♥Sandy gyllenhaal♥

Fanpopping since April 2011

  • Female, 29 years old
  • taif, Saudia Arabia
  • Favorite TV Show: vampire diaries,supernatural
    Favorite Movie: mais then one
    Favorite Musician: Adam Lambert,BackStreet Boys,Micheal Jackson,Big Time Rush,Akon,Daughtry,Linkin Park,
    Favorite Book or Author: can we just forget about the books?
mosaic list

My Clubs

Dedicated Fan in 12 clubs Dedicated (12) Die-Hard Fan in 23 clubs Die-Hard (23) Fanatic in 1 club Fanatic (1)

My Wall

Nerdbuster2 gave me props for my polls
could you please join?


would be so nice thank you!
have a lovely dia :D Posted over a year ago
sunshinedany gave me props for my videos
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. . . . . |__|.. . . .. . . (.. . :. .) Posted over a year ago
aNNalovechuck gave me props for my videos
Kind Reminder I amor you ^^ Posted over a year ago