
Fanpopping since April 2016

  • Female, 26 years old
  • Greece
  • Favorite TV Show: SHERLOCK, Grey's Anatomy, Goblin, Suspicious Partner, Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo and some anime.
    Favorite Movie: Now you see me, Annabelle, Kingsman.
    Favorite Musician: Lots.
    Favorite Book or Author: H Aλικη στη χωρα των ψεμάτων and thousands more...
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NewAdventure gave me props for my comments
Thanks ! Posted over a year ago
GeorgiaSky commented…
;) over a year ago
yui1234 gave me props for my articles
Thank you for the add back!
And same to you too! The surroundings is becoming mais exciting and lot of preparations are going on for X-mas:)
It's really nice to meet another Bangtan Boys fan,ya know(; Posted over a year ago
GeorgiaSky commented…
Haha, you are right! Well, I hope you take what you want for Christmas! over a year ago
saanvijaiswal gave me props for my polls
WELCOME:) thanks for the add back! Posted over a year ago
GeorgiaSky commented…
❤️❤️❤️ over a year ago