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Hey, gaymers, what is happening! Remember last ano when I said that things would improve, that the world can’t possibly get any worse and that things can only improve? Well… I dunno. The world is still toiling in this black plague hellscape. Apparently we had mais variants that came out, but like no one seems to remotely care. Everyone’s gotten their shots, everyone who cares anyway, everyone is going outside now that restrictions and lockdowns have long since lifted, and despite hearing news of mais to come, everyone’s just kinda gotten bored of the whole pandemic thing and just gone back to their lives. As for the games industry, it got so much fucking worse. 2020 was a shit ano all around, let’s not beat around the bush, but it fucking killed it with game releases last year. But this year? What the fuck happened? So many games this ano that came out were so bad. When fucking It Takes Two and Psychonauts 2 are contenders for game of the year. Now I’m not shitting on those games. One of them made this list. But if this was any other year, those games would be lucky to get one nomination, let alone six and certainly not game of the year. But damn, all the big games. Battlefield, Halo, Far Cry 6, Grand Theft Auto Definitive. So much fucking disappointment this year. This ano was filled with lackluster releases, buggy launches, companies trying to nickel and dime you for the smallest of additions and Bobby Kotick of Activision-Blizzard found out to be an alleged pedophile, a known scumbag and misogynist, and VIP on Epstein’s Island. What a fucking mediocre ano and easily one of the worst years for games in a fucking long time… But hey, It Takes Two did deserve it’s game of the ano award. Yeah, I did not get to play a lot of games this year. Not out of any personal issues or shit like that. I just had no interest in a lot and the games I did, I either didn’t get the time to play them or they weren’t available on the consoles I had. Yes, I am still a filthy console peasant, leave me alone. So because of that, I was only able to find ten games that stood out to me. Riveting compared to last years, I know. But I didn’t have banger after banger after banger like last year. So sadly, this is a much shorter list. But I do wanna give praise to some games that I did play but didn’t have enough to make a topo, início 20, games I didn’t get far enough in, games that I didn’t get to play but look cool and so on. Button City, I don’t really care for the gameplay but I’m a sucker for low poly. Chivalry II was a fun game to play with friends. Pretty limited with it’s gameplay but it was fun wailing on groups of guys with an axe. Ender Lilies, a fun metroidvania Soulslike, can’t go wrong with those. Probably the closest we’ll get to Dark Souls with Stands. lost in Random, I am both disgusted and amazed por the visuals of this game and the world of it. The closest I will ever get to playing a card game. Metroid Dread. I’ve never played a Metroid game in my life aside from the first ten minutos of Metroid Prime but this looks cool. I like when Metroid goes mais horror. Mundaun, a horror game that legit had me stressed the fuck out and in a good way. Resident Evil 4 VR, a game I have pretty much memorized and now here in VR. I was a bit on the fence before, but after shooting enemies in this and getting used to it, it totally sold me on VR. Expect some VR games to make appearances seguinte year, perhaps. Also I did not play Death Loop or the new Ratchet and Clank because PS5 scalpers. Okay, fuck you, let’s start the list. I’m Nik and I suck my own dik. Let’s roll.

#10: The Good Life

Okay this is the part where you all run away. Or rather walk away wondering why I am even allowed out of my house to talk to normal functioning people. But yeah, I know I put Deadly Premonition 2, a super buggy game at the number five spot in my original list. And… yeah, in hindsight, I was going through a lot of emotions with that game. That game was mais like deserving of the #7 spot. Still topo, início ten though, just like we’re doing here. Fuck-a you! So The Good Life, another weird bunda game in the weird repertoire of that glorious bastard SWERY. Shockingly, though, not a creepy horror game or a strange thriller. Instead, what we got here is a cozy bunda little life simulator not that much unlike a Harvest Moon or an Animal Crossing.. There’s no horrible alternate worlds with monsters with scissors or evil zombies, but it’s close. The small rural town in the British countryside, Rainy Woods. So instead of taking “inspiration” from Metal Gear or Twin Peaks or Criminal Minds, this is like… I dunno, Coronation Street? You play as Naomi, this American journalist who is neck deep in debt, like three million worth of debt and has to get a big scoop in the hopes of paying it off to her company which leads her on a spree of… a bunch of shit. Like this game is insane. Like even por SWERY’s standards, this shit is nuts. There’s a man in a suit of armor making início renovations, a guy with a robot arm, a punk rock girl running the bar, the townspeople turn to gatos and cachorros on the full moon and there is a murder in the woods. And this is just the shit you see at the start of the game. I don’t want to spoil the other stuff because I don’t think I can. It wouldn’t make any mais sense with context. But how’s the game? Oh, it’s a mess. No frame rate issues and long carregando screens, thank the gods. But it has a lot of empty o espaço as is accustomed in these SWERY games. A lot of items collecting and spending DAYS to get it. Features that you are told once and proceed to never use ever again like mural climbing, some fashion, the pissing… yes, really. But what this game lacks in playing like a regular bunda game, what it gets right is the fucking FEEL! I said this in the other Deadly Premonition reviews and the last games of the ano list, but SWERY nails that weird small town feeling. And living in an area of America where you got small towns separated por vast countrysides, this game just fucking nails that. Everyone knows everyone, family owned businesses supported por local residents, those houses just outside that no one really knows all too well, running around at night to see a few faces out and about. Like fuck man, these characters are the most cartooney SWERY’s character have ever looked or felt, but this shit is super relatable to me. It makes me feel all cozy, honestly. And I do find a small satisfaction continuing the plot to try and make sense of it all and you get nothing and everyone in the town is just giving you smiles and kind words while Naomi is having none of this. Going from York to Naomi is like whiplash. York was a guy who took everything on the chin, welcomed weirder ideologies and customs and even went along with it with this child-like optimism. He was such a goofball and kind of a weirdo, but ya loved to see him. Meanwhile, Naomi is just pissed and annoyed all the time and this town just drags her down with it’s bullshit. She just wants good internet service and to get drunk on a night off while worrying about money issues. Naomi is a fucking trashy cadela, puta and I amor it. And even when SWERY games are pretty frustrating, they always manage to have one moment that explodes in emotion. And that climax near the end, when the música kicked in and the vocals were there as you ran around the town looking for anyone to help, it was something. You want to get it, but fuck, you know it ain’t happening. You did this to yourself. And god, this moment made me so thankful that this game's Kickstarter from years atrás worked out and this is what we got. This game is what I wanted to see. Huge issues and all. I would take it all again just for that authentic SWERY feeling. I have no idea what this crazy bastard is planning next, but I wait anxiously. The Good Life. It ain’t that good, but it’s totally SWERY, and that’s alright too, man.

