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Emma looked at the time on Ashley's watch for the segundo time, and she started to lose hope. It was now 7:50pm, and they only had 10 minutos until they would be digested. She thought about Kowalski who was in Savio, and tears started to form in her eyes. If Tom didn't get them out, she would never see him again, never be able to hug him again, never make another invention with him, and never be able to wake up with him seguinte to her. Tears rolled down her face, and she held on tighter to Mort and Ashley. Private was shaking with fear and Skipper hugged him to calm him down. The group huddled together, and stared down at the watch, waiting for their demise. Ashley still had a faint glimmer of hope in his heart, and he looked up Sinistra's body hopefully. He had learned from when he had been captured Blowhole, to never give up hope, no matter how small the odds.

Sinistra and Savio had retired to their habitats for the day, and Sinistra was taking a nap. Savio watched her lovingly, and nuzzled her neck, before lying down seguinte to her. He poked her gently, and she woke with a start.

"It's almost time for digestion." He reminded the shorter snake, a devious smile on his face. She looked up at the clock, and grinned evilly.

"I can't wait to hear their screams." Sinistra stated, her eyes glowing with sheer excitement.

"Well, why should we wait?" Savio said, looking at his own long body.

"Well I'm waiting, but you can start to digest if you want to." Sinistra replied casually. Savio smiled and the digestive juices inside of him released, and screams could be heard from inside him. Inside Sinistra, the animals, looked up, and listened intently, their faces panic-stricken. A few segundos later, Tom crept into the reptile house, and sneaked into the snake habitat. Savio looked at the floor, and his eyes widened.

"What on earth is that?!" He asked, staring down at the tiny pinguim in shock.

"It.. it looks like one of those penguins." Sinistra answered.

"Ooh, a bite size penguin, how cute." Savio taunted, realising that it was Tom. Savio made a grab for Tom, but he jumped out of the way at the last second. The little pinguim tried to evade them but they were too big, He was eventually cornered por the snakes.

"You can have this one." Sinistra said to the bigger snake, who then started to close in on the miniature penguin. Tom closed his eyes and squeezed the trigger on the shrink ray. A strange sound echoed through the reptile house, drowning out the screams from Savio for a second. Tom opened his eyes, and saw the both of the snakes were now about a tenth of his height. He grinned triumphantly and picked up Savio, and started squeezing him. Sinistra watched with horror, and quickly released her own digestive juices inside herself. Emma's eye widened, and the little group tried to climb up her body hastily. The juices burned at her feet, and she let out a yelp of pain. Meanwhile, Savio had just threw up the animais inside him, and now Tom had picked up Sinistra. She stared at Tom angrily, and tried to bite him. Tom rolled his eyes and squeezed her, making her throw up the contents of her stomach. Emma tumbled out, followed por the others, and she held her feet, which were stinging painfully. Emma looked up at Tom, her eyes widened.

"Woah, you'e massive!" She marvelled.

"I'm actually really small, and you're even smaller." Tom giggled growing himself, and the others back to normal. Emma's eyes fell on the Kowalski's group and her jaw dropped. They were so badly burned por the digestive juices, that they hadn't even managed to get off the floor yet. She rushed over to them, her group closely on her heels. Marlene, Julien and Maurice weren't too bad, so Skipper helped them up, and Tom passed them a first aid kit that he had brought with him. But Kowalski and Rico were still unconscious on the floor. Emma sat over them, and looked over their burns. She felt tears slowly rolling down her cheeks, and she tried shaking them awake.

"Please be ok guys." She whispered, checking their heartbeats. A wave of relief washed over her, and he poked Kowalski lightly underneath his flipper. His eyelids began to open, and she hugged him instantly. Kowalski was took por surprise but he hugged her back. "Oh thank goodness you're ok!" Emma exclaimed, as Kowalski began to sit up. To their left, Rico was just waking up too, and he stared around in confusion.

"What happened?" Kowalski asked, stroking Emma's hair comfortingly.

"I'm not 100% sure my self to be honest." Emma admitted, giggling a little. "But I think Tom had something to do with it." She added, gazing at her little brother proudly. Tom smiled, and his eyes fell on the little snakes, who were trying to slither away.

"Don't you even think about it!" He told them sternly, picking them up por their tails, and putting them in an empty cup, then covering it with paper, the same method you'd use to catch a spider.

"So did you find out how the snakes were getting out?" Skipper asked curiously.

"Yup, when they get fed, there's this little underground tunnel, where their comida comes out of, so when the humans put something in there, they use the tunnel to slip out." Tom explained.

"That's pretty clever actually." Ashley remarked, peering into the tiny cup.

"So what are we gonna do with these guys?" Emma asked, taking the cup and looking at the snakes sternly.

"We could ship them to another zoo." Kowalski suggested.

"But then the animais there would be in danger." Marlene pointed out.

"Well what can we do?" Private wondered.

"Keep them tiny?" Mort piped up.

"Don't be so stupidy Mort!" Julien scolded, crossing his arms, and ordering Maurice to brush down his fur.

"Hmm, that's not a bad idea actually." Emma remarked.

