508 lifetime gold
,@Quantina_Saffir is my @ on twitter.You can talk to me there
♥Heart♥♥Fillia desu~GiGaNTiC FT, KHR♥FF♥AB♥Fan♥
Fanpopping since August 2012
- Female, 26 years old
- Fiore♥, magnólia (:P)♥
- My Websites: ♥My personal club! please cadastrar-se *bows*♥, ♥My best friend Wishey's perfil page desu!♥, ♥Misa-nyan's perfil page! please add her! she's great!♥
- Favorite TV Show: ♥huge fã of FAIRYTAIL♥One Piece♥Nanatsu no Taizai♥SAO♥rave master♥A.C♥Magi♥NGNL♥etc etcFavorite Movie: animê or movies? na kidding~~~movies eh....Intersellar♥the Martians♥Naruto the Last♥Fairy Tail:Pheonix Priestess♥etc etcFavorite Musician: +PLUS♥DaisyxDaisy♥mayn♥LiSA♥Taylor Swift♥Justin Timberlake♥etc etcFavorite Book or Author: mangas~FT♥The Seven Deadly Sins♥Last Game♥Rave Master♥Akatsuki no yona♥Fairy Tail Zero♥Chrono Crusade♥etc etc
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