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What Is WarriorCats?
Some people out there dont know what warrior cats is! So this is the begginers guide to warrior cats! ((Well The First Series)) I will not include any spoilers...probably!
What is it? A book series written by Erin Hunter
What Are The Clans? : ((Series One)) ThunderClan, RiverClan, WindClan, ShadowClan, StarClan, and Sometimes BloodClan.
What Are The Clans? : ((Any others )) SkyClan
Kittpet : A house cat that you own
Rogues/Loners : Basically cats who aren't human pets or in clans
Twolegs : Humans
ThunderPath : A road
Monsters : Cars
Moonstone : A place cats go to get their nine lives when made leader
Ranks : Kit ((Not elegable to train yet)) App ((Warrior In training)) Med app ((Med in training)) Warrior ((A cat who went through training and is now a warrior basically )) Med ((The cat who heals everybody )) Elder ((A cat who has had apps before and is basically retired and done with life xD ))
The Most Common Prey : Squirrels, Crows, Rabbits, Vole, Mouse, fish , and anything you see in a forest. ((Sometimes rats
Predators : Anything a predator for a cat mainly Hawks ((Prey to Kits)) And Twolegs ((Humans))
ThunderClan : One of the clans
RiverClan : The only clan who swims besides SkyClan,StarClan, And BloodClan
WindClan: Another one of the clans
ShadowClan : Another clan mainly known for evil leaders
StarClan : Where clan cats go when they die
How Moonstone Works ((Leaders)) : You touch it and fall asleep then find yourself in StarClan. A dead cat you probably knew from your clan gives you a life. Each more painful than the last.
Mate : Basically a couple
LitterMates Or Kin : Friends And Siblings
Parents : Parents
Evil Cats : Cats who have evil plans who want to take over the forest, kill, kidnap kits, and break the warrior code etc
Warrior Code ((CANT REMEMBER FULL THING)) : You will trust and put the clan before your life and the clan must be fed first
Pelt Colors : White, Black, Grey, Orange, Tabby, Tortisque Shell, Albino , any fur colors