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The Crown Series has been my main project since early 2017, when the main character of the first book, Wanderlost Crown, was created. It started off as a very poorly written fanfiction for the Warriors book series and happened to evolved into a high-fantasy quartet. It is currently a four book series with no plans for any spinoffs or addons, and has over 40 characters... most of which have complete, thought-out and in-depth personalities and backstories.

The four books, Wanderlost Crown, Stolen Crown, Forged Crown, and Draeqen Crown are all still works in progress. Only two out of the four have complete outlines, while Forged Crown is still currently in outline editing. Draeqen Crown is still a mixture of ideas and brainstorming, essentially just a thought with a name at this point. The books follow three main characters: Andromedus, Sunny, and Orion. Each of them are connected to the others in some way, but all three have an entirely unique story of their own.

At the beginning of Wanderlost Crown, Andromedus is introduced as the eldest prince and heir to the Aunish throne. Through some not-so-funny shenaniganry, he ends up meeting his twinflame—also sometimes known as a soulmate—and accidentally starts a war by falling in love with her. Of course, not everything is as black-and-white as it's been presented, and sometimes things may take an unexpected turn. One man in his time plays many parts, and sometimes the hero of one story is the villain in another.


<big>About Andromedus</big>

Andromedus has always been someone who’s tried to maintain at least some sort of peace between him and the people he’s known. It was less obvious when he was a child who constantly caused issues for others through his mischievous nature, but as an adult he became the family peacekeeper, especially between his two youngest siblings. He’s fairly easy going as an adult, very few things set him off as he tends to just go with the flow of what life throws him, though he hasn’t always been that way. In his past, Andromedus has been known to put his mental stability in the hands of people who didn’t even know about the responsibility he was giving them; every little change in their behavior would set him off into a panic. Little by little, he’s grown out of that mindset and is finally learning how to live independently from those important to him.

In the present, he’s highly modest & open-minded towards others; he generally tends to be even-tempered and likable. He genuinely tries to be as supportive towards others as possible, and is known to be loving and gentle towards more than just animals. Though, he tends to avoid conflict like it’s the plague, and he never actually says the full extent of what’s on his mind. He finds possibility for conflict with others everywhere, and thus is never fully honest about how he feels. Although he’d always seemed to never have a dream or set goal for what he actually wants to do in life, he’s always had the dream of being an adventurer; or the closest thing he could get to being an adventurer. He’d just never mentioned it because of the possible conflicts it could’ve created with his family, especially with him being the crown prince of Aunea, heir to the throne. Truth is, he never really thought he’d be a good king.

He also tends to idealize those most important to him, ignoring any possible conflicts that could arise and disturb his carefully cultivated peace. His tendency to do this often brings negative consequences, usually in the form of harming his relationships with others by slowly chipping away at them. It’s easier to mend relationships with him by going to him first, rather than waiting for him to do something himself. Because of this, he essentially prefers to withdraw from the world, enjoying his hobbies and time by himself rather than interacting with the world and people around him. He tends to value simplicities in life & patience from others, adopting an attitude of unquestioning acceptance towards the things that life throws his way.

He’s never really asked for much in life, sometimes asking for nothing at all; almost as if he feels he doesn’t deserve to ask for even the simplest of things. He’s always been a very selfless person, finding it very difficult to assert himself against others when he disagrees, even when it’s over meaningless and trivial things. His selfless nature means that he tends to give in to the other person, living, albeit vicariously, through the other’s own enjoyment of getting what they want rather than winning an argument for himself. He’s highly empathetic, and generally finds it difficult to even disagree with those he loves in the first place.

He also tends to downplay his own importance in other’s lives, often times believing that the other person has others to spend their time with and wouldn’t even be thinking of him at any given moment. A majority of his family members and friends have picked up the habit of consistently telling him how much he means to them because of this tendency, though he tends to have trouble believing them. Although he’s been given the name of peacemaker by most that know him, he’s not really deserving of the title until he leaves behind the idea that peace and tranquility are synonymous with the complete absence of conflict, which may be something he’s never going to be able to do.


<big>His Backstory</big>

Andromedus was born on 22 Samhain, XX42, and from that second onward he was dubbed as a miracle. His parents were lucky to have him—literally.

His parents had been trying for a few years to have a child at that point, and just as it seemed that things were finally going in their favor, they’d be met with another miscarriage or another stillbirth. After nearly five years of struggling to have a healthy child, on the verge of giving up, they were given one last hope. Hera was once again pregnant, and with some help from Jupiter’s older brother, Andromedus was born, and although he was a month premature and one of his eyes didn’t develop properly, he was perfectly healthy. He had survived.

