the murder weapon, right
Judge: Well, yes
Mariah: Ah
Winston: Ah
Judge: What do you mean, Mr. Justice
Swift: What I mean is that it was too dark to see anything. She even claimed that she couldn't see the two people;s faces. Yet, she was able to point out that that it was the defendant who killed the victim. But I find tat hard to believe. In fact, I got proof to show that she was was expecting the defendant
Mariah: WHAT!
Winston: That's preposterous
Judge: Well, Mr. Justice. What might this proof be that shows that the witness was waiting for the defendant
Swift: TAKE THAT! The proof is right here. A letter that Mariah sent to the victim on the dia he was murdered
Judge: How does this prove that the witness was was waiting for Mariah to show up
Swift: Well, She said she wanted to speak with the victim on the night of the murder. She sent him a letter like this so my client would get the wrong idea. She would then follow him in order to see what all of this was about. However, once my client got to the scene, thats when the real killer stuck.
Judge: Th-The real killer
Swift: Yes, your honor. And I think I know just who it is
Judge: Well, I would like for you to tell us. But do know that if you point out the wrong person, I will assume that this was all one big waste of time
Swift: *I got to get all the evidence. I just need to think hard and I will be able to solve all these problems* Very well, your honor. The real killer of Eddie Dawn is... TAKE THAT! Even the defendant should know who it is. The defense believes that the murderer of Eddie Dawn... IS NONE OTHER THAN MARIAH MALROIE
Mariah: WHAT!
Winston: WHAT!
Judge: WHAT!
Swift: It's no surprise. She was obviously waiting for my client to come and see what he left for. That was when the killer, Ms. Malroie, to be exact, killed the victim and put the blame on Ms. Benign. And she said they were talking about something. I wonder. Just what were they talking about
Winston: OBJECTION! Ha ha ha. I ever thought you were this dim
Swift: *Why you...* What do you mean
Winston: It was already proven that the murder weapon was that piece of rope, which, let me remind you, was covered in the defenses fingerprints, and what the victim and witness were talking about was something... that may shock you. You see, Mr. Dawn and Ms. Malroie were once professional jewel thieves
Judge: WHAT!!!
Winston: It's shocking, but true. Of course, they were both caught eventually. But, they made a deal with the police that they would give back the items they roubou and change there ways, but only if their sentence was reduced. So, they struck a deal and were only in prison for three months. But that was all about three years ago. Of course, Mariah had one extra special jewel hidden from the police. A jewel known as the coração of Flames. I even have it right here
Judge: My, what a beautiful jewel. But what does this have to do with proving Mr. Justice wrong
Winston: It shows that the victim was not a womanizer and it shows that the witness only wanted to catch up on old times. So, it looks like rápido, swift has finally lost
Swift: N-NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
Judge: Well, I am about ready to deliver my verdict
Lilly: Oh, please, Mr. Justice. Please get up
Swift: ...
Winston: Ha. Was there ever any doubt about this
Judge: As of this time, I am ready to hand down my verdict. I find the defendant, Ms. Lilly Benign...
Judge: ...
Winston: ...
Mariah: ...
Swift: ...
Lilly: NO! I can't let this happen. I won't let you make a fool out of rápido, swift Justice
Swift: Ms. Benign...
Lilly: I know he is so much better. You can still do it, Mr. Swift
Swift: Ms. Benign... I know you're innocent. But there's nothing left I can do. My hands are tied.
Judge: Ms. Benign. W-What are you doing? Please, stay seated
Winston: Why is she- Oh no. Stay back
Lilly: I can't take it
Judge: She has the jewel
Swift: Ms. Benign. What are you-
Judge: The jewel... she just slammed it on the ground like it was nothing
Winston: T-the defendant is mais crazy then I thought
Swift: MS. BENIGN! Why did you just.............. What the-. What's this
Lilly: Is that... NO, WAIT! don't touch it. It might have fingerprints on it
Judge: What is that
Winston: Well... I'm not so sure
Swift: Ms. Benign says we should get a fingerprint analysis on it
Judge: Very well then. Bailiff, get that to the detective's office, pronto. Until then, the court will take a short recess

