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4x05 'A Little Late To Grow A Pair' visualização and Dialogue Teasers

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Banshee - A Little Late to Grow a Pair - Advance visualização + Teasers | Spoilers
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
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Banshee - A Little Late to Grow a Pair - Advance Preview + Teasers
This being Banshee, I imagine most of us had a good idea of where the plot was likely to lead after Hood agreed to Dawson’s lift home at the end of
Innocent Might Be a Bit of a Stretch. This final season is one of surprises, however, and the FBI agent has work on her mind rather than plans to get it on with someone she can see being beneficial to her investigation. Besides, since Proctor wasn’t able to spring Hood from jail with what I assume was an illegal bail deal set up with the DA – remember Carrie saying that she wanted to put her house up for the bail money if it came to it – so he resorts to another method of payback which results in him having no home to go back to.
While we’re on the subject of Proctor and the overprotective nature he has of his niece, we get a flashback from only a month ago which hints at two things to me. Firstly, it looks as though Rebecca is either looking to leave Banshee or expanding her side business again. With how events have recently played out for her with Aaron Boedicker and her presumed knowledge of her pregnancy by this point, I’m going with the former option, however. Secondly, I think that we have a tie-in to Rebecca’s season four Origins video, which you can find here if you haven’t seen it. It seems apparent to me that there was a complete breakdown between the pair that stemmed from her jealousy over his expansion of the business with the Brotherhood, her own failed attempts to branch out on her own, and the realisation over what he would do when he found out that she was pregnant by another man.
If we take into account what Proctor says in his Origins video, it’s possible that he has concerns about passing his businesses onto Rebecca once he has gone – surely she wouldn’t need the insurance policy left with Sugar if she had control of the strip club and drug trade? It’s easy, for me, to see why she acted the way she did over the past two years when she has been controlled by her uncle the way that she has.
Chris Coy continues to stand out as one of the best new additions to the show, and I can’t help feeling sorry that he only joined at the tail end of the series as I would have loved to see what else he could have brought to the table. The Bunker brothers are compelling characters, making the Brotherhood far more engaging that they would otherwise be. This is one aspect of the story that comes to the fore in this episode as Calvin decides to stand by his words after Watts pushes him too far in order to cosy up even closer to Proctor. This will have a knock on effect for a number of other people in town, and should hopefully bring this arc to a satisfying conclusion over the coming weeks.
This latest victim, coming so soon after Rebecca’s death, has tipped Brock over the edge. He’s had enough of seeing his town go to hell and is determined to make a stand. Servitto said during my interview with him that, “Brock’s got a mission.” He went on to add that his character “sees himself as Banshee; the same way that he sees Proctor as the Amish, and Hood as the outsider, that is where they have come from.” Because he grew up in the town, went to school with these people, buried his parents and grandparents in it graveyards, he finds himself asking, “How did my town get like this?” And how does he go about restoring order now he finally has the Sheriff’s job he so long coveted?
Calling a press conference and telling the serial killer that he is a “sad, pathetic coward” may be one way to face the problem head on, although as he has no clue of what, or who, he is up against at this point, it’s a risky venture perhaps. It’s no surprise that Declan finds this amusing, feeling as untouchable as he does behind his cult of followers who obey his every whim. I have a feeling that Brock will come to regret calling out the killer in this way before too long. As Dawson points out this week, “this guy is a different kind of bad news.” I believe it’s going to take some teamwork to take this one out, as the Sheriff’s Department alone won’t be enough.
A Little Late to Grow a Pair airs on Friday April 29 at 10:00-11:00 p.m. ET/PT, below are a few teasers to see you through until then. If you want to have a go at guessing who said what I will fill in any correct answers before it airs. Don’t forget to come back and vote in our poll after the episode and let us know what you thought.
“Well, it could have been worse. It could have been, fifteen years. You never put that shit on me”
Hood finds a way to connect with the boy who witnessed the Jill’s body being dumped in the forest
“I want you outta here. This is my house, and you are not welcome”
“Now that I know you’re out, I’m gonna dedicate myself to putting you back in”
“My son-in-law’s epic fuck up may have given you the unfortunate, and grossly inaccurate, idea that the Brotherhood might not be able to deliver”
“I know it’s a cliché, but in this case, I think we can both agree that your father was influential”
“You lost all right to Rebecca when you shunned her. If you don’t leave right now, I’m going to have you dragged away and put into jail”
Miriam and Elijah are still trying to get Rebecca’s body released. But after they anger Proctor, he sends Burton to give them a message they won’t forget
“Nothing surprises me any more when it comes to you. For what it’s worth, I was pretty sure you didn’t kill the girl”
“Skimming money from the strip club, locking it in a box, doesn’t make it yours”
“Yeah, I’m gonna pass on that. See, I’m pretty kinky, but you guys are fucked up”
“I’m honest, you’re silent. We’ve both got our things. So, umm, what’s your real damage? I mean, your obviously punishing yourself for something”
Sandi is part of the Senior Staff at SpoilerTV having been a contributor from back in the Lost days of DarkUFO, and who now writes previews for Banshee, The Musketeers, Poldark, and other UK shows. She also enjoys watching and commenting on other shows such as Vikings, Orphan Black, Game of Thrones and The Flash.
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