Fanpopping since December 2009

  • Female, 30 years old
  • Germany
  • Favorite TV Show: Vampire Knight, Vampire Diaries, Naruto, Death Note, HIMYM, Another etc.
    Favorite Movie: twilight, hunger games, howl's moving castle, spirited away, princess mononoke, v for vendetta, lion king, 8 mile etc.
    Favorite Musician: rihanna, nicki minaj
    Favorite Book or Author: alot of mangá
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Dedicated Fan in 3 clubs Dedicated (3) Die-Hard Fan in 11 clubs Die-Hard (11)

My Wall

big smile
HarleySkywalker gave me props for my images
Thanks for fanning me ! I see you're a fã of Melanie Martinez and BigBang. I already like you! Posted over a year ago
tokiogaga commented…
oh haha thank you :* over a year ago
GDragon612 gave me props for my answers
oi na wie geht's?
mal jemand deutsches hier ist selten =D
mein Name ist kathi(oder Spitzname swagkathi,evilkat Posted over a year ago
tokiogaga commented…
hiii.gut :) sorry für die späte Antwort!! ich bin Tatti ^^ also das ist m ein mspitzname^^ over a year ago
tokiogaga said about Chaoz1897
hi Posted over a year ago