Judge: Well, it was clear what this thing is
Swift: What would it be your honor
Judge: I was quite surprised when I heard it
Winston: There is no need to stall any longer. We would like to know
Judge: Yes, you right. It would appear that this bottle contains arsenic, also known as poison
Winston: P-Poison
Judge: Yes, and what's mais shocking... it was covered in the witnesses prints
Winston: Ahh
Swift: *This is it. The big hole that I've been waiting for* Your honor. I think I've found it out
Judge: What do you mean, Mr. Justice
Swift: I mean, I know why the victim was killed
Judge: Really? Well, would you mind showing us what was the motive as to why the victim was killed
Swift: TAKE THAT! Its simple. If we go back to the letter, we will be able to find it. It is said in the letter that Mariah wanted to do what she used to do. That would obviously be jewel swiping. Of course, the victim reused this offer and decided he would just walk out, without a scratch. But he got mais than he expected. If you remember what Ms. Benign said, she said that Ms. Malroie had her hand over the victims wine glass the whole time. And, lets remember that her fingerprints were over the bottle of arsenic.
Judge: A-are you suggesting that...
Swift: Thats right, you honor. Mariah killed the victim, and he was not killed por strangulation, but rather poisoned
Winston: B-but what about the rope
Swift: The defendant and the witness share a house together. I'm sure many of Ms. Benign's belongings could be inside that car.
Judge: Well, Ms. Malroie. Is this true
Mariah: ..............Umm
Swift: *I finally got her*
Mariah: ........ *glare*
Swift: What the- *Why is she staring at me*
Mariah: You think you've won, have you
Winston: W-what
Judge: Ms. Malroie. What are you getting at
Mariah: You may have won the battle... But, I've won the war
Winston: SHE HAS A GUN!!!
Lilly: SWIFT!!!

??? ???
Swift: ............ uh.......... Where am I............. Wait, this isn't my house.......... This looks mais like.......... a hospital?
Lilly: MR. JUSTICE!!! Oh, I'm so happy your awake
Swift: Huh? Ms. Benign
Lilly: Swift, were not in court anymore. Call me Lilly
Swift: Alright then... Lilly. Where am I? What happened
Lilly: Your in the hospital. You were shot por Mariah, but she only got you in the shoulder
Lilly: Don't worry, Swift. That case was closed days ago
Swift: Days ago? How long was I out for
Lilly: For three days
Swift: Three days. What about the case
Lilly: Well, you did it, Swift. You got me acquitted of the charges. We won't be seeing Mariah anytime soon, though
Swift: Oh, thank goodness... But, Lilly. I thought of something. Remember in the case when you mentioned that the bottle of poison may have fingerprints on it
Lilly: Yeah. And?
Swift: Well, what made you think of that
Lilly: Well... I'm working on becoming a defense attorney myself
Swift: Really
Lilly: Yeah. I want to be just like my big brother one day. I know he would like to know that
Swift: Your brother? Who is he?
Lilly: Maverick Benign
Swift: Well, I'm sure I'll see him soon
Lilly: ...
Swift: Is something wrong
Lilly: Well... My brother... he...
Swift: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know
Lilly: It's okay. When I heard he was murdered. I felt awful
Swift: M-murdered
Lilly: Yeah. I wanted to find who killed him and bring him to justice. Thats why I'm working on becoming a defense attorney
Swift: Your right. Your brother would like that
Lilly: Thanks, Swift... Um
Swift: Yes?
Lilly: Well, I was wondering... Do you think you could teach me how to be a defense attorney
Swift: You want me to teach you
Lilly: If you don't want to, I understand
Swift: ...Lilly... Of course I'll train you
Swift: Hold on, Lilly. Incase you forgot, I'm in the hospital still. It will take a while before we can get to the actual training. But, lets start off with the basics. I want you to shout out this one word when I say three
Lilly: Okay, I think I know what it is
Swift: Okay. One. Two. THREE!!!
Lilly: INFECTION! Like that, Swift
Swift: ... Well... We'll work on it

Swift: That case was one ano ago. Lilly is a great student, even if she is a bit silly at times. However, I will one day, need her help. When that dia comes, I know she'll be ready

The Heartbroken Turnabout
The End
 Mariah Malroie. Witness to the murder
Mariah Malroie. Witness to the murder

Back when I was just a wee lad that had first stepped into the world of fighting games and thought Melee was the greatest fighting game in the world, the word Soul Calibur got thrown around quite a bit. I was told it was something unique to itself, allowing weapons. And then I was reminded of Mortal Kombat: Deception, but Soul Calibur is better known for weapon fighting. So the chance I got to play Soul Calibur V, I hated it. I hated the story, the characters, and the lack of major features, and decided to let this game die. But after some time, and realizing that Soul Calibur III was...
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So, Resident Evil VII’s Not a Hero and End of Zoe DLC came out recently. I could be reviewing that… But I also could review a totally different Resident Evil game from over a decade ago… Yeah, let’s do that one instead. So, despite that Resident Evil VII got some new DLC, I want to review another Resident Evil game. One that seems to have a massive divide in the community of the Resident Evil fanbase. Some people like this game while others don’t. And no, it isn’t Resident Evil 5 or Resident Evil: Revelations. Instead, it’s the first controversial pick, Resident Evil Zero.