"What? Brushing my fur?" Julien asked.

"Ugh, no! Keeping the snakes small." Emma replied, putting a flipper to her forehead and rolling her eyes at Julien.

"eally?" (Really?) Rico asked, looking at his sister with curiousity.

"Yeah, though because they are living things, the effects won't be permanent." Emma answered, looking thoughtful.

"But what about when they grow back to normal?" Maurice questioned.

"Hmm, well they need an extremely secure habitat, one that is impenetrable, except for food." Emma thought aloud. She thought back to the forcefield, that kept her in a cage 4 years ago, because it was pinguim repelling. She smiled, and ran back to the HQ. She and Kowalski had invented a similar forcefield once, and now seemed like a good time to use it. She brought it back, and set it up around the habitat, and changed the setting to snake repelling, so they couldn't even use the tunnel. The group of animais left the tiny snakes, and hopped through the tunnel. They all went back to the HQ, and got bandaged up. Emma wrapped a bandage around Kowalski's flipper and smiled up at him. He smiled back, and hugged her gently, nuzzling her neck softly. She blushed and hugged him back. Everyone turned to Tom, and gave him a hug. (Except fro Julien, who merely said, 'Thank you silly penguin.' rather reluctantly.)

"You did a Valente thing Tom." Skipper began, patting his little brother on the back. "So you need to be rewarded. What do you want mais than anything.?" He asked.

"Sleep." Tom replied casually. Skipper made a barely audible sound of frustration.

"I mean something that you haven't already got." Skipper rephrased. "Oh I know what you can get." Skipper said, as he went to his bunk, and took a box out from under his pillow. He took out a fancy looking medal from it and passed it to his brother who stared at it with wide eyes. "I got that for extreme bravery in a time of peril." Skipper explained. "It's yours now."

"Really? You're just giving it to me?" Tom asked in bewilderment.

"You deserve it, you saved everyone from being eaten." Skipper replied, smiling at Tom. Tom grinned and hugged his older brother, before fastening the medal on his feathers. All of the animais went around to congratulate him, except for Private, who was calling Uncle Nigel, and telling him what happened. The dia rolled on slowly, and shades of rosa, -de-rosa and gold filled the habitats with a warming glow. The zoo was finally at ease.
posted by kowalskirocks14
(finaly! I finished my zombie apocalypse story, say I of you want a sequel! Haha, but now I can start off where I left, on the segundo chapter of "truth in lies")
"well, we all have that bitchy side in us all, now matter how much shit life throws us!" dillain said, almost proud to be cursing.
"god dillain, there's kids leitura this!" amber laughed, almost chocking on a fish.
It had been a few dia since "dillie" had arrived. And kowalski was getting madder every day. Amber had rathered to  show dillain around the zoo, than try to make a plane that went faster then the speed of light with him.

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Jane Rizzoli spotted a man step out of a taxi and nearly walk into a woman rolling a baby carriage.
The man caught her staring so she turned away.

"Jane?" asked Maura, jarring her out of thoughts.
"Wha-? oh, sorry, Maura, I was thinking."
"About that cute man who stepped out of the cab?"
"No! And don't you think, Maura, that after your LAST boyfriend, you'd be a bit mais careful about who you think is cute? What does he have in TWO suitcases? Severed body parts?"
" Ha! I'm careful!"
"Like you were careful about the psycho who gave you a severed hand encased in plaster?"
"Good point."
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I float closer to the door and it was Kowalski. "There you guys are..." He stops for a moment, then continue. "May I come in?" Lech did not say anything, then he spoke. "Okay, but your coração will be crush if you hate to see dead and almost dead friends..." He walk away, leaving Kowalski por the door. He rush inside and sees Emma and the dead me. "Wh-what happened?!" He jump onto the table, stairs fearfuly at them. I float down seguinte to Kowalski, stair sadly at Emma.

"Demon is what happened." Beast spoke from the chair he`s sitting on. "Demon...?" Kowalski stair confussly at Beast. Beast`s eyes...
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          ~ 10am: pinguim HQ~