He takes mostly after his father, having the same large ears, facial features, and even body type that Jupiter has, just with Hera’s eyes and hair. He’d always been tall, growing to his adult height of 6’8” fairly quickly at the age of 16. He grew up as a mischievous child, doing just about anything he could to cause a ruckus, but he also had a love for animals that nobody else could rival. He grew up doing just about anything he could to get dirty and make the biggest mess possible, usually hanging around the gardens and farms. He loved anything to do with animals and plants, so it was no surprise that this is where he spent most of his time. He definitely had more than enough personality for a prince, seemingly causing trouble anywhere he went.

Though, he wasn’t only known for being a troublemaker. He spent so much time around the local farms that he might as well have lived there. A majority of his time as a child was spent helping tend to the animals and plants at the nearest farm to the castle, and after a full year of doing so he was gifted an orphaned silkie, whom he had named Blub. One chicken slowly but surely became an entire flock, much to his father’s dismay. During his time around the farms, he met a girl named Imani who would become one of his best friends, and later his sister-in-law.

When he was 13, Andromedus was introduced to the crown prince of Kora, Kazan Delphi Smythe III. Practically from that day forward, he was head over heels for that boy. The two quickly became best friends, the friendship quickly becoming an escape from their home lives for both of them. Kazan, although he was a much adored prince at home, felt as if he was never good enough because of his magic disorder, and ever so slowly he began to drag Andromedus into his bad habits. Kazan eventually drags Andromedus into practicing dark magic with him, which ever so slowly chips away at Andromedus’ mental health. Andromedus had stopped practicing dark magic at the age of 14, after a tragic ‘accident’ that had killed his mother, and by the time both of them are 15, Kazan is an alcoholic trying to convince Andromedus that the painful changes dark magic was putting him through were all going to be fine in the end.

Kazan finally abandons Andromedus two years later, during a drunken breakdown, leaving his previous best friend alone. It’s around this time that Andromedus begins to harm himself, isolating himself relentlessly and even skipping meals. Of course, his family took notice of this, but even with as much as they tried to help, Andromedus was completely heartbroken. Though, soon after his 18th birthday, he meets a nonbinary girl named Amoria. Slowly but surely, she helps pull him out of his depressive episode. It doesn’t take him long to fall in love with her, the two of them constantly off-and-on dating for a span of five years. He’d done a lot of things for the first time with her, including his first kiss. He’d even thought of marrying her at one point, but that thought never came to fruition; Amoria had suddenly died one night, leaving Andromedus nothing but a note and a necklace that was meant for only him. Andromedus was once again alone and heartbroken.

After that, at the age of just barely 23, he left Aunea to pursue his dream of being a wayfarer. It felt like everything in his life was going downhill, so this was his last attempt to find happiness before he gave up completely; and surprisingly, at least to him, it worked. He stayed with one of the trading societies in Ireai, finding a new best friend in the matriarch’s grandson, although the boy was only around 16. He begins to rebuild himself, staying away from the almost codependent relationships he’d relied on so heavily before. He begins to immerse himself in the world of nature again, learning how to care for the native plants and animals of Ireai. This is around the time he learns of neutral magic—a type of magic that wasn’t strictly elemental or illusory. A type of magic he could do without having to use the dark magic he’d practiced for two years. Within a year of his stay, he’d become quite the dracona trainer. He’d help the local breeders with training their hatchlings, and had even learned how to foster the orphaned ones. Though, he also knew the danger of wyverns, and how important it was to stay away from the woods unless you knew exactly what you were doing.

Unfortunately, some of the younger children didn’t yet know this rule fully, which led to Andromedus losing around half of his left leg to a wyvern, and gaining some pretty nasty scars on his left shoulder from a drake. The wyvern and drake, who seemed to be a very odd but tightly knit couple, had a nest very close to the outskirts of the woods, and all it took was one toddler getting a little too close for them to start attacking anything that moved. Andromedus wasn’t the only one hurt, but he was by far the worst. The only reason he survived was because of the matriarch’s healing magic—and his close connection to her grandson. Thankfully, the toddler that caused all of it came out uninjured because of Andromedus stalling the two dracona long enough for the kid to run. As a thanks, the family of the boy offered to help him adjust to missing half a leg.

The father of the boy, a dragon breeder with a good sense of humor, had had a similar thing happen to him with a previous drake that he’d owned. His husband helped with making a prosthetic for Andromedus that would hopefully mostly mimic an actual leg, at least a little more than the temporary peg-leg-esque prosthetic he’d gotten at first. The breeder had even gifted him a younger female pygmy that he’d had trouble selling due to her duller back scales. In the end, it was almost as if nothing had ever happened to Andromedus, the only way to tell was his constant jokes about it. Though, he does have a bit of a phobia of wyverns now, and he’s much more wary around drakes. He heavily prefers pygmies to any other breed, and it seemed that the little pygmy he’d been gifted preferred him over anybody else.

Eventually, though, Andromedus did have to go back home to Aunea, as bittersweet as it is. He once again spends most of his time around his chickens and plants, silently planning his next trip to Ireai and hoping his sister doesn’t beg to come with him.