#9: Chicory: A Colorful Tale

So I’ve never really painted in my life… Okay, so Chicory is a game set in a world where animais gotta live with the color they have, and one person wields the magical brush that allows them to paint the world as they see fit. One day, you, a dog named any comida you like (I named mine Sushi), finds this brush and decides to do a bad and then uh-oh spaghetti-os, the whole world goes to shit and now all the as cores are gone. Well, time to go on a fun adventure to paint the world again that I am sure will not go into anything legit depressing and way too fucking real, am I right gamers? First off, the world of these cartoon characters in it all black and white is a fun one. I amor seeing all the kinds of characters that populate this city, what their place in the world was. I amor that Chicory has a dog mother and then we see her fucking raccoon father. This is a trash cat household and I will not accept hatred for them, do you understand me? But how is the game itself? Well, a simple adventure game that has a sort of early Legend of Zelda style to it, exploring different parts of the world, even complete with dungeons. The game is mostly exploration and puzzle solving, some of these puzzles even having me stumped. That could be due to the fact that I’m a moron, but I digress. They are super clever and really make use of these different brush techniques. Using it to paint certain spots in the floor to match a pattern, swimming through lakes with them, using them to activate plants to get around. I thought it was fun enough that I could draw dicks and memes onto any place I wanted, but they really thought this stuff out. Now I said that the game is mostly exploration and puzzle solving. Nope, there are boss fights in this game. And they don’t fuck around either. They aren’t just here to add some variety and call it a day. These guys are tough. My favorito was the mirror fight where you have to make them get hit por an attack because they follow your moves. I amor boss fights that are mirror bosses or doppelgangers. They work so well in gameplay. And the mais the game goes on, the mais you see Chicory, the actual brush wielder, suffering from depression, resentment from her old master, and just thinking she’s not worth it. Like this game hits hard. I came here to draw dicks on everything. I wasn’t expecting to feel sad. This was a collaboration of many indie creators, including Lena Raine, who worked on Celeste and others. I hope she was compensated for this game as well. Chicory was a game I came into expecting it to be pretty good and have a fun time with. But I walked away really feeling good from the game and kinda sad in all honesty. I really wanted mais from this game and I do look progressivo, para a frente to what the creator, Greg Lobanov, makes next. I think if anyone has ever had struggles with stress and doubt towards whatever they create, it’s indie creators. This game will hit hard if you ever experience that too. So yeah, Chicory is a fun bunda feel-good time, I swear.

#8: Knockout City

Man, all these online multiplayer games that are just war shooters. Call of Duty. Battlefield. Halo. Yeah, no thanks. I want something that’s cartoon styled, something that’s mais than a shooter. Like Fortnite but not a battle royale, those just don’t do it for me. And not Overwatch, cause Overwatch sucks… Oh hey, Knockout City. I like dodgeball. And goddamn, this game is something, let me tell you. I got this game on the free trial for the first week, which, honestly, mais online games should do. And me and my good friend Logan had the most fun with an online game that we’ve ever played. Yeah, even mais than last year's Fall Guys: Ultimate Cock Out. Well now it’s time to whip your cock out in Cock Out City! Like I said, this is an online multiplayer game with a cartoon aesthetic that you use dodgeballs of all varieties in. How do you play the game? Well, you ever play Sekiro or any Platinum game? You know how to parry? Congratulations, you can play Knockout City. Grab those balls and send it right back to that motherfucker. This game was addictive when we first played it, let me tell you. I also amor the 50s futuristic diesel punk style. This is like something from Dark City, The Rocketeer, or Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. Ah yes, only filmes I give a shit about. Everyone talks about how great steampunk is, but can we please bring back diesel punk. Something about that era was so stylish. I want mais of that kind of stuff. The game has a ton of different modes, lots of different levels and balls to throw around, and tons of customizables. My character made some sleazy car salesman from the shittiest parts of Mafia II while I just went and made Johnny Bravo. I have rocked this design for seven months and I don’t care. When you get a lot of good players in, the game can become total chaos, running around these small maps having to look all around you to keep from death claiming you. And it’s only a matter of time before you get a full on combo between you and another player catching the ball and throwing it. And when you are cornered and you catch two or even three balls thrown at you from three enemy players and toss them back. Holy shit, it is exhilarating. I haven’t played Knockout City much since Season 1, and the H@CKED aesthetic doesn’t do much for me, but god does the thought of going back in and cracking mais heads while quoting Johnny Bravo fill me with a sick glee. Maybe I will return to Knockout City again. I have been hankering for a good cartoon style online game that isn’t run por pedophiles, assuming EA doesn’t get a sex scandal. Fingers crossed.