 Skipper set down his mug of peixe coffee on the concrete mesa, tabela and smoothed down his feathers. He turned to Kowalski and sighed happily. "Ahhhhh... Friday morning. Zoo's closed for three days and we can finally just RELAX for once!" he said as he sat down, leaning against the mural with his  flippers behind his head. 
   Skipper had just closed his eyes when Marlene, Maurice, and Mort all burst into the HQ yelling about who knows what. Skipper immediately jumped to his feet and tried to calm everyone down. 
  "Woah, Woah. Slow down. One at a time. Marlene?"...
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The other penguins watched in shock as Sindaj was dragged out of her cell. Sindaj gasped, too. The two big penguins were taken down and arrested. Medics came and gave Sindaj medical attention. "is she... dead?" asked Kowaski in shock. "Sh-she cant be. She's Sindaj" said Private. "Denmark or not, We dont leave a soldier behind" said Skipper. "But.." said Kowalski. Skipper had already left. They began their trip. The first doctor put a breathing tube in her mouth. The segundo one was amazed. "we have a very faint pulse...
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"Now continue your routine round one!! Turn that flabby, water-weighted figure into a man's proud figure!!" yelled Telow. "I-I-I'm trying..." whimpered Private, grabbing onto the rope and holding still. "I want to see you ring this damned sino up here!!! NOW!!!" yelled Telow, shaking the rope a bit. "Oh, Woah!! Stop!!" yelled Private, climbing a bit higher. "The enemy never stops shaking the rope!! He or she will shake it until you fall to your doom!!!" yelled Telow. "A-A-Aye sir!!" yelled Private, climbing even further up, he was now only a single toe's length away from ringing the bell, he...
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"Indeed now, I can bring devastation to anyone in the way, now that I have my newly found abilities," said Dr. Damion. Hannah frowned slightly. "Are you just going to keep us here forever?!" asked Hannah, holding the bars of her cell. "No, I intend to dispose of you two like the rotting frutas under the cabinet," said Dr. Damion. "One problem with that, I can build something to get us out," said Jett. Dr. Damion frowned. "When have you EVER built something on your own? The Nanobot XV45? That was something you took from a failed scientist invention, and the Volosound Millenia?! That was something...
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They were now speeding along, their massive sail pulled down and the motor on Auto-Captain, they looked out the windows of their boat, they were now in the strait, but they didn't see much yet. So they assumed they had past the first hazard, so Jett bravely stepped onto the upper main deck. That was, until they saw that single flash of brownish green lunge down, grab a engradado, caixa of meat rations, and disappear, then another, lunging at an unbolted attachment knob. "Jett get outta there!!" yelled Lilly. Jett then saw another flash of brownish green, only two inches from grabbing him. He looked up...
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At last, the group, and the rest of the army, were huddled up at the other side of the river, out of all 5,076 people in both armies, only one army, and 549 people remained, including Hannah, Lilly, Private, Kowalski, and Jett. Private huddled up with the rest of the army, alongside Domingo, everyone, was huddled up in a circular pattern, looking back at the other side of the river where the Tower was, looking for a shortcut to them. Obviously, shooting at the army from the other side wouldn't work, since it's shooting range is short, anywhere within 2 miles was doomed, but anyone out of that...
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Julien: *bursts into pinguim HQ through side door* Hello my loyal subjects! I demand you to meet our new neighbor! *wiggles eyebrows up and down/ smiles*
Skipper: *rolls his eyes then looks surprised* What?! New neighbor?!? Kowalski, how come this is the first im hearing of this?!?
Kowalski:*flips through a few papers* I dont understand! There is nothing on the charts! *rubs head*
Skipper: Ughh.. Well, where is he?
Julien: SHE is right here! *points to the doorway**smiles*
Lexii: *steps out of shadows and into the light nervously* *smiles shyly* Hi, Im Lexii.
Skipper: uhhhh... *smiles*
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Why, hello there fellow fãs of the amazing Penguins of Madagascar!
Forgive the title, it's just a ploy to get you to read this.
And since your already here, why not?
But why am I composição literária this? Well, if you observe the type of artigo this is, it is an "opinion."
You all know of the fact that a bit of a fight happened that didn't have to happen if the troublemaker had been left alone, so I have an idea to help us all remind each other.
*guitar strum*
In song.
♪ *sweet acapella*Rainbows, innocence, and Luuunnaacooorns,
*techno*Science, mais Science, and Inventionssss
*heavy metal*Crazy...
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added by XxSkipperFanxX
Source: No one (I'm no one)
added by 1Amberpet
Source: Me
added by Kowalski355
Source: me! and base creator
added by 10amberpet
Source: Me and a game! :3
added by 1Amberpet
Source: Me
added by amberpet01
Source: Me
"Hey Rico?" Peyton asked the crazy psychopathic pinguim as he continued to cut up the chopped peixe for the sushi he was making.

"Yep." He answered carefully cutting the last piece of salmão to make Peyton and Mya's favorito dish of his.

"Do you need any help?" She asked walking over from her spot in front of the televisão where she was watching H2O with the others.

"Uhh huh." Rico said. He spit up a small cozinha faca and handed it carefully to the young penguin. She smiled and waddled over to the other side of the table. He handed her some herring and instructed her to cut them into cube like...
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I decided to write this while listening to we are the champions from my new crazy frog CD xD

It was a dark and stormy day. The rain came down in torrents. Thunder rumbled and lighting shot across the sky. Blowhole and his minions challenged the penguins to a game of soccer. Triumphant música was playing as Sindaj, Rico, Skipper, Kowalski and Private walked onto the field. "we are the champions, my friends" the lobsters sang as Kowalski went to the goal net. "we are the champions, we are the champions no time for losers because we are the champions... of the worldd" sang the lobsters again. Julien...
continue reading...
posted by coolkowalski
(hi.when i put the bracket thingys, means im talking to you not part of the story. the penguins in the story are arch-enemies of TPOM though their still good people. :D pinguim names are:

1)Jenny(duh XD)

ENJOY IT YOU PEOPLE >:U jk i amor the emotocon >:U XD)

(imma continue tmr. sick and tired XD)

(since they say its to short, aleatório TIME!








