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Do You Promote Peace?



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Vixie79 said:
You Sometimes Promote Peace
You probably consider yourself a peaceful person, but you're not as peaceful as you could be.
You tend to avoid conflict or even sometimes actively prolong it. You need to be right.

If you truly want to promote peace, you're going to have to put your ego in check.
Make amends even when you don't feel like making them. Forgive and forget. That's how peace happens.
posted over a year ago.
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You Promote Peace

You are a truly peaceful person, and you know that promoting peace isn't easy. It's practically a full time job.
You always choose to put the greater good first, even if it hurts your ego a bit.

You're the type of person who admits you're wrong, even when you don't feel totally wrong. You always try to make things right.
By being compassionate and always extending the olive branch, you truly promote peace. You're making the world a better place.

posted over a year ago.
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