#7: Dodgeball Academia

Hey, so animê is a cartoon, right? Anyway, Dodgeball Academia, the most anime-cartoon video game I have ever seen. Man, this is weird, two dodgeball games that are super good. Who would have thought it? Anyway, Dodgeball Academia is no different than your Narutos, your My Heros, your Hunter x Hunters. All we need now is some weird magical loli for people to get too hot over and we’re in business. Dodgeball Academia follows Otto, a student who wants to become the best dodgeball player in the school. With the help of a cast of culturally diverse friends, he aims to be the best there ever was. Yeah, the story isn’t all that good. It's a typical animê affair. But, hey, I ain’t gonna judge a story if the game is telling me it doesn’t care and just wants to have fun with it. It makes up for it with the characters in this game. Some of my favoritos were the grown man who is still a student of the school who runs an illegal underground dodgeball game, the crooked bunda lunch lady who is cheating these kids out of their money, and god, anyone who has Kamina sunglasses is a-okay in my book. Now the gameplay is something I was not expecting to have this much fun with. You have the ability to mover around the court like a regular dodgeball game, can catch a ball for max damage, you get your own abilities for each character, can change their stats with items that you put onto them as well as leveling up. And let me tell you, these tournaments are not the easiest thing in the world. It is not hard to get royally fucked up. You gotta really master the catching in this game. Dodging is good, but catching is a great way to get that ball in your hand for mais speed. And if anyone on the opposing team is out, they can grab that ball and throw it at you, and you really don’t want that. Most of the enemies are generic school children who look like they were rejected from CalArts. But when you get to the unique students, that’s when it’s a real fight. These kids are brutal, all with their own unique abilities, like they can stick you to the ground and you gotta catch their ball, they can create a sort of spin cycle ball, the ball turns massive, and so on. Like these kids don’t fuck around. Sure, you could lower the difficulty…. Like a COWARD!!! But nah, it’s cool I was able to get the Platinum for this game. Like there is a benefit to doing everything in this game for items, level ups, cash, and so much more. Plus I actually came to enjoy exploring this game and seeing all that was in it. This shit is structured like an animê but it feels like a cartoon and I am here for that. There’s nothing wrong with a grown man liking cartoons, okay? Sorry we all can’t spend $80 on Call of Duty for the adulthood privilege of calling a kid a faggot cause he camped you. Wow, what a great perk. No thanks, I’ll stick to spending $30 on good bunda indie games like this, fuck you very much.

#6: Blue Fire

Like Paradise Killer was my sleeper hit of last year, here is my sleeper hit of this year. Blue Fire, a game that came out nearly at the start of this year. I was half expecting this game to get buried under everything else that came out this ano cause it was so early on, but lucky for Blue Fire, a majority of this ano was just pure mediocrity, so it was able to stand out from the pack with our little guy. First off, I just amor the visuals. I am a sucker for this sixth-gen era Gamecube-ass Wind Waker cel shading. You can make a game look realistic all you want but eventually that shit is gonna age like we all are going to one dia before leaving this mortal coil. But cel shading still looks good to this day. Jet Set Radio is like 20 years old and it still looks good. And Blue fogo is pretty damn good looking. The game plays like Dark Souls with difficulty and combat, but it’s paced like a Zelda game. It even has dungeons themed around the weather in a way. An ice dungeon, a forest dungeon, a lava factory, like damn, I was really feeling some classic Zelda game vibes running through these places. The combat is alright. Nothing special, nothing terrible. Dodging in it is fun and using some moves is cool. No, where this game stands out is in the platforming. I was trying to think for so long why I amor Super Mario 64 and fucking hate Conker’s Bad pele, peles Day, yeah, I said it. And I soon found out it’s because Mario gives you so much control with your moves. You can jump, double jump, triple jump, mural jump, backflip, long jump. It gives you so much, then throws you into a level and tells you to go nuts with it and I am here for that. And then when I went through the challenge rooms of Blue Fire, seeing the dashes, the mural runs, the double jumps, and how the game told you to use whatever, I loved that. Sure I could dash through this room of spikes. Or, and here me out, I could go outside, and then mural jump, jump, mural jump again, double jump, mural jump, dash, mural jump, dash, mural jump and then get up that way. Yeah, I could do that. I don’t know if that was the intended way, but it was the way I took it and the game didn’t stop me from doing it. I want mais of that. You got the world, you got the moves, and you got an obstacle. You have all you need to get through it. You just gotta figure out what works. And can I say that I amor our little guy here. I was expecting him to be a little stoic, and he is, but he comes off as this confused little guy who is just making the best of this hellish world. And he can even emote. I amor the Hollow Knight too, but can he emote? I don’t think so. Blue fogo boy though, he can emote. And he can even do the dance from A Hat in Time, YES!!! The sidequests in this game are pretty fun too. I was expecting a few items you get, and you do get some upgrade items, but also special moves, items that change stats, even cosmetics like a new capa for your character and even new weapons. There is no reason not to do the sidequests. Some can be a little fetch quest-ish, but damn do they have some charm with the little characters of this world, like the sisters that run the factory, the bar owner and his daughter, and the many different merchants. It's nice that there’s a Dark Souls-like game that isn’t too depressing. I amor the terrible agonizing nihilism of those games, but sometimes you want less “The world is pointless and we’re all going to die. Nothing matters” nihilism and you want mais of the “Nothing matters so let’s just have fun with it” nihilism. And that’s Blue Fire. It dances all cute like while telling you life is pointless. I amor it.

