lobisomens Club
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posted by Snowywerewolf
hi its me again.Im going to tell you the wrong ways to turn into a werewolf. I've only found out two ways so here they are. ne is getting the blood injected into you that would poison and kill you.second is very similer you have to drink it im like that will kill you too. So dont do those things or else!! the reson why getting bitten doesnt kill you is because there DNA is getting mixed into your so yea. I just wanted to tell you so you dont kill yourself! Please respond if you have any questions.
added by jlhfan624
Source: Photobucket procurar
posted by Lancelot8
 Horkew Kamuy
Horkew Kamuy
Everything on this artigo is from Your Lupine Life app.

In ancient Japan, there was a lobo god named Horkew Kamuy, “the howling lobo god” who lived on the topo, início of a mountain and helped the humans sometimes with their problems. Problems like fire, disease and disasters. The humans would climb to his mountain temples and pray for his help and Horkew Kamuy would send one of his magic white lobos down the mountain to help out the humans below.

In return, the humans had to promise two things. One, to feed these magic white lobos and two, to return them unharmed to Horkew Kamuy when things got...
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added by jlhfan624
Source: losthavenmine @ tumblr
warning sexual referencing and in this story i'm 18

legend tells of creatures sometimes cats, sometimes other best, but most often wolves-that can change shape, and walk as men.
legend says that this gift or curse, granted them with the reason of men the instinct of wolves, and strength far surpassing either species.
legend states that this fusion of man and beast, immune to all harm save silver or fire, who towers over ere mortals, powerful beyond imagining-

damn i wish i was that guy.

yeah, there're a lot of 8 foot tall were beasts out there-

i'm not one of them

i'm hoping to break six-two before...
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added by sapherequeen
 Eva volunteering at the lobo sanctuary.
Eva volunteering at the wolf sanctuary.
lobos as Archetypes in my Novels
por Eva Gordon
My blog is about why my fantasia and paranormal novels center on lobos as main characters, or spirit guides. In my debut fantasia novel, Mystic Stone of the Tenth Realm, my hero is a Scottish werewolf, an alpha of his own pack. My current work in progress is an epic lycan series, The lobo Maiden Chronicles to be published por Vanilla coração Publishing. Book 1, Werewolf Sanctuary will be released early summer 2009 followed por Beast Warrior, which takes place during the Viking era. My totem guide is the raven but my coração guide is the wolf. I’m not...
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added by jlhfan624
Source: losthavenmine @ tumblr
hello its snowywerewolf this is im cursed with the werewolf chapter one. it all started when i was a baby i was born with the werewolf so im not that dangerous. i had no control when i was a baby it was painful excpecaly when i was a baby i hope i never go out of control again. yes again ive went out of control alot of times it dosent do anything i get control after a while i dont hurt anybody except people i hate or try to kill me! well thats it for chapter one**. see you again in chapter two! P.S lobisomens RULE!!!
added by jtercan
Source: www.urbanerd.co.uk
I used to think were wolfs were real, but I know that their just stories, about men & women turning into were wolfs. That's rediculous but I do hear some religions about it being true... im not a %100 sure.I do know that the lobos we see in mountains and stuff are real and we call them were wolfs. But anyways here is some info I looked up about a man turning into a werewolf, hope this helps get some good references.

Lycanthropy is the professed ability or power of a human being to transform into a wolf, or to gain wolf-like characteristics. The term comes from Greek Lykànthropos (Λυκάνθρωπος):...
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posted by Snowywerewolf
I've been at this very fast now!Thats why I haven't been on in about a year.Here's mais info about them.
The word werewolf is most likely to derive from two old-Saxon words, wer (meaning man) and wolf. Frequently used Greek terms Lycanthropy refers to the transformation process while Lycanthrope, which is in fact synonymous to werewolf, is the afflicted person. The popular definition of werewolf or lycanthrope is a man who transforms himself or being transformed into a lobo under the influence of full moon.

Popular and sobrenatural beliefs has been also mentioned for instant comparison. The...
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added by jlhfan624
Source: Photobucket procurar
added by fanfly
Source: wallpapers10.net
added by jlhfan624
Source: www.nightmarevariations.com
added by LilyPad2404
added by Avatarzan
Source: 1981
added by bluej12
added by zanhar1
Source: mississippiwerewolf
added by zanhar1
Source: babelio
added by zanhar1