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What Internet Slang Are You?



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xangelx said:
You Are FAQ
For you, the internet is like your personal library. And you know more facts than fifty normal humans.
Your brain is basically lot a computer at this point. You have a lot of information stored up there.

You spend hours looking up obscure information and learning things. If you have question, you always Google it.
You can't help but be a bit of a know-it-all. You can answer everyone's frequently asked questions.
posted over a year ago.
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You Are LOL
The internet is always cracking you up. You could waste the day away finding things to laugh at.
You're usually the first one to find a new funny video, picture, or website.

You're always up for wasting time online, even if (especially if) you're at work.
You also tend to spend a lot of time chatting, especially with people who make you laugh out loud.
posted over a year ago.
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Vixie79 said:
When you're online, you're the life of the party.
You always have a silly link to share or a new emoticon that you've discovered.

You're always up for chatting, and you respond to your friends' messages right away.
You're not just laughing out loud with friends online... you're rolling on the floor laughing!
posted over a year ago.
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big smile
i8ab said:
When you're online, you're the life of the party.
You always have a silly link to share or a new emoticon that you've discovered.

You're always up for chatting, and you respond to your friends' messages right away.
You're not just laughing out loud with friends online... you're rolling on the floor laughing!
posted over a year ago.
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You Are FAQ
For you, the internet is like your personal library. And you know more facts than fifty normal humans.
Your brain is basically lot a computer at this point. You have a lot of information stored up there.

You spend hours looking up obscure information and learning things. If you have question, you always Google it.
You can't help but be a bit of a know-it-all. You can answer everyone's frequently asked questions.
posted over a year ago.
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big smile
You Are FAQ

For you, the internet is like your personal library. And you know more facts than fifty normal humans.
Your brain is basically lot a computer at this point. You have a lot of information stored up there.

You spend hours looking up obscure information and learning things. If you have question, you always Google it.
You can't help but be a bit of a know-it-all. You can answer everyone's frequently asked questions.

posted over a year ago.
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