wentworth miller Club
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Wentworth Miller.
l hear thinks that makes me sick of hearing.
Like how hollwood treats a human being even if there making alot of money or hot.Wentworth.
Is human and people say stuff like he's gay or not. Hot because he gained alittle weight To Me.
Wentworth Miller is hot and talent actor and. l am a fã that likes someone for who they are and what there talent's are and yes he is a very handsome man but he is also human l wish those people.that makes stories up too make money too.
Leave him alone and let the guy live his life they way he choose's
posted by blakeberry
oi people I heard this Amazing rumor that there maybe will be a Prison Break 2013 Movie oh well we are many fãs out there so we could make it possible por trending this in twitter saying: We want #PrisonBreak back we do ! WENTWORTH we amor you we want the cast back time for the 2012 breakout. Please help us if u want Wentworth Miller to Shine once again help me and my friends to make this Possible This wil be amazing. Because we get to see the Great cast again and voting them in awards we are the best fãs in the world think about this and comment below with your thoughts