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vegeta e bulma For those who stared watching DBZ from the first season, did you ever expect Vegeta and Bulma would hook up?

38 fans picked:
It never occured to me, I just liked the show
 sesshyswind posted over a year ago
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guardiangirl picked Yes:
i started watching the show when i was five so when my uncle said that i acted like bulma my sister said "Eww you're married to Vegeta" so that is when i noticed and started throwing a tantrum.
posted over a year ago.
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shikisa picked It never occured to me, I just liked the show:
i was dumbstruck wen trunks from future came in to tell goku that his father was vegeta and his mother was the 1 standing right next to vegeta!
posted over a year ago.
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AninditaS picked Nope:
I never thought Vegeta will end up marrying Bulma!!But yeah,really a hot couple XD
posted over a year ago.
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93shadowwolf picked Nope:
The first time I ever heard about a Vegeta/Bulma hookup, I fell over laughing! Now, I've come to respect and love this couple.
posted over a year ago.
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vegetaxbulma16 picked Nope:
NOT......AT.....ALL!!!! bulma doesnt seem like the type vegeta would go out with.
posted over a year ago.
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vegetababe001 picked Nope:
I would never of let em' hook up because if I was a caracter I would of made out with vegeta while they were talkin'
posted over a year ago.
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Marth911 picked It never occured to me, I just liked the show:
how did bulma fall in love with vegeta
posted over a year ago.
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TanGiraffegirly picked It never occured to me, I just liked the show:
This was the first show where I did not ship a single pair from the beginning, and I watched because I actually just liked the plot.
When Trunks told Goku Vegeta and Bulma were his parents, I flipped out. That was one of the last things I expected. And I instantly started shipping them.
posted over a year ago.
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animedevil_6 picked Yes:
I only thought they would end up together because they were both soooo stubborn :P
posted over a year ago.
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bloodshadow96 picked Yes:
Vegeta needed a fighter a she sure is one
posted over a year ago.
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vegetavsgoku picked It never occured to me, I just liked the show:
When trunks said to goku that bulma was his mom and vegeta was his dad and goku flipped out i almost died laughing
posted over a year ago.
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applequeen picked Nope:
i thought she is going to yamcha
posted over a year ago.
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shadowunicorn48 picked Nope:
Vegeta is way to hot for someone as ugly as bulma
They got together only because of trunks
posted over a year ago.
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