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Nik was able to best the Anistar City Gym Leader, Olympia. Though despite her boring Mercury to sleep and her Pokemon being laming-it-out-fucks, Nik was able to defeat her with few problems and claim the Anistar City Badge, giving him seven badges and only one mais for him to get.

In the not-so-exciting duel with Olympia, Emeritus II was able to evolve from a nothing Litwick into an on-the-road-to-something Lampent. The Chandelure will be there soon enough.

While trying to defeat Team Flare and their leader in their secret base, Nik ran into the Team Flare scientist, Xerosic. In the constant...
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added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: GM
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Song: link

Tom Kenny: Sugar. Spice, and everything nice. These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little girls, but Professor Utonium accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concoction. Chemical X!
Professor: *Gets moved backwards por an explosion, but smiles when he sees what he created*
Tom Kenny: Thus the Powerpuff Girls were born! Using their ultra super powers, Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup have dedicated their lives to fighting crime, and the forces of evil.
Blossom: *Flies through the sky*
Bubbles: *Flying to the right of Blossom*
Buttercup: *Flying to the left...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme Song

Kevin: *Plays piano*
David: *Playing bass*
Liam: *Playing drums*
Liz: *Plays guitar*
Mr. Nut: *Sings* Welcome everybody to The Nut House. Thankfully this is not in Laos. Come on everybody into The Nut House. You can wear anything except for a blouse. Come on everybody, step into The Nut House.
Everyone: The Nut House!

Episode 1: Pilot

Every character that appears will have a link to their picture. Here is Mr. Nut's picture: link

Mr. Nut: *In The Nut House* Welcome everyone, I'm Mr. Nut. The owner of this fine establishment, The Nut House. Now you're probably wondering, what is The...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
This is a parody of My Little Pony. The voice actors for the mane 6 are..

Ice Cube - Twilight Sparkle
Kath Soucie - arco iris, arco-íris Dash
Sargent Schultz from Hogan's heroes - Pinkie Pie
Wally from The Cleveland Show - Fluttershy
Tabitha St. Germain - Rarity
Ashleigh Ball - aguardente de maçã

Now, let's begin.

Celestia: Once upon a time, in a world full of faggots, also known as America. There were two cavalos with wings, and horns, (One of them is me) and they acted like they raised two objects that moved entirely por their selves. To do this, I acted like I was moving the sun. The other horse with wings, and...
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Hello everyone, and today, I want to talk about one of my most cherished childhood shows. That would be Ed Edd n Eddy. This show was about three kids, named Ed, Edd, and Eddy, who were always trying to scam the other kids of the cul-de-sac out of there money, only to fail in the end. The reason I loved this show was because of how real it felt, along with its colorful cast of characters, and well drawn atmosphere, and the witty humor. But, I thought to myself "What are my most favorito episodes"? So, today, I present to you my ten favorito Ed, Edd, n Eddy episodes. And remember, its all my...
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posted by windwakerguy430
So remember when I started Corner of Horror and talked about Five Nights at Freddy’s, a horror game that I just cannot stand yet it managed to get a whole lot of publicity and popularity? Yeah, I still don’t like it. But if anything created an even bigger fandom, it had to be the indie game, Undertale. But unlike Five Nights at Freddy’s, I actually like Undertale. In fact, I amor Undertale. Let’s talk about why I amor Undertale so much.

