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fluffyluvr21 gave me props for my videos
Thankyou ! Posted over a year ago
big smile
fluffyluvr21 gave me props for my videos
Hi ! Could you add me and also cadastrar-se my club ? It's cool !link Posted over a year ago
big smile
R3dAng3l said about Sesshomaru
Hello! its been a while :) and i wanted to let you all know that i edited the story and i believe with every fiber in my body that this is so much better that before and it also sounds like the old Sesshoumaru from before his arm was hacked off. :) I would appreciate it if any of you would read it and tell me what you think of my story, Inuyasha: Sesshoumaru Chronicles Posted over a year ago
sesshyswind commented…
Nice, glad to hear from ya again, you get that chapter 2 going yet?? *wink, wink* :D over a year ago
R3dAng3l commented…
I'm working on it but i'm just having a little bit of trouble w/ it over a year ago
R3dAng3l commented…
Thank you both :) over a year ago
sesshyswind gave me props for my articles
Oh, thank you so much for joinning and sharing your work! You're story looks really good, and I'll start leitura it soon, after I've written a draft that I've been building up for over the week end. I like to read after I've worked, so it's a promise. And I always leave a review in the comments so, look out for that^^V Posted over a year ago