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Why Don't We Pergunta


oi guys. So recently Zach Herron has been getting shamed for being "fat", and I would like to state that this is NOT okay. Zach is NOT fat. Just because a person doesn't have abs, or a so called 'perfect' body, that does NOT make them fat. Please respect Zach and stop with the stupid shaming. Zach Herron is NOT fat.
Another thing, Zach Herron has been sent is a DEATH THREAT. In which he threatened that he is going to be shot at a very specific upcoming Why Don't We concert. She also mentioned that she would be wearing black clothes. As some time has passed, this allegedly a "joke". Well, a joke or not, a death threat to ANYONE is absolutely not acceptable. I HAVE seen the Instagram post that she made, explaining everything going on, and if my suspicions are correct, She is now ALSO being sent death threats. And seems to not care, claiming to WANT to die. All things considered, it all seems pretty legit. HOWEVER. There is ALWAYS the possibility that she is making this all up, lying to get sympathy, or forgiveness. I'm not saying she is lying, but of course she very well could be, as well as she very well could be telling the complete, honest truth. Please stay seguro and very aware if you DO go to a Why Don't We concert, or even just any concert, as she could genuinely be out there. However, stay seguro and very aware when you're ANYWHERE. And not even for her, but just because there are horrible people in this world and I care dearly about every single person here. Once again, please stay seguro and send your amor to Zach. #WeGotYouZach #SpreadTheLove #WeGotYouWdw
 LimelightAvery posted over a year ago
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