#5: Everhood

Man, it is not even fair sometimes. For a long time until I think some other stuff came out, Everhood was at the topo, início of my list, and for very good reasons. This game is insane. I really thought that this and Blue fogo were a sign of some great shit to come this year. Ha ha ha, no. But Everhood had a very good first impression for the year. Everhood follows our red doll character who is on a quest to get his arm back from a thief known as Gold Pig. And that’s it. That is all the story is, I swear it. I came into this game with the expectations that this was an Undertale inspired game that would be about the same thing as that game. Only boy was I wrong. Sure, it definitely has a lot of elements to it. Some weird zany characters in a weird world of monsters. The only difference is that you are in that world and there are no characters that you can relate to as human. Also no meta commentary about the realization that they are a video game. Meta commentary, yeah, just not about that subject in particular. Now that’s all well and good, but you ain’t seen shit yet until you get into the fights. These are not fights in the first half. These are survival runs. You are at the mercy of the boss as they fucking style on you in their rhythm game boss fight. Now I don’t know about you, gaymers, but I fucking amor rhythm games. Not dancing games, that is trash. Rhythm games full on. I wish they would just make a comeback big time but I’m pretty sure that was killed after the demise of violão, guitarra Hero and Rock Band’s popularity. Thankfully, Everhood keeps that alive with this. These guys are laying down some hot jams and you gotta not get hit por that shit. And they can go to an insane degree with them. I’m talking some bullet hell shit. And when they introduce the bars that you can’t even jump over, you are really fighting to survive. And you better believe the música is slapping hard in this game. Can't have a rhythm game without that shit going hard. My favorito is the gnome theme cause this is noisecore shit that I am into. It’s only halfway through the game do you manage to get your hands on an ability to fight back. And uh… yeah, so I don’t want to spoil what happens after that, but the game takes a really, really, really dark and ominous turn. Like one that is way mais fucked than even Undertale is. But damn if that stuff didn’t have me engaged from start to end. Like I had to see what I could do, the sick fuck in me had to know. It’s a little sad to know so many people slept on this game under the pretense it was an Undertale knock off. This game is so much mais than that and I really want to see what mais this crazy bunda world has to offer. Also we need mais games where you are fighting a boss with rhythm game elements. This and No Straight Roads are things I didn’t know I wanted and now I crave it.

#4: Shin Megami Tensei V

As of the time I write this article, I am still not finished with this game. It’s a big bunda game with a lot of shit to do in it and I got a lot of time working on stuff. But I think that I am content keeping it here even if I do beat the game. Anyway, Shin Megami Tensei V is a fucking banger. Shin Megami Tensei V, AKA that game journalists hate just like they do everything, AKA Persona’s resfriador, refrigerador older brother. I’ve always loved the Persona franchise, but I super got into the SMT franchise last ano and played a fuck ton of the games. SMT III and IV, the Digital Devil Saga games, Strange Journey, Soul Hackers, The Raidou games, the first two Persona games, and my favorite? Jack Bros for Virtual Boy. Hell yeah. And needless to say I had a fuck load of fun with SMTV thanks to the quality of life improvements. Sprint, jumping, return to save points, heal button, no fucking aleatório encounters! Thank god. Just so many improvements added from anterior games. Oh don’t worry. That doesn’t make the game easy. I got my shit rocked. The first boss Hydra sent me packing. And that doesn’t include the plethora of bosses you find out in the overworld. Oh you were scared of running into the super boss in FFVII? Guess what, fuggamuffin, every portion of every area has a super boss. And the rocking beat to each boss, each with their own unique battle theme and each as threatening but awe inspiring as the next. And god can I just say I amor we got a full SMT world in glorious HD with full camera controls. It’s amazing looking over this wasteland and seeing the demons dick around with each other. Like Oberyon hanging from rua lamps, Bicorns running in a herd, all them just wandering the wasteland. This is something I can imagine some SMT fãs crying with joy over, seeing this world and these demons come this far. It’s not a perfect RPG. I don’t care for the human characters, frames on character animations dip at times, the world has to load in graphics, and Amanozako is almost as annoying as Morgana. But these are small potatoes in a game this huge and this detailed. Plus you can swap Amanozako for Pyro Jack and that totally bumped this game from an 8 outta ten to a 9. But seriously, the game has so much mais to offer. So many demons, so many open shit to do, side quest, and just oozing with personality with the many demons you can mee. It’s the most fun I’ve had in hell.