Undertale takes place in a world filled with humans and monsters. After a war broke out, the monsters were forced underground and were separated...
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So back when I was a young kid, before I was big into fighting games, me and my brothers only had two options of games to play. We had either rua Fighter II, and Mortal Kombat: Deception. And looking back… yeah, rua Fighter II held up way better. But we still loved Mortal Kombat. We loved the characters (That weren’t new to Deception anyway, except Kenshi), we loved the brutal finishers, and we loved the world of Mortal Kombat so much. I just wish it was mais refined. And then Netherrealm Studios happened.
Mortal Kombat 9 (I know it’s just called Mortal Kombat, but screw that...
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Hello, everyone, and happy Halloween. And tonight, we have a very special movie. Or a really bad one. I usually write these intros before I start the film, but that’s not the point. I know that The Fly wasn’t even up for a while, but I just couldn’t wait to talk about this film. So consider this a double feature, to celebrate the Dia das bruxas season. A friend of mine told me about this movie, and that the best way to describe it was “The Goonies for horror fans”. And I amor The Goonies, so, for the final movie of Cultober, let’s take a look at 1987’s Monster Squad.

Not even...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Girls: *Playing Rock & Roll music* Anata No Tenkei-Tekina Anime!! Anata No Tenkei-Tekina Anime!! Which is Japanese for, which is Japanese for... *Drum solo* Your Typical Anime. *Guitar solo* Your Typical Anime. *Guitar solo* Your Typical Anime!

Episode 3: taco Bell

A new restaurant opened up in town. Everyone was excited to see it.

Alinah: *Walks towards the entrance* Ooh, taco Bell. *Floats into the store*
Eula: *Watching Alinah float into the store* Oh, oi Alinah.
Alinah: Hi Eula.
Eula: Guess what I just ordered.
Alinah: There's a lot to choose from. I don't know if I can guess.
Eula: Alright,...
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Nate: (Drives car down rua in city)
Emma: So, do you know any place we can hide, Nate
Nate: Well, we just need to find a place with enough supplies. You know, with comida and weapons
Chris: Oh, well, I know this one guy who-
Nate: No, Chris. We are never letting you choose the hiding place ever agai- (Body hits the capuz, capa of the car) HOLY CRAP (Stops car)
Emma: What was that
Nate: (Looks out window to see people jumping off buildings) Oh, that isn't good
Leroy: (Walks down rua with protesters) (Stops in front of there car) Hey, guys. Would you like to sign for the rights of our undead brothers
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As of the time this is released, a huge rumor has gone around America that clowns are stalking and terrorizing everyone in the country. It started out small at first, but things only increased as mais and mais of these clowns were found. News media began to follow all of these clowns movements, and schools were closed due to being so worried about the clowns, one of the mais recent sightings being in Cincinnati Ohio, which is way too close to where I live. So, with all these rumors of clowns going around, I think now is a good time to talk about Stephen King’s It…… Nah, just kidding....
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
The Canterlot Highway Patrol is a very busy organization, protecting everyone on, and around the highways of Canterlot. Of course, there are some ponies that despise them, and call these police ponies Chips, or chippies for short.

Jon Baker, and Frank Poncherello, two CHP officers, were riding Harley Davidson motocicletas on one of the highways.

Jon: *Riding his motorcycle seguinte to Frank* It sure is a nice day.
Frank: Not just with the weather, but with the activity. Things are going easy for us.

A blue GT500 passed them going over 80.

Jon: *Rides his motorcycle after the car*
Frank: *Following...
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added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: Detroit
posted by windwakerguy430
Ayumi: And it was said, the principal was so fat, every died
Satoshi: Re-really
Yoshiki: I’m calling bullshit on that (All the lights turn off)
Satoshi: Oh, god. I think I pissed myself
Yui: (Turns on the lights) Oh, it’s just me and Yuka
Mayu: Aww, she’s so cute
Yuka: I’LL CUT YOU, cadela, puta
Satoshi: Oh, thank god. I thought I was dead (Unknowingly, grabbing Naomi’s breasts)
Naomi: Satoshi, will you stop fondling my breasts firmly with your hands and-
Seiko: Naomi, you're having your crazy fantasies again
Naomi: Oh, right. Sorry
Satoshi: ….. Huh
Namoi: ……...
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posted by windwakerguy430
Hello everyone, and welcome to the first artigo of Boss Bits. So the first game I will be talking about is none other then the XBox Original Legend Fable. This game is a masterpiece. It had great characters, great gameplay, an awesome story and had some real good humor too. This game series is pretty much where you play as one of the last remaining Hero's of the country of Albion and you have a choice to be good or evil. This game is fun, but then... There are the bosses. Which we will be talking about... right now
(Warning, this artigo contains spoilers)

Boss: vespa Queen
The vespa queen is the...
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added by alinah_09