Tiva fã Fiction Club
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I read a short story awhile back (not a fanfic, just a regular story) and it gave me inspriation for this. It's not as long as it seems.

Word Count: 1529
Rating: What's the letter for everyone? lol
Disclaimer: I do not own ncis or any of the characters... unfortunately!

Tony stopped, hand in mid air. He didn’t know what he was doing here, it was 3:30 am and he was standing at Ziva’s apartment door trying to will himself to knock. He put his hand down & turned to walk away. He only took a few steps before turning back around to head towards her door again. A few...
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posted by BarbaraCocaCola
Ziva closes her brown eyes and thinks how would be wonderful if she could show the world that she loves Tony, if nothing realy prevents them of being together.
-You will tell your boss?...
-I don't know... -Tony says.
-Sooner or later he will notice... amor is hard to hide. You two should tell him. Maybe he will understand...
Ziva looks to Claire and asks:
-Just tell him how you feel for each other.
Tony smiles to Ziva, and says to Claire:
-Thanks for the advice, Afrodite.
Finnaly they land in Washington and go to the office.
-Hey, McGeek!-Tony says.
-Hey guys! How were the things in Miami?
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posted by BarbaraCocaCola
Tony stops the car in front of the beach. Ziva needs to refresh her mind, she leaves the car, runs down to the sea and throws into the water. Tony follows her.
-The water is wonderful!...
Ziva looks at Tony desiring to say something, but she can't. She swims away from him and then she leaves the water and lies on the towel. Once again Tony follows Ziva.
-Hey, what's wrong with you Ziva?
Ziva takes a deep breath and says:
-Nothing? You are strange since last nigth...
-No, I'm not.
-So why are you avoiding me?
Ziva sits in the towel.
-I'm not avoiding you. Why should I be avoiding you?
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posted by BarbaraCocaCola
Dawned. Ziva wakes up and Tony's arm is around her, his hand almost touching her face. She moves her head a little bitt just to confirm if that is real. Tony wakes up too, and he stays embarassed.
-Good morning, Tony... -Ziva says,
-Hey Zi... We've got to... GO!
-But, Tony we only got to fecth the witness tonigth...
-I know but I got to show you Miami... You don't know this city, rigth? So let's see... Maybe we can go to the beach...
Ziva is happy that Tony wants to show her Miami, but she's afraid that if they go to the de praia, praia Tony will be always looking to the other girls, and she knows how she's...
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posted by ziva_rocks
This is the first part of this fic, the seguinte part will be a bit mais romantic but i'll tone it down for the younger girls on here!
Tiva with a little McAbby, hope you like it :)

DISCLAIMER: I do not own ncis or any of its characters!

Tony sat back on his sofa with a feeling of satisfaction. What a day, Team Gibbs had wrapped up a case that had taken over 3 weeks to solve. It was Friday and the team had the weekend off, Gibbs was away to Stillwater to see his dad and he had managed to talk Ziva, Abby and McGee into movie night at his!

Abby had insisted on picking the movie much to Tony's dismay,...
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My segundo Fic. This all came to me at once so i had to type it quickly. Hope it turned out ok :)

DISCLAIMER - I do not own ncis or any of the characters.

Ziva looked at the clock, 6pm, she should have left 30 mins ago. About to switch off her pc she heard the familiar "beep" of her inbox. Wondering if she should check it now or wait till the morning, she sighed then clicked her rato on "open"! She let out a groan when she realised it was from her father, he was clearly not happy with her working for ncis but mais unhappy, actually irate that she now had her American citizenship!

She skimmed...
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posted by mossheart1235
Don't freak out about the title, Tony IS NOT dead! This is an idea I had for a while, don't know how good it is, so... Read and review!

The boy had to be seven years old. He was on vacation at the family início in California, in the playground, when he heard a small noise. He looked at his dad, who was talking to his mom, then headed off to procurar for the noise.
He found the fonte of the noise in a bramble thicket, where he saw a little girl curled in a ball, sniffing. “Hello.” he said.
She jumped up. “Go away!” she said in a heavily accented voice.
The boy shrugged. “Okay.” He moved...
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posted by Ms_Montana

Every fibre of her clothes was soaked with water. Deep blue water. Crystal clear. A few air bubbles whirled in it. Ziva tried to keep her eyes open. She loved water. Water was her segundo início and swimming her passion. For fun.

“Come into the water, Ari! It is beautiful. Please!” Ziva called him. She giggled and formed her hand to a small bowl. She filled it with water, but it ran through her fingers. Ari laughed at her and the 7-year old splashed a wave of water on him.
“Stop or I’ll get you!” Completely dressed he ran to the sea and tried to catch his little sister. Tali stood...
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posted by mossheart1235
Ziva stared at her phone, waiting for the phone call she knew would come. Tony apologizing, no matter what Gibbs said. Ziva didn't want his apologies. She wanted him to have been there! He made a promise and he didn't follow through again! She hated him for accepting the mission when her ceremony had been that day. The assento seguinte to her left vacant hurt mais than any torture she'd gone through in Somalia. 
That was another thing they never discussed. Seven months she was tortured then one dia Tony was sitting in front of her, obviously beaten up and a captive. It had taken him long enough to...
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posted by mossheart1235
DISCLAIMER: I do not own ncis or any of its characters, although I'd amor to, just to make them GET TOGETHER ALREADY!!! I also do not own any of the songs played in this fic :(

As Tony lounged at his desk, he noticed how bored Ziva looked. She was leaning forward, chin in one hand, drumming on her desk. Tony looked around. They were the only ones left in the office; why couldn't they have some fun?
“Hey, Zee-vah!” he said, as he plugged his iPod into his computer. “Abby told me she saw you air guitaring on the security feed the other night.” Ziva looked up at him. “Maybe you could show...
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posted by NCIS_Addict_87
**I do not own ncis or the characters. So disclaimed.** Also, I've been having alot of trouble with figuring out where to go from here, so these are the chapters I have had written. I figure I will put this up and then start on Chapter 8, so that at least ya'll have something to read.