#3: Resident Evil: Village

So I need to be very clear here. This game and number two are easily 9 outta 10 games. Two maybe a 10 outta 10. They are both vastly better than Number one. BUT, this is my list at the end of the day. Village and number two are the better games, but number one is mais personal. If I don’t put it where my coração lies, who will? I can’t just sit and wait for someone to tell me it’s worth number one. Otherwise, Village would be number two cause fuck it deserves it! Resident Evil: Village, AKA what Lords of Shadow 2 wishes it could be. We’re never getting a Bloodborne 2 but the seguinte best thing is here! I’ve always been a big Resident Evil fan, as many of you would know, and man have I wanted a good bunda Resident Evil experience for a long time. Closest we got to was Resident Evil 2 Remake, but that’s just because RE2 is a classic. REVII was okay, 6 was terrible, RE3 Nemesis remake was very average, and I don’t give a fuck about the Revelations games. But VII was the most fun I had with a Resident Evil game since 4, my fourth favorito game of all time. For starters, it’s the only game on this entire list that I beat and immediately said, “Let’s do it again”. It’s the first game that made me do that in a long time. After I beat the game, I wanted to upgrade all my weapons, I wanted to try out the harder difficulties, I wanted to find all the items, treasures, secrets, even do a faca only run. A faca only run. I usually hate those, even in RE4. But at least they gave you a strong faca to get through it. And I don’t mean to brag, but I got the trophies for beating the game on the Village of Shadows difficulty and for beating the game under three hours at the same time. Not for the faca only run, cause fuck that. But I really challenged myself to see how good I could push it. With just two minutos to spare, I did it and it felt so fucking good. The characters are fun too. I amor that all the villains are just dumb bunda Saturday Morning villains bickering and arguing. They are all fucking dumbasses and I amor it. Lady Dimitrescu is great as you all know. But I legit felt stressed in a good horror way with Donna’s level, I enjoyed the marshes and the pathetic humor I got from Marou. And Heisenberg… eh, yeah, his area was the weakest for me. At least Heisenberg was a charming man. No Jesse though, sadly. And goddamn, I amor The Duke. I came for big lady, but I stayed for Big Man! And Ethan Winters, our protagonist. He gets a lot of shit from fãs even in this game. People even say they prefer his original character, but holy hell no. Ethan was fucking nothing in REVII. But in Village, he is trying so hard to muster up the cool guy energy of Leon with the lame bunda wonders and failing in the best way. I don’t care what anyone says, this man is exuding lame dad energy and I am here for it. I wasn’t expecting to amor RE Village as much as I did, yet it is easily in my topo, início five for the series. It’s got a spooky mansion to explore like RE1, a threatening foe that chases you like RE2 and RE3, great combat in a cursed village with a friendly merchant like RE4, the great character depth for fãs of REVII, and even some action for people who like RE5 and people who like lobotomies, I mean RE6, I mean, no, lobotomies, I was right the first time. I amor RE Village so much and I can’t wait to give it another speedrun again sometime.

#2: Psychonauts 2

Words cannot perfectly describe how much I amor the boundless creativity of this game. I played through the first game at some point and I liked it quite a bit. I wasn’t head over heels in amor with Psychonauts 1 and mostly felt I needed to play it as an obligation due to the cult status it has, but it was a solid game. Meat Circus can go to hell. But Psychonauts 2 is an improvement in every way conceivable. First off, the humor of this game is topo, início notch. I was legit laughing hard at the sheer oddity of all these characters. From the strange characters that lingered within the minds of characters, the sheer visual puns I was seeing in some of these places, Sam is the best. We staan Sam in this household. An Raz just giving reactions of confusion, disgust, or sheer terror is amazing to witness. And the gameplay is such an improvement. You can’t go too crazy with the platforming in this game, Levitation definitely got nerfed, but the new abilities are fun too. I amor Mental Connection and how you can get unique dialogue for all the things you mix up, as well as being a grapple for enemies. I amor Projection just for the sake of having a segundo hand drawn Ra to distract enemies for you and cause Projection Raz is just perfection. And the Time Bubble… Yeah I didn’t use it all that much on enemies. And speaking of enemies, holy shit, they got an upgrade. No longer are they just Censors. We got Judge, these giant judges that hit like a truck with their gavels. Enablers, these cheerleaders that make the enemies invincible. My favorito design is Panic Attack, these crazy color monsters that can teleport around the map. And god, these levels. There’s so much creativity in them. You got a giant neon lit city that you ride a bowling ball around and crush the amoeba citizens. You got a hospital that is changed into a casino with stuff like pill pachinko and betting on coração races. You got to win through a sea of booze to get to different islands. You get to go on a psychedelic rock road trip to get the band back together for a guy experiencing sensory overload voiced por Jack Black. Oh my god, these creativity that is booming in this game. And best part, no Meat Circus. There is not a single level in this game that is bad. Well, the mail room went on longer than I would have liked, but still better than Meat Circus. I have no nostalgia for the original game, absolutely none, but I could gush about Psychonauts 2 for hours just because of all the great stuff it does and how clever and witty it is. I gave Tim Schaffer, this game's creator, some shit in the past, and I will say the man has made some mistakes. But I don’t think he’s a bad guy. I can safely say that I learned this thing called, maturing, and not looking at a guy who says something political as a fool. Take a look at yourself in the mirror and cry, Nik. But I digress. Psychonauts 2 is just a great game. Like fuck, man, it is amazing. If this was any other year, I don’t think the Game Awards would give a shit about this game. It won nothing at the Game Awards which is a crime, but at least it was acknowledged. And if this was any other year, Psychonauts 2 would be my game of the year, hands down. But it just fell short of my true number one.

#1: No mais heroes III

I can’t believe I’m actually doing this. Putting this above Psychonauts 2 and REVillage and SMTV. Metroid Dread didn’t even make the list. I don’t hate Metroid, I just never got around to it. But I still think even if I played that, even if I played It Takes Two or Deathloop or all those great games that came out this year, I guarantee that no matter what I would have still gone with No mais heroes III as my number one pick. As a game that you can play, No mais heroes III is like a 7 outta 10, bordering on an 8 outta 10. The game has a lot of the same fighting missions that you gotta do that don’t really mix up things and they are the part that is the most mandatory, there’s a lot of confusing stuff, and I never feel fond of the Unreal Engine’s graphical style with these kinds of games. I know it’s no one’s rael fault and it all stems down to budget, but god, it looks rough sometimes. Shinobi got it bad, and I ain’t just talking about in the story. But god, man, I just amor so much about this game. Coming back to Santa Destroy, after ten years, and seeing the state it’s in. Aside from the giant alien structure in the center, seeing how dilapidated it is, how worn down. It’s like so much has changed, yet so little is actually different… again, minus the alien structure. It’s like this place has just existed with no real change to it and just wasted away. Until these alien freaks show up, these actual weirdly designed creatures, with strange body proportions, odd colors, some looking like they came from a different game entirely. They stand out so much and in a good way. They look like they don’t belong here, like… ya know, aliens. How aliens should look. Like shit, Mr. Blackhole, the first boss, doesn’t even have a face. Just a hole in his face. And while the gameplay outside of boss fights don’t change very often, the boss fights twist it around a lot. Other than a lot of them getting a big surprise that is not por you, there are times where the gameplay changes all together. You may get roped into a tutorial for new DeathGlove moves. You may unlock a new battle suit. You may have to play a game of musical chairs, a horror game, or a JRPG. Like the dialogue between Travis and these bosses and then processing into a fight is steller, with great build up akin to the first game. And the gameplay is the best it’s ever been. You no longer got high slash, low slash, stun and then suplex. You still got those, but now with the addition of a jump to do a ground pound as well as to avoid enemies. You can roll away from enemies and block. You got access to four Death Drive movies. You can slow down enemies, you can push them away, you can activate projectiles, and the best one, a dropkick that instantly teleports you to an enemy to kick them. You can even activate a power suit for mais damage, and even a super power suit for major destruction. You can even save your slot bonuses in this game rather than use them like in the last game. And these enemies are tough. They can grapple you, swarm you and do combos. I never had so much difficulty but so much fun fighting basic enemies in a No mais heroes game like this before and I amor it. And there’s something so special about this game. I promise I won’t get as emotional as I did with Yakuza 7. As emotional. We see Travis, this otaku, this dorky guy who has worked his way up from this point. He’s a 40 ano old man now, he’s gotten experience with life and death por this point, is married to Sylvia, has two kids, and now owns the No mais heroes Motel. He’s come a long, long way from the bloodthirsty, short tempered, horny nerd that the franchise started with. I was here back with the first game, seeing Travis as this fucking loser with little redeeming qualities. He was hungry for blood and violence, he wanted to fight and prove he was the best just so he could get laid, he was a fucking loser who blew all his money on a knock off lightsaber and every woman disrespects him, his twin brother can’t stand him, and the one woman he wants to get with was using him (Pretend that the stupid retcon in No mais heroes 2 never happened). But now, after all this pain, seeing people close die as well as making connections with others, he’s grown. He’s changed for the better. He’s still a killer and he’s still a dork, but he’s relaxed now. He’s not out to fight and kill for some título or pussy or revenge. He’s here to fight cause he wants to protect his town. Whatever you say about Travis, FU, the villain of this game, is a huge threat to the world. Whatever kind of prick Travis is, FU is vastly worse for this world. Travis has grown into a real good guy. As good as an assassin with an animê collection can be, but he’s grown into a real hero. A true hero. A real no mais hero. And seeing a franchise that you love, that inspired you heavily, seeing it finally come to an end, it’s a weird feeling. Cathartic? Maybe. No mais heroes inspired so much about what I amor in… well, anything. The style of a good jacket, the rogues gallery of bosses you’ll have to beat, the symbolic telling of serious subjects like death and violence in media and society all told through these weird and wacky events while keeping it respectful and mature. Without No mais Heroes, I don’t know if I would be wanting to create stuff now. This game really brought me to where I am now. Now I’m making my own stuff, working on the internet and even planning to make a movie of my own. Will it be good? Will it be a disaster? I don’t know. I’m just a guy who makes funny dick jokes on the internet talking about games I like. But I know that No mais heroes III is a game I amor just for how personal the series is to me. Maybe we’ll see Travis Touchdown again one day. Maybe we won’t. But at the end of the day, thank you, No mais Heroes. Thank you, Goichi Suda.

Well, that got really mushy at the end, but hey, that’s my ranking of games for the year. What a pretty lackluster ano for games, huh? But hey, 2022 is shaping up to be even better than this year. Maybe a topo, início 20 will be in order this year? Maybe even a topo, início 30. Maybe not. Elden Ring looks like it’ll be cool. That new Chocobo racing game looks neato. I like kart racers. Evil Dead: The Game should not look as good as it does, but here we are. Who knows. Maybe 2022 will make up for the ano of nothing. Or every game will become NFTs… that can always happen… See you fuckers seguinte year!
posted by Seanthehedgehog

Song: link
 Blue lines fly along the screen, then the words appear
Blue lines fly along the screen, then the words appear

 Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!

St. Foalis Maressouri, 6 PM.

A crowd of thousands of ponies gathered at the Gateway Arch to experience a comedy show that was being filmed live in 4k. The comedian? Tom Foolery.