Tony stared across the empty bullpen and started to talk aloud. “Ziva how do you manage to look so sexy in cargo pants & boots? Seriously, how many woman can do that? Okay, maybe Angelina Jolie, but she’s paid to look good. You… you just look good without...
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posted by AussieTiva
Looking down from where she is standing on the mezzanine, after having a brief chat to the Director of NCIS. Looking down to the squad room below her, to see the team. The team Ziva swore she’ll never want to see again, especially Tony DiNozzo. Tony had killed Michael Rivkin, the man Ziva could have began to love. Now she’ll never know. Gibbs and McGee are the only ones Ziva is beginning to trust to watch over her back on the field. With Tony it is kind off a different story from all the rest. Shot three bullets in to the coração of Michael’s and all Tony had received was a broken radius....
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posted by Lie_to_Me_123
Just a little one shot to alleviate the boredom. I might do another chapter if I have the time.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own NCIS, just the merchandise. LOL. Although, if I did Tony and Ziva would have got together a long, LONG time ago.

Password Protected

"This is the most boring dia ever." Tony mused.

"Then let's play a little game." Ziva smiled broadly.

"No, Ziva, I'm not telling you." He said, not even looking up from the computer.

"But, Tony...." she pleaded, giving up her innocent charade.

"What are you talking about, Ziva?" McGee interjected.

"Tony has a password on his computer and he won't...
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posted by AussieTiva


Chapter 1: The Thanking


A variety of thoughts and ideas were flashing por inside her mind, everytime she falls asleep she always has to have a certain member of her team members coming to haunt her dreams. Still new around ncis and Ziva is yet to find a dull moment. Getting used to the idea of not being in control of her own future. Her father has always taken control of her future and never has he asked her if this is what she wants to do or to be. It hurts whenever Ziva reflects upon her strict father and the many rules he had placed before Ziva could even walk or talk....
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posted by NCIS_Addict_87
Ziva was still groggy, they kept feeding her drugs through an IV and she barely stayed awake mais than 10 minutos at a time. In the short time she was awake, she tired herself quickly trying to get out of the shackles she was in. Ahmad & her unnamed assailant checked in on her often and did not treat her too badly. She was given water and pão every couple of hours. Occasionally she would hear them talking, mostly too quiet for her to hear, but she did hear a hurried conversation questioning why ncis had not yet called the phone number they had provided. She knew there was a reason they...
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posted by Ms_Montana
I don't know what to say about this fanfiction. I hope you like it and please make me happy with a comment. All mistakes are mine.

Disclaimer: Unfortunately I don't own NCIS, if I would, Tiva would have happened already.

You changed me

From the dia she was a member of Gibbs’s team; until the dia Michael died there was only one scenario Ziva knew: A call, she did what she was supposed to do, she went início and everything started again. There wasn’t anybody she had to care. In all the years she had worked for the ncis as a liaison officer, it had always been the same.

But then she had been held...
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posted by NCIS_Addict_87
She watched Tony speed away from the parking lot and she closed her eyes letting a few tears fall down her face. She banged her hand against the steering wheel wondering why she did not just confess her feelings. She did not understand why she was being so stubborn, Tony obviously felt the same way she did. She had been happy lately, no she had not been sleeping better, but something was making it easier for her to relax before the night came. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed a black sedan with tinted windows, she had seen the same one the night she had went to Tony's apartment. She...
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posted by NCIS_Addict_87
05:00 am

She awoke groggy & disoriented, turned over and almost found herself on the floor. She slowly sat up surveying the room trying to figure out where she was and what happened. She couldn't think... her head hurt too much. She groaned and put her head into her hands. Several hundred feet away a loud noise jolted her & she reached for her gun instinctively only to find it not there. Suddenly Tony came waltzing out. "Good morning sunshine! I have some chá on for you." he said cheerfully. For a moment Ziva was confused, then a flashback to last night.... the bar, McGee calling Tony,...
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posted by Lie_to_Me_123
Just a little something. I've actually been depressed at how I haven't had a smidgen of inspiration for so long! Grrrr. Anyway, hope you like it. Comment and rate, ya know you want to!

Chocolate Polar Bears

The time was 3am. Tony was sleeping soundly, shaking his legs occasionally. Ziva, however, was wide awake, pacing the floors. Of course, she didn't make a sound. Ninja skills, afterall.

She wanted it so much. And when an assassin wanted something, they'd get it. But for the life of her, she just couldn't urso waking up the beautiful man, who usually slept seguinte to her. Even what she wanted...
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added by earane
Just a vid I made