Crowd: *Clapping, and chanting* Tom! Tom! Tom! Tom! Tom! Tom! Tom!
Tom: *Arrives at a temporary stage under the Gateway Arch*
Crowd: *Cheering, as they continue to clap*
Tom: Thank you everypony.
Crowd: *Continuing to cheer and clap*
Tom: Thank you very much....
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme Song

Kevin: *Plays piano*
David: *Playing bass*
Liam: *Playing drums*
Liz: *Plays guitar*
Mr. Nut: *Sings* Welcome everybody to The Nut House. Thankfully this is not in Laos. Come on everybody into The Nut House. You can wear anything except for a blouse. Come on everybody, step into The Nut House.
Everyone: The Nut House!

Episode 22: Wayne's Invention

Wayne was sitting on his front porch when he saw Parker arrive in his Packard, followed por Kevin in his truck, and Liam in a Buick.

Wayne: Perfect. Right on time.
Kevin: *Walks with Liam, and Parker towards Wayne*
Liam: Good morning.
Parker: What did...
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posted by TimberHumphrey

I've been tryna call
I've been on my own for long enough
Maybe you can show me how to love

I'm goin' through withdrawals
You don't even have to do too much
You can turn me on with just a touch

I look around and
Sin City's cold and empty (Oh)
No one's around to judge me (Oh)
I can't see clearly when you're go-o-one

I said, oooooooh
I'm blinded por the lights
No, i can't sleep until i feel your touch
I said, oooooooh
I'm drowning in the night
Oh, when i'm like this,
you're the one i trust


I'm running outta time
'Cause i can see the sun light up the sky
So i hit the road in overdrive

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posted by Seanthehedgehog
In the United Kingdom, a dark green Jaguar F-Type was chasing a Toyota Tundra.

British Agent: *Driving the F-Type* Goal Keeper, this is Chelsea. I'm in pursuit of the bandits.
MI6 Operator: Chelsea, this is Goal Keeper, we're tracking your progress so far. Don't let them escape with those plans.
British Agent: Roger sir. I won't let you down.
MI6 Clerk: *Walks towards the Operator* What plans did they steal from us?
MI6 Operator: Plans for a special motorcycle with a hang glider.
MI6 Clerk: *Looks at the Operator's computer screen* What's that to the right of Chelsea?
MI6 Operator: It looks like a...
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You guys having a good time?

I had the most unforgettable trip of my life, man it was amazing.
I know I took long to come back still not done yet one mais week probably xD

The most tiring trip of my life because it was with my family,so stressful 🥱 neverending action XD on road,camping,shopping,sightseeing, also got sick but it was just for three days^^ then there was some difficulties dealing with my grandpa because he was the slowest person when he gets out to go to the toilet it literally takes him 15 minutos to come back to the car XD wasted so much time of my life almso lost my temper but things went great :)

I got a new look too! sliver/black hair kinda look like kakashi now lol xD jk I dont.

Sorry I can't reply to anyone right now^^

Have some of my breathtaking fotografia shots, enjoy!
I will make sure to continue the ícone contest when I have free time soon.
 Don't ask!! just accept it XD
Don't ask!! just accept it XD
 Rain 😎
Rain 😎
 friends of fanpop are with me on mountain topo, início XD
Friends of fanpop are with me on mountain top XD
 Proud to be a photographer^^
Proud to be a photographer^^
 Amazing clouds.
Amazing clouds.
 My coffee relaxing on a árvore XD
My coffee relaxing on a tree XD
 New look XD
New look XD
added by Ranty-cat
Source: Know your meme
Guys, I’m about to give a hot take for you all…. I do not care for PaRappa the Rapper on playstation 1. Now I am fully aware that is a crime against humanity, but I do like aspects of it. I amor the style of it for a PS1 game, I enjoy the character designs, and I think the música is pretty funky. But a lot of my problems with the game are from the gameplay feeling pretty rough and unfair at times. There are many times where I am pretty sure I hit the button at the right time, and not only does it sound awkward coming out of PaRappa as delayed as it sounds, but the game still counts it as...
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So Marc Ecko, fashion designer, entrepreneur and a lot of other things that I do not know. I am not familiar with this man, and I’ve never seen any of his works. But I am familiar with his one time video game directorial debut. Wanting to create a game all about hip hop and graffiti, Marc Ecko’s Getting Up: Content’s Under Pressure was born. The game was published por Atari, the kings of the bargain bin, and developed por The Collective, responsible for creating a lot of licensed games before merging with Shiny Entertainment to become Double Helix Games, which would later go on to be bought...
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I noticed some very sad things if you replay the first Red Dead after the prequel..

1: Jack's amargo, amarga line "teach me and your just run away again or something" is now sadder when the prequel reveals John ran off for a whole ano when Jack was really little. Jack's clearly still angry.

2: Dutch.. He's some kinda Empty Shell of the man we once knew. The man he and Hosea raised from childhood is now out to kill or capture him. And he clearly hasn't gotten better, mentally. He is now just another crazed enemy.

3: Uncle's death.. Despite having taken a level in jerkass, we feel like we know the man por this point. It's like meeting up with an friend... And than watching them get murdered.

4: If you have Jack kill Ross, bascally Arthur and John died in vein.. But sadly this is probably the true ending..

5: Seeing Bill and Javier can be rough now..
posted by windwakerguy430
I’ve never heard of this game up until now. I was watching a video on obscure titles por Atlus that weren’t SMT or Persona and one game that caught my attention was this strange little game called Baroque. Released originally for the Sega Saturn in Japão only, it got a remake for the PS2 and Wii, and when Atlus got word of it, they decided to publicar the game, since the game was developed por Sting, and got it released in North America. And honestly, looking at this game, with a post-apocalyptic setting and all this talk of gods and anjos and stuff… Yeah, I can see why Atlus wanted to...
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Warning: This artigo is very repetitive and silly.

He-Man: "I have the power!"
Kool-Aid Man's response: "Oh, yeah!"

Robert De Niro: "Are you talking to me?" (The Kool-Aid Man remains silent.)
Robert De Niro: "Are you talking to me?" (No response)
Robert De Niro: "I'm the only one here, so you must be talking to me."
Kool-Aid Man's response: "Oh, yeah!"

Queen Elsa: "The cold never bothered me anyways."
Kool-Aid Man's response: "Oh, yeah!"

Batman: "I want you to tell all your friends about me. I'm Batman."
Kool-Aid Man's response: "Oh, yeah!"

Lex Luthor: "Nobody wants war. I just want to keep...
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Back in the good old days of the early 2000s, skateboarding was a big deal. It was hard to not hear a bunch of kids going around the city blasting Green dia as they were doing ollie over school stairs, which was the style at the time. Nowadays, skateboarding is kind of a dead medium and skateparks have become as ancient as the pyramids of Egypt. I was always amazed por the style of skateboarding ever since I played Tony Hawk. And today’s game… has absolutely nothing to do with any of the Tony Hawk games. No, instead we’re heading to the far off lands to the east. That’s right, a Japanese...
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Well this is a game I never knew existed. Most of these games, I had minor knowledge of, but this is a game I never heard of, not a once. Terrawars: New York Invasion is a shooter all about playing as a soldier that must stop an alien invasion taking place in New York, obviously. The game was developed por Lady Luck Digital Media, this being their first and last game. Released on Xbox Original and PC, Terrawars was a game made on passion. The developers themselves went to New York City, Manhattan to be exact, in order to get the game to look as close to New York as possible. It’s kind of nice...
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Our story began in the springwood diner.

Dean, a seemingly normal guy, was ignored por a waitress when he innocently asked for anouther coffee.

Annoyed, he followed her in order to get her attention, and ended up in the kitchen.

But that's when things started getting weird, it wasn't no ordinary kitchen, it almost seemed, cannibalistic.

Suddenly, Freddy Kruger popped out of nowhere, who tired stabbing Dean with a costomized luva weapon.

This event frightenly woke him into to reality, as it was revealed he was alseep.

"Dean.. I told you if you keep falling asleep, their gonna kick you outta here"...
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The ano is 2013. Fresh off of the threat of the end of the world in 2012, the political climate is getting pretty hot, and Adam Sandler graced the world with Grown Ups 2. Truly a horrible time to be alive. But hey, at least we got Pacific Rim. That was a good movie. But worst of all, desenhos animados on TV were fucking lame. Nothing of interest was on, and it didn’t help that Adventure Time was on Season 6 and Gumball on Season 3, which were both just… ugh, a mess. Hell man, even Regular Show had it’s issues. But then comes a new challenger, Rebecca Sugar, with her own cartoon. A cartoon that...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme Song

Kevin: *Plays piano*
David: *Playing bass*
Liam: *Playing drums*
Liz: *Plays guitar*
Mr. Nut: *Sings* Welcome everybody to The Nut House. Thankfully this is not in Laos. Come on everybody into The Nut House. You can wear anything except for a blouse. Come on everybody, step into The Nut House.
Everyone: The Nut House!

Episode 19: Labor Day

Kevin and Liam were planning a special trip to celebrate Labor Day.

Liam: Where should we go?
Kevin: I'd like to try somewhere north for a change. A few friends at work recommended Boston.
Liam: That's a good idea. Ooh, how about Cape Cod? There's a nice...
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I was a bit of a scaredy cat when I was a kid and there were some things I wasn't totally ready to watch at certain ages. My stepmom actually watched horror filmes while I was in the room when I was 8 and didn't care that some of those filmes kinda scarred me for life. There were some disney filmes I had a hard time watching when I was a kid because there were one or mais scenes that scared me too much.

And in case you're wondering, "Why topo, início 13?" Well, because 1. 13 because unlucky number and 2. I do what I want

13. Hocus Pocus
This is a movie I amor now. I watch it over and over again without...
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posted by windwakerguy430
Have you ever played Dark Souls and went onto the PvP that the community creates? I layed Dark Souls III and tried out the PvP and had way mais fun with it than literally anything that was put into the single player story. I really enjoyed it and wondered if there was any game with combat like this that was just PvP. And wouldn’t you know it, there was. Not with weapons, of course, but you take what you can get. So let us talk about Absolver

So Absolver is about… uh… monks with masks or… something… Hang on, let me pull up a Wikipedia page. Alright, so the game followed a group...
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posted by windwakerguy430
I think one of my favorito things about indie games (Aside from the sheer passion of creators that want to do their own thing) is the visuals they go for. From Hollow Knight’s charming dot eyed art to the amazing hand drawn movements of Skullgirls to the old 30s cartoon aesthetic of Cuphead, all of these games have an art style that drew me to them and made me want to play these games. But hey, a simple cel shading can also appeal to me. And that brings us to Lethal League Blaze

Starting out as a flash game called Lethal League (Which you can apparently play on the PS4 store now), Lethal...
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added by Blaze1213IsBack